path: root/src/pybind/mgr/status
diff options
authorJohn Spray <>2017-06-25 23:48:26 +0200
committerJohn Spray <>2017-06-27 12:53:33 +0200
commit80e1a3c1286b8b6cebc50072b3006a48a14d1b37 (patch)
tree1a57b4d745024bea3c067d114e93dff3350c5c7f /src/pybind/mgr/status
parentpybind/mgr: clean up 'fs status' command (diff)
pybind/mgr: rename fsstatus->status
Still not exactly the best name but reflects that it isn't just the fs bit. Signed-off-by: John Spray <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pybind/mgr/status')
2 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/status/ b/src/pybind/mgr/status/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79f5b86fd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from module import * # NOQA
diff --git a/src/pybind/mgr/status/ b/src/pybind/mgr/status/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..22f1902404c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybind/mgr/status/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+High level status display commands
+from collections import defaultdict
+from prettytable import PrettyTable
+import prettytable
+import fnmatch
+import errno
+from mgr_module import MgrModule
+class Module(MgrModule):
+ {
+ "cmd": "fs status "
+ "name=fs,type=CephString,req=false",
+ "desc": "Show the status of a CephFS filesystem",
+ "perm": "r"
+ },
+ {
+ "cmd": "osd status "
+ "name=bucket,type=CephString,req=false",
+ "desc": "Show the status of OSDs within a bucket, or all",
+ "perm": "r"
+ },
+ ]
+ (
+ RED,
+ ) = range(8)
+ RESET_SEQ = "\033[0m"
+ COLOR_SEQ = "\033[1;%dm"
+ COLOR_DARK_SEQ = "\033[0;%dm"
+ BOLD_SEQ = "\033[1m"
+ UNDERLINE_SEQ = "\033[4m"
+ def colorize(self, msg, color, dark=False):
+ """
+ Decorate `msg` with escape sequences to give the requested color
+ """
+ return (self.COLOR_DARK_SEQ if dark else self.COLOR_SEQ) % (30 + color) \
+ + msg + self.RESET_SEQ
+ def bold(self, msg):
+ """
+ Decorate `msg` with escape sequences to make it appear bold
+ """
+ return self.BOLD_SEQ + msg + self.RESET_SEQ
+ def format_dimless(self, n, width, colored=True):
+ """
+ Format a number without units, so as to fit into `width` characters, substituting
+ an appropriate unit suffix.
+ """
+ units = [' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P']
+ unit = 0
+ while len("%s" % (int(n) // (1000**unit))) > width - 1:
+ unit += 1
+ if unit > 0:
+ truncated_float = ("%f" % (n / (1000.0 ** unit)))[0:width - 1]
+ if truncated_float[-1] == '.':
+ truncated_float = " " + truncated_float[0:-1]
+ else:
+ truncated_float = "%{wid}d".format(wid=width-1) % n
+ formatted = "%s%s" % (truncated_float, units[unit])
+ if colored:
+ if n == 0:
+ color = self.BLACK, False
+ else:
+ color = self.YELLOW, False
+ return self.bold(self.colorize(formatted[0:-1], color[0], color[1])) \
+ + self.bold(self.colorize(formatted[-1], self.BLACK, False))
+ else:
+ return formatted
+ def get_latest(self, daemon_type, daemon_name, stat):
+ data = self.get_counter(daemon_type, daemon_name, stat)[stat]
+ #self.log.error("get_latest {0} data={1}".format(stat, data))
+ if data:
+ return data[-1][1]
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def get_rate(self, daemon_type, daemon_name, stat):
+ data = self.get_counter(daemon_type, daemon_name, stat)[stat]
+ #self.log.error("get_latest {0} data={1}".format(stat, data))
+ if data and len(data) > 1:
+ return (data[-1][1] - data[-2][1]) / float(data[-1][0] - data[-2][0])
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def handle_fs_status(self, cmd):
+ output = ""
+ fs_filter = cmd.get('fs', None)
+ mds_versions = defaultdict(list)
+ fsmap = self.get("fs_map")
+ for filesystem in fsmap['filesystems']:
+ if fs_filter and filesystem['mdsmap']['fs_name'] != fs_filter:
+ continue
+ rank_table = PrettyTable(
+ ("Rank", "State", "MDS", "Activity", "dns", "inos"),
+ hrules=prettytable.FRAME
+ )
+ mdsmap = filesystem['mdsmap']
+ client_count = 0
+ for rank in mdsmap["in"]:
+ up = "mds_{0}".format(rank) in mdsmap["up"]
+ if up:
+ gid = mdsmap['up']["mds_{0}".format(rank)]
+ info = mdsmap['info']['gid_{0}'.format(gid)]
+ dns = self.get_latest("mds", info['name'], "mds_mem.dn")
+ inos = self.get_latest("mds", info['name'], "mds_mem.ino")
+ if rank == 0:
+ client_count = self.get_latest("mds", info['name'],
+ "mds_sessions.session_count")
+ elif client_count == 0:
+ # In case rank 0 was down, look at another rank's
+ # sessionmap to get an indication of clients.
+ client_count = self.get_latest("mds", info['name'],
+ "mds_sessions.session_count")
+ laggy = "laggy_since" in info
+ state = info['state'].split(":")[1]
+ if laggy:
+ state += "(laggy)"
+ if state == "active" and not laggy:
+ c_state = self.colorize(state, self.GREEN)
+ else:
+ c_state = self.colorize(state, self.YELLOW)
+ # Populate based on context of state, e.g. client
+ # ops for an active daemon, replay progress, reconnect
+ # progress
+ activity = ""
+ if state == "active":
+ activity = "Reqs: " + self.format_dimless(
+ self.get_rate("mds", info['name'], "mds_server.handle_client_request"),
+ 5
+ ) + "/s"
+ metadata = self.get_metadata('mds', info['name'])
+ mds_versions[metadata.get('ceph_version', "unknown")].append(info['name'])
+ rank_table.add_row([
+ self.bold(rank.__str__()), c_state, info['name'],
+ activity,
+ self.format_dimless(dns, 5),
+ self.format_dimless(inos, 5)
+ ])
+ else:
+ rank_table.add_row([
+ rank, "failed", "", "", ""
+ ])
+ # Find the standby replays
+ for gid_str, daemon_info in mdsmap['info'].iteritems():
+ if daemon_info['state'] != "up:standby-replay":
+ continue
+ inos = self.get_latest("mds", daemon_info['name'], "mds_mem.ino")
+ dns = self.get_latest("mds", daemon_info['name'], "mds_mem.dn")
+ activity = "Evts: " + self.format_dimless(
+ self.get_rate("mds", daemon_info['name'], "mds_log.replay"),
+ 5
+ ) + "/s"
+ rank_table.add_row([
+ "{0}-s".format(daemon_info['rank']), "standby-replay",
+ daemon_info['name'], activity,
+ self.format_dimless(dns, 5),
+ self.format_dimless(inos, 5)
+ ])
+ df = self.get("df")
+ pool_stats = dict([(p['id'], p['stats']) for p in df['pools']])
+ osdmap = self.get("osd_map")
+ pools = dict([(p['pool'], p) for p in osdmap['pools']])
+ metadata_pool_id = mdsmap['metadata_pool']
+ data_pool_ids = mdsmap['data_pools']
+ pools_table = PrettyTable(["Pool", "type", "used", "avail"])
+ for pool_id in [metadata_pool_id] + data_pool_ids:
+ pool_type = "metadata" if pool_id == metadata_pool_id else "data"
+ stats = pool_stats[pool_id]
+ pools_table.add_row([
+ pools[pool_id]['pool_name'], pool_type,
+ self.format_dimless(stats['bytes_used'], 5),
+ self.format_dimless(stats['max_avail'], 5)
+ ])
+ output += "{0} - {1} clients\n".format(
+ mdsmap['fs_name'], client_count)
+ output += "=" * len(mdsmap['fs_name']) + "\n"
+ output += rank_table.get_string()
+ output += "\n" + pools_table.get_string() + "\n"
+ standby_table = PrettyTable(["Standby MDS"])
+ for standby in fsmap['standbys']:
+ metadata = self.get_metadata('mds', standby['name'])
+ mds_versions[metadata.get('ceph_version', "unknown")].append(standby['name'])
+ standby_table.add_row([standby['name']])
+ output += "\n" + standby_table.get_string() + "\n"
+ if len(mds_versions) == 1:
+ output += "MDS version: {0}".format(mds_versions.keys()[0])
+ else:
+ version_table = PrettyTable(["version", "daemons"])
+ for version, daemons in mds_versions.iteritems():
+ version_table.add_row([
+ version,
+ ", ".join(daemons)
+ ])
+ output += version_table.get_string() + "\n"
+ return 0, "", output
+ def handle_osd_status(self, cmd):
+ osd_table = PrettyTable(['id', 'host', 'used', 'avail', 'wr ops', 'wr data', 'rd ops', 'rd data'])
+ osdmap = self.get("osd_map")
+ filter_osds = set()
+ bucket_filter = None
+ if 'bucket' in cmd:
+ self.log.debug("Filtering to bucket '{0}'".format(cmd['bucket']))
+ bucket_filter = cmd['bucket']
+ crush = self.get("osd_map_crush")
+ found = False
+ for bucket in crush['buckets']:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(bucket['name'], bucket_filter):
+ found = True
+ filter_osds.update([i['id'] for i in bucket['items']])
+ if not found:
+ msg = "Bucket '{0}' not found".format(bucket_filter)
+ return errno.ENOENT, msg, ""
+ # Build dict of OSD ID to stats
+ osd_stats = dict([(o['osd'], o) for o in self.get("osd_stats")['osd_stats']])
+ for osd in osdmap['osds']:
+ osd_id = osd['osd']
+ if bucket_filter and osd_id not in filter_osds:
+ continue
+ metadata = self.get_metadata('osd', "%s" % osd_id)
+ stats = osd_stats[osd_id]
+ osd_table.add_row([osd_id, metadata['hostname'],
+ self.format_dimless(stats['kb_used'] * 1024, 5),
+ self.format_dimless(stats['kb_avail'] * 1024, 5),
+ self.format_dimless(self.get_rate("osd", osd_id.__str__(), "osd.op_w") +
+ self.get_rate("osd", osd_id.__str__(), "osd.op_rw"), 5),
+ self.format_dimless(self.get_rate("osd", osd_id.__str__(), "osd.op_in_bytes"), 5),
+ self.format_dimless(self.get_rate("osd", osd_id.__str__(), "osd.op_r"), 5),
+ self.format_dimless(self.get_rate("osd", osd_id.__str__(), "osd.op_out_bytes"), 5),
+ ])
+ return 0, "", osd_table.get_string()
+ def handle_command(self, cmd):
+ self.log.error("handle_command")
+ if cmd['prefix'] == "fs status":
+ return self.handle_fs_status(cmd)
+ elif cmd['prefix'] == "osd status":
+ return self.handle_osd_status(cmd)
+ else:
+ # mgr should respect our self.COMMANDS and not call us for
+ # any prefix we don't advertise
+ raise NotImplementedError(cmd['prefix'])