diff options
authorAndrei Pavel <>2024-06-25 10:27:36 +0200
committerAndrei Pavel <>2024-07-09 12:49:31 +0200
commitfcd83dfe685f9221f00fb7b94f5e26e2d6d64871 (patch)
parent[#3480] add to (diff)
[#1723] tools/
3 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 77374a9245..f3e86d4475 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ uninstalled-headers:
- ./tools/
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - ./tools/
stage: test
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 913c1ba80a..0883e286e3 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ for i in $(get_source_files); do
+# exit 1 if any diff was found so that CI properly fails.
if "${found}"; then
exit 1
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..58778d67d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Usage:
+# ./tools/ [-a|--amend] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help]
+# Run from anywhere to check the following in the repository this belongs to:
+# * that there are no two messages with the same name
+# * that there are no unused messages (run with -a to get rid of them)
+# * that messages are only logged once (outside of an exhonerated list
+# meant to only warn about new occurences of this type; the list was snapshotted
+# in august 2021 and contains all multiple occurences prior to this date)
+# shellcheck disable=SC3043
+# SC3043: In POSIX sh, 'local' is undefined.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2013
+# SC2013: To read lines rather than words, pipe/redirect to a 'while read' loop.
+# shellcheck disable=SC2044
+# SC2044: For loops over find output are fragile. Use find -exec or a while read loop.
+# Exit with error if commands exit with non-zero and if undefined variables are
+# used.
+set -eu
+# Print usage.
+print_usage() {
+ printf \
+'Usage: %s {{options}}
+ [-d|--debug] enable debug mode, showing every executed command
+ [-h|--help] print usage (this text)
+ [-a|--amend] remove unused messages from message files and
+ add missing mentions of debug log levels in
+ message files
+' \
+ "$(basename "${0}")"
+# Define some ANSI color codes.
+if test -t 1; then
+ red='\033[91m'
+ reset='\033[0m'
+ red=
+ reset=
+# Parse parameters.
+while test ${#} -gt 0; do
+ case "${1}" in
+ # [-d|--debug] enable debug mode, showing every executed command
+ '-d'|'--debug') set -vx ;;
+ # [-h|--help] print usage (this text)
+ '-h'|'--help') print_usage; exit 0 ;;
+ # [-a|--amend] remove unused messages from message files and
+ # add missing mentions of debug log levels in
+ # message files
+ '-a'|'--amend') amend=true ;;
+ # Unrecognized argument
+ *)
+ printf "${red}ERROR: Unrecognized argument '%s'${reset}\\n" "${1}" 1>&2; print_usage; exit 1 ;;
+ esac; shift
+# Default parameters
+test -z "${amend+x}" && amend=false
+# Change directory to root path.
+root_path=$(cd "$(dirname "${0}")/.." && pwd)
+cd "${root_path}"
+# Check if given commands are available and if not, then warn the user that they
+# need to be installed for the script to work and then exit with error code.
+mandatory_commands() {
+ while test ${#} -gt 0; do
+ if ! command -v "${1}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ printf "${red}%s${reset} is mandatory.\\n" "${1}" >&2
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ shift
+ done
+# Remove a given message from a given message file. Matches only the first
+# occurrence.
+remove_message() {
+ local message="${1}"; shift
+ local file="${1}"; shift
+ start_pattern="^% ${message}"
+ end_pattern='^%'
+ # Remove with sed.
+ sed "/${start_pattern}/,/${end_pattern}/{/${end_pattern}/!{/${end_pattern}/!d}}" "${file}" | grep -Ev "${start_pattern}" > "${file}.bak"
+ mv "${file}.bak" "${file}"
+is_message_exhonerated_from_being_logged_multiple_times() {
+ grep "${*}" > /dev/null ./tools/.exhonerated_messages
+mandatory_commands cut find grep sed sort
+# For all the message files:
+for message_file in $(find . -type f -name '*.mes' | sort -uV); do
+ printf 'Checking %s...\n' "$(basename "${message_file}")"
+ # For all the messages in a message file:
+ for message in $(grep -E '^%' "${message_file}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2); do
+ # Get all occurences.
+ occurences="$(grep -EIR "\b${message}\b" "${root_path}"/* | grep -Fv '.git')"
+ # Check for duplicate message names.
+ occurences_in_message_files="$(printf '%s\n' "${occurences}" | grep "% ${message}\b" | grep -E 'messages\.mes:' || true)"
+ occurence_count="$(printf '%s\n' "${occurences_in_message_files}" | wc -l)"
+ if test -z "${occurence_count}"; then
+ printf 'ERROR: could not find number of occurences for message %s. Fix this in the script.\n' "${message}"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if test "${occurence_count}" -ne 1; then
+ printf "${red}%% expected %s to be found in one message file, but it is found in %s.${reset}\\n" "${message}" "${occurence_count}"
+ mistake=true
+ fi
+ # Get occurences that appear in code.
+ occurences_in_sources="$(printf '%s\n' "${occurences}" | grep -E '\.cc:|\.h:' | grep -Ev 'messages\.cc:|messages\.h|test' || true)"
+ occurence_count="$(printf '%s\n' "${occurences_in_sources}" | wc -l)"
+ if test -z "${occurence_count}"; then
+ printf 'ERROR: could not find number of occurences for message %s. Fix this in the script.\n' "${message}"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ # If not found in any source file, print it for the developer to take action.
+ if test "${occurence_count}" -eq 0; then
+ printf "${red}%% %s is not used.${reset}\\n" "${message}"
+ mistake=true
+ # If the caller decided to amend the message files, then remove the unused
+ # message.
+ if "${amend}"; then
+ remove_message "${message}" "${message_file}"
+ fi
+ # If found multiple times and it is due to a recent change, print it for the developer to take
+ # action.
+ elif test "${occurence_count}" -gt 1; then
+ if ! is_message_exhonerated_from_being_logged_multiple_times "${message}"; then
+ printf "${red}%% %s is used %s times${reset}:\n%s\n\n" "${message}" "${occurence_count}" "${occurences_in_sources}"
+ mistake=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ # For this iterated message, iterate further through all the occurences in
+ # sources mainly find the log level used so that you can check further if it
+ # is mentioned in its .mes file.
+ for i in $(printf '%s\n' "${occurences_in_sources}" | cut -d ':' -f 1); do
+ # Get the log level used in sources and make sure a single log level is
+ # used everywhere.
+ loglevel="$(tr -s '\n' ' ' < "${i}" | grep -Po "LOG_DEBUG[^;]*?\b${message}\b" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/.*:://g' | sed 's/^ *//g;s/ *$//g' | sort -uV || true)"
+ if test -z "${loglevel}"; then
+ # A log level could not be found. This most probably means that this
+ # message is not logged as a debug message, but as an info, warning, or
+ # error message. In that case a log level is not required. So skip this occurrence.
+ continue
+ fi
+ lines="$(printf '%s\n' "${loglevel}" | wc -l)"
+ if test "${lines}" != 1; then
+ printf "${red}%% message %s logged under %s different debug levels: \n%s${reset}\n\n" "${message}" "${lines}" "${loglevel}" >&2
+ mistake=true
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Resolve log level variable names into numerals. This may require
+ # multiple recursions e.g. DBG_DHCP6_BASIC -> DBGLVL_TRACE_BASIC -> 40.
+ # If 16 recursions are reached, stop and return an error so that either
+ # this script or complex C++ definitions of these log levels (like this
+ # previous one: const int DBG_ALL = DBGLVL_TRACE_DETAIL + 20) may be
+ # fixed.
+ recursions=16
+ while test "$(printf '%s\n' "${loglevel}" | grep -Ec '^[0-9]+$')" != 1; do
+ loglevel_define_file="$(grep -EIR "\b${loglevel}\b =" "${root_path}"/* | grep -Fv '.git' | cut -d ':' -f 1)"
+ lines="$(printf '%s\n' "${loglevel_define_file}" | wc -l)"
+ if test "${lines}" != 1; then
+ printf "${red}%% found %s files instead of 1 when searching for the numeral version of debug log level %s which message %s is logged under${reset}\n\n" "${lines}" "${loglevel}" "${message}" >&2
+ mistake=true
+ continue
+ fi
+ loglevel="$(tr -s '\n' ' ' < "${loglevel_define_file}" | grep -Po "\b${loglevel}\b =[^;]+?;" | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ';' -f 1 | sed 's/.*:://g' | sed 's/^ *//g;s/ *$//g')"
+ recursions=$((recursions - 1))
+ if test "${recursions}" = 0; then
+ printf "${red}%% could not find log level of message %s after 16 recursions. Breaking endless loop...${reset}\n\n" "${message}" >&2
+ mistake=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Finally, do the actual check of the line being mentioned in the .mes
+ # file.
+ message_file=$(printf '%s\n' "${occurences_in_message_files}" | cut -d ':' -f 1 | sort -uV)
+ logged_at_message="Logged at debug log level ${loglevel}."
+ if test "$(grep -F -A1 "${message}" "${message_file}" | grep -Ec "^${logged_at_message}$")" = 0; then
+ printf "${red}%% debug level %s is not mentioned for message %s in %s${reset}\n\n" "${loglevel}" "${message}" "${message_file}"
+ mistake=true
+ # And if amendment is commanded by the user...
+ if "${amend}"; then
+ # Delete any different log level, it has changed in the meantime.
+ if test "$(grep -F -A1 "${message}" "${message_file}" | grep -Ec '^Logged at debug log level ')" -gt 0; then
+ line_number="$(grep -En "\b${message}\b" "${message_file}" | cut -d ':' -f 1)"
+ line_number="$(( line_number + 1 ))"
+ sed "${line_number}d" "${message_file}" > "${message_file}.tmp"
+ fi
+ # And add the right one.
+ sed "/^% ${message}/a Logged at debug log level ${loglevel}." "${message_file}" > "${message_file}.tmp"
+ mv "${message_file}.tmp" "${message_file}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# exit 1 if any unused message was found so that CI properly fails.
+if "${mistake}"; then
+ exit 1