path: root/python/knot_resolver/datamodel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/knot_resolver/datamodel/')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/knot_resolver/datamodel/ b/python/knot_resolver/datamodel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7942eb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/knot_resolver/datamodel/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import socket
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from knot_resolver_manager.datamodel.rate_limiting_schema import RateLimitingSchema
+from knot_resolver.constants import API_SOCK_FILE, RUN_DIR, VERSION
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.cache_schema import CacheSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.dns64_schema import Dns64Schema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.dnssec_schema import DnssecSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.forward_schema import ForwardSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.globals import Context, get_global_validation_context, set_global_validation_context
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.local_data_schema import LocalDataSchema, RPZSchema, RuleSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.logging_schema import LoggingSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.lua_schema import LuaSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.management_schema import ManagementSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.monitoring_schema import MonitoringSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.network_schema import NetworkSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.options_schema import OptionsSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.templates import POLICY_CONFIG_TEMPLATE, WORKER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.types import EscapedStr, IntPositive, WritableDir
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.view_schema import ViewSchema
+from knot_resolver.datamodel.webmgmt_schema import WebmgmtSchema
+from knot_resolver.utils.modeling import ConfigSchema
+from knot_resolver.utils.modeling.base_schema import lazy_default
+from knot_resolver.utils.modeling.exceptions import AggregateDataValidationError, DataValidationError
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _cpu_count() -> Optional[int]:
+ try:
+ return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
+ except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
+ logger.warning("The number of usable CPUs could not be determined using 'os.sched_getaffinity()'.")
+ cpus = os.cpu_count()
+ if cpus is None:
+ logger.warning("The number of usable CPUs could not be determined using 'os.cpu_count()'.")
+ return cpus
+def _workers_max_count() -> int:
+ c = _cpu_count()
+ if c:
+ return c * 10
+ return WORKERS_MAX
+def _get_views_tags(views: List[ViewSchema]) -> List[str]:
+ tags = []
+ for view in views:
+ if view.tags:
+ tags += [str(tag) for tag in view.tags if tag not in tags]
+ return tags
+def _check_local_data_tags(
+ views_tags: List[str], rules_or_rpz: Union[List[RuleSchema], List[RPZSchema]]
+) -> Tuple[List[str], List[DataValidationError]]:
+ tags = []
+ errs = []
+ i = 0
+ for rule in rules_or_rpz:
+ tags_not_in = []
+ if rule.tags:
+ for tag in rule.tags:
+ tag_str = str(tag)
+ if tag_str not in tags:
+ tags.append(tag_str)
+ if tag_str not in views_tags:
+ tags_not_in.append(tag_str)
+ if len(tags_not_in) > 0:
+ errs.append(
+ DataValidationError(
+ f"some tags {tags_not_in} not found in '/views' tags", f"/local-data/rules[{i}]/tags"
+ )
+ )
+ i += 1
+ return tags, errs
+class KresConfig(ConfigSchema):
+ class Raw(ConfigSchema):
+ """
+ Knot Resolver declarative configuration.
+ ---
+ version: Version of the configuration schema. By default it is the latest supported by the resolver, but couple of versions back are be supported as well.
+ nsid: Name Server Identifier (RFC 5001) which allows DNS clients to request resolver to send back its NSID along with the reply to a DNS request.
+ hostname: Internal DNS resolver hostname. Default is machine hostname.
+ rundir: Directory where the resolver can create files and which will be it's cwd.
+ workers: The number of running kresd (Knot Resolver daemon) workers. If set to 'auto', it is equal to number of CPUs available.
+ max_workers: The maximum number of workers allowed. Cannot be changed in runtime.
+ management: Configuration of management HTTP API.
+ webmgmt: Configuration of legacy web management endpoint.
+ options: Fine-tuning global parameters of DNS resolver operation.
+ network: Network connections and protocols configuration.
+ views: List of views and its configuration.
+ local_data: Local data for forward records (A/AAAA) and reverse records (PTR).
+ forward: List of Forward Zones and its configuration.
+ cache: DNS resolver cache configuration.
+ dnssec: Disable DNSSEC, enable with defaults or set new configuration.
+ dns64: Disable DNS64 (RFC 6147), enable with defaults or set new configuration.
+ logging: Logging and debugging configuration.
+ monitoring: Metrics exposisition configuration (Prometheus, Graphite)
+ lua: Custom Lua configuration.
+ rate_limiting: ... TODO
+ """
+ version: int = 1
+ nsid: Optional[EscapedStr] = None
+ hostname: Optional[EscapedStr] = None
+ rundir: WritableDir = lazy_default(WritableDir, str(RUN_DIR))
+ workers: Union[Literal["auto"], IntPositive] = IntPositive(1)
+ max_workers: IntPositive = IntPositive(WORKERS_MAX)
+ management: ManagementSchema = lazy_default(ManagementSchema, {"unix-socket": str(API_SOCK_FILE)})
+ webmgmt: Optional[WebmgmtSchema] = None
+ options: OptionsSchema = OptionsSchema()
+ network: NetworkSchema = NetworkSchema()
+ views: Optional[List[ViewSchema]] = None
+ local_data: LocalDataSchema = LocalDataSchema()
+ forward: Optional[List[ForwardSchema]] = None
+ cache: CacheSchema = lazy_default(CacheSchema, {})
+ dnssec: Union[bool, DnssecSchema] = True
+ dns64: Union[bool, Dns64Schema] = False
+ logging: LoggingSchema = LoggingSchema()
+ monitoring: MonitoringSchema = MonitoringSchema()
+ rate_limiting: Optional[RateLimitingSchema] = None
+ lua: LuaSchema = LuaSchema()
+ _LAYER = Raw
+ nsid: Optional[EscapedStr]
+ hostname: EscapedStr
+ rundir: WritableDir
+ workers: IntPositive
+ max_workers: IntPositive
+ management: ManagementSchema
+ webmgmt: Optional[WebmgmtSchema]
+ options: OptionsSchema
+ network: NetworkSchema
+ views: Optional[List[ViewSchema]]
+ local_data: LocalDataSchema
+ forward: Optional[List[ForwardSchema]]
+ cache: CacheSchema
+ dnssec: Union[Literal[False], DnssecSchema]
+ dns64: Union[Literal[False], Dns64Schema]
+ logging: LoggingSchema
+ monitoring: MonitoringSchema
+ rate_limiting: Optional[RateLimitingSchema]
+ lua: LuaSchema
+ def _hostname(self, obj: Raw) -> Any:
+ if obj.hostname is None:
+ return socket.gethostname()
+ return obj.hostname
+ def _workers(self, obj: Raw) -> Any:
+ if obj.workers == "auto":
+ count = _cpu_count()
+ if count:
+ return IntPositive(count)
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The number of available CPUs to automatically set the number of running 'kresd' workers could not be determined."
+ "The number of workers can be configured manually in 'workers' option."
+ )
+ return obj.workers
+ def _dnssec(self, obj: Raw) -> Any:
+ if obj.dnssec is True:
+ return DnssecSchema()
+ return obj.dnssec
+ def _dns64(self, obj: Raw) -> Any:
+ if obj.dns64 is True:
+ return Dns64Schema()
+ return obj.dns64
+ def _validate(self) -> None:
+ # enforce max-workers config
+ workers_max = _workers_max_count()
+ if int(self.workers) > workers_max:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"can't run with more workers then the recommended maximum {workers_max} or hardcoded {WORKERS_MAX}"
+ )
+ # sanity check
+ cpu_count = _cpu_count()
+ if cpu_count and int(self.workers) > 10 * cpu_count:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "refusing to run with more then 10 workers per cpu core, the system wouldn't behave nicely"
+ )
+ # get all tags from views
+ views_tags = []
+ if self.views:
+ views_tags = _get_views_tags(self.views)
+ # get local-data tags and check its existence in views
+ errs = []
+ local_data_tags = []
+ if self.local_data.rules:
+ rules_tags, rules_errs = _check_local_data_tags(views_tags, self.local_data.rules)
+ errs += rules_errs
+ local_data_tags += rules_tags
+ if self.local_data.rpz:
+ rpz_tags, rpz_errs = _check_local_data_tags(views_tags, self.local_data.rpz)
+ errs += rpz_errs
+ local_data_tags += rpz_tags
+ # look for unused tags in /views
+ unused_tags = views_tags.copy()
+ for tag in local_data_tags:
+ if tag in unused_tags:
+ unused_tags.remove(tag)
+ if len(unused_tags) > 1:
+ errs.append(DataValidationError(f"unused tags {unused_tags} found", "/views"))
+ # raise all validation errors
+ if len(errs) == 1:
+ raise errs[0]
+ elif len(errs) > 1:
+ raise AggregateDataValidationError("/", errs)
+ def render_lua(self) -> str:
+ # FIXME the `cwd` argument is used only for configuring control socket path
+ # it should be removed and relative path used instead as soon as issue
+ # is fixed
+ return WORKER_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.render(cfg=self, cwd=os.getcwd())
+ def render_lua_policy(self) -> str:
+ return POLICY_CONFIG_TEMPLATE.render(cfg=self, cwd=os.getcwd())
+def get_rundir_without_validation(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> WritableDir:
+ """
+ Without fully parsing, try to get a rundir from a raw config data, otherwise use default.
+ Attempts a dir validation to produce a good error message.
+ Used for initial manager startup.
+ """
+ return WritableDir(data["rundir"] if "rundir" in data else str(RUN_DIR), object_path="/rundir")
+def kres_config_json_schema() -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """
+ At this moment, to create any instance of 'ConfigSchema' even with default values, it is necessary to set the global context.
+ In the case of generating a JSON schema, strict validation must be turned off, otherwise it may happen that the creation of the JSON schema fails,
+ It may fail due to non-existence of the directory/file or their rights.
+ This should be fixed in the future. For more info, see '' module.
+ """
+ context = get_global_validation_context()
+ set_global_validation_context(Context(None, False))
+ schema = KresConfig.json_schema(
+ schema_id=f"{VERSION}/_static/config.schema.json",
+ title="Knot Resolver configuration JSON schema",
+ description=f"Version Knot Resolver {VERSION}",
+ )
+ # setting back to previous values
+ set_global_validation_context(context)
+ return schema