/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "tests/test.h" #include "lib/generic/map.h" /* * Sample dictionary */ static const char *dict[] = { "catagmatic", "prevaricator", "statoscope", "workhand", "benzamide", "alluvia", "fanciful", "bladish", "Tarsius", "unfast", "appropriative", "seraphically", "monkeypod", "deflectometer", "tanglesome", "zodiacal", "physiologically", "economizer", "forcepslike", "betrumpet", "Danization", "broadthroat", "randir", "usherette", "nephropyosis", "hematocyanin", "chrysohermidin", "uncave", "mirksome", "podophyllum", "siphonognathous", "indoor", "featheriness", "forwardation", "archruler", "soricoid", "Dailamite", "carmoisin", "controllability", "unpragmatical", "childless", "transumpt", "productive", "thyreotoxicosis", "oversorrow", "disshadow", "osse", "roar", "pantomnesia", "talcer", "hydrorrhoea", "Satyridae", "undetesting", "smoothbored", "widower", "sivathere", "pendle", "saltation", "autopelagic", "campfight", "unexplained", "Macrorhamphosus", "absconsa", "counterflory", "interdependent", "triact", "reconcentration", "oversharpness", "sarcoenchondroma", "superstimulate", "assessory", "pseudepiscopacy", "telescopically", "ventriloque", "politicaster", "Caesalpiniaceae", "inopportunity", "Helion", "uncompatible", "cephaloclasia", "oversearch", "Mahayanistic", "quarterspace", "bacillogenic", "hamartite", "polytheistical", "unescapableness", "Pterophorus", "cradlemaking", "Hippoboscidae", "overindustrialize", "perishless", "cupidity", "semilichen", "gadge", "detrimental", "misencourage", "toparchia", "lurchingly", "apocatastasis" }; /* Insertions */ static void test_insert(void **state) { map_t *tree = *state; int dict_size = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *); int i; for (i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) { assert_int_equal(map_set(tree, dict[i], (void *)dict[i]), 0); } } /* Searching */ static void test_get(void **state) { map_t *tree = *state; char *in; const char *notin = "not in tree"; in = malloc(strlen(dict[23])+1); strcpy(in, dict[23]); assert_true(map_get(tree, in) == dict[23]); assert_true(map_get(tree, notin) == NULL); assert_true(map_get(tree, "") == NULL); in[strlen(in)/2] = '\0'; assert_true(map_get(tree, in) == NULL); free(in); } /* Deletion */ static void test_delete(void **state) { map_t *tree = *state; assert_int_equal(map_del(tree, dict[91]), 0); assert_false(map_contains(tree, dict[91])); assert_int_equal(map_del(tree, "most likely not in tree"), 1); } static void test_init(void **state) { static map_t tree; tree = map_make(); *state = &tree; assert_non_null(*state); } static void test_deinit(void **state) { map_t *tree = *state; map_clear(tree); } /* Program entry point */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { const UnitTest tests[] = { group_test_setup(test_init), unit_test(test_insert), unit_test(test_get), unit_test(test_delete), group_test_teardown(test_deinit) }; return run_group_tests(tests); }