path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'export anchor data from UFO to XML file'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015,2016 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.etutil import ETWriter
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file exported anchor data in XML format', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.xml'}),
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.log'}),
+ ('-g','--gid',{'help': 'Include GID attribute in <glyph> elements', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-s','--sort',{'help': 'Sort by public.glyphOrder in lib.plist', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-u','--Uprefix',{'help': 'Include U+ prefix on UID attribute in <glyph> elements', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-p','--params',{'help': 'XML formatting parameters: indentFirst, indentIncr, attOrder','action': 'append'}, {'type': 'optiondict'})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ logfile = args.logger
+ if logfile.loglevel =
+ infont = args.ifont
+ prefix = "U+" if args.Uprefix else ""
+ if hasattr(infont, 'lib') and 'public.glyphOrder' in infont.lib:
+ glyphorderlist = [s.text for s in infont.lib['public.glyphOrder'][1].findall('string')]
+ else:
+ glyphorderlist = []
+ if args.gid:
+ logfile.log("public.glyphOrder is absent; ignoring --gid option", "E")
+ args.gid = False
+ glyphorderset = set(glyphorderlist)
+ if len(glyphorderlist) != len(glyphorderset):
+ logfile.log("At least one duplicate name in public.glyphOrder", "W")
+ # count of duplicate names is len(glyphorderlist) - len(glyphorderset)
+ actualglyphlist = [g for g in infont.deflayer.keys()]
+ actualglyphset = set(actualglyphlist)
+ listorder = []
+ gid = 0
+ for g in glyphorderlist:
+ if g in actualglyphset:
+ listorder.append( (g, gid) )
+ gid += 1
+ actualglyphset.remove(g)
+ glyphorderset.remove(g)
+ else:
+ logfile.log(g + " in public.glyphOrder list but absent from UFO", "W")
+ if args.sort: listorder.sort()
+ for g in sorted(actualglyphset): # if any glyphs remaining
+ listorder.append( (g, None) )
+ logfile.log(g + " in UFO but not in public.glyphOrder list", "W")
+ if 'postscriptFontName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ postscriptFontName = infont.fontinfo['postscriptFontName'][1].text
+ else:
+ if 'styleMapFamilyName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ family = infont.fontinfo['styleMapFamilyName'][1].text
+ elif 'familyName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ family = infont.fontinfo['familyName'][1].text
+ else:
+ family = "UnknownFamily"
+ if 'styleMapStyleName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ style = infont.fontinfo['styleMapStyleName'][1].text.capitalize()
+ elif 'styleName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ style = infont.fontinfo['styleName'][1].text
+ else:
+ style = "UnknownStyle"
+ postscriptFontName = '-'.join((family,style)).replace(' ','')
+ fontElement= ET.Element('font', upem=infont.fontinfo['unitsPerEm'][1].text, name=postscriptFontName)
+ for g, i in listorder:
+ attrib = {'PSName': g}
+ if args.gid and i != None: attrib['GID'] = str(i)
+ u = infont.deflayer[g]['unicode']
+ if len(u)>0: attrib['UID'] = prefix + u[0].element.get('hex')
+ glyphElement = ET.SubElement(fontElement, 'glyph', attrib)
+ anchorlist = []
+ for a in infont.deflayer[g]['anchor']:
+ anchorlist.append( (a.element.get('name'), int(float(a.element.get('x'))), int(float(a.element.get('y'))) ) )
+ anchorlist.sort()
+ for a, x, y in anchorlist:
+ anchorElement = ET.SubElement(glyphElement, 'point', attrib = {'type': a})
+ locationElement = ET.SubElement(anchorElement, 'location', attrib = {'x': str(x), 'y': str(y)})
+# instead of simple serialization with: ofile.write(ET.tostring(fontElement))
+# create ETWriter object and specify indentation and attribute order to get normalized output
+ ofile = args.output
+ indentFirst = args.params.get('indentFirst', "")
+ indentIncr = args.params.get('indentIncr', " ")
+ attOrder = args.params.get('attOrder', "name,upem,PSName,GID,UID,type,x,y")
+ x = attOrder.split(',')
+ attributeOrder = dict(zip(x,range(len(x))))
+ etwobj=ETWriter(fontElement, indentFirst=indentFirst, indentIncr=indentIncr, attributeOrder=attributeOrder)
+ ofile.write(etwobj.serialize_xml())
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()