path: root/awx_collection/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'awx_collection/tools')
-rw-r--r--awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/templates/tower_module.j2 (renamed from awx_collection/tools/templates/tower_module.j2)0
6 files changed, 140 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/generate.yml b/awx_collection/tools/generate.yml
index a65f64b402..4a592ae87f 100644
--- a/awx_collection/tools/generate.yml
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/generate.yml
@@ -17,68 +17,5 @@
force_basic_auth: true
url_username: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_USERNAME') }}"
url_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOWER_PASSWORD') }}"
- tasks:
- - name: Get date time data
- setup:
- gather_subset: min
- - name: Create module directory
- file:
- state: directory
- name: "modules"
- - name: Load api/v2
- uri:
- method: GET
- url: "{{ api_url }}/api/v2/"
- register: endpoints
- - name: Load endpoint options
- uri:
- method: "OPTIONS"
- url: "{{ api_url }}{{ item.value }}"
- loop: "{{ endpoints['json'] | dict2items }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item.key }}"
- register: end_point_options
- when: "generate_for is not defined or item.key in generate_for"
- - name: Scan POST options for different things
- set_fact:
- all_options: "{{ all_options | default({}) | combine(options[0]) }}"
- loop: "{{ end_point_options.results }}"
- vars:
- options: "{{ item | json_query('json.actions.POST.[*]') }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
- when:
- - item is not skipped
- - options is defined
- - name: Process endpoint
- template:
- src: "templates/tower_module.j2"
- dest: "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/plugins/modules/{{ file_name }}"
- loop: "{{ end_point_options['results'] }}"
- loop_control:
- label: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
- when: "'json' in item and 'actions' in item['json'] and 'POST' in item['json']['actions']"
- vars:
- item_type: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
- human_readable: "{{ item_type | replace('_', ' ') }}"
- singular_item_type: "{{ item['item']['key'] | regex_replace('ies$', 'y') | regex_replace('s$', '') }}"
- file_name: "tower_{% if item['item']['key'] in ['settings'] %}{{ item['item']['key'] }}{% else %}{{ singular_item_type }}{% endif %}.py"
- type_map:
- bool: 'bool'
- boolean: 'bool'
- choice: 'str'
- datetime: 'str'
- id: 'str'
- int: 'int'
- integer: 'int'
- json: 'dict'
- list: 'list'
- object: 'dict'
- password: 'str'
- string: 'str'
+ roles:
+ - generate
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/tasks/main.yml b/awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e123af6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ - name: Get date time data
+ setup:
+ gather_subset: min
+ - name: Create module directory
+ file:
+ state: directory
+ name: "modules"
+ - name: Load api/v2
+ uri:
+ method: GET
+ url: "{{ api_url }}/api/v2/"
+ register: endpoints
+ - name: Load endpoint options
+ uri:
+ method: "OPTIONS"
+ url: "{{ api_url }}{{ item.value }}"
+ loop: "{{ endpoints['json'] | dict2items }}"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item.key }}"
+ register: end_point_options
+ when: "generate_for is not defined or item.key in generate_for"
+ - name: Scan POST options for different things
+ set_fact:
+ all_options: "{{ all_options | default({}) | combine(options[0]) }}"
+ loop: "{{ end_point_options.results }}"
+ vars:
+ options: "{{ item | json_query('json.actions.POST.[*]') }}"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
+ when:
+ - item is not skipped
+ - options is defined
+ - name: Process endpoint
+ template:
+ src: "templates/tower_module.j2"
+ dest: "{{ playbook_dir | dirname }}/plugins/modules/{{ file_name }}"
+ loop: "{{ end_point_options['results'] }}"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
+ when: "'json' in item and 'actions' in item['json'] and 'POST' in item['json']['actions']"
+ vars:
+ item_type: "{{ item['item']['key'] }}"
+ human_readable: "{{ item_type | replace('_', ' ') }}"
+ singular_item_type: "{{ item['item']['key'] | regex_replace('ies$', 'y') | regex_replace('s$', '') }}"
+ file_name: "tower_{% if item['item']['key'] in ['settings'] %}{{ item['item']['key'] }}{% else %}{{ singular_item_type }}{% endif %}.py"
+ type_map:
+ bool: 'bool'
+ boolean: 'bool'
+ choice: 'str'
+ datetime: 'str'
+ id: 'str'
+ int: 'int'
+ integer: 'int'
+ json: 'dict'
+ list: 'list'
+ object: 'dict'
+ password: 'str'
+ string: 'str'
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/templates/tower_module.j2 b/awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/templates/tower_module.j2
index 5d687bfc24..5d687bfc24 100644
--- a/awx_collection/tools/templates/tower_module.j2
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/roles/generate/templates/tower_module.j2
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/tasks/main.yml b/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..425bf8fd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Set the collection version in the file
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ collection_path }}/plugins/module_utils/"
+ regexp: '^ _COLLECTION_VERSION =.*'
+ replace: ' _COLLECTION_VERSION = "{{ collection_version }}"'
+- name: Set the collection type in the file
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ collection_path }}/plugins/module_utils/"
+ regexp: '^ _COLLECTION_TYPE =.*'
+ replace: ' _COLLECTION_TYPE = "{{ collection_namespace }}"'
+- name: Do file content replacements for non-default namespace or package name
+ block:
+ - name: Change module doc_fragments to support desired namespace and package names
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ item }}"
+ regexp: '^extends_documentation_fragment: awx.awx.auth$'
+ replace: 'extends_documentation_fragment: {{ collection_namespace }}.{{ collection_package }}.auth'
+ with_fileglob: "{{ collection_path }}/plugins/modules/tower_*.py"
+ loop_control:
+ label: "{{ item | basename }}"
+ - name: Change inventory file to support desired namespace and package names
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ collection_path }}/plugins/inventory/"
+ regexp: "^ NAME = 'awx.awx.tower' # REPLACE$"
+ replace: " NAME = '{{ collection_namespace }}.{{ collection_package }}.tower' # REPLACE"
+ when:
+ - (collection_package != 'awx') or (collection_namespace != 'awx')
+- name: Template the galaxy.yml file
+ template:
+ src: "{{ collection_path }}/tools/roles/template_galaxy/templates/galaxy.yml.j2"
+ dest: "{{ collection_path }}/galaxy.yml"
+ force: true
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/templates/galaxy.yml.j2 b/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/templates/galaxy.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2a00538d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/roles/template_galaxy/templates/galaxy.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+- AWX Project Contributors <>
+dependencies: {}
+description: Ansible content that interacts with the AWX or Ansible Tower API.
+- GPL-3.0-only
+name: {{ collection_package }}
+namespace: {{ collection_namespace }}
+- cloud
+- infrastructure
+- awx
+- ansible
+- automation
+version: {{ collection_version }}
+- tools
+- setup.cfg
+- galaxy.yml.j2
+- template_galaxy.yml
+- '*.tar.gz'
diff --git a/awx_collection/tools/template_galaxy.yml b/awx_collection/tools/template_galaxy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78b69cfa5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awx_collection/tools/template_galaxy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Template the collection galaxy.yml
+ hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: false
+ connection: local
+ vars:
+ collection_package: awx
+ collection_namespace: awx
+ collection_version: 0.0.1 # not for updating, pass in extra_vars
+ collection_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../"
+ roles:
+ - template_galaxy