path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db2178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'read anchor data from XML file and apply to UFO'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output UFO','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--anchorinfo',{'help': 'XML file with anchor data'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': '_anc.xml'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.log'}),
+ ('-a','--analysis',{'help': 'Analysis only; no output font generated', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-d','--delete',{'help': 'Delete APs from a glyph before adding', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ # 'choices' for -r should correspond to infont.logger.loglevels.keys()
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ infont = args.ifont
+ if infont.logger.loglevel =
+ glyphcount = 0
+ try:
+ for g in ET.parse(args.anchorinfo).getroot().findall('glyph'): ###
+ glyphcount += 1
+ gname = g.get('PSName')
+ if gname not in infont.deflayer.keys():
+ infont.logger.log("glyph element number " + str(glyphcount) + ": " + gname + " not in font, so skipping anchor data", "W")
+ continue
+ # anchors currently in font for this glyph
+ glyph = infont.deflayer[gname]
+ if args.delete:
+ glyph['anchor'].clear()
+ anchorsinfont = set([ ( a.element.get('name'), a.element.get('x'), a.element.get('y') ) for a in glyph['anchor']])
+ # anchors in XML file to be added
+ anchorstoadd = set()
+ for p in g.findall('point'):
+ name = p.get('type')
+ x = p[0].get('x') # assume subelement location is first child
+ y = p[0].get('y')
+ if name and x and y:
+ anchorstoadd.add( (name, x, y) )
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("Incomplete information for anchor '" + name + "' for glyph " + gname, "E")
+ # compare sets
+ if anchorstoadd == anchorsinfont:
+ if len(anchorstoadd) > 0:
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in file already in font for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorstoadd), "V")
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("No anchors in file or in font for glyph " + gname, "V")
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in file for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorstoadd), "I")
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in font for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorsinfont), "I")
+ for name,x,y in anchorstoadd:
+ # if anchor being added exists in font already, delete it first
+ ancnames = [a.element.get('name') for a in glyph['anchor']]
+ infont.logger.log(str(ancnames), "V") ###
+ if name in ancnames:
+ infont.logger.log("removing anchor " + name + ", index " + str(ancnames.index(name)), "V") ###
+ glyph.remove('anchor', ancnames.index(name))
+ infont.logger.log("adding anchor " + name + ": (" + x + ", " + y + ")", "V") ###
+ glyph.add('anchor', {'name': name, 'x': x, 'y': y})
+ # If analysis only, return without writing output font
+ if args.analysis: return
+ # Return changed font and let execute() write it out
+ return infont
+ except ET.ParseError as mess:
+ infont.logger.log("Error parsing XML input file: " + str(mess), "S")
+ return # but really should terminate after logging Severe error above
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()