path: root/src/os/DBObjectMap.h
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authorSamuel Just <>2012-02-03 18:16:09 +0100
committerSamuel Just <>2012-03-01 19:11:42 +0100
commit82199d5d319786c1a6d30fa572c1584a63420fc9 (patch)
tree765f0f2213e58708d3f325c5ee4d4bc4c3005426 /src/os/DBObjectMap.h
parentObjectStore.h: Initial ObjectStore omap interfaces (diff)
os/: DBObjectMap and KeyValueDB interface with tests
DBObjectMap is an implementation of ObjectMap in terms of KeyValueDB. Signed-off-by: Samuel Just <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/os/DBObjectMap.h')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/os/DBObjectMap.h b/src/os/DBObjectMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..605e6034a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/os/DBObjectMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+#include "include/buffer.h"
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <tr1/memory>
+#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include "CollectionIndex.h"
+#include "ObjectMap.h"
+#include "KeyValueDB.h"
+#include "osd/osd_types.h"
+#include "common/Mutex.h"
+#include "common/Cond.h"
+ * DBObjectMap: Implements ObjectMap in terms of KeyValueDB
+ *
+ * Prefix space structure:
+ *
+ * @see complete_prefix
+ * @see user_prefix
+ * @see sys_prefix
+ *
+ * - LEAF_PREFIX: Contains mapping from (coll_t,hobject_t)->seq
+ * - REVERSE_LEAF_PREFIX: Contains mapping from seq->[(coll_t, hobject_t)]
+ * @see set_map_header
+ * @see remove_map_header
+ * - SYS_PREFIX: GLOBAL_STATE_KEY - contains next seq number
+ * @see State
+ * @see write_state
+ * @see init
+ * @see generate_new_header
+ * - USER_PREFIX + header_key(header->seq) + USER_PREFIX
+ * : key->value for header->seq
+ * - USER_PREFIX + header_key(header->seq) + COMPLETE_PREFIX: see below
+ * - USER_PREFIX + header_key(header->seq) + SYS_PREFIX
+ * : USER_HEADER_KEY - omap header for header->seq
+ * : HEADER_KEY - encoding of header for header->seq
+ *
+ * For each node (represented by a header, not counting LEAF_PREFIX space), we
+ * store three mappings: the key mapping, the complete mapping, and the parent.
+ * The complete mapping (COMPLETE_PREFIX space) is key->key. Each x->y entry in
+ * this mapping indicates that the key mapping contains all entries on [x,y).
+ * Note, max string is represented by "", so ""->"" indicates that the parent
+ * is unnecessary (@see rm_keys). When looking up a key not contained in the
+ * the complete set, we have to check the parent if we don't find it in the
+ * key set. During rm_keys, we copy keys from the parent and update the
+ * complete set to reflect the change @see rm_keys.
+ */
+class DBObjectMap : public ObjectMap {
+ boost::scoped_ptr<KeyValueDB> db;
+ /**
+ * Each header has a unique id. This value is updated and written *before*
+ * the transaction writing th new header
+ */
+ uint64_t next_seq;
+ /**
+ * Serializes access to next_seq as well as the in_use set
+ */
+ Mutex header_lock;
+ Cond header_cond;
+ /**
+ * Set of headers currently in use
+ */
+ set<uint64_t> in_use;
+ DBObjectMap(KeyValueDB *db) : db(db), next_seq(1),
+ header_lock("DBOBjectMap")
+ {}
+ int set_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const map<string, bufferlist> &set
+ );
+ int set_header(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const bufferlist &bl
+ );
+ int get_header(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ bufferlist *bl
+ );
+ int clear(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path
+ );
+ int rm_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const set<string> &to_clear
+ );
+ int get(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ bufferlist *header,
+ map<string, bufferlist> *out
+ );
+ int get_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ set<string> *keys
+ );
+ int get_values(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const set<string> &keys,
+ map<string, bufferlist> *out
+ );
+ int check_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const set<string> &keys,
+ set<string> *out
+ );
+ int clone_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const hobject_t &target,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath target_path
+ );
+ int link_keys(
+ const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path,
+ const hobject_t &target,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath target_path
+ );
+ /// Read initial state from backing store
+ int init();
+ /// Consistency check, debug, there must be no parallel writes
+ bool check(std::ostream &out);
+ ObjectMapIterator get_iterator(const hobject_t &hoid,
+ CollectionIndex::IndexedPath path);
+ static const string USER_PREFIX;
+ static const string SYS_PREFIX;
+ static const string COMPLETE_PREFIX;
+ static const string HEADER_KEY;
+ static const string USER_HEADER_KEY;
+ static const string LEAF_PREFIX;
+ static const string GLOBAL_STATE_KEY;
+ static const string REVERSE_LEAF_PREFIX;
+ /// persistent state for store @see generate_header
+ struct State {
+ uint64_t seq;
+ State() : seq(0) {}
+ State(uint64_t seq) : seq(seq) {}
+ void encode(bufferlist &bl) const {
+ ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl);
+ ::encode(seq, bl);
+ }
+ void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) {
+ DECODE_START(1, bl);
+ ::decode(seq, bl);
+ }
+ void dump(Formatter *f) const {
+ f->dump_unsigned("seq", seq);
+ }
+ static void generate_test_instances(list<State*> &o) {
+ o.push_back(new State(0));
+ o.push_back(new State(20));
+ }
+ };
+ struct _Header {
+ uint64_t seq;
+ uint64_t parent;
+ uint64_t num_children;
+ coll_t c;
+ hobject_t hoid;
+ void encode(bufferlist &bl) const {
+ ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl);
+ ::encode(seq, bl);
+ ::encode(parent, bl);
+ ::encode(num_children, bl);
+ ::encode(c, bl);
+ ::encode(hoid, bl);
+ }
+ void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) {
+ DECODE_START(1, bl);
+ ::decode(seq, bl);
+ ::decode(parent, bl);
+ ::decode(num_children, bl);
+ ::decode(c, bl);
+ ::decode(hoid, bl);
+ }
+ void dump(Formatter *f) const {
+ f->dump_unsigned("seq", seq);
+ f->dump_unsigned("parent", parent);
+ f->dump_unsigned("num_children", num_children);
+ f->dump_stream("coll") << c;
+ f->dump_stream("oid") << hoid;
+ }
+ static void generate_test_instances(list<_Header*> &o) {
+ o.push_back(new _Header);
+ o.push_back(new _Header);
+ o.back()->parent = 20;
+ o.back()->seq = 30;
+ }
+ _Header() : seq(0), parent(0), num_children(1) {}
+ };
+ /// Implicit lock on Header->seq
+ typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<_Header> Header;
+ /// String munging
+ string hobject_key(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid);
+ string map_header_key(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid);
+ string header_key(uint64_t seq);
+ string complete_prefix(Header header);
+ string user_prefix(Header header);
+ string sys_prefix(Header header);
+ string sys_parent_prefix(_Header header);
+ string sys_parent_prefix(Header header) {
+ return sys_parent_prefix(*header);
+ }
+ class EmptyIteratorImpl : public ObjectMapIteratorImpl {
+ public:
+ int seek_to_first() { return 0; }
+ int seek_to_last() { return 0; }
+ int upper_bound(const string &after) { return 0; }
+ int lower_bound(const string &to) { return 0; }
+ bool valid() { return false; }
+ int next() { assert(0); return 0; }
+ string key() { assert(0); return ""; }
+ bufferlist value() { assert(0); return bufferlist(); }
+ int status() { return 0; }
+ };
+ /// Iterator
+ class DBObjectMapIteratorImpl : public ObjectMapIteratorImpl {
+ public:
+ DBObjectMap *map;
+ /// NOTE: implicit lock on header->seq AND for all ancestors
+ Header header;
+ /// parent_iter == NULL iff no parent
+ std::tr1::shared_ptr<DBObjectMapIteratorImpl> parent_iter;
+ KeyValueDB::Iterator key_iter;
+ KeyValueDB::Iterator complete_iter;
+ /// cur_iter points to currently valid iterator
+ std::tr1::shared_ptr<ObjectMapIteratorImpl> cur_iter;
+ int r;
+ /// init() called, key_iter, complete_iter, parent_iter filled in
+ bool ready;
+ /// past end
+ bool invalid;
+ DBObjectMapIteratorImpl(DBObjectMap *map, Header header) :
+ map(map), header(header), r(0), ready(false), invalid(true) {}
+ int seek_to_first();
+ int seek_to_last();
+ int upper_bound(const string &after);
+ int lower_bound(const string &to);
+ bool valid();
+ int next();
+ string key();
+ bufferlist value();
+ int status();
+ bool on_parent() {
+ return cur_iter == parent_iter;
+ }
+ /// skips to next valid parent entry
+ int next_parent();
+ /// Tests whether to_test is in complete region
+ int in_complete_region(const string &to_test, ///< [in] key to test
+ string *begin, ///< [out] beginning of region
+ string *end ///< [out] end of region
+ ); ///< @returns true if to_test is in the complete region, else false
+ private:
+ int init();
+ bool valid_parent();
+ int adjust();
+ };
+ typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<DBObjectMapIteratorImpl> DBObjectMapIterator;
+ DBObjectMapIterator _get_iterator(Header header) {
+ return DBObjectMapIterator(new DBObjectMapIteratorImpl(this, header));
+ }
+ /// sys
+ /// Removes node corresponding to header
+ void clear_header(Header header, KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Set node containing input to new contents
+ void set_header(Header input, KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Remove leaf node corresponding to hoid in c
+ void remove_map_header(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid,
+ Header header,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Set leaf node for c and hoid to the value of header
+ void set_map_header(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid, _Header header,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Lookup or create header for c hoid
+ Header lookup_create_map_header(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /**
+ * Generate new header for c hoid with new seq number
+ *
+ * Has the side effect of syncronously saving the new DBObjectMap state
+ */
+ Header generate_new_header(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid, Header parent);
+ /// Lookup leaf header for c hoid
+ Header lookup_map_header(coll_t c, const hobject_t &hoid);
+ /// Lookup header node for input
+ Header lookup_parent(Header input);
+ /// Helpers
+ int _get_header(Header header, bufferlist *bl);
+ /// Scan keys in header into out_keys and out_values (if nonnull)
+ int scan(Header header,
+ const set<string> &in_keys,
+ set<string> *out_keys,
+ map<string, bufferlist> *out_values);
+ /// Remove header and all related prefixes
+ int _clear(Header header,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Adds to t operations necessary to add new_complete to the complete set
+ int merge_new_complete(Header header,
+ const map<string, string> &new_complete,
+ DBObjectMapIterator iter,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Writes out State (mainly next_seq)
+ int write_state();
+ /// 0 if the complete set now contains all of key space, < 0 on error, 1 else
+ int need_parent(DBObjectMapIterator iter);
+ /// Copies header entry from parent @see rm_keys
+ int copy_up_header(Header header,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /// Sets header @see set_header
+ void _set_header(Header header, const bufferlist &bl,
+ KeyValueDB::Transaction t);
+ /**
+ * Removes header seq lock once Header is out of scope
+ * @see lookup_parent
+ * @see generate_new_header
+ */
+ class RemoveOnDelete {
+ public:
+ DBObjectMap *db;
+ uint64_t seq;
+ RemoveOnDelete(DBObjectMap *db) :
+ db(db), seq(seq) {}
+ void operator() (_Header *header) {
+ Mutex::Locker l(db->header_lock);
+ db->in_use.erase(header->seq);
+ db->header_cond.Signal();
+ delete header;
+ }
+ };
+ friend class RemoveOnDelete;