path: root/web_src/js/features/comp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web_src/js/features/comp')
10 files changed, 1030 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/ComboMarkdownEditor.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/ComboMarkdownEditor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e92de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/ComboMarkdownEditor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+import '@github/markdown-toolbar-element';
+import '@github/text-expander-element';
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import {attachTribute} from '../tribute.js';
+import {hideElem, showElem, autosize, isElemVisible} from '../../utils/dom.js';
+import {initEasyMDEPaste, initTextareaPaste} from './Paste.js';
+import {handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit} from './QuickSubmit.js';
+import {renderPreviewPanelContent} from '../repo-editor.js';
+import {easyMDEToolbarActions} from './EasyMDEToolbarActions.js';
+import {initTextExpander} from './TextExpander.js';
+import {showErrorToast} from '../../modules/toast.js';
+import {POST} from '../../modules/fetch.js';
+let elementIdCounter = 0;
+ * validate if the given textarea is non-empty.
+ * @param {HTMLElement} textarea - The textarea element to be validated.
+ * @returns {boolean} returns true if validation succeeded.
+ */
+export function validateTextareaNonEmpty(textarea) {
+ // When using EasyMDE, the original edit area HTML element is hidden, breaking HTML5 input validation.
+ // The workaround ( doesn't work with contenteditable, so we just show an alert.
+ if (!textarea.value) {
+ if (isElemVisible(textarea)) {
+ textarea.required = true;
+ const form = textarea.closest('form');
+ form?.reportValidity();
+ } else {
+ // The alert won't hurt users too much, because we are dropping the EasyMDE and the check only occurs in a few places.
+ showErrorToast('Require non-empty content');
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+class ComboMarkdownEditor {
+ constructor(container, options = {}) {
+ container._giteaComboMarkdownEditor = this;
+ this.options = options;
+ this.container = container;
+ }
+ async init() {
+ this.prepareEasyMDEToolbarActions();
+ this.setupContainer();
+ this.setupTab();
+ this.setupDropzone();
+ this.setupTextarea();
+ await this.switchToUserPreference();
+ }
+ applyEditorHeights(el, heights) {
+ if (!heights) return;
+ if (heights.minHeight) = heights.minHeight;
+ if (heights.height) = heights.height;
+ if (heights.maxHeight) = heights.maxHeight;
+ }
+ setupContainer() {
+ initTextExpander(this.container.querySelector('text-expander'));
+ this.container.addEventListener('ce-editor-content-changed', (e) => this.options?.onContentChanged?.(this, e));
+ }
+ setupTextarea() {
+ this.textarea = this.container.querySelector('.markdown-text-editor');
+ this.textarea._giteaComboMarkdownEditor = this;
+ = `_combo_markdown_editor_${String(elementIdCounter++)}`;
+ this.textarea.addEventListener('input', (e) => this.options?.onContentChanged?.(this, e));
+ this.applyEditorHeights(this.textarea, this.options.editorHeights);
+ if (this.textarea.getAttribute('data-disable-autosize') !== 'true') {
+ this.textareaAutosize = autosize(this.textarea, {viewportMarginBottom: 130});
+ }
+ this.textareaMarkdownToolbar = this.container.querySelector('markdown-toolbar');
+ this.textareaMarkdownToolbar.setAttribute('for',;
+ for (const el of this.textareaMarkdownToolbar.querySelectorAll('.markdown-toolbar-button')) {
+ // upstream bug: The role code is never executed in base MarkdownButtonElement
+ el.setAttribute('role', 'button');
+ // the editor usually is in a form, so the buttons should have "type=button", avoiding conflicting with the form's submit.
+ if (el.nodeName === 'BUTTON' && !el.getAttribute('type')) el.setAttribute('type', 'button');
+ }
+ this.textareaMarkdownToolbar.querySelector('button[data-md-action="indent"]')?.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ this.indentSelection(false);
+ });
+ this.textareaMarkdownToolbar.querySelector('button[data-md-action="unindent"]')?.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ this.indentSelection(true);
+ });
+ this.textarea.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ = true;
+ }
+ if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
+ if (!this.breakLine()) return; // Nothing changed, let the default handler work.
+ this.options?.onContentChanged?.(this, e);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ this.textarea.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
+ if (!e.shiftKey) {
+ = false;
+ }
+ });
+ const monospaceButton = this.container.querySelector('.markdown-switch-monospace');
+ const monospaceEnabled = localStorage?.getItem('markdown-editor-monospace') === 'true';
+ const monospaceText = monospaceButton.getAttribute(monospaceEnabled ? 'data-disable-text' : 'data-enable-text');
+ monospaceButton.setAttribute('data-tooltip-content', monospaceText);
+ monospaceButton.setAttribute('aria-checked', String(monospaceEnabled));
+ monospaceButton?.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const enabled = localStorage?.getItem('markdown-editor-monospace') !== 'true';
+ localStorage.setItem('markdown-editor-monospace', String(enabled));
+ this.textarea.classList.toggle('tw-font-mono', enabled);
+ const text = monospaceButton.getAttribute(enabled ? 'data-disable-text' : 'data-enable-text');
+ monospaceButton.setAttribute('data-tooltip-content', text);
+ monospaceButton.setAttribute('aria-checked', String(enabled));
+ });
+ const easymdeButton = this.container.querySelector('.markdown-switch-easymde');
+ easymdeButton?.addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.userPreferredEditor = 'easymde';
+ await this.switchToEasyMDE();
+ });
+ if (this.dropzone) {
+ initTextareaPaste(this.textarea, this.dropzone);
+ }
+ }
+ setupDropzone() {
+ const dropzoneParentContainer = this.container.getAttribute('data-dropzone-parent-container');
+ if (dropzoneParentContainer) {
+ this.dropzone = this.container.closest(this.container.getAttribute('data-dropzone-parent-container'))?.querySelector('.dropzone');
+ }
+ }
+ setupTab() {
+ const $container = $(this.container);
+ const tabs = $container[0].querySelectorAll(' > .item');
+ // Fomantic Tab requires the "data-tab" to be globally unique.
+ // So here it uses our defined "data-tab-for" and "data-tab-panel" to generate the "data-tab" attribute for Fomantic.
+ const tabEditor = Array.from(tabs).find((tab) => tab.getAttribute('data-tab-for') === 'markdown-writer');
+ const tabPreviewer = Array.from(tabs).find((tab) => tab.getAttribute('data-tab-for') === 'markdown-previewer');
+ tabEditor.setAttribute('data-tab', `markdown-writer-${elementIdCounter}`);
+ tabPreviewer.setAttribute('data-tab', `markdown-previewer-${elementIdCounter}`);
+ const panelEditor = $container[0].querySelector('[data-tab-panel="markdown-writer"]');
+ const panelPreviewer = $container[0].querySelector('[data-tab-panel="markdown-previewer"]');
+ panelEditor.setAttribute('data-tab', `markdown-writer-${elementIdCounter}`);
+ panelPreviewer.setAttribute('data-tab', `markdown-previewer-${elementIdCounter}`);
+ elementIdCounter++;
+ tabEditor.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ this.focus();
+ });
+ });
+ $(tabs).tab();
+ this.previewUrl = tabPreviewer.getAttribute('data-preview-url');
+ this.previewContext = tabPreviewer.getAttribute('data-preview-context');
+ this.previewMode = this.options.previewMode ?? 'comment';
+ this.previewWiki = this.options.previewWiki ?? false;
+ tabPreviewer.addEventListener('click', async () => {
+ const formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append('mode', this.previewMode);
+ formData.append('context', this.previewContext);
+ formData.append('text', this.value());
+ formData.append('wiki', this.previewWiki);
+ const response = await POST(this.previewUrl, {data: formData});
+ const data = await response.text();
+ renderPreviewPanelContent($(panelPreviewer), data);
+ });
+ }
+ prepareEasyMDEToolbarActions() {
+ this.easyMDEToolbarDefault = [
+ 'bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough', '|', 'heading-1', 'heading-2', 'heading-3',
+ 'heading-bigger', 'heading-smaller', '|', 'code', 'quote', '|', 'gitea-checkbox-empty',
+ 'gitea-checkbox-checked', '|', 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', '|', 'link', 'image',
+ 'table', 'horizontal-rule', '|', 'gitea-switch-to-textarea',
+ ];
+ }
+ parseEasyMDEToolbar(EasyMDE, actions) {
+ this.easyMDEToolbarActions = this.easyMDEToolbarActions || easyMDEToolbarActions(EasyMDE, this);
+ const processed = [];
+ for (const action of actions) {
+ const actionButton = this.easyMDEToolbarActions[action];
+ if (!actionButton) throw new Error(`Unknown EasyMDE toolbar action ${action}`);
+ processed.push(actionButton);
+ }
+ return processed;
+ }
+ async switchToUserPreference() {
+ if (this.userPreferredEditor === 'easymde') {
+ await this.switchToEasyMDE();
+ } else {
+ this.switchToTextarea();
+ }
+ }
+ switchToTextarea() {
+ if (!this.easyMDE) return;
+ showElem(this.textareaMarkdownToolbar);
+ if (this.easyMDE) {
+ this.easyMDE.toTextArea();
+ this.easyMDE = null;
+ }
+ }
+ async switchToEasyMDE() {
+ if (this.easyMDE) return;
+ // EasyMDE's CSS should be loaded via webpack config, otherwise our own styles can not overwrite the default styles.
+ const {default: EasyMDE} = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "easymde" */'easymde');
+ const easyMDEOpt = {
+ autoDownloadFontAwesome: false,
+ element: this.textarea,
+ forceSync: true,
+ renderingConfig: {singleLineBreaks: false},
+ indentWithTabs: false,
+ tabSize: 4,
+ spellChecker: false,
+ inputStyle: 'contenteditable', // nativeSpellcheck requires contenteditable
+ nativeSpellcheck: true,
+ ...this.options.easyMDEOptions,
+ };
+ easyMDEOpt.toolbar = this.parseEasyMDEToolbar(EasyMDE, easyMDEOpt.toolbar ?? this.easyMDEToolbarDefault);
+ this.easyMDE = new EasyMDE(easyMDEOpt);
+ this.easyMDE.codemirror.on('change', (...args) => {this.options?.onContentChanged?.(this, ...args)});
+ this.easyMDE.codemirror.setOption('extraKeys', {
+ 'Cmd-Enter': (cm) => handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(cm.getTextArea()),
+ 'Ctrl-Enter': (cm) => handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(cm.getTextArea()),
+ Enter: (cm) => {
+ const tributeContainer = document.querySelector('.tribute-container');
+ if (!tributeContainer || === 'none') {
+ cm.execCommand('newlineAndIndent');
+ }
+ },
+ Up: (cm) => {
+ const tributeContainer = document.querySelector('.tribute-container');
+ if (!tributeContainer || === 'none') {
+ return cm.execCommand('goLineUp');
+ }
+ },
+ Down: (cm) => {
+ const tributeContainer = document.querySelector('.tribute-container');
+ if (!tributeContainer || === 'none') {
+ return cm.execCommand('goLineDown');
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ this.applyEditorHeights(this.container.querySelector('.CodeMirror-scroll'), this.options.editorHeights);
+ await attachTribute(this.easyMDE.codemirror.getInputField(), {mentions: true, emoji: true});
+ initEasyMDEPaste(this.easyMDE, this.dropzone);
+ hideElem(this.textareaMarkdownToolbar);
+ }
+ value(v = undefined) {
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ if (this.easyMDE) {
+ return this.easyMDE.value();
+ }
+ return this.textarea.value;
+ }
+ if (this.easyMDE) {
+ this.easyMDE.value(v);
+ } else {
+ this.textarea.value = v;
+ }
+ this.textareaAutosize?.resizeToFit();
+ }
+ focus() {
+ if (this.easyMDE) {
+ this.easyMDE.codemirror.focus();
+ } else {
+ this.textarea.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ moveCursorToEnd() {
+ this.textarea.focus();
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(this.textarea.value.length, this.textarea.value.length);
+ if (this.easyMDE) {
+ this.easyMDE.codemirror.focus();
+ this.easyMDE.codemirror.setCursor(this.easyMDE.codemirror.lineCount(), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ indentSelection(unindent) {
+ // Indent with 4 spaces, unindent 4 spaces or fewer or a lost tab.
+ const indentPrefix = ' ';
+ const unindentRegex = /^( {1,4}|\t)/;
+ // Indent all lines that are included in the selection, partially or whole, while preserving the original selection at the end.
+ const lines = this.textarea.value.split('\n');
+ const changedLines = [];
+ // The current selection or cursor position.
+ const [start, end] = [this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd];
+ // The range containing whole lines that will effectively be replaced.
+ let [editStart, editEnd] = [start, end];
+ // The range that needs to be re-selected to match previous selection.
+ let [newStart, newEnd] = [start, end];
+ // The start and end position of the current line (where end points to the newline or EOF)
+ let [lineStart, lineEnd] = [0, 0];
+ for (const line of lines) {
+ lineEnd = lineStart + line.length + 1;
+ if (lineEnd <= start) {
+ lineStart = lineEnd;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const updated = unindent ? line.replace(unindentRegex, '') : indentPrefix + line;
+ changedLines.push(updated);
+ const move = updated.length - line.length;
+ if (start >= lineStart && start < lineEnd) {
+ editStart = lineStart;
+ newStart = Math.max(start + move, lineStart);
+ }
+ newEnd += move;
+ editEnd = lineEnd - 1;
+ lineStart = lineEnd;
+ if (lineStart > end) break;
+ }
+ // Update changed lines whole.
+ const text = changedLines.join('\n');
+ this.textarea.focus();
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(editStart, editEnd);
+ if (!document.execCommand('insertText', false, text)) {
+ // execCommand is deprecated, but setRangeText (and any other direct value modifications) erases the native undo history.
+ // So only fall back to it if execCommand fails.
+ this.textarea.setRangeText(text);
+ }
+ // Set selection to (effectively) be the same as before.
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(newStart, Math.max(newStart, newEnd));
+ }
+ breakLine() {
+ const [start, end] = [this.textarea.selectionStart, this.textarea.selectionEnd];
+ // Do nothing if a range is selected
+ if (start !== end) return false;
+ const value = this.textarea.value;
+ // Find the beginning of the current line.
+ const lineStart = Math.max(0, value.lastIndexOf('\n', start - 1) + 1);
+ // Find the end and extract the line.
+ const lineEnd = value.indexOf('\n', start);
+ const line = value.slice(lineStart, lineEnd < 0 ? value.length : lineEnd);
+ // Match any whitespace at the start + any repeatable prefix + exactly one space after.
+ const prefix = line.match(/^\s*((\d+)[.)]\s|[-*+]\s+(\[[ x]\]\s?)?|(>\s+)+)?/);
+ // Defer to browser if we can't do anything more useful, or if the cursor is inside the prefix.
+ if (!prefix || !prefix[0].length || lineStart + prefix[0].length > start) return false;
+ // Insert newline + prefix.
+ let text = `\n${prefix[0]}`;
+ // Increment a number if present. (perhaps detecting repeating 1. and not doing that then would be a good idea)
+ const num = text.match(/\d+/);
+ if (num) text = text.replace(num[0], Number(num[0]) + 1);
+ text = text.replace('[x]', '[ ]');
+ if (!document.execCommand('insertText', false, text)) {
+ this.textarea.setRangeText(text);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ get userPreferredEditor() {
+ return window.localStorage.getItem(`markdown-editor-${this.options.useScene ?? 'default'}`);
+ }
+ set userPreferredEditor(s) {
+ window.localStorage.setItem(`markdown-editor-${this.options.useScene ?? 'default'}`, s);
+ }
+export function getComboMarkdownEditor(el) {
+ if (el instanceof $) el = el[0];
+ return el?._giteaComboMarkdownEditor;
+export async function initComboMarkdownEditor(container, options = {}) {
+ if (container instanceof $) {
+ if (container.length !== 1) {
+ throw new Error('initComboMarkdownEditor: container must be a single element');
+ }
+ container = container[0];
+ }
+ if (!container) {
+ throw new Error('initComboMarkdownEditor: container is null');
+ }
+ const editor = new ComboMarkdownEditor(container, options);
+ await editor.init();
+ return editor;
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/ConfirmModal.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/ConfirmModal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64996a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/ConfirmModal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import {svg} from '../../svg.js';
+import {htmlEscape} from 'escape-goat';
+const {i18n} = window.config;
+export async function confirmModal(opts = {content: '', buttonColor: 'primary'}) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const $modal = $(`
+<div class="ui g-modal-confirm modal">
+ <div class="content">${htmlEscape(opts.content)}</div>
+ <div class="actions">
+ <button class="ui cancel button">${svg('octicon-x')} ${i18n.modal_cancel}</button>
+ <button class="ui ${opts.buttonColor || 'primary'} ok button">${svg('octicon-check')} ${i18n.modal_confirm}</button>
+ </div>
+ $modal.appendTo(document.body);
+ $modal.modal({
+ onApprove() {
+ resolve(true);
+ },
+ onHidden() {
+ $modal.remove();
+ resolve(false);
+ },
+ }).modal('show');
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/EasyMDEToolbarActions.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/EasyMDEToolbarActions.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35abb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/EasyMDEToolbarActions.js
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import {svg} from '../../svg.js';
+export function easyMDEToolbarActions(EasyMDE, editor) {
+ const actions = {
+ '|': '|',
+ 'heading-1': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleHeading1,
+ icon: svg('octicon-heading'),
+ title: 'Heading 1',
+ },
+ 'heading-2': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleHeading2,
+ icon: svg('octicon-heading'),
+ title: 'Heading 2',
+ },
+ 'heading-3': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleHeading3,
+ icon: svg('octicon-heading'),
+ title: 'Heading 3',
+ },
+ 'heading-smaller': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleHeadingSmaller,
+ icon: svg('octicon-heading'),
+ title: 'Decrease Heading',
+ },
+ 'heading-bigger': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleHeadingBigger,
+ icon: svg('octicon-heading'),
+ title: 'Increase Heading',
+ },
+ 'bold': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleBold,
+ icon: svg('octicon-bold'),
+ title: 'Bold',
+ },
+ 'italic': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleItalic,
+ icon: svg('octicon-italic'),
+ title: 'Italic',
+ },
+ 'strikethrough': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleStrikethrough,
+ icon: svg('octicon-strikethrough'),
+ title: 'Strikethrough',
+ },
+ 'quote': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleBlockquote,
+ icon: svg('octicon-quote'),
+ title: 'Quote',
+ },
+ 'code': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleCodeBlock,
+ icon: svg('octicon-code'),
+ title: 'Code',
+ },
+ 'link': {
+ action: EasyMDE.drawLink,
+ icon: svg('octicon-link'),
+ title: 'Link',
+ },
+ 'unordered-list': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleUnorderedList,
+ icon: svg('octicon-list-unordered'),
+ title: 'Unordered List',
+ },
+ 'ordered-list': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleOrderedList,
+ icon: svg('octicon-list-ordered'),
+ title: 'Ordered List',
+ },
+ 'image': {
+ action: EasyMDE.drawImage,
+ icon: svg('octicon-image'),
+ title: 'Image',
+ },
+ 'table': {
+ action: EasyMDE.drawTable,
+ icon: svg('octicon-table'),
+ title: 'Table',
+ },
+ 'horizontal-rule': {
+ action: EasyMDE.drawHorizontalRule,
+ icon: svg('octicon-horizontal-rule'),
+ title: 'Horizontal Rule',
+ },
+ 'preview': {
+ action: EasyMDE.togglePreview,
+ icon: svg('octicon-eye'),
+ title: 'Preview',
+ },
+ 'fullscreen': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleFullScreen,
+ icon: svg('octicon-screen-full'),
+ title: 'Fullscreen',
+ },
+ 'side-by-side': {
+ action: EasyMDE.toggleSideBySide,
+ icon: svg('octicon-columns'),
+ title: 'Side by Side',
+ },
+ // Forgejo custom actions
+ 'gitea-checkbox-empty': {
+ action(e) {
+ const cm = e.codemirror;
+ cm.replaceSelection(`\n- [ ] ${cm.getSelection()}`);
+ cm.focus();
+ },
+ icon: svg('gitea-empty-checkbox'),
+ title: 'Add Checkbox (empty)',
+ },
+ 'gitea-checkbox-checked': {
+ action(e) {
+ const cm = e.codemirror;
+ cm.replaceSelection(`\n- [x] ${cm.getSelection()}`);
+ cm.focus();
+ },
+ icon: svg('octicon-checkbox'),
+ title: 'Add Checkbox (checked)',
+ },
+ 'gitea-switch-to-textarea': {
+ action: () => {
+ editor.userPreferredEditor = 'textarea';
+ editor.switchToTextarea();
+ },
+ icon: svg('octicon-arrow-switch'),
+ title: 'Revert to simple textarea',
+ },
+ 'gitea-code-inline': {
+ action(e) {
+ const cm = e.codemirror;
+ const selection = cm.getSelection();
+ cm.replaceSelection(`\`${selection}\``);
+ if (!selection) {
+ const cursorPos = cm.getCursor();
+ cm.setCursor(cursorPos.line, - 1);
+ }
+ cm.focus();
+ },
+ icon: svg('octicon-chevron-right'),
+ title: 'Add Inline Code',
+ },
+ };
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(actions)) {
+ if (typeof value !== 'string') {
+ = key;
+ }
+ }
+ return actions;
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/LabelEdit.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/LabelEdit.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc75cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/LabelEdit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+function isExclusiveScopeName(name) {
+ return /.*[^/]\/[^/].*/.test(name);
+function updateExclusiveLabelEdit(form) {
+ const nameInput = document.querySelector(`${form} .label-name-input`);
+ const exclusiveField = document.querySelector(`${form} .label-exclusive-input-field`);
+ const exclusiveCheckbox = document.querySelector(`${form} .label-exclusive-input`);
+ const exclusiveWarning = document.querySelector(`${form} .label-exclusive-warning`);
+ if (isExclusiveScopeName(nameInput.value)) {
+ exclusiveField?.classList.remove('muted');
+ exclusiveField?.removeAttribute('aria-disabled');
+ if (exclusiveCheckbox.checked && exclusiveCheckbox.getAttribute('data-exclusive-warn')) {
+ exclusiveWarning?.classList.remove('tw-hidden');
+ } else {
+ exclusiveWarning?.classList.add('tw-hidden');
+ }
+ } else {
+ exclusiveField?.classList.add('muted');
+ exclusiveField?.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true');
+ exclusiveWarning?.classList.add('tw-hidden');
+ }
+export function initCompLabelEdit(selector) {
+ if (!$(selector).length) return;
+ // Create label
+ $('.new-label.button').on('click', () => {
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.new-label');
+ $('.new-label.modal').modal({
+ onApprove() {
+ const form = document.querySelector('.new-label.form');
+ if (!form.checkValidity()) {
+ form.reportValidity();
+ return false;
+ }
+ $('.new-label.form').trigger('submit');
+ },
+ }).modal('show');
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Edit label
+ $('.edit-label-button').on('click', function () {
+ $('#label-modal-id').val($(this).data('id'));
+ const $nameInput = $('.edit-label .label-name-input');
+ $nameInput.val($(this).data('title'));
+ const $isArchivedCheckbox = $('.edit-label .label-is-archived-input');
+ $isArchivedCheckbox[0].checked = this.hasAttribute('data-is-archived');
+ const $exclusiveCheckbox = $('.edit-label .label-exclusive-input');
+ $exclusiveCheckbox[0].checked = this.hasAttribute('data-exclusive');
+ // Warn when label was previously not exclusive and used in issues
+ $'exclusive-warn',
+ $(this).data('num-issues') > 0 &&
+ (!this.hasAttribute('data-exclusive') || !isExclusiveScopeName($nameInput.val())));
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.edit-label');
+ $('.edit-label .label-desc-input').val(this.getAttribute('data-description'));
+ const colorInput = document.querySelector('.edit-label .js-color-picker-input input');
+ colorInput.value = this.getAttribute('data-color');
+ colorInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true}));
+ $('.edit-label.modal').modal({
+ onApprove() {
+ const form = document.querySelector('.edit-label.form');
+ if (!form.checkValidity()) {
+ form.reportValidity();
+ return false;
+ }
+ $('.edit-label.form').trigger('submit');
+ },
+ }).modal('show');
+ return false;
+ });
+ $('.new-label .label-name-input').on('input', () => {
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.new-label');
+ });
+ $('.new-label .label-exclusive-input').on('change', () => {
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.new-label');
+ });
+ $('.edit-label .label-name-input').on('input', () => {
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.edit-label');
+ });
+ $('.edit-label .label-exclusive-input').on('change', () => {
+ updateExclusiveLabelEdit('.edit-label');
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/Paste.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/Paste.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4ecbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/Paste.js
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import {POST} from '../../modules/fetch.js';
+import {getPastedContent, replaceTextareaSelection} from '../../utils/dom.js';
+import {isUrl} from '../../utils/url.js';
+async function uploadFile(file, uploadUrl) {
+ const formData = new FormData();
+ formData.append('file', file,;
+ const res = await POST(uploadUrl, {data: formData});
+ return await res.json();
+function triggerEditorContentChanged(target) {
+ target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ce-editor-content-changed', {bubbles: true}));
+class TextareaEditor {
+ constructor(editor) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ }
+ insertPlaceholder(value) {
+ const editor = this.editor;
+ const startPos = editor.selectionStart;
+ const endPos = editor.selectionEnd;
+ editor.value = editor.value.substring(0, startPos) + value + editor.value.substring(endPos);
+ editor.selectionStart = startPos;
+ editor.selectionEnd = startPos + value.length;
+ editor.focus();
+ triggerEditorContentChanged(editor);
+ }
+ replacePlaceholder(oldVal, newVal) {
+ const editor = this.editor;
+ const startPos = editor.selectionStart;
+ const endPos = editor.selectionEnd;
+ if (editor.value.substring(startPos, endPos) === oldVal) {
+ editor.value = editor.value.substring(0, startPos) + newVal + editor.value.substring(endPos);
+ editor.selectionEnd = startPos + newVal.length;
+ } else {
+ editor.value = editor.value.replace(oldVal, newVal);
+ editor.selectionEnd -= oldVal.length;
+ editor.selectionEnd += newVal.length;
+ }
+ editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd;
+ editor.focus();
+ triggerEditorContentChanged(editor);
+ }
+class CodeMirrorEditor {
+ constructor(editor) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ }
+ insertPlaceholder(value) {
+ const editor = this.editor;
+ const startPoint = editor.getCursor('start');
+ const endPoint = editor.getCursor('end');
+ editor.replaceSelection(value);
+ = + value.length;
+ editor.setSelection(startPoint, endPoint);
+ editor.focus();
+ triggerEditorContentChanged(editor.getTextArea());
+ }
+ replacePlaceholder(oldVal, newVal) {
+ const editor = this.editor;
+ const endPoint = editor.getCursor('end');
+ if (editor.getSelection() === oldVal) {
+ editor.replaceSelection(newVal);
+ } else {
+ editor.setValue(editor.getValue().replace(oldVal, newVal));
+ }
+ -= oldVal.length;
+ += newVal.length;
+ editor.setSelection(endPoint, endPoint);
+ editor.focus();
+ triggerEditorContentChanged(editor.getTextArea());
+ }
+async function handleClipboardImages(editor, dropzone, images, e) {
+ const uploadUrl = dropzone.getAttribute('data-upload-url');
+ const filesContainer = dropzone.querySelector('.files');
+ if (!dropzone || !uploadUrl || !filesContainer || !images.length) return;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ for (const img of images) {
+ const name =,'.'));
+ const placeholder = `![${name}](uploading ...)`;
+ editor.insertPlaceholder(placeholder);
+ const {uuid} = await uploadFile(img, uploadUrl);
+ const url = `/attachments/${uuid}`;
+ const text = `![${name}](${url})`;
+ editor.replacePlaceholder(placeholder, text);
+ const input = document.createElement('input');
+ input.setAttribute('name', 'files');
+ input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
+ input.setAttribute('id', uuid);
+ input.value = uuid;
+ filesContainer.append(input);
+ }
+function handleClipboardText(textarea, text, e) {
+ // when pasting links over selected text, turn it into [text](link), except when shift key is held
+ const {value, selectionStart, selectionEnd, _shiftDown} = textarea;
+ if (_shiftDown) return;
+ const selectedText = value.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
+ const trimmedText = text.trim();
+ if (selectedText && isUrl(trimmedText) && !isUrl(selectedText)) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ replaceTextareaSelection(textarea, `[${selectedText}](${trimmedText})`);
+ }
+export function initEasyMDEPaste(easyMDE, dropzone) {
+ easyMDE.codemirror.on('paste', (_, e) => {
+ const {images} = getPastedContent(e);
+ if (images.length) {
+ handleClipboardImages(new CodeMirrorEditor(easyMDE.codemirror), dropzone, images, e);
+ }
+ });
+export function initTextareaPaste(textarea, dropzone) {
+ textarea.addEventListener('paste', (e) => {
+ const {images, text} = getPastedContent(e);
+ if (images.length) {
+ handleClipboardImages(new TextareaEditor(textarea), dropzone, images, e);
+ } else if (text) {
+ handleClipboardText(textarea, text, e);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/QuickSubmit.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/QuickSubmit.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6d7080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/QuickSubmit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+export function handleGlobalEnterQuickSubmit(target) {
+ const form = target.closest('form');
+ if (form) {
+ if (!form.checkValidity()) {
+ form.reportValidity();
+ return;
+ }
+ // here use the event to trigger the submit event (instead of calling `submit()` method directly)
+ // otherwise the `areYouSure` handler won't be executed, then there will be an annoying "confirm to leave" dialog
+ form.dispatchEvent(new SubmitEvent('submit', {bubbles: true, cancelable: true}));
+ } else {
+ // if no form, then the editor is for an AJAX request, dispatch an event to the target, let the target's event handler to do the AJAX request.
+ // the 'ce-' prefix means this is a CustomEvent
+ target.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ce-quick-submit', {bubbles: true}));
+ }
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/ReactionSelector.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/ReactionSelector.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd4601f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/ReactionSelector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import {POST} from '../../modules/fetch.js';
+export function initCompReactionSelector($parent) {
+ $parent.find(`.select-reaction .item.reaction, .comment-reaction-button`).on('click', async function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if (this.classList.contains('disabled')) return;
+ const actionUrl = this.closest('[data-action-url]')?.getAttribute('data-action-url');
+ const reactionContent = this.getAttribute('data-reaction-content');
+ const hasReacted = this.closest('.comment')?.querySelector(`.ui.segment.reactions a[data-reaction-content="${reactionContent}"]`)?.getAttribute('data-has-reacted') === 'true';
+ const res = await POST(`${actionUrl}/${hasReacted ? 'unreact' : 'react'}`, {
+ data: new URLSearchParams({content: reactionContent}),
+ });
+ const data = await res.json();
+ if (data && (data.html || data.empty)) {
+ const $content = $(this).closest('.content');
+ let $react = $content.find('.segment.reactions');
+ if ((!data.empty || data.html === '') && $react.length > 0) {
+ $react.remove();
+ }
+ if (!data.empty) {
+ const $attachments = $content.find('.segment.bottom:first');
+ $react = $(data.html);
+ if ($attachments.length > 0) {
+ $react.insertBefore($attachments);
+ } else {
+ $react.appendTo($content);
+ }
+ $react.find('.dropdown').dropdown();
+ initCompReactionSelector($react);
+ }
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/SearchUserBox.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/SearchUserBox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..081c474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/SearchUserBox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import {htmlEscape} from 'escape-goat';
+const {appSubUrl} = window.config;
+const looksLikeEmailAddressCheck = /^\S+@\S+$/;
+export function initCompSearchUserBox() {
+ const searchUserBox = document.getElementById('search-user-box');
+ if (!searchUserBox) return;
+ const $searchUserBox = $(searchUserBox);
+ const allowEmailInput = searchUserBox.getAttribute('data-allow-email') === 'true';
+ const allowEmailDescription = searchUserBox.getAttribute('data-allow-email-description') ?? undefined;
+ ${
+ minCharacters: 2,
+ apiSettings: {
+ url: `${appSubUrl}/user/search?active=1&q={query}`,
+ onResponse(response) {
+ const items = [];
+ const searchQuery = $searchUserBox.find('input').val();
+ const searchQueryUppercase = searchQuery.toUpperCase();
+ $.each(, (_i, item) => {
+ const resultItem = {
+ title: item.login,
+ image: item.avatar_url,
+ };
+ if (item.full_name) {
+ resultItem.description = htmlEscape(item.full_name);
+ }
+ if (searchQueryUppercase === item.login.toUpperCase()) {
+ items.unshift(resultItem);
+ } else {
+ items.push(resultItem);
+ }
+ });
+ if (allowEmailInput && !items.length && looksLikeEmailAddressCheck.test(searchQuery)) {
+ const resultItem = {
+ title: searchQuery,
+ description: allowEmailDescription,
+ };
+ items.push(resultItem);
+ }
+ return {results: items};
+ },
+ },
+ searchFields: ['login', 'full_name'],
+ showNoResults: false,
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/TextExpander.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/TextExpander.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..128a2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/TextExpander.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import {matchEmoji, matchMention} from '../../utils/match.js';
+import {emojiString} from '../emoji.js';
+export function initTextExpander(expander) {
+ expander?.addEventListener('text-expander-change', ({detail: {key, provide, text}}) => {
+ if (key === ':') {
+ const matches = matchEmoji(text);
+ if (!matches.length) return provide({matched: false});
+ const ul = document.createElement('ul');
+ ul.classList.add('suggestions');
+ for (const name of matches) {
+ const emoji = emojiString(name);
+ const li = document.createElement('li');
+ li.setAttribute('role', 'option');
+ li.setAttribute('data-value', emoji);
+ li.textContent = `${emoji} ${name}`;
+ ul.append(li);
+ }
+ provide({matched: true, fragment: ul});
+ } else if (key === '@') {
+ const matches = matchMention(text);
+ if (!matches.length) return provide({matched: false});
+ const ul = document.createElement('ul');
+ ul.classList.add('suggestions');
+ for (const {value, name, fullname, avatar} of matches) {
+ const li = document.createElement('li');
+ li.setAttribute('role', 'option');
+ li.setAttribute('data-value', `${key}${value}`);
+ const img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.src = avatar;
+ li.append(img);
+ const nameSpan = document.createElement('span');
+ nameSpan.textContent = name;
+ li.append(nameSpan);
+ if (fullname && fullname.toLowerCase() !== name) {
+ const fullnameSpan = document.createElement('span');
+ fullnameSpan.classList.add('fullname');
+ fullnameSpan.textContent = fullname;
+ li.append(fullnameSpan);
+ }
+ ul.append(li);
+ }
+ provide({matched: true, fragment: ul});
+ }
+ });
+ expander?.addEventListener('text-expander-value', ({detail}) => {
+ if (detail?.item) {
+ // add a space after @mentions as it's likely the user wants one
+ const suffix = detail.key === '@' ? ' ' : '';
+ detail.value = `${detail.item.getAttribute('data-value')}${suffix}`;
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/web_src/js/features/comp/WebHookEditor.js b/web_src/js/features/comp/WebHookEditor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..522daa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web_src/js/features/comp/WebHookEditor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import {POST} from '../../modules/fetch.js';
+import {toggleElem} from '../../utils/dom.js';
+export function initCompWebHookEditor() {
+ if (!document.querySelectorAll('.new.webhook').length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // some webhooks (like Gitea) allow to set the request method (GET/POST), and it would toggle the "Content Type" field
+ const httpMethodInput = document.getElementById('http_method');
+ if (httpMethodInput) {
+ const updateContentType = function () {
+ const visible = httpMethodInput.value === 'POST';
+ toggleElem(document.getElementById('content_type').closest('.field'), visible);
+ };
+ updateContentType();
+ httpMethodInput.addEventListener('change', updateContentType);
+ }
+ // Test delivery
+ document.getElementById('test-delivery')?.addEventListener('click', async function () {
+ this.classList.add('is-loading', 'disabled');
+ await POST(this.getAttribute('data-link'));
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ window.location.href = this.getAttribute('data-redirect');
+ }, 5000);
+ });