path: root/src/silfont/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/')
1 files changed, 750 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/ b/src/silfont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6dc01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""classes and functions for building ftml tests from glyph_data.csv and UFO"""
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.ftml import Fxml, Ftestgroup, Ftest, Ffontsrc
+from palaso.unicode.ucd import get_ucd
+from itertools import product
+import re
+# This module comprises two related functionalities:
+# 1. The FTML object which acts as a staging object for ftml test data. The methods of this class
+# permit a gradual build-up of an ftml file, e.g.,
+# startTestGroup(...)
+# setFeatures(...)
+# addToTest(...)
+# addToTest(...)
+# clearFeatures(...)
+# setLang(...)
+# addToTest(...)
+# closeTestGroup(...)
+# ...
+# writeFile(...)
+# The module is clever enough, for example, to automatically close a test when changing features, languages or direction.
+# 2. The FTMLBuilder object which reads and processes glyph_data.csv and provides assistance in iterating over
+# the characters, features, and languages that should be supported by the font, e.g.:
+# ftml.startTestGroup('Encoded characters')
+# for uid in sorted(builder.uids()):
+# if uid < 32: continue
+# c = builder.char(uid)
+# for featlist in builder.permuteFeatures(uids=[uid]):
+# ftml.setFeatures(featlist)
+# builder.render([uid], ftml)
+# ftml.clearFeatures()
+# for langID in sorted(c.langs):
+# ftml.setLang(langID)
+# builder.render([uid], ftml)
+# ftml.clearLang()
+# See examples/ for ideas
+class FTML(object):
+ """a staging class for collecting ftml content and finally writing the xml"""
+ # Assumes no nesting of test groups
+ def __init__(self, title, logger, comment = None, fontsrc = None, fontlabel = None, fontscale = None,
+ widths = None, rendercheck = True, xslfn = None, defaultrtl = False):
+ self.logger = logger
+ # Initialize an Fxml object
+ fxml = Fxml(testgrouplabel = "dummy")
+ fxml.stylesheet = {'type': 'text/xsl', 'href': xslfn if xslfn is not None else 'ftml.xsl'}
+ fxml.head.title = title
+ fxml.head.comment = comment
+ if isinstance(fontsrc, (tuple, list)):
+ # Allow multiple fontsrc
+ fxml.head.fontsrc = [Ffontsrc(fxml.head, text=fontsrc,
+ label=fontlabel[i] if fontlabel is not None and i < len(fontlabel) else None)
+ for i, fontsrc in enumerate(fontsrc)]
+ elif fontsrc:
+ fxml.head.fontsrc = Ffontsrc(fxml.head, text=fontsrc, label=fontlabel)
+ if fontscale: fxml.head.fontscale = int(fontscale)
+ if widths: fxml.head.widths = widths
+ fxml.testgroups.pop() # Remove dummy test group
+ # Save object
+ self._fxml = fxml
+ # Initialize state
+ self._curTest = None
+ self.closeTestGroup()
+ self.defaultRTL = defaultrtl
+ # Add first testgroup if requested
+ if rendercheck:
+ self.startTestGroup("Rendering Check", background="#F0F0F0")
+ self.addToTest(None, "RenderingUnknown", "check", rtl = False)
+ self.closeTest()
+ self.closeTestGroup()
+ _colorMap = {
+ 'aqua': '#00ffff',
+ 'black': '#000000',
+ 'blue': '#0000ff',
+ 'fuchsia': '#ff00ff',
+ 'green': '#008000',
+ 'grey': '#808080',
+ 'lime': '#00ff00',
+ 'maroon': '#800000',
+ 'navy': '#000080',
+ 'olive': '#808000',
+ 'purple': '#800080',
+ 'red': '#ff0000',
+ 'silver': '#c0c0c0',
+ 'teal': '#008080',
+ 'white': '#ffffff',
+ 'yellow': '#ffff00',
+ 'orange': '#ffa500'
+ }
+ @staticmethod
+ def _getColor(color):
+ if color is None or len(color) == 0:
+ return None
+ color = color.lower()
+ if color in FTML._colorMap:
+ return FTML._colorMap[color]
+ if re.match(r'#[0-9a-f]{6}$', color):
+ return color
+ self.logger.log(f'Color "{color}" not understood; ignored', 'W')
+ return None
+ def closeTest(self, comment = None):
+ if self._curTest:
+ if comment is not None:
+ self._curTest.comment = comment
+ if self._curColor:
+ self._curTest.background = self._curColor
+ self._curTest = None
+ self._lastUID = None
+ self._lastRTL = None
+ def addToTest(self, uid, s = "", label = None, comment = None, rtl = None):
+ if rtl is None: rtl = self.defaultRTL
+ if (self._lastUID and uid and uid not in range(self._lastUID, self._lastUID + 2))\
+ or (self._lastRTL is not None and rtl != self._lastRTL):
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._lastUID = uid
+ self._lastRTL = rtl
+ if self._curTestGroup is None:
+ # Create a new Ftestgroup
+ self.startTestGroup("Group")
+ if self._curTest is None:
+ # Create a new Ftest
+ if label is None:
+ label = "U+{0:04X}".format(uid) if uid is not None else "test"
+ test = Ftest(self._curTestGroup, label = label, string = '')
+ if comment:
+ test.comment = comment
+ if rtl: test.rtl = "True"
+ # Construct stylename and add style if needed:
+ x = ['{}_{}'.format(t,v) for t,v in self._curFeatures.items()] if self._curFeatures else []
+ if self._curLang:
+ x.insert(0,self._curLang)
+ if len(x):
+ test.stylename = '_'.join(x)
+ self._fxml.head.addstyle(test.stylename, feats = self._curFeatures, lang = self._curLang)
+ # Append to current test group
+ self._curTestGroup.tests.append(test)
+ self._curTest = test
+ if len(self._curTest.string): self._curTest.string += ' '
+ # Special hack until we get to python3 with full unicode support
+ self._curTest.string += ''.join([ c if ord(c) < 128 else '\\u{0:06X}'.format(ord(c)) for c in s ])
+ # self._curTest.string += s
+ def setFeatures(self, features):
+ # features can be None or a list; list elements can be:
+ # None
+ # a feature setting in the form [tag,value]
+ if features is None:
+ return self.clearFeatures()
+ features = [x for x in features if x]
+ if len(features) == 0:
+ return self.clearFeatures()
+ features = dict(features) # Convert to a dictionary -- this is what we'll keep.
+ if features != self._curFeatures:
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curFeatures = features
+ def clearFeatures(self):
+ if self._curFeatures is not None:
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curFeatures = None
+ def setLang(self, langID):
+ if langID != self._curLang:
+ self.closeTest();
+ self._curLang = langID
+ def clearLang(self):
+ if self._curLang:
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curLang = None
+ def setBackground(self, color):
+ color = self._getColor(color)
+ if color != self._curColor:
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curColor = color
+ def clearBackground(self):
+ if self._curColor is not None:
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curColor = None
+ def closeTestGroup(self):
+ self.closeTest()
+ self._curTestGroup = None
+ self._curFeatures = None
+ self._curLang = None
+ self._curColor = None
+ def startTestGroup(self, label, background = None):
+ if self._curTestGroup is not None:
+ if label == self._curTestGroup.label:
+ return
+ self.closeTestGroup()
+ # Add new test group
+ self._curTestGroup = Ftestgroup(self._fxml, label = label)
+ background = self._getColor(background)
+ if background is not None:
+ self._curTestGroup.background = background
+ # append to root test groups
+ self._fxml.testgroups.append(self._curTestGroup)
+ def writeFile(self, output):
+ self.closeTestGroup()
+class Feature(object):
+ """abstraction of a feature"""
+ def __init__(self, tag):
+ self.tag = tag
+ self.default = 0
+ self.maxval = 1
+ self._tvlist = None
+ def __getattr__(self,name):
+ if name == "tvlist":
+ # tvlist is a list of all possible tag,value pairs (except the default but including None) for this feature
+ # This attribute shouldn't be needed until all the possible feature value are known,
+ # therefore we'll generate this the first time we need it and save it
+ if self._tvlist is None:
+ self._tvlist = [ None ]
+ for v in range (0, self.maxval+1):
+ if v != self.default:
+ self._tvlist.append( [self.tag, str(v)])
+ return self._tvlist
+class FChar(object):
+ """abstraction of an encoded glyph in the font"""
+ def __init__(self, uids, basename, logger):
+ self.logger = logger
+ # uids can be a singleton integer or, for multiple-encoded glyphs, some kind of sequence of integers
+ if isinstance(uids,
+ uids1 = uids
+ else:
+ uids1 = (uids,)
+ # test each uid to make sure valid; remove if not.
+ uids2=[]
+ self.general = "unknown"
+ for uid in uids1:
+ try:
+ gc = get_ucd(uid,'gc')
+ if self.general == "unknown":
+ self.general = gc
+ uids2.append(uid)
+ except (TypeError, IndexError):
+ self.logger.log(f'Invalid USV "{uid}" -- ignored.', 'E')
+ continue
+ except KeyError:
+ self.logger.log('USV %04X not defined; no properties known' % uid, 'W')
+ # make sure there's at least one left
+ assert len(uids2) > 0, f'No valid USVs found in {repr(uids)}'
+ self._uids = tuple(uids2)
+ self.basename = basename
+ self.feats = set() # feat tags that affect this char
+ self.langs = set() # lang tags that affect this char
+ self.aps = set()
+ self.altnames = {} # alternate glyph names.
+ # the above is a dict keyed by either:
+ # lang tag e.g., 'ur', or
+ # feat tag and value, e.g., 'cv24=3'
+ # and returns a the glyphname for that alternate.
+ # Additional info from UFO:
+ self.takesMarks = self.isMark = self.isBase = self.notInUFO = False
+ # Most callers don't need to support or or care about multiple-encoded glyphs, so we
+ # support the old .uid attribute by returning the first (I guess we consider it primary) uid.
+ def __getattr__(self,name):
+ if name == 'uids':
+ return self._uids
+ elif name == 'uid':
+ return self._uids[0]
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
+ # the static method FTMLBuilder.checkGlyph is likely preferred
+ # but leave this instance method for backwards compatibility
+ def checkGlyph(self, gname, font, apRE):
+ # glean info from UFO if glyph is present
+ if gname in font.deflayer:
+ self.notInUFO = False
+ for a in font.deflayer[gname]['anchor'] :
+ name = a.element.get('name')
+ if apRE.match(name) is None:
+ continue
+ self.aps.add(name)
+ if name.startswith("_") :
+ self.isMark = True
+ else:
+ self.takesMarks = True
+ self.isBase = self.takesMarks and not self.isMark
+ else:
+ self.notInUFO = True
+class FSpecial(object):
+ """abstraction of a ligature or other interesting sequence"""
+ # Similar to FChar but takes a uid list rather than a single uid
+ def __init__(self, uids, basename, logger):
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.uids = uids
+ self.basename = basename
+ # a couple of properties based on the first uid:
+ try:
+ self.general = get_ucd(uids[0],'gc')
+ except KeyError:
+ self.logger.log('USV %04X not defined; no properties known' % uids[0], 'W')
+ self.feats = set() # feat tags that affect this char
+ self.aps = set()
+ self.langs = set() # lang tags that affect this char
+ self.altnames = {} # alternate glyph names.
+ self.takesMarks = self.isMark = self.isBase = self.notInUFO = False
+class FTMLBuilder(object):
+ """glyph_data and UFO processing for building FTML"""
+ def __init__(self, logger, incsv = None, fontcode = None, font = None, langs = None, rtlenable = False, ap = None ):
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.rtlEnable = rtlenable
+ # Default diacritic base:
+ self.diacBase = 0x25CC
+ # Default joinBefore and joinAfter sequence
+ self.joinBefore = '\u200D' # put before a sequence to force joining shape; def = zwj
+ self.joinAfter = '\u200D' # put after a sequence to force joining shape; def = zwj
+ # Dict mapping tag to Feature
+ self.features = {}
+ # Set of all languages seen
+ if langs is not None:
+ # Use a list so we keep the order (assuming caller wouldn't give us dups
+ self.allLangs = list(re.split(r'\s*[\s,]\s*', langs)) # Allow comma- or space-separated tags
+ self._langsComplete = True # We have all the lang tags desired
+ else:
+ # use a set because the langtags are going to dribble in and be repeated.
+ self.allLangs = set()
+ self._langsComplete = False # Add lang_tags from glyph_data
+ # Be able to find chars and specials:
+ self._charFromUID = {}
+ self._charFromBasename = {}
+ self._specialFromUIDs = {}
+ self._specialFromBasename = {}
+ # list of USVs that are in the CSV but whose glyphs are not in the UFO
+ self.uidsMissingFromUFO = set()
+ # DummyUSV (see charAuto())
+ self.curDummyUSV = 0x100000 # Supplemental Private Use Area B
+ # Compile --ap parameter
+ if ap is None:
+ ap = "."
+ try:
+ self.apRE = re.compile(ap)
+ except re.error as e:
+ logger.log("--ap parameter '{}' doesn't compile as regular expression: {}".format(ap, e), "S")
+ if incsv is not None:
+ self.readGlyphData(incsv, fontcode, font)
+ def addChar(self, uids, basename):
+ # Add an FChar
+ # assume parameters are OK:
+ c = FChar(uids, basename, self.logger)
+ # fatal error if the basename or any of uids have already been seen
+ fatal = False
+ for uid in c.uids:
+ if uid in self._charFromUID:
+ self.logger.log('Attempt to add duplicate USV %04X' % uid, 'E')
+ fatal = True
+ self._charFromUID[uid] = c
+ if basename in self._charFromBasename:
+ self.logger.log('Attempt to add duplicate basename %s' % basename, 'E')
+ fatal = True
+ self._charFromBasename[basename] = c
+ if fatal:
+ self.logger.log('Cannot continue due to previous errors', 'S')
+ return c
+ def uids(self):
+ """ returns list of uids in glyph_data """
+ return self._charFromUID.keys()
+ def char(self, x):
+ """ finds an FChar based either basename or uid;
+ generates KeyError if not found."""
+ return self._charFromBasename[x] if isinstance(x, str) else self._charFromUID[x]
+ def charAuto(self, x):
+ """ Like char() but will issue a warning and add a dummy """
+ try:
+ return self._charFromBasename[x] if isinstance(x, str) else self._charFromUID[x]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Issue error message and create dummy Char object for this character
+ if isinstance(x, str):
+ self.logger.log(f'Glyph "{x}" isn\'t in glyph_data.csv - adding dummy', 'E')
+ while self.curDummyUSV in self._charFromUID:
+ self.curDummyUSV += 1
+ c = self.addChar(self.curDummyUSV, x)
+ else:
+ self.logger.log(f'Char U+{x:04x} isn\'t in glyph_data.csv - adding dummy', 'E')
+ c = self.addChar(x, f'U+{x:04x}')
+ return c
+ def addSpecial(self, uids, basename):
+ # Add an FSpecial:
+ # fatal error if basename has already been seen:
+ if basename in self._specialFromBasename:
+ self.logger.log('Attempt to add duplicate basename %s' % basename, 'S')
+ c = FSpecial(uids, basename, self.logger)
+ # remember it:
+ self._specialFromUIDs[tuple(uids)] = c
+ self._specialFromBasename[basename] = c
+ return c
+ def specials(self):
+ """returns a list of the basenames of specials"""
+ return self._specialFromBasename.keys()
+ def special(self, x):
+ """ finds an FSpecial based either basename or uid sequence;
+ generates KeyError if not found."""
+ return self._specialFromBasename[x] if isinstance(x, str) else self._specialFromUIDs[tuple(x)]
+ def _csvWarning(self, msg, exception = None):
+ m = "glyph_data line {1}: {0}".format(msg, self.incsv.line_num)
+ if exception is not None:
+ m += '; ' + str(exception)
+ self.logger.log(m, 'W')
+ def readGlyphData(self, incsv, fontcode = None, font = None):
+ # Remember csv file for other methods:
+ self.incsv = incsv
+ # Validate fontcode, if provided
+ if fontcode is not None:
+ whichfont = fontcode.strip().lower()
+ if len(whichfont) != 1:
+ self.logger.log('fontcode must be a single letter', 'S')
+ else:
+ whichfont = None
+ # Get headings from csvfile:
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: self.logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ # required columns:
+ try:
+ nameCol = fl.index('glyph_name');
+ usvCol = fl.index('USV')
+ except ValueError as e:
+ self.logger.log('Missing csv input field: ' + str(e), 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.log('Error reading csv input field: ' + str(e), 'S')
+ # optional columns:
+ # If -f specified, make sure we have the fonts column
+ if whichfont is not None:
+ if 'Fonts' not in fl: self.logger.log('-f requires "Fonts" column in glyph_data', 'S')
+ fontsCol = fl.index('Fonts')
+ # Allow for projects that use only production glyph names (ps_name same as glyph_name)
+ psCol = fl.index('ps_name') if 'ps_name' in fl else nameCol
+ # Allow for projects that have no feature and/or lang-specific behaviors
+ featCol = fl.index('Feat') if 'Feat' in fl else None
+ bcp47Col = fl.index('bcp47tags') if 'bcp47tags' in fl else None
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers
+ # RE that matches names of glyphs we don't care about
+ namesToSkipRE = re.compile('^(?:[._].*|null|cr|nonmarkingreturn|tab|glyph_name)$',re.IGNORECASE)
+ # RE that matches things like 'cv23' or 'cv23=4' or 'cv23=2,3'
+ featRE = re.compile('^(\w{2,4})(?:=([\d,]+))?$')
+ # RE that matches USV sequences for ligatures
+ ligatureRE = re.compile('^[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,6}(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,6})+$')
+ # RE that matches space-separated USV sequences
+ USVsRE = re.compile('^[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,6}(?:\s+[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,6})*$')
+ # keep track of glyph names we've seen to detect duplicates
+ namesSeen = set()
+ psnamesSeen = set()
+ # OK, process all records in glyph_data
+ for line in incsv:
+ gname = line[nameCol].strip()
+ # things to ignore:
+ if namesToSkipRE.match(gname):
+ continue
+ if whichfont is not None and line[fontsCol] != '*' and line[fontsCol].lower().find(whichfont) < 0:
+ continue
+ if len(gname) == 0:
+ self._csvWarning('empty glyph name in glyph_data; ignored')
+ continue
+ if gname.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ if gname in namesSeen:
+ self._csvWarning('glyph name %s previously seen in glyph_data; ignored' % gname)
+ continue
+ psname = line[psCol].strip() or gname # If psname absent, working name will be production name
+ if psname in psnamesSeen:
+ self._csvWarning('psname %s previously seen; ignored' % psname)
+ continue
+ namesSeen.add(gname)
+ psnamesSeen.add(psname)
+ # compute basename-- the glyph name without extensions:
+ basename = gname.split('.',1)[0]
+ # Process USV(s)
+ # could be empty string, a single USV, space-separated list of USVs for multiple encoding,
+ # or underscore-connected USVs indicating ligatures.
+ usvs = line[usvCol].strip()
+ if len(usvs) == 0:
+ # Empty USV field, unencoded glyph
+ usvs = ()
+ elif USVsRE.match(usvs):
+ # space-separated hex values:
+ usvs = usvs.split()
+ isLigature = False
+ elif ligatureRE.match(usvs):
+ # '_' separated hex values (ligatures)
+ usvs = usvs.split('_')
+ isLigature = True
+ else:
+ self._csvWarning(f"invalid USV field '{usvs}'; ignored")
+ usvs = ()
+ uids = [int(x, 16) for x in usvs]
+ if len(uids) == 0:
+ # Handle unencoded glyphs
+ uids = None # Prevents using this record to set default feature values
+ if basename in self._charFromBasename:
+ c = self._charFromBasename[basename]
+ # Check for additional AP info
+ c.checkGlyph(gname, font, self.apRE)
+ elif basename in self._specialFromBasename:
+ c = self._specialFromBasename[basename]
+ else:
+ self._csvWarning('unencoded variant %s found before encoded glyph' % gname)
+ c = None
+ elif isLigature:
+ # Handle ligatures
+ c = self.addSpecial(uids, basename)
+ uids = None # Prevents using this record to set default feature values (TODO: Research this)
+ else:
+ # Handle simple encoded glyphs (could be multiple uids!)
+ # Create character object
+ c = self.addChar(uids, basename)
+ if font is not None:
+ # Examine APs to determine if this character takes marks:
+ c.checkGlyph(gname, font, self.apRE)
+ if c.notInUFO:
+ self.uidsMissingFromUFO.update(uids)
+ if featCol is not None:
+ feats = line[featCol].strip()
+ if len(feats) > 0 and not(feats.startswith('#')):
+ feats = feats.split(';')
+ for feat in feats:
+ m = featRE.match(feat)
+ if m is None:
+ self._csvWarning('incorrectly formed feature specification "%s"; ignored' % feat)
+ else:
+ # find/create structure for this feature:
+ tag =
+ try:
+ feature = self.features[tag]
+ except KeyError:
+ feature = Feature(tag)
+ self.features[tag] = feature
+ # if values supplied, collect default and maximum values for this feature:
+ if is not None:
+ vals = [int(i) for i in',')]
+ if len(vals) > 0:
+ if uids is not None:
+ feature.default = vals[0]
+ elif len(feats) == 1: # TODO: This seems like wrong test.
+ for v in vals:
+ # remember the glyph name for this feature/value combination:
+ feat = '{}={}'.format(tag,v)
+ if c is not None and feat not in c.altnames:
+ c.altnames[feat] = gname
+ vals.append(feature.maxval)
+ feature.maxval = max(vals)
+ if c is not None:
+ # Record that this feature affects this character:
+ c.feats.add(tag)
+ else:
+ self._csvWarning('untestable feature "%s" : no known USV' % tag)
+ if bcp47Col is not None:
+ bcp47 = line[bcp47Col].strip()
+ if len(bcp47) > 0 and not(bcp47.startswith('#')):
+ if c is not None:
+ for tag in re.split(r'\s*[\s,]\s*', bcp47): # Allow comma- or space-separated tags
+ c.langs.add(tag) # lang-tags mentioned for this character
+ if not self._langsComplete:
+ self.allLangs.add(tag) # keep track of all possible lang-tags
+ else:
+ self._csvWarning('untestable langs: no known USV')
+ # We're finally done, but if allLangs is a set, let's order it (for lack of anything better) and make a list:
+ if not self._langsComplete:
+ self.allLangs = list(sorted(self.allLangs))
+ def permuteFeatures(self, uids = None, feats = None):
+ """ returns an iterator that provides all combinations of feature/value pairs, for a list of uids and/or a specific list of feature tags"""
+ feats = set(feats) if feats is not None else set()
+ if uids is not None:
+ for uid in uids:
+ if uid in self._charFromUID:
+ feats.update(self._charFromUID[uid].feats)
+ l = [self.features[tag].tvlist for tag in sorted(feats)]
+ return product(*l)
+ @staticmethod
+ def checkGlyph(obj, gname, font, apRE):
+ # glean info from UFO if glyph is present
+ if gname in font.deflayer:
+ obj.notInUFO = False
+ for a in font.deflayer[gname]['anchor']:
+ name = a.element.get('name')
+ if apRE.match(name) is None:
+ continue
+ obj.aps.add(name)
+ if name.startswith("_"):
+ obj.isMark = True
+ else:
+ obj.takesMarks = True
+ obj.isBase = obj.takesMarks and not obj.isMark
+ else:
+ obj.notInUFO = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def matchMarkBase(c_mark, c_base):
+ """ test whether an _AP on c_mark matches an AP on c_base """
+ for apM in c_mark.aps:
+ if apM.startswith("_"):
+ ap = apM[1:]
+ for apB in c_base.aps:
+ if apB == ap:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def render(self, uids, ftml, keyUID = 0, addBreaks = True, rtl = None, dualJoinMode = 3, label = None, comment = None):
+ """ general purpose (but not required) function to generate ftml for a character sequence """
+ if len(uids) == 0:
+ return
+ # Make a copy so we don't affect caller
+ uids = list(uids)
+ # Remember first uid and original length for later
+ startUID = uids[0]
+ uidLen = len(uids)
+ # if keyUID wasn't supplied, use startUID
+ if keyUID == 0: keyUID = startUID
+ if label is None:
+ # Construct label from uids:
+ label = '\n'.join(['U+{0:04X}'.format(u) for u in uids])
+ if comment is None:
+ # Construct comment from glyph names:
+ comment = ' '.join([self._charFromUID[u].basename for u in uids])
+ # see if uid list includes a mirrored char
+ hasMirrored = bool(len([x for x in uids if get_ucd(x,'Bidi_M')]))
+ # Analyze first and last joining char
+ joiningChars = [x for x in uids if get_ucd(x, 'jt') != 'T']
+ if len(joiningChars):
+ # If first or last non-TRANSPARENT char is a joining char, then we need to emit examples with zwj
+ # Assumes any non-TRANSPARENT char that is bc != L must be a rtl character of some sort
+ uid = joiningChars[0]
+ zwjBefore = (get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'D'
+ or (get_ucd(uid,'bc') == 'L' and get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'L')
+ or (get_ucd(uid,'bc') != 'L' and get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'R'))
+ uid = joiningChars[-1]
+ zwjAfter = (get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'D'
+ or (get_ucd(uid,'bc') == 'L' and get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'R')
+ or (get_ucd(uid,'bc') != 'L' and get_ucd(uid,'jt') == 'L'))
+ else:
+ zwjBefore = zwjAfter = False
+ if get_ucd(startUID,'gc') == 'Mn':
+ # First char is a NSM... prefix a suitable base
+ uids.insert(0, self.diacBase)
+ zwjBefore = False # No longer any need to put zwj before
+ elif get_ucd(startUID, 'WSpace'):
+ # First char is whitespace -- prefix with baseline brackets:
+ uids.insert(0, 0xF130)
+ lastNonMark = [x for x in uids if get_ucd(x,'gc') != 'Mn'][-1]
+ if get_ucd(lastNonMark, 'WSpace'):
+ # Last non-mark is whitespace -- append baseline brackets:
+ uids.append(0xF131)
+ s = ''.join([chr(uid) for uid in uids])
+ if zwjBefore or zwjAfter:
+ # Show contextual forms:
+ # Start with isolate
+ t = u'{0} '.format(s)
+ if zwjBefore and zwjAfter:
+ # For sequences that show dual-joining behavior, what we show depends on dualJoinMode:
+ if dualJoinMode & 1:
+ # show initial, medial, final separated by space:
+ t += u'{0}{2} {1}{0}{2} {1}{0} '.format(s, self.joinBefore, self.joinAfter)
+ if dualJoinMode & 2:
+ # show 3 joined forms in sequence:
+ t += u'{0}{0}{0} '.format(s)
+ elif zwjAfter:
+ t += u'{0}{1} '.format(s, self.joinAfter)
+ elif zwjBefore:
+ t += u'{1}{0} '.format(s, self.joinBefore)
+ if addBreaks: ftml.closeTest()
+ ftml.addToTest(keyUID, t, label = label, comment = comment, rtl = rtl)
+ if addBreaks: ftml.closeTest()
+ elif hasMirrored and self.rtlEnable:
+ # Contains mirrored and rtl enabled:
+ if addBreaks: ftml.closeTest()
+ ftml.addToTest(keyUID, u'{0} LTR: \u202A{0}\u202C RTL: \u202B{0}\u202C'.format(s), label = label, comment = comment, rtl = rtl)
+ if addBreaks: ftml.closeTest()
+ # elif is LRE, RLE, PDF
+ # elif is LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI
+ elif uidLen > 1:
+ ftml.addToTest(keyUID, s , label = label, comment = comment, rtl = rtl)
+ else:
+ ftml.addToTest(keyUID, s , comment = comment, rtl = rtl)