path: root/src/silfont/scripts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts/')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5366bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Sync metadata across a family of fonts assuming standard UFO file naming'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from datetime import datetime
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import os
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_sync.log'}),
+ ('-s','--single', {'help': 'Sync single UFO against master', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-m','--master', {'help': 'Master UFO to sync single UFO against', 'nargs': '?' },{'type': 'infont', 'def': None}),
+ ('-r','--reportonly', {'help': 'Report issues but no updating', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-n','--new', {'help': 'append "_new" to file/ufo names', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('--normalize', {'help': 'output all the fonts to normalize them', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ standardstyles = ["Regular", "Italic", "Bold", "BoldItalic"]
+ finfoignore = ["openTypeHeadCreated", "openTypeOS2Panose", "postscriptBlueScale", "postscriptBlueShift",
+ "postscriptBlueValues", "postscriptOtherBlues", "postscriptStemSnapH", "postscriptStemSnapV", "postscriptForceBold"]
+ libfields = ["public.postscriptNames", "public.glyphOrder", "com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder"]
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ singlefont = args.single
+ mfont = args.master
+ newfile = "_new" if else ""
+ reportonly = args.reportonly
+ updatemessage = " to be updated: " if reportonly else " updated: "
+ params = args.paramsobj
+ precision = font.paramset["precision"]
+ # Increase screen logging level to W unless specific level supplied on command-line
+ if not(args.quiet or "scrlevel" in params.sets["command line"]) : logger.scrlevel = "W"
+ # Process UFO name
+ (path,base) = os.path.split(font.ufodir)
+ (base,ext) = os.path.splitext(base)
+ if '-' not in base : logger.log("Non-standard UFO name - must be <family>-<style>", "S")
+ (family,style) = base.split('-')
+ styles = [style]
+ fonts = {}
+ fonts[style] = font
+ # Process single and master settings
+ if singlefont :
+ if mfont :
+ mastertext = "Master" # Used in log messages
+ else : # Check against Regular font from same family
+ mfont = openfont(params, path, family, "Regular")
+ if mfont is None : logger.log("No regular font to check against - use -m to specify master font", "S")
+ mastertext = "Regular"
+ fonts["Regular"] =mfont
+ else : # Supplied font must be Regular
+ if mfont : logger.log("-m --master must only be used with -s --single", "S")
+ if style != "Regular" : logger.log("Must specify a Regular font unless -s is used", "S")
+ mastertext = "Regular"
+ mfont = font
+ # Check for required fields in master font
+ mfinfo = mfont.fontinfo
+ if "familyName" in mfinfo :
+ spacedfamily = mfinfo["familyName"][1].text
+ else:
+ logger.log("No familyName field in " + mastertext, "S")
+ if "openTypeNameManufacturer" in mfinfo :
+ manufacturer = mfinfo["openTypeNameManufacturer"][1].text
+ else:
+ logger.log("No openTypeNameManufacturer field in " + mastertext, "S")
+ mlib = mfont.lib
+ # Open the remaining fonts in the family
+ if not singlefont :
+ for style in standardstyles :
+ if not style in fonts :
+ fonts[style] = openfont(params, path, family, style) # Will return None if font does not exist
+ if fonts[style] is not None : styles.append(style)
+ # Process fonts
+ psuniqueidlist = []
+ fieldscopied = False
+ for style in styles :
+ font = fonts[style]
+ if font.UFOversion != "2" : logger.log("This script only works with UFO 2 format fonts","S")
+ fontname = family + "-" + style
+ spacedstyle = "Bold Italic" if style == "BoldItalic" else style
+ spacedname = spacedfamily + " " + spacedstyle
+ logger.log("************ Processing " + fontname, "P")
+ ital = True if "Italic" in style else False
+ bold = True if "Bold" in style else False
+ # Process fontinfo.plist
+ finfo=font.fontinfo
+ fieldlist = list(set(finfo) | set(mfinfo)) # Need all fields from both to detect missing fields
+ fchanged = False
+ for field in fieldlist:
+ action = None; issue = ""; newval = ""
+ if field in finfo :
+ elem = finfo[field][1]
+ tag = elem.tag
+ text = elem.text
+ if text is None : text = ""
+ if tag == "real" : text = processnum(text,precision)
+ # Field-specific actions
+ if field not in finfo :
+ if field not in finfoignore : action = "Copyfield"
+ elif field == "italicAngle" :
+ if ital and text == "0" :
+ issue = "is zero"
+ action = "Warn"
+ if not ital and text != "0" :
+ issue = "is non-zero"
+ newval = 0
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "openTypeNameUniqueID" :
+ newval = manufacturer + ": " + spacedname + ": " +"%Y")
+ if text != newval :
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "openTypeOS2WeightClass" :
+ if bold and text != "700" :
+ issue = "is not 700"
+ newval = 700
+ action = "Update"
+ if not bold and text != "400" :
+ issue = "is not 400"
+ newval = 400
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptFontName" :
+ if text != fontname :
+ newval = fontname
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptFullName" :
+ if text != spacedname :
+ newval = spacedname
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptUniqueID" :
+ if text in psuniqueidlist :
+ issue = "has same value as another font: " + text
+ action = "Warn"
+ else :
+ psuniqueidlist.append(text)
+ elif field == "postscriptWeightName" :
+ newval = 'bold' if bold else 'regular'
+ if text != newval :
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = 'Update'
+ elif field == "styleMapStyleName" :
+ if text != spacedstyle.lower() :
+ newval = spacedstyle.lower()
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field in ("styleName", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName") :
+ if text != spacedstyle :
+ newval = spacedstyle
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field in finfoignore :
+ action = "Ignore"
+ # Warn for fields in this font but not master
+ elif field not in mfinfo :
+ issue = "is in " + spacedstyle + " but not in " + mastertext
+ action = "Warn"
+ # for all other fields, sync values from master
+ else :
+ melem = mfinfo[field][1]
+ mtag = melem.tag
+ mtext = melem.text
+ if mtext is None : mtext = ""
+ if mtag == 'real' : mtext = processnum(mtext,precision)
+ if tag in ("real", "integer", "string") :
+ if mtext != text :
+ issue = "does not match " + mastertext + " value"
+ newval = mtext
+ action = "Update"
+ elif tag in ("true, false") :
+ if tag != mtag :
+ issue = "does not match " + mastertext + " value"
+ action = "FlipBoolean"
+ elif tag == "array" : # Assume simple array with just values to compare
+ marray = mfinfo.getval(field)
+ array = finfo.getval(field)
+ if array != marray: action = "CopyArray"
+ else : logger.log("Non-standard fontinfo field type in " + fontname, "X")
+ # Now process the actions, create log messages etc
+ if action is None or action == "Ignore" :
+ pass
+ elif action == "Warn" :
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "W")
+ elif action == "Error" :
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "E")
+ elif action in ("Update", "FlipBoolean", "Copyfield", "CopyArray") : # Updating actions
+ fchanged = True
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if action == "Update" :
+ message = message + issue + " Old: '" + text + "' New: '" + str(newval) + "'"
+ elem.text = newval
+ elif action == "FlipBoolean" :
+ newval = "true" if tag == "false" else "false"
+ message = message + issue + " Old: '" + tag + "' New: '" + newval + "'"
+ finfo.setelem(field, ET.fromstring("<" + newval + "/>"))
+ elif action == "Copyfield" :
+ message = message + "is missing so will be copied from " + mastertext
+ fieldscopied = True
+ finfo.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mfinfo[field][1])))
+ elif action == "CopyArray" :
+ message = message + "Some values different Old: " + str(array) + " New: " + str(marray)
+ finfo.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(melem)))
+ logger.log(message, "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Uncoded action: " + action + " - oops", "X")
+ # Process lib.plist - currently just public.postscriptNames and glyph order fields which are all simple dicts or arrays
+ lib = font.lib
+ lchanged = False
+ for field in libfields:
+ # Check the values
+ action = None; issue = ""; newval = ""
+ if field in mlib:
+ if field in lib:
+ if lib.getval(field) != mlib.getval(field): # will only work for arrays or dicts with simple values
+ action = "Updatefield"
+ else:
+ action = "Copyfield"
+ else:
+ action = "Error" if field == ("public.GlyphOrder", "public.postscriptNames") else "Warn"
+ issue = field + " not in " + mastertext + " lib.plist"
+ # Process the actions, create log messages etc
+ if action is None or action == "Ignore":
+ pass
+ elif action == "Warn":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "W")
+ elif action == "Error":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "E")
+ elif action in ("Updatefield", "Copyfield"): # Updating actions
+ lchanged = True
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if action == "Copyfield":
+ message = message + "is missing so will be copied from " + mastertext
+ lib.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mlib[field][1])))
+ elif action == "Updatefield":
+ message = message + "Some values different"
+ lib.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mlib[field][1])))
+ logger.log(message, "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Uncoded action: " + action + " - oops", "X")
+ # Now update on disk
+ if not reportonly:
+ if args.normalize:
+ font.write(os.path.join(path, family + "-" + style + newfile + ".ufo"))
+ else: # Just update fontinfo and lib
+ if fchanged:
+ filen = "fontinfo" + newfile + ".plist"
+ logger.log("Writing updated fontinfo to " + filen, "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, filen)) else False
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(finfo, font.outparams, font.ufodir, filen, exists, fobject=True)
+ if lchanged:
+ filen = "lib" + newfile + ".plist"
+ logger.log("Writing updated lib.plist to " + filen, "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, filen)) else False
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(lib, font.outparams, font.ufodir, filen, exists, fobject=True)
+ if fieldscopied :
+ message = "After updating, UFOsyncMeta will need to be re-run to validate these fields" if reportonly else "Re-run UFOsyncMeta to validate these fields"
+ logger.log("*** Some fields were missing and so copied from " + mastertext + ". " + message, "P")
+ return
+def openfont(params, path, family, style) : # Only try if directory exists
+ ufodir = os.path.join(path,family+"-"+style+".ufo")
+ font = UFO.Ufont(ufodir, params=params) if os.path.isdir(ufodir) else None
+ return font
+def processnum(text, precision) : # Apply same processing to numbers that normalization will
+ if precision is not None:
+ val = round(float(text), precision)
+ if val == int(val) : val = int(val) # Removed trailing decimal .0
+ text = str(val)
+ return text
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()