--- # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # Docs: https://packit.dev/docs/ specfile_path: .packit_rpm/systemd.spec files_to_sync: - .packit.yml - src: .packit_rpm/systemd.spec dest: systemd.spec # `git describe` returns in systemd's case 'v245-xxx' which breaks RPM version # detection (that expects 245-xxxx'). Let's tweak the version string accordingly upstream_tag_template: "v{version}" srpm_build_deps: [] actions: get-current-version: # Show the closest matching tag for the checked out revision, otherwise # Packit tries to get the latest tag by creation date, which doesn't work # well in the systemd-stable repo. We also need to sanitize it manually # since "upstream_tag_template" defined above doesn't apply here. - "bash -ec 'git describe --tags --abbrev=0 | cut -b 2-'" post-upstream-clone: # Use the Fedora Rawhide specfile - git clone https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd .packit_rpm --depth=1 - bash -c 'echo "%bcond upstream 1" > .packit_rpm/systemd.spec.new' - bash -c 'echo "%define meson_extra_configure_options --werror" >> .packit_rpm/systemd.spec.new' - bash -c 'cat .packit_rpm/systemd.spec >> .packit_rpm/systemd.spec.new' - mv .packit_rpm/systemd.spec.new .packit_rpm/systemd.spec jobs: - job: copr_build trigger: pull_request targets: - fedora-rawhide-aarch64 - fedora-rawhide-i386 - fedora-rawhide-ppc64le - fedora-rawhide-s390x - fedora-rawhide-x86_64 - job: tests trigger: pull_request fmf_path: test/fmf tmt_plan: ci targets: - fedora-rawhide-x86_64