path: root/src/silfont/scripts
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-11-21 15:00:40 +0100
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-11-21 15:00:40 +0100
commit012d9cb5faed22cb9b4151569d30cc08563b02d1 (patch)
treefd901b9c231aeb8afa713851f23369fa4a1af2b3 /src/silfont/scripts
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.8.0.upstream/1.8.0upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/scripts')
61 files changed, 8235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db2178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'read anchor data from XML file and apply to UFO'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output UFO','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--anchorinfo',{'help': 'XML file with anchor data'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': '_anc.xml'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.log'}),
+ ('-a','--analysis',{'help': 'Analysis only; no output font generated', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-d','--delete',{'help': 'Delete APs from a glyph before adding', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ # 'choices' for -r should correspond to infont.logger.loglevels.keys()
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ infont = args.ifont
+ if infont.logger.loglevel =
+ glyphcount = 0
+ try:
+ for g in ET.parse(args.anchorinfo).getroot().findall('glyph'): ###
+ glyphcount += 1
+ gname = g.get('PSName')
+ if gname not in infont.deflayer.keys():
+ infont.logger.log("glyph element number " + str(glyphcount) + ": " + gname + " not in font, so skipping anchor data", "W")
+ continue
+ # anchors currently in font for this glyph
+ glyph = infont.deflayer[gname]
+ if args.delete:
+ glyph['anchor'].clear()
+ anchorsinfont = set([ ( a.element.get('name'), a.element.get('x'), a.element.get('y') ) for a in glyph['anchor']])
+ # anchors in XML file to be added
+ anchorstoadd = set()
+ for p in g.findall('point'):
+ name = p.get('type')
+ x = p[0].get('x') # assume subelement location is first child
+ y = p[0].get('y')
+ if name and x and y:
+ anchorstoadd.add( (name, x, y) )
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("Incomplete information for anchor '" + name + "' for glyph " + gname, "E")
+ # compare sets
+ if anchorstoadd == anchorsinfont:
+ if len(anchorstoadd) > 0:
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in file already in font for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorstoadd), "V")
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("No anchors in file or in font for glyph " + gname, "V")
+ else:
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in file for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorstoadd), "I")
+ infont.logger.log("Anchors in font for glyph " + gname + ": " + str(anchorsinfont), "I")
+ for name,x,y in anchorstoadd:
+ # if anchor being added exists in font already, delete it first
+ ancnames = [a.element.get('name') for a in glyph['anchor']]
+ infont.logger.log(str(ancnames), "V") ###
+ if name in ancnames:
+ infont.logger.log("removing anchor " + name + ", index " + str(ancnames.index(name)), "V") ###
+ glyph.remove('anchor', ancnames.index(name))
+ infont.logger.log("adding anchor " + name + ": (" + x + ", " + y + ")", "V") ###
+ glyph.add('anchor', {'name': name, 'x': x, 'y': y})
+ # If analysis only, return without writing output font
+ if args.analysis: return
+ # Return changed font and let execute() write it out
+ return infont
+ except ET.ParseError as mess:
+ infont.logger.log("Error parsing XML input file: " + str(mess), "S")
+ return # but really should terminate after logging Severe error above
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48aa5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Read Composite Definitions and add glyphs to a UFO font'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+ xrange
+except NameError:
+ xrange = range
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+import re
+from silfont.core import execute
+import silfont.ufo as ufo
+from silfont.comp import CompGlyph
+from silfont.etutil import ETWriter
+from silfont.util import parsecolors
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output UFO','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--cdfile',{'help': 'Composite Definitions input file'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': '_CD.txt'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_CD.log'}),
+ ('-a','--analysis',{'help': 'Analysis only; no output font generated', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-c','--color',{'help': 'Color cells of generated glyphs', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('--colors', {'help': 'Color(s) to use when marking generated glyphs'},{}),
+ ('-f','--force',{'help': 'Force overwrite of glyphs having outlines', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-n','--noflatten',{'help': 'Do not flatten component references', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('--remove',{'help': 'a regex matching anchor names that should always be removed from composites'},{}),
+ ('--preserve', {'help': 'a regex matching anchor names that, if present in glyphs about to be replace, should not be overwritten'}, {})
+ ]
+glyphlist = [] # accessed as global by recursive function addtolist() and main function doit()
+def doit(args):
+ global glyphlist
+ infont = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ params = infont.outparams
+ removeRE = re.compile(args.remove) if args.remove else None
+ preserveRE = re.compile(args.preserve) if args.preserve else None
+ colors = None
+ if args.color or args.colors:
+ colors = args.colors if args.colors else "g_blue,g_purple"
+ colors = parsecolors(colors, allowspecial=True)
+ invalid = False
+ for color in colors:
+ if color[0] is None:
+ invalid = True
+ logger.log(color[2], "E")
+ if len(colors) > 3:
+ logger.log("A maximum of three colors can be supplied: " + str(len(colors)) + " supplied", "E")
+ invalid = True
+ if invalid: logger.log("Re-run with valid colors", "S")
+ if len(colors) == 1: colors.append(colors[0])
+ if len(colors) == 2: colors.append(colors[1])
+ logstatuses = ("Glyph unchanged", "Glyph changed", "New glyph")
+ ### temp section (these may someday be passed as optional parameters)
+ RemoveUsedAnchors = True
+ ### end of temp section
+ cgobj = CompGlyph()
+ for linenum, rawCDline in enumerate(args.cdfile):
+ CDline=rawCDline.strip()
+ if len(CDline) == 0 or CDline[0] == "#": continue
+ logger.log("Processing line " + str(linenum+1) + ": " + CDline,"I")
+ cgobj.CDline=CDline
+ try:
+ cgobj.parsefromCDline()
+ except ValueError as mess:
+ logger.log("Parsing error: " + str(mess), "E")
+ continue
+ g = cgobj.CDelement
+ # Collect target glyph information and construct list of component glyphs
+ targetglyphname = g.get("PSName")
+ targetglyphunicode = g.get("UID")
+ glyphlist = [] # list of component glyphs
+ lsb = rsb = 0
+ adv = None
+ for e in g:
+ if e.tag == 'note': pass
+ elif e.tag == 'property': pass # ignore mark info
+ elif e.tag == 'lsb': lsb = int(e.get('width'))
+ elif e.tag == 'rsb': rsb = int(e.get('width'))
+ elif e.tag == 'advance': adv = int(e.get('width'))
+ elif e.tag == 'base':
+ addtolist(e,None)
+ logger.log(str(glyphlist),"V")
+ # find each component glyph and compute x,y position
+ xadvance = lsb
+ componentlist = []
+ targetglyphanchors = {} # dictionary of {name: (xOffset,yOffset)}
+ for currglyph, prevglyph, baseAP, diacAP, shiftx, shifty in glyphlist:
+ # get current glyph and its anchor names from font
+ if currglyph not in infont.deflayer:
+ logger.log(currglyph + " not found in font", "E")
+ continue
+ cg = infont.deflayer[currglyph]
+ cganc = [x.element.get('name') for x in cg['anchor']]
+ diacAPx = diacAPy = 0
+ baseAPx = baseAPy = 0
+ if prevglyph is None: # this is new 'base'
+ xOffset = xadvance
+ yOffset = 0
+ # Find advance width of currglyph and add to xadvance
+ if 'advance' in cg:
+ cgadvance = cg['advance']
+ if cgadvance is not None and cgadvance.element.get('width') is not None:
+ xadvance += int(float(cgadvance.element.get('width')))
+ else: # this is 'attach'
+ if diacAP is not None: # find diacritic Attachment Point in currglyph
+ if diacAP not in cganc:
+ logger.log("The AP '" + diacAP + "' does not exist on diacritic glyph " + currglyph, "E")
+ else:
+ i = cganc.index(diacAP)
+ diacAPx = int(float(cg['anchor'][i].element.get('x')))
+ diacAPy = int(float(cg['anchor'][i].element.get('y')))
+ else:
+ logger.log("No AP specified for diacritic " + currglyph, "E")
+ if baseAP is not None: # find base character Attachment Point in targetglyph
+ if baseAP not in targetglyphanchors.keys():
+ logger.log("The AP '" + baseAP + "' does not exist on base glyph when building " + targetglyphname, "E")
+ else:
+ baseAPx = targetglyphanchors[baseAP][0]
+ baseAPy = targetglyphanchors[baseAP][1]
+ if RemoveUsedAnchors:
+ logger.log("Removing used anchor " + baseAP, "V")
+ del targetglyphanchors[baseAP]
+ xOffset = baseAPx - diacAPx
+ yOffset = baseAPy - diacAPy
+ if shiftx is not None: xOffset += int(shiftx)
+ if shifty is not None: yOffset += int(shifty)
+ componentdic = {'base': currglyph}
+ if xOffset != 0: componentdic['xOffset'] = str(xOffset)
+ if yOffset != 0: componentdic['yOffset'] = str(yOffset)
+ componentlist.append( componentdic )
+ # Move anchor information to targetglyphanchors
+ for a in cg['anchor']:
+ dic = a.element.attrib
+ thisanchorname = dic['name']
+ if RemoveUsedAnchors and thisanchorname == diacAP:
+ logger.log("Skipping used anchor " + diacAP, "V")
+ continue # skip this anchor
+ # add anchor (adjusted for position in targetglyph)
+ targetglyphanchors[thisanchorname] = ( int( dic['x'] ) + xOffset, int( dic['y'] ) + yOffset )
+ logger.log("Adding anchor " + thisanchorname + ": " + str(targetglyphanchors[thisanchorname]), "V")
+ logger.log(str(targetglyphanchors),"V")
+ if adv is not None:
+ xadvance = adv ### if adv specified, then this advance value overrides calculated value
+ else:
+ xadvance += rsb ### adjust with rsb
+ logger.log("Glyph: " + targetglyphname + ", " + str(targetglyphunicode) + ", " + str(xadvance), "V")
+ for c in componentlist:
+ logger.log(str(c), "V")
+ # Flatten components unless -n set
+ if not args.noflatten:
+ newcomponentlist = []
+ for compdic in componentlist:
+ c = compdic['base']
+ x = compdic.get('xOffset')
+ y = compdic.get('yOffset')
+ # look up component glyph
+ g=infont.deflayer[c]
+ # check if it has only components (that is, no contours) in outline
+ if g['outline'] and g['outline'].components and not g['outline'].contours:
+ # for each component, get base, x1, y1 and create new entry with base, x+x1, y+y1
+ for subcomp in g['outline'].components:
+ componentdic = subcomp.element.attrib.copy()
+ x1 = componentdic.pop('xOffset', 0)
+ y1 = componentdic.pop('yOffset', 0)
+ xOffset = addtwo(x, x1)
+ yOffset = addtwo(y, y1)
+ if xOffset != 0: componentdic['xOffset'] = str(xOffset)
+ if yOffset != 0: componentdic['yOffset'] = str(yOffset)
+ newcomponentlist.append( componentdic )
+ else:
+ newcomponentlist.append( compdic )
+ if componentlist == newcomponentlist:
+ logger.log("No changes to flatten components", "V")
+ else:
+ componentlist = newcomponentlist
+ logger.log("Components flattened", "V")
+ for c in componentlist:
+ logger.log(str(c), "V")
+ # Check if this new glyph exists in the font already; if so, decide whether to replace, or issue warning
+ preservedAPs = set()
+ if targetglyphname in infont.deflayer.keys():
+ logger.log("Target glyph, " + targetglyphname + ", already exists in font.", "V")
+ targetglyph = infont.deflayer[targetglyphname]
+ if targetglyph['outline'] and targetglyph['outline'].contours and not args.force: # don't replace glyph with contours, unless -f set
+ logger.log("Not replacing existing glyph, " + targetglyphname + ", because it has contours.", "W")
+ continue
+ else:
+ logger.log("Replacing information in existing glyph, " + targetglyphname, "I")
+ glyphstatus = "Replace"
+ # delete information from existing glyph
+ targetglyph.remove('outline')
+ targetglyph.remove('advance')
+ for i in xrange(len(targetglyph['anchor'])-1,-1,-1):
+ aname = targetglyph['anchor'][i].element.attrib['name']
+ if preserveRE is not None and preserveRE.match(aname):
+ preservedAPs.add(aname)
+ logger.log("Preserving anchor " + aname, "V")
+ else:
+ targetglyph.remove('anchor',index=i)
+ else:
+ logger.log("Adding new glyph, " + targetglyphname, "I")
+ glyphstatus = "New"
+ # create glyph, using targetglyphname, targetglyphunicode
+ targetglyph = ufo.Uglif(layer=infont.deflayer, name=targetglyphname)
+ # actually add the glyph to the font
+ infont.deflayer.addGlyph(targetglyph)
+ if xadvance != 0: targetglyph.add('advance',{'width': str(xadvance)} )
+ if targetglyphunicode: # remove any existing unicode value(s) before adding unicode value
+ for i in xrange(len(targetglyph['unicode'])-1,-1,-1):
+ targetglyph.remove('unicode',index=i)
+ targetglyph.add('unicode',{'hex': targetglyphunicode} )
+ targetglyph.add('outline')
+ # to the outline element, add a component element for every entry in componentlist
+ for compdic in componentlist:
+ comp = ufo.Ucomponent(targetglyph['outline'],ET.Element('component',compdic))
+ targetglyph['outline'].appendobject(comp,'component')
+ # copy anchors to new glyph from targetglyphanchors which has format {'U': (500,1000), 'L': (500,0)}
+ for a in sorted(targetglyphanchors):
+ if removeRE is not None and removeRE.match(a):
+ logger.log("Skipping unwanted anchor " + a, "V")
+ continue # skip this anchor
+ if a not in preservedAPs:
+ targetglyph.add('anchor', {'name': a, 'x': str(targetglyphanchors[a][0]), 'y': str(targetglyphanchors[a][1])} )
+ # mark glyphs as being generated by setting cell mark color if -c or --colors set
+ if colors:
+ # Need to see if the target glyph has changed.
+ if glyphstatus == "Replace":
+ # Need to recreate the xml element then normalize it for comparison with original
+ targetglyph["anchor"].sort(key=lambda anchor: anchor.element.get("name"))
+ targetglyph.rebuildET()
+ attribOrder = params['attribOrders']['glif'] if 'glif' in params['attribOrders'] else {}
+ if params["sortDicts"] or params["precision"] is not None: ufo.normETdata(targetglyph.etree, params, 'glif')
+ etw = ETWriter(targetglyph.etree, attributeOrder=attribOrder, indentIncr=params["indentIncr"],
+ indentFirst=params["indentFirst"], indentML=params["indentML"], precision=params["precision"],
+ floatAttribs=params["floatAttribs"], intAttribs=params["intAttribs"])
+ newxml = etw.serialize_xml()
+ if newxml == targetglyph.inxmlstr: glyphstatus = 'Unchanged'
+ x = 0 if glyphstatus == "Unchanged" else 1 if glyphstatus == "Replace" else 2
+ color = colors[x]
+ lib = targetglyph["lib"]
+ if color[0]: # Need to set actual color
+ if lib is None: targetglyph.add("lib")
+ targetglyph["lib"].setval("public.markColor", "string", color[0])
+ logger.log(logstatuses[x] + " - setting markColor to " + color[2], "I")
+ elif x < 2: # No need to log for new glyphs
+ if color[1] == "none": # Remove existing color
+ if lib is not None and "public.markColor" in lib: lib.remove("public.markColor")
+ logger.log(logstatuses[x] + " - Removing existing markColor", "I")
+ else:
+ logger.log(logstatuses[x] + " - Leaving existing markColor (if any)", "I")
+ # If analysis only, return without writing output font
+ if args.analysis: return
+ # Return changed font and let execute() write it out
+ return infont
+def addtolist(e, prevglyph):
+ """Given an element ('base' or 'attach') and the name of previous glyph,
+ add a tuple to the list of glyphs in this composite, including
+ "at" and "with" attachment point information, and x and y shift values
+ """
+ global glyphlist
+ subelementlist = []
+ thisglyphname = e.get('PSName')
+ atvalue = e.get("at")
+ withvalue = e.get("with")
+ shiftx = shifty = None
+ for se in e:
+ if se.tag == 'property': pass
+ elif se.tag == 'shift':
+ shiftx = se.get('x')
+ shifty = se.get('y')
+ elif se.tag == 'attach':
+ subelementlist.append( se )
+ glyphlist.append( ( thisglyphname, prevglyph, atvalue, withvalue, shiftx, shifty ) )
+ for se in subelementlist:
+ addtolist(se, thisglyphname)
+def addtwo(a1, a2):
+ """Take two items (string, number or None), convert to integer and return sum"""
+ b1 = int(a1) if a1 is not None else 0
+ b2 = int(a2) if a2 is not None else 0
+ return b1 + b2
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e967b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Uses the GlyphConstruction library to build composite glyphs.'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from glyphConstruction import ParseGlyphConstructionListFromString, GlyphConstructionBuilder
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font filename'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--cdfile',{'help': 'Composite Definitions input file'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': 'constructions.txt'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_gc.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ constructions = ParseGlyphConstructionListFromString(args.cdfile)
+ for construction in constructions :
+ # Create a new constructed glyph object
+ try:
+ constructionGlyph = GlyphConstructionBuilder(construction, font)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log("Invalid CD line '" + construction + "' - " + str(e), "E")
+ else:
+ # Make a new glyph in target font with the new glyph name
+ glyph = font.newGlyph(
+ # Draw the constructed object onto the new glyph
+ # This is rather odd in how it works
+ constructionGlyph.draw(glyph.getPen())
+ # Copy glyph metadata from constructed object
+ =
+ glyph.unicode = constructionGlyph.unicode
+ glyph.note = constructionGlyph.note
+ #glyph.markColor = constructionGlyph.mark
+ glyph.width = constructionGlyph.width
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("FP",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f659315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Build features.fea file into a ttf font'
+# TODO: add conditional compilation, compare to fea, compile to ttf
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Martin Hosken'
+from fontTools.feaLib.builder import Builder
+from fontTools import configLogger
+from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables import lookupTypes
+from fontTools.feaLib.lookupDebugInfo import LookupDebugInfo
+from silfont.core import execute
+class MyBuilder(Builder):
+ def __init__(self, font, featurefile, lateSortLookups=False, fronts=None):
+ super(MyBuilder, self).__init__(font, featurefile)
+ self.lateSortLookups = lateSortLookups
+ self.fronts = fronts if fronts is not None else []
+ def buildLookups_(self, tag):
+ assert tag in ('GPOS', 'GSUB'), tag
+ countFeatureLookups = 0
+ fronts = set([l for k, l in self.named_lookups_.items() if k in self.fronts])
+ for bldr in self.lookups_:
+ bldr.lookup_index = None
+ if bldr.table == tag and getattr(bldr, '_feature', "") != "":
+ countFeatureLookups += 1
+ lookups = []
+ latelookups = []
+ for bldr in self.lookups_:
+ if bldr.table != tag:
+ continue
+ if self.lateSortLookups and getattr(bldr, '_feature', "") == "":
+ if bldr in fronts:
+ latelookups.insert(0, bldr)
+ else:
+ latelookups.append(bldr)
+ else:
+ bldr.lookup_index = len(lookups)
+ lookups.append(bldr)
+ bldr.map_index = bldr.lookup_index
+ numl = len(lookups)
+ for i, l in enumerate(latelookups):
+ l.lookup_index = numl + i
+ l.map_index = l.lookup_index
+ for l in lookups + latelookups:
+ self.lookup_locations[tag][str(l.lookup_index)] = LookupDebugInfo(
+ location=str(l.location),
+ name=self.get_lookup_name_(l),
+ feature=None)
+ return [ for b in lookups + latelookups]
+ def add_lookup_to_feature_(self, lookup, feature_name):
+ super(MyBuilder, self).add_lookup_to_feature_(lookup, feature_name)
+ lookup._feature = feature_name
+#TODO: provide more argument info
+argspec = [
+ ('input_fea', {'help': 'Input fea file'}, {}),
+ ('input_font', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {}),
+ ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Output font file'}, {}),
+ ('-v', '--verbose', {'help': 'Repeat to increase verbosity', 'action': 'count', 'default': 0}, {}),
+ ('-m', '--lookupmap', {'help': 'File into which place lookup map'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_buildfea.log', 'optlog': True}),
+ ('-e','--end',{'help': 'Push lookups not in features to the end', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-F','--front',{'help': 'Pull named lookups to the front of unnamed list', 'action': 'append'}, {}),
+def doit(args) :
+ levels = ["WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
+ configLogger(level=levels[min(len(levels) - 1, args.verbose)])
+ font = TTFont(args.input_font)
+ builder = MyBuilder(font, args.input_fea, lateSortLookups=args.end, fronts=args.front)
+ if args.lookupmap:
+ with open(args.lookupmap, "w") as outf:
+ for n, l in sorted(builder.named_lookups_.items()):
+ if l is not None:
+ outf.write("{},{},{}\n".format(n, l.table, l.map_index))
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b2750e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Change graphite names within GDL based on a csv list in format
+ old name, newname
+ Logs any names not in list
+ Also updates postscript names in postscript() statements based on psnames csv'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import os, re
+argspec = [
+ ('input',{'help': 'Input file or folder'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file or folder', 'nargs': '?'}, {}),
+ ('-n','--names',{'help': 'Names csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'gdlmap.csv'}),
+ ('--names2',{'help': '2nd names csv file', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}),
+ ('--psnames',{'help': 'PS names csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'psnames.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'GDLchangeNames.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ logger = args.paramsobj.logger
+ exceptions = ("glyph", "gamma", "greek_circ")
+ # Process input which may be a single file or a directory
+ input = args.input
+ gdlfiles = []
+ if os.path.isdir(input) :
+ inputisdir = True
+ indir = input
+ for name in os.listdir(input) :
+ ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
+ if ext in ('.gdl','.gdh') :
+ gdlfiles.append(name)
+ else :
+ inputisdir = False
+ indir,inname = os.path.split(input)
+ gdlfiles = [inname]
+ # Process output file name - execute() will not have processed file/dir name at all
+ output = "" if args.output is None else args.output
+ outdir,outfile = os.path.split(output)
+ if outfile != "" and os.path.splitext(outfile)[1] == "" : # if no extension on outfile, assume a dir was meant
+ outdir = os.path.join(outdir,outfile)
+ outfile = None
+ if outfile == "" : outfile = None
+ if outfile and inputisdir : logger.log("Can't specify an output file when input is a directory", "S")
+ outappend = None
+ if outdir == "" :
+ if outfile is None :
+ outappend = "_out"
+ else :
+ if outfile == gdlfiles[0] : logger.log("Specify a different output file", "S")
+ outdir = indir
+ else:
+ if indir == outdir :
+ if outfile :
+ if outfile == gdlfiles[0] : logger.log("Specify a different output file", "S")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Specify a different output dir", "S")
+ if not os.path.isdir(outdir) : logger.log("Output directory does not exist", "S")
+ # Process names csv file
+ args.names.numfields = 2
+ names = {}
+ for line in args.names : names[line[0]] = line[1]
+ # Process names2 csv if present
+ names2 = args.names2
+ if names2 is not None :
+ names2.numfields = 2
+ for line in names2 :
+ n1 = line[0]
+ n2 = line[1]
+ if n1 in names and n2 != names[n1] :
+ logger.log(n1 + " in both names and names2 with different values","E")
+ else :
+ names[n1] = n2
+ # Process psnames csv file
+ args.psnames.numfields = 2
+ psnames = {}
+ for line in args.psnames : psnames[line[1]] = line[0]
+ missed = []
+ psmissed = []
+ for filen in gdlfiles:
+ dbg = True if filen == 'main.gdh' else False ##
+ file = open(os.path.join(indir,filen),"r")
+ if outappend :
+ base,ext = os.path.splitext(filen)
+ outfilen = base+outappend+ext
+ else :
+ outfilen = filen
+ outfile = open(os.path.join(outdir,outfilen),"w")
+ commentblock = False
+ cnt = 0 ##
+ for line in file:
+ cnt += 1 ##
+ #if cnt > 150 : break ##
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # Skip comment blocks
+ if line[0:2] == "/*" :
+ outfile.write(line + "\n")
+ if line.find("*/") == -1 : commentblock = True
+ continue
+ if commentblock :
+ outfile.write(line + "\n")
+ if line.find("*/") != -1 : commentblock = False
+ continue
+ # Scan for graphite names
+ cpos = line.find("//")
+ if cpos == -1 :
+ scan = line
+ comment = ""
+ else :
+ scan = line[0:cpos]
+ comment = line[cpos:]
+ tmpline = ""
+ while'[\s(\[,]g\w+?[\s)\],?:;=]'," "+scan+" ") :
+ m ='[\s(\[,]g\w+?[\s)\],?:;=]'," "+scan+" ")
+ gname =[1:-1]
+ if gname in names :
+ gname = names[gname]
+ else :
+ if gname not in missed and gname not in exceptions :
+ logger.log(gname + " from '" + line.strip() + "' in " + filen + " missing from csv", "W")
+ missed.append(gname) # only log each missed name once
+ tmpline = tmpline + scan[lastend:m.start()] + gname
+ scan = scan[m.end()-2:]
+ tmpline = tmpline + scan + comment
+ # Scan for postscript statements
+ scan = tmpline[0:tmpline.find("//")] if tmpline.find("//") != -1 else tmpline
+ newline = ""
+ lastend = 0
+ for m in re.finditer('postscript\(.+?\)',scan) :
+ psname =[12:-2]
+ if psname in psnames :
+ psname = psnames[psname]
+ else :
+ if psname not in psmissed :
+ logger.log(psname + " from '" + line.strip() + "' in " + filen + " missing from ps csv", "W")
+ psmissed.append(psname) # only log each missed name once
+ newline = newline + scan[lastend:m.start()+12] + psname
+ lastend = m.end()-2
+ newline = newline + tmpline[lastend:]
+ outfile.write(newline + "\n")
+ file.close()
+ outfile.close()
+ if missed != [] : logger.log("Names were missed from the csv file - see log file for details","E")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c9853e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Rename the glyphs in a ttf file based on production names in a UFO'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Alan Ward'
+# Rename the glyphs in a ttf file based on production names in a UFO
+# using same technique as fontmake.
+# Production names come from ufo.lib.public.postscriptNames according to ufo2ft comments
+# but I don't know exactly where in the UFO that is
+from silfont.core import execute
+import defcon, fontTools.ttLib, ufo2ft
+argspec = [
+ ('iufo', {'help': 'Input UFO folder'}, {}),
+ ('ittf', {'help': 'Input ttf file name'}, {}),
+ ('ottf', {'help': 'Output ttf file name'}, {})]
+def doit(args):
+ ufo = defcon.Font(args.iufo)
+ ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(args.ittf)
+ args.logger.log('Renaming the input ttf glyphs based on production names in the UFO', 'P')
+ postProcessor = ufo2ft.PostProcessor(ttf, ufo)
+ ttf = postProcessor.process(useProductionNames=True, optimizeCFF=False)
+ args.logger.log('Saving the output ttf file', 'P')
+ args.logger.log('Done', 'P')
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7dd4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Checks a UFO for the presence of glyphs that represent the
+Recommended characters for Non-Roman fonts and warns if any are missing.
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.util import required_chars
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-r', '--rtl', {'help': 'Also include characters just for RTL scripts', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-s', '--silpua', {'help': 'Also include characters in SIL PUA block', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_checkbasicchars.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ rationales = {
+ "A": "in Codepage 1252",
+ "B": "in MacRoman",
+ "C": "for publishing",
+ "D": "for Non-Roman fonts and publishing",
+ "E": "by Google Fonts",
+ "F": "by TeX for visible space",
+ "G": "for encoding conversion utilities",
+ "H": "in case Variation Sequences are defined in future",
+ "I": "to detect byte order",
+ "J": "to render combining marks in isolation",
+ "K": "to view sidebearings for every glyph using these characters"}
+ charsets = ["basic"]
+ if args.rtl: charsets.append("rtl")
+ if args.silpua: charsets.append("sil")
+ req_chars = required_chars(charsets)
+ glyphlist = font.deflayer.keys()
+ for glyphn in glyphlist :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if len(glyph["unicode"]) == 1 :
+ unival = glyph["unicode"][0].hex
+ if unival in req_chars:
+ del req_chars[unival]
+ cnt = len(req_chars)
+ if cnt > 0:
+ for usv in sorted(req_chars.keys()):
+ item = req_chars[usv]
+ psname = item["ps_name"]
+ gname = item["glyph_name"]
+ name = psname if psname == gname else psname + ", " + gname
+ logger.log("U+" + usv + " from the " + item["sil_set"] +
+ " set has no representative glyph (" + name + ")", "W")
+ logger.log("Rationale: This character is needed " + rationales[item["rationale"]], "I")
+ if item["notes"]:
+ logger.log(item["notes"], "I")
+ logger.log("There are " + str(cnt) + " required characters missing", "E")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dcd517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''verify classes defined in xml have correct ordering where needed
+Looks for comment lines in the classes.xml file that match the string:
+where n is the number of upcoming class definitions that must result in the
+same glyph alignment when glyph names are sorted by TTF order (as described
+in the glyph_data.csv file).
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+import re
+import types
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('classes', {'help': 'class definition in XML format', 'nargs': '?', 'default': 'classes.xml'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('glyphdata', {'help': 'Glyph info csv file', 'nargs': '?', 'default': 'glyph_data.csv'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('--gname', {'help': 'Column header for glyph name', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('--sort', {'help': 'Column header(s) for sort order', 'default': 'sort_final'}, {}),
+# Dictionary of glyphName : sortValue
+sorts = dict()
+# Keep track of glyphs mentioned in classes but not in glyph_data.csv
+missingGlyphs = set()
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Read input csv to get glyph sort order
+ incsv = args.glyphdata
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ if args.gname in fl:
+ glyphnpos = fl.index(args.gname)
+ else:
+ logger.log("No" + args.gname + "field in csv headers", "S")
+ if args.sort in fl:
+ sortpos = fl.index(args.sort)
+ else:
+ logger.log('No "' + args.sort + '" heading in csv headers"', "S")
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with containing headers
+ for line in incsv:
+ glyphn = line[glyphnpos]
+ if len(glyphn) == 0:
+ continue # No need to include cases where name is blank
+ sorts[glyphn] = float(line[sortpos])
+ # RegEx we are looking for in comments
+ matchCountRE = re.compile("\*NEXT ([1-9]\d*) CLASSES MUST MATCH\*")
+ # parse classes.xml but include comments
+ class MyTreeBuilder(ET.TreeBuilder):
+ def comment(self, data):
+ res =
+ if res:
+ # record the count of classes that must match
+ self.start(ET.Comment, {})
+ self.end(ET.Comment)
+ doc = ET.parse(args.classes, parser=ET.XMLParser(target=MyTreeBuilder())).getroot()
+ # process results looking for both class elements and specially formatted comments
+ matchCount = 0
+ refClassList = None
+ refClassName = None
+ for child in doc:
+ if isinstance(child.tag, types.FunctionType):
+ # Special type used for comments
+ if matchCount > 0:
+ logger.log("Unexpected match request '{}': matching {} is not yet complete".format(child.text, refClassName), "E")
+ ref = None
+ matchCount = int(child.text)
+ # print "Match count = {}".format(matchCount)
+ elif child.tag == 'class':
+ l = orderClass(child, logger) # Do this so we record classes whether we match them or not.
+ if matchCount > 0:
+ matchCount -= 1
+ className = child.attrib['name']
+ if refClassName is None:
+ refClassList = l
+ refLen = len(refClassList)
+ refClassName = className
+ else:
+ # compare ref list and l
+ if len(l) != refLen:
+ logger.log("Class {} (length {}) and {} (length {}) have unequal length".format(refClassName, refLen, className, len(l)), "E")
+ else:
+ errCount = 0
+ for i in range(refLen):
+ if l[i][0] != refClassList[i][0]:
+ logger.log ("Class {} and {} inconsistent order glyphs {} and {}".format(refClassName, className, refClassList[i][2], l[i][2]), "E")
+ errCount += 1
+ if errCount > 5:
+ logger.log ("Abandoning compare between Classes {} and {}".format(refClassName, className), "E")
+ break
+ if matchCount == 0:
+ refClassName = None
+ # List glyphs mentioned in classes.xml but not present in glyph_data:
+ if len(missingGlyphs):
+ logger.log('Glyphs mentioned in classes.xml but not present in glyph_data: ' + ', '.join(sorted(missingGlyphs)), 'W')
+classes = {} # Keep record of all classes we've seen so we can flatten references
+def orderClass(classElement, logger):
+ # returns a list of tuples, each containing (indexWithinClass, sortOrder, glyphName)
+ # list is sorted by sortOrder
+ glyphList = classElement.text.split()
+ res = []
+ for i in range(len(glyphList)):
+ token = glyphList[i]
+ if token.startswith('@'):
+ # Nested class
+ cname = token[1:]
+ if cname in classes:
+ res.extend(classes[cname])
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid fea: class {} referenced before being defined".format(cname),"S")
+ else:
+ # simple glyph name -- make sure it is in glyph_data:
+ if token in sorts:
+ res.append((i, sorts[token], token))
+ else:
+ missingGlyphs.add(token)
+ classes[classElement.attrib['name']] = res
+ return sorted(res, key=lambda x: x[1])
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ed9b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Test structural integrity of one or more ftml files
+Assumes ftml files have already validated against FTML.dtd, for example by using:
+ xmllint --noout --dtdvalid FTML.dtd inftml.ftml
+Verifies that:
+ - silfont.ftml can parse the file
+ - every stylename is defined the <styles> list '''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+import glob
+from silfont.ftml import Fxml, Ftest
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('inftml', {'help': 'Input ftml filename pattern (default: *.ftml) ', 'nargs' : '?', 'default' : '*.ftml'}, {}),
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ fnames = glob.glob(args.inftml)
+ if len(fnames) == 0:
+ logger.log(f'No files matching "{args.inftml}" found.','E')
+ for fname in glob.glob(args.inftml):
+ logger.log(f'checking {fname}', 'P')
+ unknownStyles = set()
+ usedStyles = set()
+ # recursively find and check all <test> elements in a <testsgroup>
+ def checktestgroup(testgroup):
+ for test in testgroup.tests:
+ # Not sure why, but sub-testgroups are also included in tests, so filter those out for now
+ if isinstance(test, Ftest) and test.stylename:
+ sname = test.stylename
+ usedStyles.add(sname)
+ if sname is not None and sname not in unknownStyles and \
+ not (hasStyles and sname in ftml.head.styles):
+ logger.log(f' stylename "{sname}" not defined in head/styles', 'E')
+ unknownStyles.add(sname)
+ # recurse to nested testgroups if any:
+ if testgroup.testgroups is not None:
+ for subgroup in testgroup.testgroups:
+ checktestgroup(subgroup)
+ with open(fname,encoding='utf8') as f:
+ # Attempt to parse the ftml file
+ ftml = Fxml(f)
+ hasStyles = ftml.head.styles is not None # Whether or not any styles are defined in head element
+ # Look through all tests for undefined styles:
+ for testgroup in ftml.testgroups:
+ checktestgroup(testgroup)
+ if hasStyles:
+ # look for unused styles:
+ for style in ftml.head.styles:
+ if style not in usedStyles:
+ logger.log(f' defined style "{style}" not used in any test', 'W')
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a805d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Warn for differences in glyph inventory and encoding between UFO and input file (e.g., glyph_data.csv).
+Input file can be:
+ - simple text file with one glyph name per line
+ - csv file with headers, using headers "glyph_name" and, if present, "USV"'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2020-2023 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'Input text file, default glyph_data.csv in current directory', 'default': 'glyph_data.csv'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('--indent', {'help': 'size of indent (default 10)', 'type': int, 'default': 10}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_checkinventory.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ indent = ' '*args.indent
+ if not (args.quiet or 'scrlevel' in args.paramsobj.sets['command line']):
+ logger.raisescrlevel('W') # Raise level to W if not already W or higher
+ def csvWarning(msg, exception=None):
+ m = f'glyph_data line {incsv.line_num}: {msg}'
+ if exception is not None:
+ m += '; ' + exception.message
+ logger.log(m, 'W')
+ # Get glyph names and encoding from input file
+ glyphFromCSVuid = {}
+ uidsFromCSVglyph = {}
+ # Identify file format (plain text or csv) from first line
+ # If csv file, it must have headers for "glyph_name" and "USV"
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log('Empty input file', 'S')
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ incsv.numfields = numfields
+ usvCol = None # Use this as a flag later to determine whether to check USV inventory
+ if numfields > 1: # More than 1 column, so must have headers
+ # Required columns:
+ try:
+ nameCol = fl.index('glyph_name');
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log('Missing csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log('Error reading csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ # Optional columns:
+ usvCol = fl.index('USV') if 'USV' in fl else None
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ glyphList = set()
+ for line in incsv:
+ gname = line[nameCol]
+ if len(gname) == 0 or line[0].strip().startswith('#'):
+ continue # No need to include cases where name is blank or comment
+ if gname in glyphList:
+ csvWarning(f'glyph name {gname} previously seen; ignored')
+ continue
+ glyphList.add(gname)
+ if usvCol:
+ # Process USV field, which can be:
+ # empty string -- unencoded glyph
+ # single USV -- encoded glyph
+ # USVs connected by '_' -- ligature (in glyph_data for test generation, not glyph encoding)
+ # space-separated list of the above, where presence of multiple USVs indicates multiply-encoded glyph
+ for usv in line[usvCol].split():
+ if '_' in usv:
+ # ignore ligatures -- these are for test generation, not encoding
+ continue
+ try:
+ uid = int(usv, 16)
+ except Exception as e:
+ csvWarning("invalid USV '%s' (%s); ignored: " % (usv, e.message))
+ if uid in glyphFromCSVuid:
+ csvWarning('USV %04X previously seen; ignored' % uid)
+ else:
+ # Remember this glyph encoding
+ glyphFromCSVuid[uid] = gname
+ uidsFromCSVglyph.setdefault(gname, set()).add(uid)
+ elif numfields == 1: # Simple text file.
+ glyphList = set(line[0] for line in incsv)
+ else:
+ logger.log('Invalid csv file', 'S')
+ # Get the list of glyphs in the UFO
+ ufoList = set(font.deflayer.keys())
+ notInUFO = glyphList - ufoList
+ notInGlyphData = ufoList - glyphList
+ if len(notInUFO):
+ logger.log('Glyphs present in glyph_data but missing from UFO:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInUFO)), 'W')
+ if len(notInGlyphData):
+ logger.log('Glyphs present in UFO but missing from glyph_data:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInGlyphData)), 'W')
+ if len(notInUFO) == 0 and len(notInGlyphData) == 0:
+ logger.log('No glyph inventory differences found', 'P')
+ if usvCol:
+ # We can check encoding of glyphs in common
+ inBoth = glyphList & ufoList # Glyphs we want to examine
+ csvEncodings = set(f'{gname}|{uid:04X}' for gname in filter(lambda x: x in uidsFromCSVglyph, inBoth) for uid in uidsFromCSVglyph[gname] )
+ ufoEncodings = set(f'{gname}|{int(u.hex, 16):04X}' for gname in inBoth for u in font.deflayer[gname]['unicode'])
+ notInUFO = csvEncodings - ufoEncodings
+ notInGlyphData = ufoEncodings - csvEncodings
+ if len(notInUFO):
+ logger.log('Encodings present in glyph_data but missing from UFO:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInUFO)), 'W')
+ if len(notInGlyphData):
+ logger.log('Encodings present in UFO but missing from glyph_data:\n' + '\n'.join(indent + g for g in sorted(notInGlyphData)), 'W')
+ if len(notInUFO) == 0 and len(notInGlyphData) == 0:
+ logger.log('No glyph encoding differences found', 'P')
+ else:
+ logger.log('Glyph encodings not compared', 'P')
+def cmd(): execute('UFO', doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b5e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Check that the ufos in a designspace file are interpolatable'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from import OpenFont
+import fontTools.designspaceLib as DSD
+argspec = [
+ ('designspace', {'help': 'Design space file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('-l','--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_checkinterp.log'}),
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ logger = args.logger
+ ds = DSD.DesignSpaceDocument()
+ if len(ds.sources) == 1: logger.log("The design space file has only one source UFO", "S")
+ # Find all the UFOs from the DS Sources. Where there are more than 2, the primary one will be considered to be
+ # the one where info copy="1" is set (as per psfsyncmasters). If not set for any, use the first ufo.
+ pufo = None
+ otherfonts = {}
+ for source in ds.sources:
+ ufo = source.path
+ try:
+ font = OpenFont(ufo)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Unable to open " + ufo, "S")
+ if source.copyInfo:
+ if pufo: logger.log('Multiple fonts with <info copy="1" />', "S")
+ pufo = ufo
+ pfont = font
+ else:
+ otherfonts[ufo] = font
+ if pufo is None: # If we can't identify the primary font by conyInfo, just use the first one
+ pufo = ds.sources[0].path
+ pfont = otherfonts[pufo]
+ del otherfonts[pufo]
+ pinventory = set( for glyph in pfont)
+ for oufo in otherfonts:
+ logger.log(f'Comparing {pufo} with {oufo}', 'P')
+ ofont = otherfonts[oufo]
+ oinventory = set( for glyph in ofont)
+ if pinventory != oinventory:
+ logger.log("The glyph inventories in the two UFOs differ", "E")
+ for glyphn in sorted(pinventory - oinventory):
+ logger.log(f'{glyphn} is only in {pufo}', "W")
+ for glyphn in sorted(oinventory - pinventory):
+ logger.log(f'{glyphn} is only in {oufo}', "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("The UFOs have the same glyph inventories", "P")
+ # Are glyphs compatible for interpolation
+ incompatibles = {}
+ for glyphn in pinventory & oinventory:
+ compatible, report = pfont[glyphn].isCompatible(ofont[glyphn])
+ if not compatible: incompatibles[glyphn] = report
+ if incompatibles:
+ logger.log(f'{len(incompatibles)} glyphs are not interpolatable', 'E')
+ for glyphn in sorted(incompatibles):
+ logger.log(f'{glyphn} is not interpolatable', 'W')
+ logger.log(incompatibles[glyphn], "I")
+ if logger.scrlevel == "W": logger.log("To see detailed reports run with scrlevel and/or loglevel set to I")
+ else:
+ logger.log("All the glyphs are interpolatable", "P")
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9575b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Run project-wide checks. Currently just checking glyph inventory and unicode values for ufo sources in
+the designspace files supplied but maybe expanded to do more checks later'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2022 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute, splitfn
+import fontTools.designspaceLib as DSD
+import glob, os
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import silfont.etutil as ETU
+argspec = [
+ ('ds', {'help': 'designspace files to check; wildcards allowed', 'nargs': "+"}, {'type': 'filename'})
+## Quite a few things are being set and then not used at the moment - this is to allow for more checks to be added in the future.
+# For example projectroot, psource
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Open all the supplied DS files and ufos within them
+ dsinfos = []
+ failures = False
+ for pattern in args.ds:
+ cnt = 0
+ for fullpath in glob.glob(pattern):
+ cnt += 1
+ logger.log(f'Opening {fullpath}', 'P')
+ try:
+ ds = DSD.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(fullpath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error opening {fullpath}: {e}', 'E')
+ failures = True
+ break
+ dsinfos.append({'dspath': fullpath, 'ds': ds})
+ if not cnt: logger.log(f'No files matched {pattern}', "S")
+ if failures: logger.log("Failed to open all the designspace files", "S")
+ # Find the project root based on first ds assuming the project root is one level above a source directory containing the DS files
+ path = dsinfos[0]['dspath']
+ (path, base, ext) = splitfn(path)
+ (parent,dir) = os.path.split(path)
+ projectroot = parent if dir == "source" else None
+ logger.log(f'Project root: {projectroot}', "V")
+ # Find and open all the unique UFO sources in the DSs
+ ufos = {}
+ refufo = None
+ for dsinfo in dsinfos:
+ logger.log(f'Processing {dsinfo["dspath"]}', "V")
+ ds = dsinfo['ds']
+ for source in ds.sources:
+ if source.path not in ufos:
+ ufos[source.path] = Ufo(source, logger)
+ if not refufo: refufo = source.path # For now use the first found. Need to work out how to choose the best one
+ refunicodes = ufos[refufo].unicodes
+ refglyphlist = set(refunicodes)
+ (path,refname) = os.path.split(refufo)
+ # Now compare with other UFOs
+ logger.log(f'Comparing glyph inventory and unicode values with those in {refname}', "P")
+ for ufopath in ufos:
+ if ufopath == refufo: continue
+ ufo = ufos[ufopath]
+ logger.log(f'Checking {}', "I")
+ unicodes = ufo.unicodes
+ glyphlist = set(unicodes)
+ missing = refglyphlist - glyphlist
+ extras = glyphlist - refglyphlist
+ both = glyphlist - extras
+ if missing: logger.log(f'These glyphs are missing from {}: {str(list(missing))}', 'E')
+ if extras: logger.log(f'These extra glyphs are in {}: {", ".join(extras)}', 'E')
+ valdiff = [f'{g}: {str(unicodes[g])}/{str(refunicodes[g])}'
+ for g in both if refunicodes[g] != unicodes[g]]
+ if valdiff:
+ valdiff = "\n".join(valdiff)
+ logger.log(f'These glyphs in {} have different unicode values to those in {refname}:\n'
+ f'{valdiff}', 'E')
+class Ufo(object): # Read just the bits for UFO needed for current checks for efficientcy reasons
+ def __init__(self, source, logger):
+ self.source = source
+ (path, = os.path.split(source.path)
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.ufodir = source.path
+ self.unicodes = {}
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.ufodir): logger.log(self.ufodir + " in designspace doc does not exist", "S")
+ try:
+ self.layercontents = UFO.Uplist(font=None, dirn=self.ufodir, filen="layercontents.plist")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Unable to open layercontents.plist in " + self.ufodir, "S")
+ for i in sorted(self.layercontents.keys()):
+ layername = self.layercontents[i][0].text
+ if layername != 'public.default': continue
+ layerdir = self.layercontents[i][1].text
+ fulldir = os.path.join(self.ufodir, layerdir)
+ self.contents = UFO.Uplist(font=None, dirn=fulldir, filen="contents.plist")
+ for glyphn in sorted(self.contents.keys()):
+ glifn = self.contents[glyphn][1].text
+ glyph = ETU.xmlitem(os.path.join(self.ufodir,layerdir), glifn, logger=logger)
+ unicode = None
+ for x in glyph.etree:
+ if x.tag == 'unicode':
+ unicode = x.attrib['hex']
+ break
+ self.unicodes[glyphn] = unicode
+def cmd(): execute('', doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e447a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'convert composite definition file to XML format'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.etutil import ETWriter
+from silfont.comp import CompGlyph
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+# specify three parameters: input file (single line format), output file (XML format), log file
+# and optional -p indentFirst " " -p indentIncr " " -p "PSName,UID,with,at,x,y" for XML formatting.
+argspec = [
+ ('input',{'help': 'Input file of CD in single line format'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file of CD in XML format'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_out.xml'}),
+ ('log',{'help': 'Log file'},{'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_log.txt'}),
+ ('-p','--params',{'help': 'XML formatting parameters: indentFirst, indentIncr, attOrder','action': 'append'}, {'type': 'optiondict'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ ofile = args.output
+ lfile = args.log
+ filelinecount = 0
+ linecount = 0
+ elementcount = 0
+ cgobj = CompGlyph()
+ f = ET.Element('font')
+ for line in args.input.readlines():
+ filelinecount += 1
+ testline = line.strip()
+ if len(testline) > 0 and testline[0:1] != '#': # not whitespace or comment
+ linecount += 1
+ cgobj.CDline=line
+ cgobj.CDelement=None
+ try:
+ cgobj.parsefromCDline()
+ if cgobj.CDelement != None:
+ f.append(cgobj.CDelement)
+ elementcount += 1
+ except ValueError as e:
+ lfile.write("Line "+str(filelinecount)+": "+str(e)+'\n')
+ if linecount != elementcount:
+ lfile.write("Lines read from input file: " + str(filelinecount)+'\n')
+ lfile.write("Lines parsed (excluding blank and comment lines): " + str(linecount)+'\n')
+ lfile.write("Valid glyphs found: " + str(elementcount)+'\n')
+# instead of simple serialization with: ofile.write(ET.tostring(f))
+# create ETWriter object and specify indentation and attribute order to get normalized output
+ indentFirst = " "
+ indentIncr = " "
+ attOrder = "PSName,UID,with,at,x,y"
+ for k in args.params:
+ if k == 'indentIncr': indentIncr = args.params['indentIncr']
+ elif k == 'indentFirst': indentFirst = args.params['indentFirst']
+ elif k == 'attOrder': attOrder = args.params['attOrder']
+ x = attOrder.split(',')
+ attributeOrder = dict(zip(x,range(len(x))))
+ etwobj=ETWriter(f, indentFirst=indentFirst, indentIncr=indentIncr, attributeOrder=attributeOrder)
+ ofile.write(etwobj.serialize_xml())
+ return
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d0f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Compress Graphite tables in a font'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Martin Hosken'
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input TTF'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output TTF','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_compressgr', 'optlog': True})
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools.ttLib.tables.DefaultTable import DefaultTable
+import lz4.block
+import sys, struct
+class lz4tuple(object) :
+ def __init__(self, start) :
+ self.start = start
+ self.literal = start
+ self.literal_len = 0
+ self.match_dist = 0
+ self.match_len = 0
+ self.end = 0
+ def __str__(self) :
+ return "lz4tuple(@{},{}+{},-{}+{})={}".format(self.start, self.literal, self.literal_len, self.match_dist, self.match_len, self.end)
+def read_literal(t, dat, start, datlen) :
+ if t == 15 and start < datlen :
+ v = ord(dat[start:start+1])
+ t += v
+ while v == 0xFF and start < datlen :
+ start += 1
+ v = ord(dat[start:start+1])
+ t += v
+ start += 1
+ return (t, start)
+def write_literal(num, shift) :
+ res = []
+ if num > 14 :
+ res.append(15 << shift)
+ num -= 15
+ while num > 255 :
+ res.append(255)
+ num -= 255
+ res.append(num)
+ else :
+ res.append(num << shift)
+ return bytearray(res)
+def parseTuple(dat, start, datlen) :
+ res = lz4tuple(start)
+ token = ord(dat[start:start+1])
+ (res.literal_len, start) = read_literal(token >> 4, dat, start+1, datlen)
+ res.literal = start
+ start += res.literal_len
+ res.end = start
+ if start > datlen - 2 :
+ return res
+ res.match_dist = ord(dat[start:start+1]) + (ord(dat[start+1:start+2]) << 8)
+ start += 2
+ (res.match_len, start) = read_literal(token & 0xF, dat, start, datlen)
+ res.end = start
+ return res
+def compressGr(dat, version) :
+ if ord(dat[1:2]) < version :
+ vstr = bytes([version]) if sys.version_info.major > 2 else chr(version)
+ dat = dat[0:1] + vstr + dat[2:]
+ datc = lz4.block.compress(dat[:-4], mode='high_compression', compression=16, store_size=False)
+ # now find the final tuple
+ end = len(datc)
+ start = 0
+ curr = lz4tuple(start)
+ while curr.end < end :
+ start = curr.end
+ curr = parseTuple(datc, start, end)
+ if curr.end > end :
+ print("Sync error: {!s}".format(curr))
+ newend = write_literal(curr.literal_len + 4, 4) + datc[curr.literal:curr.literal+curr.literal_len+1] + dat[-4:]
+ lz4hdr = struct.pack(">L", (1 << 27) + (len(dat) & 0x7FFFFFF))
+ return dat[0:4] + lz4hdr + datc[0:curr.start] + newend
+def doit(args) :
+ infont = args.ifont
+ for tag, version in (('Silf', 5), ('Glat', 3)) :
+ dat = infont.getTableData(tag)
+ newdat = bytes(compressGr(dat, version))
+ table = DefaultTable(tag)
+ table.decompile(newdat, infont)
+ infont[tag] = table
+ return infont
+def cmd() : execute('FT', doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__" : cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..055407a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = """Copy glyphs from one UFO to another"""
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.ufo import makeFileName, Uglif
+import re
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-s','--source',{'help': 'Font to get glyphs from'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'glyphlist.csv'}),
+ ('-f','--force',{'help' : 'Overwrite existing glyphs in the font', 'action' : 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_copy.log'}),
+ ('-n', '--name', {'help': 'Include glyph named name', 'action': 'append'}, {}),
+ ('--rename',{'help' : 'Rename glyphs to names in this column'}, {}),
+ ('--unicode', {'help': 'Re-encode glyphs to USVs in this column'}, {}),
+ ('--scale',{'type' : float, 'help' : 'Scale glyphs by this factor'}, {})
+class Glyph:
+ """details about a glyph we have, or need to, copy; mostly just for syntactic sugar"""
+ # Glyphs that are used *only* as component glyphs may have to be renamed if there already exists a glyph
+ # by the same name in the target font. we compute a new name by appending .copy1, .copy2, etc until we get a
+ # unique name. We keep track of the mapping from source font glyphname to target font glyphname using a dictionary.
+ # For ease of use, glyphs named by the input file (which won't have their names changed, see --force) will also
+ # be added to this dictionary because they can also be used as components.
+ nameMap = dict()
+ def __init__(self, oldname, newname="", psname="", dusv=None):
+ self.oldname = oldname
+ self.newname = newname or oldname
+ self.psname = psname or None
+ self.dusv = dusv or None
+ # Keep track of old-to-new name mapping
+ Glyph.nameMap[oldname] = self.newname
+# Mapping from decimal USV to glyphname in target font
+dusv2gname = None
+# RE for parsing glyph names and peeling off the .copyX if present in order to search for a unique name to use:
+gcopyRE = re.compile(r'(^.+?)(?:\.copy(\d+))?$')
+def copyglyph(sfont, tfont, g, args):
+ """copy glyph from source font to target font"""
+ # Generally, 't' variables are target, 's' are source. E.g., tfont is target font.
+ global dusv2gname
+ if not dusv2gname:
+ # Create mappings to find existing glyph name from decimal usv:
+ dusv2gname = {int(unicode.hex, 16): gname for gname in tfont.deflayer for unicode in tfont.deflayer[gname]['unicode']}
+ # NB: Assumes font is well-formed and has at most one glyph with any particular Unicode value.
+ # The layer where we want the copied glyph:
+ tlayer = tfont.deflayer
+ # if new name present in target layer, delete it.
+ if g.newname in tlayer:
+ # New name is already in font:
+ tfont.logger.log("Replacing glyph '{0}' with new glyph".format(g.newname), "V")
+ glyph = tlayer[g.newname]
+ # While here, remove from our mapping any Unicodes from the old glyph:
+ for unicode in glyph["unicode"]:
+ dusv = int(unicode.hex, 16)
+ if dusv in dusv2gname:
+ del dusv2gname[dusv]
+ # Ok, remove old glyph from the layer
+ tlayer.delGlyph(g.newname)
+ else:
+ # New name is not in the font:
+ tfont.logger.log("Adding glyph '{0}'".format(g.newname), "V")
+ # Create new glyph
+ glyph = Uglif(layer = tlayer)
+ # Set etree from source glyph
+ glyph.etree = ET.fromstring(sfont.deflayer[g.oldname].inxmlstr)
+ glyph.process_etree()
+ # Rename the glyph if needed
+ if != g.newname:
+ # Use super to bypass normal glyph renaming logic since it isn't yet in the layer
+ super(Uglif, glyph).__setattr__("name", g.newname)
+ # add new glyph to layer:
+ tlayer.addGlyph(glyph)
+ tfont.logger.log("Added glyph '{0}'".format(g.newname), "V")
+ # todo: set psname if requested; adjusting any other glyphs in the font as needed.
+ # Adjust encoding of new glyph
+ if args.unicode:
+ # First remove any encodings the copied glyph had in the source font:
+ for i in range(len(glyph['unicode']) - 1, -1, -1):
+ glyph.remove('unicode', index=i)
+ if g.dusv:
+ # we want this glyph to be encoded.
+ # First remove this Unicode from any other glyph in the target font
+ if g.dusv in dusv2gname:
+ oglyph = tlayer[dusv2gname[g.dusv]]
+ for unicode in oglyph["unicode"]:
+ if int(unicode.hex,16) == g.dusv:
+ oglyph.remove("unicode", object=unicode)
+ tfont.logger.log("Removed USV {0:04X} from existing glyph '{1}'".format(g.dusv,dusv2gname[g.dusv]), "V")
+ break
+ # Now add and record it:
+ glyph.add("unicode", {"hex": '{:04X}'.format(g.dusv)})
+ dusv2gname[g.dusv] = g.newname
+ tfont.logger.log("Added USV {0:04X} to glyph '{1}'".format(g.dusv, g.newname), "V")
+ # Scale glyph if desired
+ if args.scale:
+ for e in glyph.etree.iter():
+ for attr in ('width', 'height', 'x', 'y', 'xOffset', 'yOffset'):
+ if attr in e.attrib: e.set(attr, str(int(float(e.get(attr))* args.scale)))
+ # Look through components, adjusting names and finding out if we need to copy some.
+ for component in glyph.etree.findall('./outline/component[@base]'):
+ oldname = component.get('base')
+ # Note: the following will cause recursion:
+ component.set('base', copyComponent(sfont, tfont, oldname ,args))
+def copyComponent(sfont, tfont, oldname, args):
+ """copy component glyph if not already copied; make sure name and psname are unique; return its new name"""
+ if oldname in Glyph.nameMap:
+ # already copied
+ return Glyph.nameMap[oldname]
+ # if oldname is already in the target font, make up a new name by adding ".copy1", incrementing as necessary
+ if oldname not in tfont.deflayer:
+ newname = oldname
+ tfont.logger.log("Copying component '{0}' with existing name".format(oldname), "V")
+ else:
+ x = gcopyRE.match(oldname)
+ base =
+ try: i = int(
+ except: i = 1
+ while "{0}.copy{1}".format(base,i) in tfont.deflayer:
+ i += 1
+ newname = "{0}.copy{1}".format(base,i)
+ tfont.logger.log("Copying component '{0}' with new name '{1}'".format(oldname, newname), "V")
+ # todo: something similar to above but for psname
+ # Now copy the glyph, giving it new name if needed.
+ copyglyph(sfont, tfont, Glyph(oldname, newname), args)
+ return newname
+def doit(args) :
+ sfont = args.source # source UFO
+ tfont = args.ifont # target UFO
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Get headings from csvfile:
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ incsv.numfields = numfields
+ # defaults for single column csv (no headers):
+ nameCol = 0
+ renameCol = None
+ psCol = None
+ usvCol = None
+ if numfields > 1 or args.rename or args.unicode:
+ # required columns:
+ try:
+ nameCol = fl.index('glyph_name');
+ if args.rename:
+ renameCol = fl.index(args.rename);
+ if args.unicode:
+ usvCol = fl.index(args.unicode);
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log('Missing csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log('Error reading csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ # optional columns
+ psCol = fl.index('ps_name') if 'ps_name' in fl else None
+ if 'glyph_name' in fl:
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ # list of glyphs to copy
+ glist = list()
+ def checkname(oldname, newname = None):
+ if not newname: newname = oldname
+ if oldname in Glyph.nameMap:
+ logger.log("Line {0}: Glyph '{1}' specified more than once; only the first kept".format(incsv.line_num, oldname), 'W')
+ elif oldname not in sfont.deflayer:
+ logger.log("Line {0}: Glyph '{1}' is not in source font; skipping".format(incsv.line_num, oldname),"W")
+ elif newname in tfont.deflayer and not args.force:
+ logger.log("Line {0}: Glyph '{1}' already present; skipping".format(incsv.line_num, newname), "W")
+ else:
+ return True
+ return False
+ # glyphs specified in csv file
+ for r in incsv:
+ oldname = r[nameCol]
+ newname = r[renameCol] if args.rename else oldname
+ psname = r[psCol] if psCol is not None else None
+ if args.unicode and r[usvCol]:
+ # validate USV:
+ try:
+ dusv = int(r[usvCol],16)
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.log("Line {0}: Invalid USV '{1}'; ignored.".format(incsv.line_num, r[usvCol]), "W")
+ dusv = None
+ else:
+ dusv = None
+ if checkname(oldname, newname):
+ glist.append(Glyph(oldname, newname, psname, dusv))
+ # glyphs specified on the command line
+ if
+ for gname in
+ if checkname(gname):
+ glist.append(Glyph(gname))
+ # Ok, now process them:
+ if len(glist) == 0:
+ logger.log("No glyphs to copy", "S")
+ # copy glyphs by name
+ while len(glist) :
+ g = glist.pop(0)
+ tfont.logger.log("Copying source glyph '{0}' as '{1}'{2}".format(g.oldname, g.newname,
+ " (U+{0:04X})".format(g.dusv) if g.dusv else ""), "I")
+ copyglyph(sfont, tfont, g, args)
+ return tfont
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b67505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Copy metadata between fonts in different (related) families
+Usually run against the master (regular) font in each family then data synced within family afterwards'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('fromfont',{'help': 'From font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('tofont',{'help': 'To font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_copymeta.log'}),
+ ('-r','--reportonly', {'help': 'Report issues but no updating', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ fields = ["copyright", "openTypeNameDescription", "openTypeNameDesigner", "openTypeNameDesignerURL", "openTypeNameLicense", # General feilds
+ "openTypeNameLicenseURL", "openTypeNameManufacturer", "openTypeNameManufacturerURL", "openTypeOS2CodePageRanges",
+ "openTypeOS2UnicodeRanges", "openTypeOS2VendorID", "trademark",
+ "openTypeNameVersion", "versionMajor", "versionMinor", # Version fields
+ "ascender", "descender", "openTypeHheaAscender", "openTypeHheaDescender", "openTypeHheaLineGap", # Design fields
+ "openTypeOS2TypoAscender", "openTypeOS2TypoDescender", "openTypeOS2TypoLineGap", "openTypeOS2WinAscent", "openTypeOS2WinDescent"]
+ libfields = ["public.postscriptNames", "public.glyphOrder", "com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder"]
+ fromfont = args.fromfont
+ tofont = args.tofont
+ logger = args.logger
+ reportonly = args.reportonly
+ updatemessage = " to be updated: " if reportonly else " updated: "
+ precision = fromfont.paramset["precision"]
+ # Increase screen logging level to W unless specific level supplied on command-line
+ if not(args.quiet or "scrlevel" in args.paramsobj.sets["command line"]) : logger.scrlevel = "W"
+ # Process fontinfo.plist
+ ffi = fromfont.fontinfo
+ tfi = tofont.fontinfo
+ fupdated = False
+ for field in fields:
+ if field in ffi :
+ felem = ffi[field][1]
+ ftag = felem.tag
+ ftext = felem.text
+ if ftag == 'real' : ftext = processnum(ftext,precision)
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if field in tfi : # Need to compare values to see if update is needed
+ telem = tfi[field][1]
+ ttag = telem.tag
+ ttext = telem.text
+ if ttag == 'real' : ttext = processnum(ttext,precision)
+ if ftag in ("real", "integer", "string") :
+ if ftext != ttext :
+ if field == "openTypeNameLicense" : # Too long to display all
+ addmess = " Old: '" + ttext[0:80] + "...' New: '" + ftext[0:80] + "...'"
+ else: addmess = " Old: '" + ttext + "' New: '" + str(ftext) + "'"
+ telem.text = ftext
+ logger.log(message + addmess, "W")
+ fupdated = True
+ elif ftag in ("true, false") :
+ if ftag != ttag :
+ fti.setelem(field, ET.fromstring("<" + ftag + "/>"))
+ logger.log(message + " Old: '" + ttag + "' New: '" + str(ftag) + "'", "W")
+ fupdated = True
+ elif ftag == "array" : # Assume simple array with just values to compare
+ farray = []
+ for subelem in felem : farray.append(subelem.text)
+ tarray = []
+ for subelem in telem : tarray.append(subelem.text)
+ if farray != tarray :
+ tfi.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(felem)))
+ logger.log(message + "Some values different Old: " + str(tarray) + " New: " + str(farray), "W")
+ fupdated = True
+ else : logger.log("Non-standard fontinfo field type: "+ ftag + " in " + fontname, "S")
+ else :
+ tfi.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(felem)))
+ logger.log(message + "is missing from destination font so will be copied from source font", "W")
+ fupdated = True
+ else: # Field not in from font
+ if field in tfi :
+ logger.log( field + " is missing from source font but present in destination font", "E")
+ else :
+ logger.log( field + " is in neither font", "W")
+ # Process lib.plist - currently just public.postscriptNames and glyph order fields which are all simple dicts or arrays
+ flib = fromfont.lib
+ tlib = tofont.lib
+ lupdated = False
+ for field in libfields:
+ action = None
+ if field in flib:
+ if field in tlib: # Need to compare values to see if update is needed
+ if flib.getval(field) != tlib.getval(field):
+ action = "Updatefield"
+ else:
+ action = "Copyfield"
+ else:
+ action = "Error" if field == ("public.GlyphOrder", "public.postscriptNames") else "Warn"
+ issue = field + " not in source font lib.plist"
+ # Process the actions, create log messages etc
+ if action is None or action == "Ignore":
+ pass
+ elif action == "Warn":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "W")
+ elif action == "Error":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "E")
+ elif action in ("Updatefield", "Copyfield"): # Updating actions
+ lupdated = True
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if action == "Copyfield":
+ message = message + "is missing so will be copied from source font"
+ tlib.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(flib[field][1])))
+ elif action == "Updatefield":
+ message = message + "Some values different"
+ tlib.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(flib[field][1])))
+ logger.log(message, "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Uncoded action: " + action + " - oops", "X")
+ # Now update on disk
+ if not reportonly:
+ if fupdated:
+ logger.log("Writing updated fontinfo.plist", "P")
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(tfi, tofont.outparams, tofont.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist", True, fobject=True)
+ if lupdated:
+ logger.log("Writing updated lib.plist", "P")
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(tlib, tofont.outparams, tofont.ufodir, "lib.plist", True, fobject=True)
+ return
+def processnum(text, precision) : # Apply same processing to real numbers that normalization will
+ if precision is not None:
+ val = round(float(text), precision)
+ if val == int(val) : val = int(val) # Removed trailing decimal .0
+ text = str(val)
+ return text
+def cmd(): execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d623390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Generate instance UFOs from a designspace document and master UFOs'
+# Python 2.7 script to build instance UFOs from a designspace document
+# If a file is given, all instances are built
+# A particular instance to build can be specified using the -i option
+# and the 'name' attribute value for an 'instance' element in the designspace file
+# Or it can be specified using the -a and -v options
+# to specify any attribute and value pair for an 'instance' in the designspace file
+# If more than one instances matches, all will be built
+# A prefix for the output path can be specified (for smith processing)
+# If the location of an instance UFO matches a master's location,
+# glyphs are copied instead of calculated
+# This allows instances to build with glyphs that are not interpolatable
+# An option exists to calculate glyphs instead of copying them
+# If a folder is given using an option, all instances in all designspace files are built
+# Specifying an instance to build or an output path prefix is not supported with a folder
+# Also, all glyphs will be calculated
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Alan Ward'
+import os, re
+from mutatorMath.ufo.document import DesignSpaceDocumentReader
+from mutatorMath.ufo.instance import InstanceWriter
+from fontMath.mathGlyph import MathGlyph
+from mutatorMath.ufo import build as build_designspace
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('designspace_path', {'help': 'Path to designspace document (or folder of them)'}, {}),
+ ('-i', '--instanceName', {'help': 'Font name for instance to build'}, {}),
+ ('-a', '--instanceAttr', {'help': 'Attribute used to specify instance to build'}, {}),
+ ('-v', '--instanceVal', {'help': 'Value of attribute specifying instance to build'}, {}),
+ ('-f', '--folder', {'help': 'Build all designspace files in a folder','action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Prepend path to all output paths'}, {}),
+ ('--forceInterpolation', {'help': 'If an instance matches a master, calculate glyphs instead of copying them',
+ 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('--roundInstances', {'help': 'Apply integer rounding to all geometry when interpolating',
+ 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file (default: *_createinstances.log)'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_createinstances.log'}),
+ ('-W','--weightfix',{'help': 'Enable RIBBI style weight fixing', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+# Class factory to wrap a subclass in a closure to store values not defined in the original class
+# that our method overrides will utilize
+# The class methods will fail unless the class is generated by the factory, which is enforced by scoping
+# Using class attribs or global variables would violate encapsulation even more
+# and would only allow for one instance of the class
+weightClasses = {
+ 'bold': 700
+def InstanceWriterCF(output_path_prefix, calc_glyphs, fix_weight):
+ class LocalInstanceWriter(InstanceWriter):
+ fixWeight = fix_weight
+ def __init__(self, path, *args, **kw):
+ if output_path_prefix:
+ path = os.path.join(output_path_prefix, path)
+ return super(LocalInstanceWriter, self).__init__(path, *args, **kw)
+ # Override the method used to calculate glyph geometry
+ # If copy_glyphs is true and the glyph being processed is in the same location
+ # (has all the same axes values) as a master UFO,
+ # then extract the glyph geometry directly into the target glyph.
+ # FYI, in the superclass method, m = buildMutator(); m.makeInstance() returns a MathGlyph
+ def _calculateGlyph(self, targetGlyphObject, instanceLocationObject, glyphMasters):
+ # Search for a glyphMaster with the same location as instanceLocationObject
+ found = False
+ if not calc_glyphs: # i.e. if copying glyphs
+ for item in glyphMasters:
+ locationObject = item['location'] # mutatorMath Location
+ if locationObject.sameAs(instanceLocationObject) == 0:
+ found = True
+ fontObject = item['font'] # defcon Font
+ glyphName = item['glyphName'] # string
+ glyphObject = MathGlyph(fontObject[glyphName])
+ glyphObject.extractGlyph(targetGlyphObject, onlyGeometry=True)
+ break
+ if not found: # includes case of calc_glyphs == True
+ super(LocalInstanceWriter, self)._calculateGlyph(targetGlyphObject,
+ instanceLocationObject,
+ glyphMasters)
+ def _copyFontInfo(self, targetInfo, sourceInfo):
+ super(LocalInstanceWriter, self)._copyFontInfo(targetInfo, sourceInfo)
+ if getattr(self, 'fixWeight', False):
+ # fixWeight is True since the --weightfix (or -W) option was specified
+ # This mode is used for RIBBI font builds,
+ # therefore the weight class can be determined
+ # by the style name
+ if"bold"):
+ weight_class = 700
+ else:
+ weight_class = 400
+ else:
+ # fixWeight is False (or None)
+ # This mode is used for non-RIBBI font builds,
+ # therefore the weight class can be determined
+ # by the weight axis map in the Designspace file
+ foundmap = False
+ weight = int(self.locationObject["weight"])
+ for map_space in self.axes["weight"]["map"]:
+ userspace = int(map_space[0]) # called input in the Designspace file
+ designspace = int(map_space[1]) # called output in the Designspace file
+ if designspace == weight:
+ weight_class = userspace
+ foundmap = True
+ if not foundmap:
+ weight_class = 399 # Dummy value designed to look non-standard
+ logger.log(f'No entry in designspace axis mapping for {weight}; set to 399', 'W')
+ setattr(targetInfo, 'openTypeOS2WeightClass', weight_class)
+ localinfo = {}
+ for k in (('openTypeNameManufacturer', None),
+ ('styleMapFamilyName', 'familyName'),
+ ('styleMapStyleName', 'styleName')):
+ localinfo[k[0]] = getattr(targetInfo, k[0], (getattr(targetInfo, k[1]) if k[1] is not None else ""))
+ localinfo['styleMapStyleName'] = localinfo['styleMapStyleName'].title()
+ localinfo['year'] = re.sub(r'^.*?([0-9]+)\s*$', r'\1', getattr(targetInfo, 'openTypeNameUniqueID'))
+ uniqueID = "{openTypeNameManufacturer}: {styleMapFamilyName} {styleMapStyleName} {year}".format(**localinfo)
+ setattr(targetInfo, 'openTypeNameUniqueID', uniqueID)
+ return LocalInstanceWriter
+logger = None
+severe_error = False
+def progress_func(state="update", action=None, text=None, tick=0):
+ global severe_error
+ if logger:
+ if state == 'error':
+ if str(action) == 'unicodes':
+ logger.log("%s: %s\n%s" % (state, str(action), str(text)), 'W')
+ else:
+ logger.log("%s: %s\n%s" % (state, str(action), str(text)), 'E')
+ severe_error = True
+ else:
+ logger.log("%s: %s\n%s" % (state, str(action), str(text)), 'I')
+def doit(args):
+ global logger
+ logger = args.logger
+ designspace_path = args.designspace_path
+ instance_font_name = args.instanceName
+ instance_attr = args.instanceAttr
+ instance_val = args.instanceVal
+ output_path_prefix = args.output
+ calc_glyphs = args.forceInterpolation
+ build_folder = args.folder
+ round_instances = args.roundInstances
+ if instance_font_name and (instance_attr or instance_val):
+ args.logger.log('--instanceName is mutually exclusive with --instanceAttr or --instanceVal','S')
+ if (instance_attr and not instance_val) or (instance_val and not instance_attr):
+ args.logger.log('--instanceAttr and --instanceVal must be used together', 'S')
+ if (build_folder and (instance_font_name or instance_attr or instance_val
+ or output_path_prefix or calc_glyphs)):
+ args.logger.log('--folder cannot be used with options: -i, -a, -v, -o, --forceInterpolation', 'S')
+ args.logger.log('Interpolating master UFOs from designspace', 'P')
+ if not build_folder:
+ if not os.path.isfile(designspace_path):
+ args.logger.log('A designspace file (not a folder) is required', 'S')
+ reader = DesignSpaceDocumentReader(designspace_path, ufoVersion=3,
+ roundGeometry=round_instances,
+ progressFunc=progress_func)
+ # assignment to an internal object variable is a kludge, probably should use subclassing instead
+ reader._instanceWriterClass = InstanceWriterCF(output_path_prefix, calc_glyphs, args.weightfix)
+ if calc_glyphs:
+ args.logger.log('Interpolating glyphs where an instance font location matches a master', 'P')
+ if instance_font_name or instance_attr:
+ key_attr = instance_attr if instance_val else 'name'
+ key_val = instance_val if instance_attr else instance_font_name
+ reader.readInstance((key_attr, key_val))
+ else:
+ reader.readInstances()
+ else:
+ # The below uses a utility function that's part of mutatorMath
+ # It will accept a folder and processes all designspace files there
+ args.logger.log('Interpolating glyphs where an instance font location matches a master', 'P')
+ build_designspace(designspace_path,
+ outputUFOFormatVersion=3, roundGeometry=round_instances,
+ progressFunc=progress_func)
+ if not severe_error:
+ args.logger.log('Done', 'P')
+ else:
+ args.logger.log('Done with severe error', 'S')
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
+# Future development might use: fonttools\Lib\fontTools\designspaceLib to read
+# the designspace file (which is the most up-to-date approach)
+# then pass that object to mutatorMath, but there's no way to do that today.
+# For reference:
+# from mutatorMath/ufo/
+# build() is a convenience function for reading and executing a designspace file.
+# documentPath: filepath to the .designspace document
+# outputUFOFormatVersion: ufo format for output
+# verbose: True / False for lots or no feedback [to log file]
+# logPath: filepath to a log file
+# progressFunc: an optional callback to report progress.
+# see mutatorMath.ufo.tokenProgressFunc
+# class DesignSpaceDocumentReader(object):
+# def __init__(self, documentPath,
+# ufoVersion,
+# roundGeometry=False,
+# verbose=False,
+# logPath=None,
+# progressFunc=None
+# ):
+# def readInstance(self, key, makeGlyphs=True, makeKerning=True, makeInfo=True):
+# def readInstances(self, makeGlyphs=True, makeKerning=True, makeInfo=True):
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce2f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''generate composite definitions from csv file'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+import re
+from silfont.core import execute
+import re
+argspec = [
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file containing composite definitions'}, {'type': 'outfile'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Glyph info csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'glyph_data.csv'}),
+ ('-f','--fontcode',{'help': 'letter to filter for glyph_data'},{}),
+ ('--gname', {'help': 'Column header for glyph name', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('--base', {'help': 'Column header for name of base', 'default': 'base'}, {}),
+ ('--usv', {'help': 'Column header for USV'}, {}),
+ ('--anchors', {'help': 'Column header(s) for APs to compose', 'default': 'above,below'}, {}),
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'csv2comp.log'}),
+ ]
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ if logger.loglevel =
+ # infont = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ output = args.output
+ def csvWarning(msg, exception = None):
+ m = "glyph_data warning: %s at line %d" % (msg, incsv.line_num)
+ if exception is not None:
+ m += '; ' + exception.message
+ logger.log(m, 'W')
+ if args.fontcode is not None:
+ whichfont = args.fontcode.strip().lower()
+ if len(whichfont) != 1:
+ logger.log('-f parameter must be a single letter', 'S')
+ else:
+ whichfont = None
+ # Which headers represent APs to use:
+ apList = args.anchors.split(',')
+ if len(apList) == 0:
+ logger.log('--anchors option value "%s" is invalid' % args.anchors, 'S')
+ # Get headings from csvfile:
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ # required columns:
+ try:
+ nameCol = fl.index(args.gname)
+ baseCol = fl.index(args.base)
+ apCols = [fl.index(ap) for ap in apList]
+ if args.usv is not None:
+ usvCol = fl.index(args.usv)
+ else:
+ usvCol = None
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log('Missing csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log('Error reading csv input field: ' + e.message, 'S')
+ # Now make strip AP names; pair up with columns so easy to iterate:
+ apInfo = list(zip(apCols, [x.strip() for x in apList]))
+ # If -f specified, make sure we have the fonts column
+ if whichfont is not None:
+ if 'fonts' not in fl: logger.log('-f requires "fonts" column in glyph_data', 'S')
+ fontsCol = fl.index('fonts')
+ # RE that matches names of glyphs we don't care about
+ namesToSkipRE = re.compile('^(?:[._].*|null|cr|nonmarkingreturn|tab|glyph_name)$',re.IGNORECASE)
+ # keep track of glyph names we've seen to detect duplicates
+ namesSeen = set()
+ # OK, process all records in glyph_data
+ for line in incsv:
+ base = line[baseCol].strip()
+ if len(base) == 0:
+ # No composites specified
+ continue
+ gname = line[nameCol].strip()
+ # things to ignore:
+ if namesToSkipRE.match(gname): continue
+ if whichfont is not None and line[fontsCol] != '*' and line[fontsCol].lower().find(whichfont) < 0:
+ continue
+ if len(gname) == 0:
+ csvWarning('empty glyph name in glyph_data; ignored')
+ continue
+ if gname.startswith('#'): continue
+ if gname in namesSeen:
+ csvWarning('glyph name %s previously seen in glyph_data; ignored' % gname)
+ continue
+ namesSeen.add(gname)
+ # Ok, start building the composite
+ composite = '%s = %s' %(gname, base)
+ # The first component must *not* reference the base; all others *must*:
+ seenfirst = False
+ for apCol, apName in apInfo:
+ component = line[apCol].strip()
+ if len(component):
+ if not seenfirst:
+ composite += ' + %s@%s' % (component, apName)
+ seenfirst = True
+ else:
+ composite += ' + %s@%s:%s' % (component, base, apName)
+ # Add USV if present
+ if usvCol is not None:
+ usv = line[usvCol].strip()
+ if len(usv):
+ composite += ' | %s' % usv
+ # Output this one
+ output.write(composite + '\n')
+ output.close()
+def cmd() : execute("",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba41ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Switch default language in a font'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Martin Hosken'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input TTF'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output TTF','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-L','--lang', {'help': 'Language to switch to'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_deflang.log', 'optlog': True}),
+def long2tag(x):
+ res = []
+ while x:
+ res.append(chr(x & 0xFF))
+ x >>= 8
+ return "".join(reversed(res))
+def doit(args):
+ infont = args.ifont
+ ltag = args.lang.lower()
+ if 'Sill' in infont and 'Feat' in infont:
+ if ltag in infont['Sill'].langs:
+ changes = dict((long2tag(x[0]), x[1]) for x in infont['Sill'].langs[ltag])
+ for g, f in infont['Feat'].features.items():
+ if g in changes:
+ f.default = changes[g]
+ otltag = ltag + (" " * (4 - len(ltag)))
+ for k in ('GSUB', 'GPOS'):
+ try:
+ t = infont[k].table
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ for srec in t.ScriptList.ScriptRecord:
+ for lrec in srec.Script.LangSysRecord:
+ if lrec.LangSysTag.lower() == otltag:
+ srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = lrec.LangSys
+ return infont
+def cmd() : execute('FT', doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__" : cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f32b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Deletes glyphs from a UFO based on list. Can instead delete glyphs not in list.'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont', {'help': 'Output font file', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'Input text file, one glyphname per line'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': 'glyphlist.txt'}),
+ ('--reverse',{'help': 'Remove glyphs not in list instead', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'deletedglyphs.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ listinput = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ glyphlist = []
+ for line in listinput.readlines():
+ glyphlist.append(line.strip())
+ deletelist = []
+ if args.reverse:
+ for glyphname in font.deflayer:
+ if glyphname not in glyphlist:
+ deletelist.append(glyphname)
+ else:
+ for glyphname in font.deflayer:
+ if glyphname in glyphlist:
+ deletelist.append(glyphname)
+ secondarylayers = [x for x in font.layers if x.layername != "public.default"]
+ liststocheck = ('public.glyphOrder', 'public.postscriptNames', 'com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder')
+ liblists = [[],[],[]]; inliblists = [[],[],[]]
+ if hasattr(font, 'lib'):
+ for (i,listn) in enumerate(liststocheck):
+ if listn in font.lib:
+ liblists[i] = font.lib.getval(listn)
+ else:
+ logger.log("No lib.plist found in font", "W")
+ # Now loop round deleting the glyphs etc
+ logger.log("Deleted glyphs:", "I")
+ # With groups and kerning, create dicts representing then plists (to make deletion of members easier) and indexes by glyph/member name
+ kgroupprefixes = {"public.kern1.": 1, "public.kern2.": 2}
+ gdict = {}
+ kdict = {}
+ groupsbyglyph = {}
+ ksetsbymember = {}
+ groups = font.groups if hasattr(font, "groups") else []
+ kerning = font.kerning if hasattr(font, "kerning") else []
+ if groups:
+ for gname in groups:
+ group = groups.getval(gname)
+ gdict[gname] = group
+ for glyph in group:
+ if glyph in groupsbyglyph:
+ groupsbyglyph[glyph].append(gname)
+ else:
+ groupsbyglyph[glyph] = [gname]
+ if kerning:
+ for setname in kerning:
+ kset = kerning.getval(setname)
+ kdict[setname] = kset
+ for member in kset:
+ if member in ksetsbymember:
+ ksetsbymember[member].append(setname)
+ else:
+ ksetsbymember[member] = [setname]
+ # Loop round doing the deleting
+ for glyphn in sorted(deletelist):
+ # Delete from all layers
+ font.deflayer.delGlyph(glyphn)
+ deletedfrom = "Default layer"
+ for layer in secondarylayers:
+ if glyphn in layer:
+ deletedfrom += ", " + layer.layername
+ layer.delGlyph(glyphn)
+ # Check to see if the deleted glyph is in any of liststocheck
+ stillin = None
+ for (i, liblist) in enumerate(liblists):
+ if glyphn in liblist:
+ inliblists[i].append(glyphn)
+ stillin = stillin + ", " + liststocheck[i] if stillin else liststocheck[i]
+ logger.log(" " + glyphn + " deleted from: " + deletedfrom, "I")
+ if stillin: logger.log(" " + glyphn + " is still in " + stillin, "I")
+ # Process groups.plist and kerning.plist
+ tocheck = (glyphn, "public.kern1." + glyphn, "public.kern2." + glyphn)
+ # First delete whole groups and kern pair sets
+ for kerngroup in tocheck[1:]: # Don't check glyphn when deleting groups:
+ if kerngroup in gdict: gdict.pop(kerngroup)
+ for setn in tocheck:
+ if setn in kdict: kdict.pop(setn)
+ # Now delete members within groups and kern pair sets
+ if glyphn in groupsbyglyph:
+ for groupn in groupsbyglyph[glyphn]:
+ if groupn in gdict: # Need to check still there, since whole group may have been deleted above
+ group = gdict[groupn]
+ del group[group.index(glyphn)]
+ for member in tocheck:
+ if member in ksetsbymember:
+ for setn in ksetsbymember[member]:
+ if setn in kdict: del kdict[setn][member]
+ # Now need to recreate groups.plist and kerning.plist
+ if groups:
+ for group in list(groups): groups.remove(group) # Empty existing contents
+ for gname in gdict:
+ elem = ET.Element("array")
+ if gdict[gname]: # Only create if group is not empty
+ for glyph in gdict[gname]:
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "string").text = glyph
+ groups.setelem(gname, elem)
+ if kerning:
+ for kset in list(kerning): kerning.remove(kset) # Empty existing contents
+ for kset in kdict:
+ elem = ET.Element("dict")
+ if kdict[kset]:
+ for member in kdict[kset]:
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "key").text = member
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "integer").text = str(kdict[kset][member])
+ kerning.setelem(kset, elem)
+ logger.log(str(len(deletelist)) + " glyphs deleted. Set logging to I to see details", "P")
+ inalist = set(inliblists[0] + inliblists[1] + inliblists[2])
+ if inalist: logger.log(str(len(inalist)) + " of the deleted glyphs are still in some lib.plist entries.", "W")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..142071e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Duplicates glyphs in a UFO based on a csv definition: source,target.
+Duplicates everything except unicodes.'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font filename'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'duplicates.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_duplicates.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Process duplicates csv file into a dictionary structure
+ args.input.numfields = 2
+ duplicates = {}
+ for line in args.input :
+ duplicates[line[0]] = line[1]
+ # Iterate through dictionary (unsorted)
+ for source, target in duplicates.items() :
+ # Check if source glyph is in font
+ if source in font.keys() :
+ # Give warning if target is already in font, but overwrite anyway
+ if target in font.keys() :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + target + " already in font and will be replaced")
+ sourceglyph = font[source]
+ # Make a copy of source into a new glyph object
+ newglyph = sourceglyph.copy()
+ # Modify that glyph object
+ newglyph.unicodes = []
+ # Add the new glyph object to the font with name target
+ font.__setitem__(target,newglyph)
+ logger.log(source + " duplicated to " + target)
+ else :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + source + " not in font")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("FP",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a51aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'export anchor data from UFO to XML file'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015,2016 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.etutil import ETWriter
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input UFO'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file exported anchor data in XML format', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.xml'}),
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_anc.log'}),
+ ('-g','--gid',{'help': 'Include GID attribute in <glyph> elements', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-s','--sort',{'help': 'Sort by public.glyphOrder in lib.plist', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-u','--Uprefix',{'help': 'Include U+ prefix on UID attribute in <glyph> elements', 'action': 'store_true'},{}),
+ ('-p','--params',{'help': 'XML formatting parameters: indentFirst, indentIncr, attOrder','action': 'append'}, {'type': 'optiondict'})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ logfile = args.logger
+ if logfile.loglevel =
+ infont = args.ifont
+ prefix = "U+" if args.Uprefix else ""
+ if hasattr(infont, 'lib') and 'public.glyphOrder' in infont.lib:
+ glyphorderlist = [s.text for s in infont.lib['public.glyphOrder'][1].findall('string')]
+ else:
+ glyphorderlist = []
+ if args.gid:
+ logfile.log("public.glyphOrder is absent; ignoring --gid option", "E")
+ args.gid = False
+ glyphorderset = set(glyphorderlist)
+ if len(glyphorderlist) != len(glyphorderset):
+ logfile.log("At least one duplicate name in public.glyphOrder", "W")
+ # count of duplicate names is len(glyphorderlist) - len(glyphorderset)
+ actualglyphlist = [g for g in infont.deflayer.keys()]
+ actualglyphset = set(actualglyphlist)
+ listorder = []
+ gid = 0
+ for g in glyphorderlist:
+ if g in actualglyphset:
+ listorder.append( (g, gid) )
+ gid += 1
+ actualglyphset.remove(g)
+ glyphorderset.remove(g)
+ else:
+ logfile.log(g + " in public.glyphOrder list but absent from UFO", "W")
+ if args.sort: listorder.sort()
+ for g in sorted(actualglyphset): # if any glyphs remaining
+ listorder.append( (g, None) )
+ logfile.log(g + " in UFO but not in public.glyphOrder list", "W")
+ if 'postscriptFontName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ postscriptFontName = infont.fontinfo['postscriptFontName'][1].text
+ else:
+ if 'styleMapFamilyName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ family = infont.fontinfo['styleMapFamilyName'][1].text
+ elif 'familyName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ family = infont.fontinfo['familyName'][1].text
+ else:
+ family = "UnknownFamily"
+ if 'styleMapStyleName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ style = infont.fontinfo['styleMapStyleName'][1].text.capitalize()
+ elif 'styleName' in infont.fontinfo:
+ style = infont.fontinfo['styleName'][1].text
+ else:
+ style = "UnknownStyle"
+ postscriptFontName = '-'.join((family,style)).replace(' ','')
+ fontElement= ET.Element('font', upem=infont.fontinfo['unitsPerEm'][1].text, name=postscriptFontName)
+ for g, i in listorder:
+ attrib = {'PSName': g}
+ if args.gid and i != None: attrib['GID'] = str(i)
+ u = infont.deflayer[g]['unicode']
+ if len(u)>0: attrib['UID'] = prefix + u[0].element.get('hex')
+ glyphElement = ET.SubElement(fontElement, 'glyph', attrib)
+ anchorlist = []
+ for a in infont.deflayer[g]['anchor']:
+ anchorlist.append( (a.element.get('name'), int(float(a.element.get('x'))), int(float(a.element.get('y'))) ) )
+ anchorlist.sort()
+ for a, x, y in anchorlist:
+ anchorElement = ET.SubElement(glyphElement, 'point', attrib = {'type': a})
+ locationElement = ET.SubElement(anchorElement, 'location', attrib = {'x': str(x), 'y': str(y)})
+# instead of simple serialization with: ofile.write(ET.tostring(fontElement))
+# create ETWriter object and specify indentation and attribute order to get normalized output
+ ofile = args.output
+ indentFirst = args.params.get('indentFirst', "")
+ indentIncr = args.params.get('indentIncr', " ")
+ attOrder = args.params.get('attOrder', "name,upem,PSName,GID,UID,type,x,y")
+ x = attOrder.split(',')
+ attributeOrder = dict(zip(x,range(len(x))))
+ etwobj=ETWriter(fontElement, indentFirst=indentFirst, indentIncr=indentIncr, attributeOrder=attributeOrder)
+ ofile.write(etwobj.serialize_xml())
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79be38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Write mapping of glyph name to cell mark color to a csv file
+- csv format glyphname,colordef'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.util import parsecolors, colortoname
+import datetime
+suffix = "_colormap"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-o','--output',{'help': 'Output csv file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-c','--color',{'help': 'Export list of glyphs that match color'},{}),
+ ('-n','--names',{'help': 'Export colors as names', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'}),
+ ('--nocomments',{'help': 'No comments in output files', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ outfile = args.output
+ logger = args.logger
+ color = args.color
+ # Add initial comments to outfile
+ if not args.nocomments :
+ outfile.write("# " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") + args.cmdlineargs[0] + "\n")
+ outfile.write("# "+" ".join(args.cmdlineargs[1:])+"\n\n")
+ if color :
+ (colorfilter, colorname, logcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(color, single=True)
+ if colorfilter is None : logger.log(logcolor, "S") # If color not parsed, parsecolors() puts error in logcolor
+ glyphlist = font.deflayer.keys()
+ for glyphn in sorted(glyphlist) :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ colordefraw = ""
+ colordef = ""
+ if glyph["lib"] :
+ lib = glyph["lib"]
+ if "public.markColor" in lib :
+ colordefraw = lib["public.markColor"][1].text
+ colordef = '"' + colordefraw + '"'
+ if args.names : colordef = colortoname(colordefraw, colordef)
+ if color :
+ if colorfilter == colordefraw : outfile.write(glyphn + "\n")
+ if not color : outfile.write(glyphn + "," + colordef + "\n")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..688e696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Write mapping of glyph name to postscript name to a csv file
+- csv format glyphname,postscriptname'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import datetime
+suffix = "_psnamesmap"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-o','--output',{'help': 'Ouput csv file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'}),
+ ('--nocomments',{'help': 'No comments in output files', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ outfile = args.output
+ # Add initial comments to outfile
+ if not args.nocomments :
+ outfile.write("# " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") + args.cmdlineargs[0] + "\n")
+ outfile.write("# "+" ".join(args.cmdlineargs[1:])+"\n\n")
+ glyphlist = font.deflayer.keys()
+ missingnames = False
+ for glyphn in glyphlist :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ # Find PSname if present
+ PSname = None
+ if "lib" in glyph :
+ lib = glyph["lib"]
+ if "public.postscriptname" in lib : PSname = lib["public.postscriptname"][1].text
+ if PSname:
+ outfile.write(glyphn + "," + PSname + "\n")
+ else :
+ font.logger("No psname for " + glyphn, "W")
+ missingnames = True
+ if missingnames : font.logger("Some glyphs had no psnames - see log file","E")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50c48b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Export the name and unicode of glyphs that have a defined unicode to a csv file. Does not support double-encoded glyphs.
+- csv format glyphname,unicode'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016-2020 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney, based on'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import datetime
+suffix = "_unicodes"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-o','--output',{'help': 'Output csv file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'}),
+ ('--nocomments',{'help': 'No comments in output files', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('--allglyphs',{'help': 'Export names of all glyphs even without', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ outfile = args.output
+ # Add initial comments to outfile
+ if not args.nocomments :
+ outfile.write("# " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") + args.cmdlineargs[0] + "\n")
+ outfile.write("# "+" ".join(args.cmdlineargs[1:])+"\n\n")
+ glyphlist = sorted(font.deflayer.keys())
+ for glyphn in glyphlist :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if len(glyph["unicode"]) == 1 :
+ unival = glyph["unicode"][0].hex
+ outfile.write(glyphn + "," + unival + "\n")
+ else :
+ if args.allglyphs :
+ outfile.write(glyphn + "," + "\n")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b9759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Make changes needed to a UFO following processing by FontForge.
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_postff.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ advances_removed = 0
+ unicodes_removed = 0
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if layer.layername == "public.background":
+ for g in layer:
+ glyph = layer[g]
+ # Remove advance and unicode fields from background layer
+ # (FF currently copies some from default layer)
+ if "advance" in glyph:
+ glyph.remove("advance")
+ advances_removed += 1
+ logger.log("Removed <advance> from " + g, "I")
+ uc = glyph["unicode"]
+ if uc != []:
+ while glyph["unicode"] != []: glyph.remove("unicode",0)
+ unicodes_removed += 1
+ logger.log("Removed unicode value(s) from " + g, "I")
+ if advances_removed + unicodes_removed > 0 :
+ logger.log("Advance removed from " + str(advances_removed) + " glyphs and unicode values(s) removed from "
+ + str(unicodes_removed) + " glyphs", "P")
+ else:
+ logger.log("No advances or unicodes removed from glyphs", "P")
+ return args.ifont
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c823e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Make changes needed to a UFO following processing by FontLab 7.
+Various items are reset using the backup of the original font that Fontlab creates
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute, splitfn
+from silfont.ufo import Ufont
+import os, shutil, glob
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_fixfontlab.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ fontname = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ params = args.paramsobj
+ # Locate the oldest backup
+ (path, base, ext) = splitfn(fontname)
+ backuppath = os.path.join(path, base + ".*-*" + ext) # Backup has date/time added in format .yymmdd-hhmm
+ backups = glob.glob(backuppath)
+ if len(backups) == 0:
+ logger.log("No backups found matching %s so no changes made to the font" % backuppath, "P")
+ return
+ backupname = sorted(backups)[0] # Choose the oldest backup - date/time format sorts alphabetically
+ # Reset groups.plist, kerning.plist and any layerinfo.plist(s) from backup ufo
+ for filename in ["groups.plist", "kerning.plist"]:
+ bufullname = os.path.join(backupname, filename)
+ ufofullname = os.path.join(fontname, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(bufullname):
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(bufullname, fontname)
+ logger.log(filename + " restored from backup", "P")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to copy %s to %s: %s" % (bufullname, fontname, str(e)), "S")
+ elif os.path.exists(ufofullname):
+ os.remove(ufofullname)
+ logger.log(filename + " removed from ufo", "P")
+ lifolders = []
+ for ufoname in (fontname, backupname): # Find any layerinfo files in either ufo
+ lis = glob.glob(os.path.join(ufoname, "*/layerinfo.plist"))
+ for li in lis:
+ (lifolder, dummy) = os.path.split(li) # Get full path name for folder
+ (dummy, lifolder) = os.path.split(lifolder) # Now take ufo name off the front
+ if lifolder not in lifolders: lifolders.append(lifolder)
+ for folder in lifolders:
+ filename = os.path.join(folder, "layerinfo.plist")
+ bufullname = os.path.join(backupname, filename)
+ ufofullname = os.path.join(fontname, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(bufullname):
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(bufullname, os.path.join(fontname, folder))
+ logger.log(filename + " restored from backup", "P")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to copy %s to %s: %s" % (bufullname, fontname, str(e)), "S")
+ elif os.path.exists(ufofullname):
+ os.remove(ufofullname)
+ logger.log(filename + " removed from ufo", "P")
+ # Now open the fonts
+ font = Ufont(fontname, params = params)
+ backupfont = Ufont(backupname, params = params)
+ fidel = ("openTypeGaspRangeRecords", "openTypeHheaCaretOffset",
+ "postscriptBlueFuzz", "postscriptBlueScale", "postscriptBlueShift", "postscriptForceBold",
+ "postscriptIsFixedPitch", "postscriptWeightName")
+ libdel = ("com.fontlab.v2.tth", "com.typemytype.robofont.italicSlantOffset")
+ fontinfo = font.fontinfo
+ libplist = font.lib
+ backupfi = backupfont.fontinfo
+ backuplib = backupfont.lib
+ # Delete keys that are not needed
+ for key in fidel:
+ if key in fontinfo:
+ old = fontinfo.getval(key)
+ fontinfo.remove(key)
+ logchange(logger, " removed from fontinfo.plist. ", key, old, None)
+ for key in libdel:
+ if key in libplist:
+ old = libplist.getval(key)
+ libplist.remove(key)
+ logchange(logger, " removed from lib.plist. ", key, old, None)
+ # Correct other metadata:
+ if "guidelines" in backupfi:
+ fontinfo.setelem("guidelines",backupfi["guidelines"][1])
+ logger.log("fontinfo guidelines copied from backup ufo", "I")
+ elif "guidelines" in fontinfo:
+ fontinfo.remove("guidelines")
+ logger.log("fontinfo guidelines deleted - not in backup ufo", "I")
+ if "italicAngle" in fontinfo and fontinfo.getval("italicAngle") == 0:
+ fontinfo.remove("italicAngle")
+ logger.log("fontinfo italicAngle removed since it was 0", "I")
+ if "openTypeOS2VendorID" in fontinfo:
+ old = fontinfo.getval("openTypeOS2VendorID")
+ if len(old) < 4:
+ new = "%-4s" % (old,)
+ fontinfo.setval("openTypeOS2VendorID", "string", new)
+ logchange(logger, " padded to 4 characters ", "openTypeOS2VendorID", "'%s'" % (old,) , "'%s'" % (new,))
+ if "woffMetadataCredits" in backupfi:
+ fontinfo.setelem("woffMetadataCredits",backupfi["woffMetadataCredits"][1])
+ logger.log("fontinfo woffMetadataCredits copied from backup ufo", "I")
+ elif "woffMetadataCredits" in fontinfo:
+ fontinfo.remove("woffMetadataCredits")
+ logger.log("fontinfo woffMetadataCredits deleted - not in backup ufo", "I")
+ if "woffMetadataDescription" in backupfi:
+ fontinfo.setelem("woffMetadataDescription",backupfi["woffMetadataDescription"][1])
+ logger.log("fontinfo woffMetadataDescription copied from backup ufo", "I")
+ elif "woffMetadataDescription" in fontinfo:
+ fontinfo.remove("woffMetadataDescription")
+ logger.log("fontinfo woffMetadataDescription deleted - not in backup ufo", "I")
+ if "public.glyphOrder" in backuplib:
+ libplist.setelem("public.glyphOrder",backuplib["public.glyphOrder"][1])
+ logger.log("lib.plist public.glyphOrder copied from backup ufo", "I")
+ elif "public.glyphOrder" in libplist:
+ libplist.remove("public.glyphOrder")
+ logger.log("libplist public.glyphOrder deleted - not in backup ufo", "I")
+ # Now process glif level data
+ updates = False
+ for gname in font.deflayer:
+ glyph = font.deflayer[gname]
+ glines = glyph["guideline"]
+ if glines:
+ for gl in list(glines): glines.remove(gl) # Remove any existing glines
+ updates = True
+ buglines = backupfont.deflayer[gname]["guideline"] if gname in backupfont.deflayer else []
+ if buglines:
+ for gl in buglines: glines.append(gl) # Add in those from backup
+ updates = True
+ if updates:
+ logger.log("Some updates to glif guidelines may have been made", "I")
+ updates = False
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if layer.layername == "public.background":
+ for gname in layer:
+ glyph = layer[gname]
+ if glyph["advance"] is not None:
+ glyph.remove("advance")
+ updates = True
+ if updates: logger.log("Some advance elements removed from public.background glifs", "I")
+ font.write(fontname)
+ return
+def logchange(logger, logmess, key, old, new):
+ oldstr = str(old) if len(str(old)) < 22 else str(old)[0:20] + "..."
+ newstr = str(new) if len(str(new)) < 22 else str(new)[0:20] + "..."
+ logmess = key + logmess
+ if old is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " New value: " + newstr
+ else:
+ if new is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr
+ else:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr + ", new value: " + newstr
+ logger.log(logmess, "I")
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..097506e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+'''Build fonts for all combinations of TypeTuner features needed for specific ftml then build html that uses those fonts'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools import ttLib
+from lxml import etree as ET # using this because it supports xslt and HTML
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
+import os, re
+import gzip
+from glob import glob
+argspec = [
+ ('ttfont', {'help': 'Input Tunable TTF file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('map', {'help': 'Feature mapping CSV file'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('-o', '--outputdir', {'help': 'Output directory. Default: tests/typetuner', 'default': 'tests/typetuner'}, {}),
+ ('--ftml', {'help': 'ftml file(s) to process. Can be used multiple times and can contain filename patterns.', 'action': 'append'}, {}),
+ ('--xsl', {'help': 'standard xsl file. Default: ../tools/ftml.xsl', 'default': '../tools/ftml.xsl'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('--norebuild', {'help': 'assume existing fonts are good', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ]
+# Define globals needed everywhere:
+logger = None
+sourcettf = None
+outputdir = None
+fontdir = None
+# Dictionary of TypeTuner features, derived from 'feat_all.xml', indexed by feature name
+feat_all = dict()
+class feat(object):
+ 'TypeTuner feature'
+ def __init__(self, elem, sortkey):
+ = elem.attrib.get('name')
+ self.tag = elem.attrib.get('tag')
+ self.default = elem.attrib.get('value')
+ self.values = OrderedDict()
+ self.sortkey = sortkey
+ for v in elem.findall('value'):
+ # Only add those values which aren't importing line metrics
+ if v.find("./cmd[@name='line_metrics_scaled']") is None:
+ self.values[v.attrib.get('name')] = v.attrib.get('tag')
+# Dictionaries of mappings from OpenType tags to TypeTuner names, derived from map csv
+feat_maps = dict()
+lang_maps = dict()
+class feat_map(object):
+ 'mapping from OpenType feature tag to TypeTuner feature name, default value, and all values'
+ def __init__(self, r):
+ self.ottag, self.ttfeature, self.default = r[0:3]
+ self.ttvalues = r[3:]
+class lang_map(object):
+ 'mapping from OpenType language tag to TypeTuner language feature name and value'
+ def __init__(self,r):
+ self.ottag, self.ttfeature, self.ttvalue = r
+# About font_tag values
+# In this code, a font_tag uniquely identifies a font we've built.
+# Because different ftml files could use different style names for the same set of features and language, and we
+# want to build only one font for any given combination of features and language, we don't depend on the name of the
+# ftml style for identifying and caching the fonts we build. Rather we build a font_tag which is a the
+# concatenation of the ftml feature/value tags and the ftml lang feature/value tag.
+# Font object used to cache information about a tuned font we've created
+class font(object):
+ 'Cache of tuned font information'
+ def __init__(self, font_tag, feats, lang, fontface):
+ self.font_tag = font_tag
+ self.feats = feats
+ self.lang = lang
+ self.fontface = fontface
+# Dictionaries for finding font objects
+# Finding font from font_tag:
+font_tag2font = dict()
+# If an ftml style contains no feats, only the lang tag will show up in the html. Special mapping for those cases:
+lang2font = dict()
+# RE to match strings like: # "'cv02' 1"
+feature_settingRE = re.compile(r"^'(\w{4,4})'(?:\s+(\w+))?$")
+# RE to split strings of multiple features around comma (with optional whitespace)
+features_splitRE = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")
+def cache_font(feats, lang, norebuild):
+ 'Create (and cache) a TypeTuned font and @fontface for this combination of features and lang'
+ # feats is either None or a css font-feature-settings string using single quotes (according to ftml spec), e.g. "'cv02' 1, 'cv60' 1"
+ # lang is either None or bcp47 langtag
+ # norebuild is a debugging aid that causes the code to skip building a .ttf if it is already present thus making the
+ # program run faster but with the risk that the built TTFs don't match the current build.
+ # First step is to construct a name for this set of languages and features, something we'll call the "font tag"
+ parts = []
+ ttsettings = dict() # place to save TT setting name and value in case we need to build the font
+ fatal_errors = False
+ if feats:
+ # Need to split the font-feature-settings around commas and parse each part, mapping css tag and value to
+ # typetuner tag and value
+ for setting in features_splitRE.split(feats):
+ m = feature_settingRE.match(setting)
+ if m is None:
+ logger.log('Invalid CSS feature setting in ftml: {}'.format(setting), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ continue
+ f,v = m.groups() # Feature tag and value
+ if v in ['normal','off']:
+ v = '0'
+ elif v == 'on':
+ v = '1'
+ try:
+ v = int(v)
+ assert v >= 0
+ except:
+ logger.log('Invalid feature value {} found in map file'.format(setting), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ continue
+ if not v:
+ continue # No need to include 0/off values
+ # we need this one... so translate to TypeTuner feature & value using the map file
+ try:
+ fmap = feat_maps[f]
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.log('Font feature "{}" not found in map file'.format(f), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ continue
+ f = fmap.ttfeature
+ try:
+ v = fmap.ttvalues[v - 1]
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.log('TypeTuner feature "{}" doesn\'t have a value index {}'.format(f, v), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ continue
+ # Now translate to TypeTuner tags using feat_all info
+ if f not in feat_all:
+ logger.log('Tunable font doesn\'t contain a feature "{}"'.format(f), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ elif v not in feat_all[f].values:
+ logger.log('Tunable font feature "{}" doesn\'t have a value {}'.format(f, v), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ else:
+ ttsettings[f] = v # Save TT setting name and value name in case we need to build the font
+ ttfeat = feat_all[f]
+ f = ttfeat.tag
+ v = ttfeat.values[v]
+ # Finally!
+ parts.append(f+v)
+ if lang:
+ if lang not in lang_maps:
+ logger.log('Language tag "{}" not found in map file'.format(lang), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ else:
+ # Translate to TypeTuner feature & value using the map file
+ lmap = lang_maps[lang]
+ f = lmap.ttfeature
+ v = lmap.ttvalue
+ # Translate to TypeTuner tags using feat_all info
+ if f not in feat_all:
+ logger.log('Tunable font doesn\'t contain a feature "{}"'.format(f), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ elif v not in feat_all[f].values:
+ logger.log('Tunable font feature "{}" doesn\'t have a value {}'.format(f, v), 'E')
+ fatal_errors = True
+ else:
+ ttsettings[f] = v # Save TT setting name and value in case we need to build the font
+ ttfeat = feat_all[f]
+ f = ttfeat.tag
+ v = ttfeat.values[v]
+ # Finally!
+ parts.append(f+v)
+ if fatal_errors:
+ return None
+ if len(parts) == 0:
+ logger.log('No features or languages found'.format(f), 'E')
+ return None
+ # the Font Tag is how we name everything (the ttf, the xml, etc)
+ font_tag = '_'.join(sorted(parts))
+ # See if we've had this combination before:
+ if font_tag in font_tag2font:
+ logger.log('Found cached font {}'.format(font_tag), 'I')
+ return font_tag
+ # Path to font, which may already exist, and @fontface
+ ttfname = os.path.join(fontdir, font_tag + '.ttf')
+ fontface = '@font-face { font-family: {}; src: url(fonts/{}.ttf); } .{} {font-family: {}; }'.replace('{}',font_tag)
+ # Create new font object and remember how to find it:
+ thisfont = font(font_tag, feats, lang, fontface)
+ font_tag2font[font_tag] = thisfont
+ if lang and not feats:
+ lang2font[lang] = thisfont
+ # Debugging shortcut: use the existing fonts without rebuilding
+ if norebuild and os.path.isfile(ttfname):
+ logger.log('Blindly using existing font {}'.format(font_tag), 'I')
+ return font_tag
+ # Ok, need to build the font
+ logger.log('Building font {}'.format(font_tag), 'I')
+ # Create and save the TypeTuner feature settings file
+ sfname = os.path.join(fontdir, font_tag + '.xml')
+ root = ET.XML('''\
+<?xml version = "1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE features_set SYSTEM "feat_set.dtd">
+<features_set version = "1.0"/>
+ # Note: Order of elements in settings file should be same as order in feat_all
+ # (because this is the way TypeTuner does it and some fonts may expect this)
+ for name, ttfeat in sorted(feat_all.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].sortkey):
+ if name in ttsettings:
+ # Output the non-default value for this one:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'feature',{'name': name, 'value': ttsettings[name]})
+ else:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'feature', {'name': name, 'value': ttfeat.default})
+ xml = ET.tostring(root,pretty_print = True, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)
+ with open(sfname, '+wb')as f:
+ f.write(xml)
+ # Now invoke TypeTuner to create the tuned font
+ try:
+ cmd = ['typetuner', '-o', ttfname, '-n', font_tag, sfname, sourcettf]
+ res = check_output(cmd)
+ if len(res):
+ print('\n', res)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ logger.log("couldn't tune font: {}".format(err.output), 'S')
+ return font_tag
+def doit(args) :
+ global logger, sourcettf, outputdir, fontdir
+ logger = args.logger
+ sourcettf = args.ttfont
+ # Create output directory, including fonts subdirectory, if not present
+ outputdir = args.outputdir
+ os.makedirs(outputdir, exist_ok = True)
+ fontdir = os.path.join(outputdir, 'fonts')
+ os.makedirs(fontdir, exist_ok = True)
+ # Read and save feature mapping
+ for r in
+ # remove empty cells from the end
+ while len(r) and len(r[-1]) == 0:
+ r.pop()
+ if len(r) == 0 or r[0].startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ elif r[0].startswith('lang='):
+ if len(r[0]) < 7 or len(r) != 3:
+ logger.log("Invalid lang mapping: '" + ','.join(r) + "' ignored", "W")
+ else:
+ r[0] = r[0][5:]
+ lang_maps[r[0]] = lang_map(r)
+ else:
+ if len(r) < 4:
+ logger.log("Invalid feature mapping: '" + ','.join(r) + "' ignored", "W")
+ else:
+ feat_maps[r[0]] = feat_map(r)
+ # Open and verify input file is a tunable font; extract and parse feat_all from font.
+ font = ttLib.TTFont(sourcettf)
+ raw_data = font.getTableData('Silt')
+ feat_xml = gzip.decompress(raw_data) # .decode('utf-8')
+ root = ET.fromstring(feat_xml)
+ if root.tag != 'all_features':
+ logger.log("Invalid TypeTuner feature file: missing root element", "S")
+ for i, f in enumerate(root.findall('.//feature')):
+ # add to dictionary
+ ttfeat = feat(f,i)
+ feat_all[] = ttfeat
+ # Open and prepare the xslt file to transform the ftml:
+ xslt = ET.parse(args.xsl)
+ xslt_transform = ET.XSLT(xslt)
+ # Process all ftml files:
+ for arg in args.ftml:
+ for infname in glob(arg):
+ # based on input filename, construct output name
+ # find filename and change extension to html:
+ outfname = os.path.join(outputdir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infname))[0] + '.html')
+ logger.log('Processing: {} -> {}'.format(infname, outfname), 'P')
+ # Each named style in the FTML ultimately maps to a TypeTuned font that will be added via @fontface.
+ # We need to remember the names of the styles and their associated fonts so we can hack the html.
+ sname2font = dict() # Indexed by ftml stylename; result is a font object
+ # Parse the FTML
+ ftml_doc = ET.parse(infname)
+ # Adjust <title> to show this is from TypeTuner
+ head = ftml_doc.find('head')
+ title = head.find('title')
+ title.text += " - TypeTuner"
+ # Replace all <fontsrc> elements with two identical from the input font:
+ # One will remain unchanged, the other will eventually be changed to a typetuned font.
+ ET.strip_elements(head, 'fontsrc')
+ fpathname = os.path.relpath(sourcettf, outputdir).replace('\\','/') # for css make sure all slashes are forward!
+ head.append(ET.fromstring('<fontsrc>url({})</fontsrc>'.format(fpathname))) # First font
+ head.append(ET.fromstring('<fontsrc>url({})</fontsrc>'.format(fpathname))) # Second font, same as the first
+ # iterate over all the styles in this ftml file, building tuned fonts to match if not already done.
+ for style in head.iter('style'):
+ sname = style.get('name') # e.g. "some_style"
+ feats = style.get('feats') # e.g "'cv02' 1, 'cv60' 1" -- this we'll parse to get need tt features
+ lang = style.get('lang') # e.g., "sd"
+ font_tag = cache_font(feats, lang, args.norebuild)
+ # font_tag could be None due to errors, but messages should already have been logged
+ # If it is valid, remember how to find this font from the ftml stylename
+ if font_tag:
+ sname2font[sname] = font_tag2font[font_tag]
+ # convert to html via supplied xslt
+ html_doc = xslt_transform(ftml_doc)
+ # Two modifications to make in the html:
+ # 1) add all @fontface specs to the <style> element
+ # 2) Fix up all occurrences of <td> elements referencing font2
+ # Add @fontface to <style>
+ style = html_doc.find('//style')
+ style.text = style.text + '\n' + '\n'.join([x.fontface for x in sname2font.values()])
+ # Iterate over all <td> elements looking for font2 and a style or lang indicating feature settings
+ classRE = re.compile(r'string\s+(?:(\w+)\s+)?font2$')
+ for td in html_doc.findall('//td'):
+ tdclass = td.get('class')
+ tdlang = td.get('lang')
+ m = classRE.match(tdclass)
+ if m:
+ sname =
+ if sname:
+ # stylename will get us directly to the font
+ try:
+ td.set('class', 'string {}'.format(sname2font[sname].font_tag))
+ if tdlang: # If there is also a lang attribute, we no longer need it.
+ del td.attrib['lang']
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.log("Style name {} not available.".format(sname), "W")
+ elif tdlang:
+ # Otherwise we'll assume there is only the lang attribute
+ try:
+ td.set('class', 'string {}'.format(lang2font[tdlang].font_tag))
+ del td.attrib['lang'] # lang attribute no longer needed.
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.log("Style for langtag {} not available.".format(tdlang), "W")
+ # Ok -- write the html out!
+ html = ET.tostring(html_doc, pretty_print=True, method='html', encoding='UTF-8')
+ with open(outfname, '+wb')as f:
+ f.write(html)
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9408e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'read FTML file and generate LO writer .odt file'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015, SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools import ttLib
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ### used to parse input FTML (may not be needed if FTML parser used)
+import re
+import os
+import io
+from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText, OpaqueObject
+from odf.config import ConfigItem, ConfigItemSet
+from import FontFaceDecls
+from import FontFace, ParagraphProperties, Style, TableCellProperties, TableColumnProperties, TableProperties, TextProperties
+from odf.svg import FontFaceSrc, FontFaceUri, FontFaceFormat
+from odf.table import Table, TableCell, TableColumn, TableRow
+from odf.text import H, P, SequenceDecl, SequenceDecls, Span
+# specify two parameters: input file (FTML/XML format), output file (ODT format)
+# preceded by optional log file plus zero or more font strings
+argspec = [
+ ('input',{'help': 'Input file in FTML format'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file (LO writer .odt)', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': '_out.odt'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file', 'required': False},{'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_ftml2odt_log.txt'}),
+ ('-r','--report',{'help': 'Set reporting level for log', 'type':str, 'choices':['X','S','E','P','W','I','V']},{}),
+ ('-f','--font',{'help': 'font specification','action': 'append', 'required': False}, {}),
+ ]
+# RegExs for extracting font name from fontsrc element
+findfontnamelocal = re.compile(r"""local\( # begin with local(
+ (["']?) # optional open quote
+ (?P<fontstring>[^)]+) # font name
+ \1 # optional matching close quote
+ \)""", re.VERBOSE) # and end with )
+findfontnameurl = re.compile(r"""url\( # begin with local(
+ (["']?) # optional open quote
+ (?P<fontstring>[^)]+) # font name
+ \1 # optional matching close quote
+ \)""", re.VERBOSE) # and end with )
+fontspec = re.compile(r"""^ # beginning of string
+ (?P<rest>[A-Za-z ]+?) # Font Family Name
+ \s*(?P<bold>Bold)? # Bold
+ \s*(?P<italic>Italic)? # Italic
+ \s*(?P<regular>Regular)? # Regular
+ $""", re.VERBOSE) # end of string
+# RegEx for extracting feature(s) from feats attribute of style element
+onefeat = re.compile(r"""^\s*
+ '(?P<featname>[^']+)'\s* # feature tag
+ (?P<featval>[^', ]+)\s* # feature value
+ ,?\s* # optional comma
+ (?P<remainder>.*) # rest of line (with zero or more tag-value pairs)
+ $""", re.VERBOSE)
+# RegEx for extracting language (and country) from lang attribute of style element
+langcode = re.compile(r"""^
+ (?P<langname>[A-Za-z]+) # language name
+ (- # (optional) hyphen and
+ (?P<countryname>[A-Za-z]+) # country name
+ (-[A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9]*)? # (optional) hyphen and other codes
+ )?$""", re.VERBOSE)
+# RegEx to extract hex value from \uxxxxxx and function to generate Unicode character
+# use to change string to newstring:
+# newstring = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, string)
+# or newstring = re.sub(backu, lambda m: unichr(int(,16)), string)
+backu = re.compile(r"\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4,6})")
+def hextounichr(match):
+ return chr(int(,16))
+def BoldItalic(bold, italic):
+ rs = ""
+ if bold:
+ rs += " Bold"
+ if italic:
+ rs += " Italic"
+ return rs
+def parsefeats(inputline):
+ featdic = {}
+ while inputline != "":
+ results = re.match(onefeat, inputline)
+ if results:
+ featdic['featname')] ='featval')
+ inputline ='remainder')
+ else:
+ break ### warning about unrecognized feature string: inputline
+ return ":" + "&".join( [f + '=' + featdic[f] for f in sorted(featdic)])
+def getfonts(fontsourcestrings, logfile, fromcommandline=True):
+ fontlist = []
+ checkfontfamily = []
+ checkembeddedfont = []
+ for fs in fontsourcestrings:
+ if not fromcommandline: # from FTML <fontsrc> either local() or url()
+ installed = True # Assume locally installed font
+ results = re.match(findfontnamelocal, fs)
+ fontstring ='fontstring') if results else None
+ if fontstring == None:
+ installed = False
+ results = re.match(findfontnameurl, fs)
+ fontstring ='fontstring') if results else None
+ if fontstring == None:
+ logfile.log("Invalid font specification: " + fs, "S")
+ else: # from command line
+ fontstring = fs
+ if "." in fs: # must be a filename
+ installed = False
+ else: # must be an installed font
+ installed = True
+ if installed:
+ # get name, bold and italic info from string
+ results = re.match(fontspec, fontstring.strip())
+ if results:
+ fontname ='rest')
+ bold ='bold') != None
+ italic ='italic') != None
+ fontlist.append( (fontname, bold, italic, None) )
+ if (fontname, bold, italic) in checkfontfamily:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate font specification: " + fs, "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkfontfamily.append( (fontname, bold, italic) )
+ else:
+ logfile.log("Invalid font specification: " + fontstring.strip(), "E")
+ else:
+ try:
+ # peek inside the font for the name, weight, style
+ f = ttLib.TTFont(fontstring)
+ # take name from name table, NameID 1, platform ID 3, Encoding ID 1 (possible fallback platformID 1, EncodingID =0)
+ n = f['name'] # name table from font
+ fontname = n.getName(1,3,1).toUnicode() # nameID 1 = Font Family name
+ # take bold and italic info from OS/2 table, fsSelection bits 0 and 5
+ o = f['OS/2'] # OS/2 table
+ italic = (o.fsSelection & 1) > 0
+ bold = (o.fsSelection & 32) > 0
+ fontlist.append( (fontname, bold, italic, fontstring) )
+ if (fontname, bold, italic) in checkfontfamily:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate font specification: " + fs + BoldItalic(bold, italic), "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkfontfamily.append( (fontname, bold, italic) )
+ if (os.path.basename(fontstring)) in checkembeddedfont:
+ logfile.log("Duplicate embedded font: " + fontstring, "W") ### or more severe?
+ else:
+ checkembeddedfont.append(os.path.basename(fontstring))
+ except IOError:
+ logfile.log("Unable to find font file to embed: " + fontstring, "E")
+ except fontTools.ttLib.TTLibError:
+ logfile.log("File is not a valid font: " + fontstring, "E")
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error occurred while checking font: " + fontstring, "E") # some other error
+ return fontlist
+def init(LOdoc, numfonts=1):
+ totalwid = 6800 #6.8inches
+ #compute column widths
+ f = min(numfonts,4)
+ ashare = 4*(6-f)
+ dshare = 2*(6-f)
+ bshare = 100 - 2*ashare - dshare
+ awid = totalwid * ashare // 100
+ dwid = totalwid * dshare // 100
+ bwid = totalwid * bshare // (numfonts * 100)
+ # create styles for table, for columns (one style for each column width)
+ # and for one cell (used for everywhere except where background changed)
+ tstyle = Style(name="Table1", family="table")
+ tstyle.addElement(TableProperties(attributes={'width':str(totalwid/1000.)+"in", 'align':"left"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tstyle)
+ tastyle = Style(name="Table1.A", family="table-column")
+ tastyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(awid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tastyle)
+ tbstyle = Style(name="Table1.B", family="table-column")
+ tbstyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(bwid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tbstyle)
+ tdstyle = Style(name="Table1.D", family="table-column")
+ tdstyle.addElement(TableColumnProperties(attributes={'columnwidth':str(dwid/1000.)+"in"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tdstyle)
+ ta1style = Style(name="Table1.A1", family="table-cell")
+ ta1style.addElement(TableCellProperties(attributes={'padding':"0.035in", 'border':"0.05pt solid #000000"}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(ta1style)
+ # text style used with non-<em> text
+ t1style = Style(name="T1", family="text")
+ t1style.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'color':"#999999" }))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(t1style)
+ # create styles for Title, Subtitle
+ tstyle = Style(name="Title", family="paragraph")
+ tstyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontfamily':"Arial",'fontsize':"24pt",'fontweight':"bold" }))
+ LOdoc.styles.addElement(tstyle)
+ ststyle = Style(name="Subtitle", family="paragraph")
+ ststyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes={'fontfamily':"Arial",'fontsize':"18pt",'fontweight':"bold" }))
+ LOdoc.styles.addElement(ststyle)
+def doit(args) :
+ logfile = args.logger
+ if logfile.loglevel =
+ try:
+ root = ET.parse(args.input).getroot()
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error parsing FTML input", "S")
+ if args.font: # font(s) specified on command line
+ fontlist = getfonts( args.font, logfile )
+ else: # get font spec from FTML fontsrc element
+ fontlist = getfonts( [root.find("./head/fontsrc").text], logfile, False )
+ #fontlist = getfonts( [fs.text for fs in root.findall("./head/fontsrc")], False ) ### would allow multiple fontsrc elements
+ numfonts = len(fontlist)
+ if numfonts == 0:
+ logfile.log("No font(s) specified", "S")
+ if numfonts > 1:
+ formattedfontnum = ["{0:02d}".format(n) for n in range(numfonts)]
+ else:
+ formattedfontnum = [""]
+ logfile.log("Font(s) specified:", "V")
+ for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate(fontlist):
+ logfile.log(" " + formattedfontnum[n] + " " + fontname + BoldItalic(bold, italic) + " " + str(embeddedfont), "V")
+ # get optional fontscale; compute pointsize as int(12*fontscale/100). If result xx is not 12, then add "fo:font-size=xxpt" in Px styles
+ pointsize = 12
+ fontscaleel = root.find("./head/fontscale")
+ if fontscaleel != None:
+ fontscale = fontscaleel.text
+ try:
+ pointsize = int(int(fontscale)*12/100)
+ except ValueError:
+ # any problem leaves pointsize 12
+ logfile.log("Problem with fontscale value; defaulting to 12 point", "W")
+ # Get FTML styles and generate LO writer styles
+ # P2 is paragraph style for string element when no features specified
+ # each Px (for P3...) corresponds to an FTML style, which specifies lang or feats or both
+ # if numfonts > 1, two-digit font number is appended to make an LO writer style for each FTML style + font combo
+ # When LO writer style is used with attribute rtl="True", "R" appended to style name
+ LOstyles = {}
+ ftmlstyles = {}
+ Pstylenum = 2
+ LOstyles["P2"] = ("", None, None)
+ ftmlstyles[0] = "P2"
+ for s in root.findall("./head/styles/style"):
+ Pstylenum += 1
+ Pnum = "P" + str(Pstylenum)
+ featstring = ""
+ if s.get('feats'):
+ featstring = parsefeats(s.get('feats'))
+ langname = None
+ countryname = None
+ lang = s.get('lang')
+ if lang != None:
+ x = re.match(langcode, lang)
+ langname ='langname')
+ countryname ='countryname')
+ # FTML <test> element @stylename attribute references this <style> element @name attribute
+ ftmlstyles[s.get('name')] = Pnum
+ LOstyles[Pnum] = (featstring, langname, countryname)
+ # create LOwriter file and construct styles for tables, column widths, etc.
+ LOdoc = OpenDocumentText()
+ init(LOdoc, numfonts)
+ # Initialize sequence counters
+ sds = SequenceDecls()
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Illustration'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Table'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Text'))
+ sd = sds.addElement(SequenceDecl(displayoutlinelevel = '0', name = 'Drawing'))
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(sds)
+ # Create Px style for each (featstring, langname, countryname) tuple in LOstyles
+ # and for each font (if >1 font, append to Px style name a two-digit number corresponding to the font in fontlist)
+ # and (if at least one rtl attribute) suffix of nothing or "R"
+ # At the same time, collect info for creating FontFace elements (and any embedded fonts)
+ suffixlist = ["", "R"] if root.find(".//test/[@rtl='True']") != None else [""]
+ fontfaces = {}
+ for p in sorted(LOstyles, key = lambda x : int(x[1:])): # key = lambda x : int(x[1:]) corrects sort order
+ featstring, langname, countryname = LOstyles[p]
+ for n, (fontname, bold, italic, embeddedfont) in enumerate(fontlist): # embeddedfont = None if no embedding needed
+ fontnum = formattedfontnum[n]
+ # Collect fontface info: need one for each font family + feature combination
+ # Put embedded font in list only under fontname with empty featstring
+ if (fontname, featstring) not in fontfaces:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ] = []
+ if embeddedfont:
+ if (fontname, "") not in fontfaces:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ] = []
+ if embeddedfont not in fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ]:
+ fontfaces[ (fontname, "") ].append(embeddedfont)
+ # Generate paragraph styles
+ for s in suffixlist:
+ pstyle = Style(name=p+fontnum+s, family="paragraph")
+ if s == "R":
+ pstyle.addElement(ParagraphProperties(textalign="end", justifysingleword="false", writingmode="rl-tb"))
+ pstyledic = {}
+ pstyledic['fontnamecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontnameasian'] =\
+ pstyledic['fontname'] = fontname + featstring
+ pstyledic['fontsizecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontsizeasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontsize'] = str(pointsize) + "pt"
+ if bold:
+ pstyledic['fontweightcomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontweightasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontweight'] = 'bold'
+ if italic:
+ pstyledic['fontstylecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontstyleasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['fontstyle'] = 'italic'
+ if langname != None:
+ pstyledic['languagecomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['languageasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['language'] = langname
+ if countryname != None:
+ pstyledic['countrycomplex'] = \
+ pstyledic['countryasian'] = \
+ pstyledic['country'] = countryname
+ pstyle.addElement(TextProperties(attributes=pstyledic))
+# LOdoc.styles.addElement(pstyle) ### tried this, but when saving the generated odt, LO changed them to automatic styles
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(pstyle)
+ fontstoembed = []
+ for fontname, featstring in sorted(fontfaces): ### Or find a way to keep order of <style> elements from original FTML?
+ ff = FontFace(name=fontname + featstring, fontfamily=fontname + featstring, fontpitch="variable")
+ LOdoc.fontfacedecls.addElement(ff)
+ if fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ]: # embedding needed for this combination
+ for fontfile in fontfaces[ (fontname, featstring) ]:
+ fontstoembed.append(fontfile) # make list for embedding
+ ffsrc = FontFaceSrc()
+ ffuri = FontFaceUri( **{'href': "Fonts/" + os.path.basename(fontfile), 'type': "simple"} )
+ ffformat = FontFaceFormat( **{'string': 'truetype'} )
+ ff.addElement(ffsrc)
+ ffsrc.addElement(ffuri)
+ ffuri.addElement(ffformat)
+ basename = "Table1.B"
+ colorcount = 0
+ colordic = {} # record color #rrggbb as key and "Table1.Bx" as stylename (where x is current color count)
+ tablenum = 0
+ # get title and comment and use as title and subtitle
+ titleel = root.find("./head/title")
+ if titleel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Title", text=titleel.text))
+ commentel = root.find("./head/comment")
+ if commentel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text=commentel.text))
+ # Each testgroup element begins a new table
+ for tg in root.findall("./testgroup"):
+ # insert label attribute of testgroup element as subtitle
+ tglabel = tg.get('label')
+ if tglabel != None:
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(H(outlinelevel=1, stylename="Subtitle", text=tglabel))
+ # insert text from comment subelement of testgroup element
+ tgcommentel = tg.find("./comment")
+ if tgcommentel != None:
+ #print("commentel found")
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(text=tgcommentel.text))
+ tgbg = tg.get('background') # background attribute of testgroup element
+ tablenum += 1
+ table = Table(name="Table" + str(tablenum), stylename="Table1")
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A"))
+ for n in range(numfonts):
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.B"))
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.A"))
+ table.addElement(TableColumn(stylename="Table1.D"))
+ for t in tg.findall("./test"): # Each test element begins a new row
+ # stuff to start the row
+ labeltext = t.get('label')
+ stylename = t.get('stylename')
+ stringel = t.find('./string')
+ commentel = t.find('./comment')
+ rtlsuffix = "R" if t.get('rtl') == 'True' else ""
+ comment = commentel.text if commentel != None else None
+ colBstyle = "Table1.A1"
+ tbg = t.get('background') # get background attribute of test group (if one exists)
+ if tbg == None: tbg = tgbg
+ if tbg != None: # if background attribute for test element (or background attribute for testgroup element)
+ if tbg not in colordic: # if color not found in color dic, create new style
+ colorcount += 1
+ newname = basename + str(colorcount)
+ colordic[tbg] = newname
+ tb1style = Style(name=newname, family="table-cell")
+ tb1style.addElement(TableCellProperties(attributes={'padding':"0.0382in", 'border':"0.05pt solid #000000", 'backgroundcolor':tbg}))
+ LOdoc.automaticstyles.addElement(tb1style)
+ colBstyle = colordic[tbg]
+ row = TableRow()
+ table.addElement(row)
+ # fill cells
+ # column A (label)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if labeltext:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = labeltext))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column B (string)
+ for n in range(numfonts):
+ Pnum = ftmlstyles[stylename] if stylename != None else "P2"
+ Pnum = Pnum + formattedfontnum[n] + rtlsuffix
+ ### not clear if any of the following can be moved outside loop and reused
+ cell = TableCell(stylename=colBstyle, valuetype="string")
+ par = P(stylename=Pnum)
+ if len(stringel) == 0: # no <em> subelements
+ par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text))
+ else: # handle <em> subelement(s)
+ if stringel.text != None:
+ par.addElement(Span(stylename="T1", text = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, stringel.text)))
+ for e in stringel.findall("em"):
+ if e.text != None:
+ par.addText(re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.text))
+ if e.tail != None:
+ par.addElement(Span(stylename="T1", text = re.sub(backu, hextounichr, e.tail)))
+ cell.addElement(par)
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column C (comment)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if comment:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = comment))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ # column D (stylename)
+ cell = TableCell(stylename="Table1.A1", valuetype="string")
+ if comment:
+ cell.addElement(P(stylename="Table_20_Contents", text = stylename))
+ row.addElement(cell)
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(table)
+ LOdoc.text.addElement(P(stylename="Subtitle", text="")) # Empty paragraph to end ### necessary?
+ try:
+ if fontstoembed: logfile.log("Embedding fonts in document", "V")
+ for f in fontstoembed:
+ LOdoc._extra.append(
+ OpaqueObject(filename = "Fonts/" + os.path.basename(f),
+ mediatype = "application/x-font-ttf", ### should be "application/font-woff" or "/font-woff2" for WOFF fonts, "/font-opentype" for ttf
+ content =, "rb").read() ))
+ ci = ConfigItem(**{'name':'EmbedFonts', 'type': 'boolean'}) ### (name = 'EmbedFonts', type = 'boolean')
+ ci.addText('true')
+ cis=ConfigItemSet(**{'name':'ooo:configuration-settings'}) ### (name = 'ooo:configuration-settings')
+ cis.addElement(ci)
+ LOdoc.settings.addElement(cis)
+ except:
+ logfile.log("Error embedding fonts in document", "E")
+ logfile.log("Writing output file: " + args.output, "P")
+ return
+def cmd() : execute("",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81be69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Create a list of glyphs to import from a list of characters.'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019-2020 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bobby de Vos'
+from silfont.core import execute
+suffix = "_psfgetglyphnames"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Font file to copy from'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('glyphs',{'help': 'List of glyphs for psfcopyglyphs'}, {'type': 'outfile'}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'List of characters to import'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': None}),
+ ('-a','--aglfn',{'help': 'AGLFN list'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}),
+ ('-u','--uni',{'help': 'Generate uni or u glyph names if not in AGLFN', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ aglfn = dict()
+ if args.aglfn:
+ # Load Adobe Glyph List For New Fonts (AGLFN)
+ incsv = args.aglfn
+ incsv.numfields = 3
+ for line in incsv:
+ usv = line[0]
+ aglfn_name = line[1]
+ codepoint = int(usv, 16)
+ aglfn[codepoint] = aglfn_name
+ # Gather data from the UFO
+ cmap = dict()
+ for glyph in font:
+ for codepoint in glyph.unicodes:
+ cmap[codepoint] =
+ # Determine list of glyphs that need to be copied
+ header = ('glyph_name', 'rename', 'usv')
+ glyphs = args.glyphs
+ row = ','.join(header)
+ glyphs.write(row + '\n')
+ for line in args.input:
+ # Ignore comments
+ line = line.partition('#')[0]
+ line = line.strip()
+ # Ignore blank lines
+ if line == '':
+ continue
+ # Specify the glyph to copy
+ codepoint = int(line, 16)
+ usv = f'{codepoint:04X}'
+ # Specify how to construct default AGLFN name
+ # if codepoint is not listed in the AGLFN file
+ glyph_prefix = 'uni'
+ if codepoint > 0xFFFF:
+ glyph_prefix = 'u'
+ if codepoint in cmap:
+ # By default codepoints not listed in the AGLFN file
+ # will be imported with the glyph name of the source UFO
+ default_aglfn = ''
+ if args.uni:
+ # Provide AGLFN compatible names if requested
+ default_aglfn = f'{glyph_prefix}{usv}'
+ # Create control file for use with psfcopyglyphs
+ aglfn_name = aglfn.get(codepoint, default_aglfn)
+ glyph_name = cmap[codepoint]
+ if '_' in glyph_name and aglfn_name == '':
+ aglfn_name = glyph_name.replace('_', '')
+ row = ','.join((glyph_name, aglfn_name, usv))
+ glyphs.write(row + '\n')
+def cmd() : execute("FP",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8568d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Export fonts in a GlyphsApp file to UFOs'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.ufo import obsoleteLibKeys
+import glyphsLib
+import silfont.ufo
+import silfont.etutil
+from io import open
+import os, shutil
+argspec = [
+ ('glyphsfont', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('masterdir', {'help': 'Output directory for masters'}, {}),
+ ('--nofixes', {'help': 'Bypass code fixing data', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('--nofea', {'help': "Don't output features.fea", 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('--preservefea', {'help': "Retain the original features.fea in the UFO", 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_glyphs2ufo.log'}),
+ ('-r', '--restore', {'help': 'List of extra keys to restore to fontinfo.plist or lib.plist'}, {})]
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ masterdir = args.masterdir
+ logger.log("Creating UFO objects from GlyphsApp file", "I")
+ with open(args.glyphsfont, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as gfile:
+ gfont = glyphsLib.parser.load(gfile)
+ ufos = glyphsLib.to_ufos(gfont, include_instances=False, family_name=None, propagate_anchors=False, generate_GDEF=False)
+ keylists = {
+ "librestorekeys": ["org.sil.pysilfontparams", "org.sil.altLineMetrics", "org.sil.lcg.toneLetters",
+ "org.sil.lcg.transforms", "public.glyphOrder", "public.postscriptNames",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.disablesLastChange", "com.schriftgestaltung.disablesAutomaticAlignment",
+ "public.skipExportGlyphs"],
+ "libdeletekeys": ("com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.copyright",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.designer",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.manufacturer",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.note",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.Axes",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.Axis Mappings",
+ "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFontMaster.Master Name"),
+ "libdeleteempty": ("com.schriftgestaltung.DisplayStrings",),
+ "inforestorekeys": ["openTypeHeadCreated", "openTypeHeadFlags", "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName",
+ "openTypeNameUniqueID", "openTypeOS2WeightClass", "openTypeOS2WidthClass", "postscriptFontName",
+ "postscriptFullName", "styleMapFamilyName", "styleMapStyleName", "note",
+ "woffMetadataCredits", "woffMetadataDescription"],
+ "integerkeys": ("openTypeOS2WeightClass", "openTypeOS2WidthClass"),
+ "infodeletekeys": ("openTypeVheaVertTypoAscender", "openTypeVheaVertTypoDescender", "openTypeVheaVertTypoLineGap"),
+ # "infodeleteempty": ("openTypeOS2Selection",)
+ }
+ if args.restore: # Extra keys to restore. Add to both lists, since should never be duplicated names
+ keylist = args.restore.split(",")
+ keylists["librestorekeys"] += keylist
+ keylists["inforestorekeys"].append(keylist)
+ loglists = []
+ obskeysfound={}
+ for ufo in ufos:
+ loglists.append(process_ufo(ufo, keylists, masterdir, args, obskeysfound))
+ for loglist in loglists:
+ for logitem in loglist: logger.log(logitem[0], logitem[1])
+ if obskeysfound:
+ logmess = "The following obsolete keys were found. They may have been in the original UFO or you may have an old version of glyphsLib installed\n"
+ for fontname in obskeysfound:
+ keys = obskeysfound[fontname]
+ logmess += " " + fontname + ": "
+ for key in keys:
+ logmess += key + ", "
+ logmess += "\n"
+ logger.log(logmess, "E")
+def process_ufo(ufo, keylists, masterdir, args, obskeysfound):
+ loglist=[]
+# sn = # )
+# sn = sn.replace("Italic Italic", "Italic") # ) Temp fixes due to glyphLib incorrectly
+# sn = sn.replace("Italic Bold Italic", "Bold Italic") # ) forming styleName
+# sn = sn.replace("Extra Italic Light Italic", "Extra Light Italic") # )
+# = sn # )
+ fontname =" ", "") + "-" +" ", "")
+ # Fixes to the data
+ if not args.nofixes:
+ loglist.append(("Fixing data in " + fontname, "P"))
+ # lib.plist processing
+ loglist.append(("Checking lib.plist", "P"))
+ # Restore values from original UFOs, assuming named as <fontname>.ufo in the masterdir
+ ufodir = os.path.join(masterdir, fontname + ".ufo")
+ try:
+ origlibplist = silfont.ufo.Uplist(font=None, dirn=ufodir, filen="lib.plist")
+ except Exception as e:
+ loglist.append(("Unable to open lib.plist in " + ufodir + "; values will not be restored", "E"))
+ origlibplist = None
+ if origlibplist is not None:
+ for key in keylists["librestorekeys"]:
+ current = None if key not in ufo.lib else ufo.lib[key]
+ if key in origlibplist:
+ new = origlibplist.getval(key)
+ if current == new:
+ continue
+ else:
+ ufo.lib[key] = new
+ logchange(loglist, " restored from backup ufo. ", key, current, new)
+ elif current:
+ ufo.lib[key] = None
+ logchange(loglist, " removed since not in backup ufo. ", key, current, None)
+ # Delete unneeded keys
+ for key in keylists["libdeletekeys"]:
+ if key in ufo.lib:
+ current = ufo.lib[key]
+ del ufo.lib[key]
+ logchange(loglist, " deleted. ", key, current, None)
+ for key in keylists["libdeleteempty"]:
+ if key in ufo.lib and (ufo.lib[key] == "" or ufo.lib[key] == []):
+ current = ufo.lib[key]
+ del ufo.lib[key]
+ logchange(loglist, " empty field deleted. ", key, current, None)
+ # Check for obsolete keys
+ for key in obsoleteLibKeys:
+ if key in ufo.lib:
+ if fontname not in obskeysfound: obskeysfound[fontname] = []
+ obskeysfound[fontname].append(key)
+ # Special processing for Axis Mappings
+ #key = "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.Axis Mappings"
+ #if key in ufo.lib:
+ # current =ufo.lib[key]
+ # new = dict(current)
+ # for x in current:
+ # val = current[x]
+ # k = list(val.keys())[0]
+ # if k[-2:] == ".0": new[x] = {k[0:-2]: val[k]}
+ # if current != new:
+ # ufo.lib[key] = new
+ # logchange(loglist, " key names set to integers. ", key, current, new)
+ # Special processing for ufo2ft filters
+ key = "com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters"
+ if key in ufo.lib:
+ current = ufo.lib[key]
+ new = list(current)
+ for x in current:
+ if x["name"] == "eraseOpenCorners":
+ new.remove(x)
+ if current != new:
+ if new == []:
+ del ufo.lib[key]
+ else:
+ ufo.lib[key] = new
+ logchange(loglist, " eraseOpenCorners filter removed ", key, current, new)
+ # fontinfo.plist processing
+ loglist.append(("Checking fontinfo.plist", "P"))
+ try:
+ origfontinfo = silfont.ufo.Uplist(font=None, dirn=ufodir, filen="fontinfo.plist")
+ except Exception as e:
+ loglist.append(("Unable to open fontinfo.plist in " + ufodir + "; values will not be restored", "E"))
+ origfontinfo = None
+ if origfontinfo is not None:
+ for key in keylists["inforestorekeys"]:
+ current = None if not hasattr(, key) else getattr(, key)
+ if key in origfontinfo:
+ new = origfontinfo.getval(key)
+ if key in keylists["integerkeys"]: new = int(new)
+ if current == new:
+ continue
+ else:
+ setattr(, key, new)
+ logchange(loglist, " restored from backup ufo. ", key, current, new)
+ elif current:
+ setattr(, key, None)
+ logchange(loglist, " removed since not in backup ufo. ", key, current, None)
+ if getattr(, "italicAngle") == 0: # Remove italicAngle if 0
+ setattr(, "italicAngle", None)
+ logchange(loglist, " removed", "italicAngle", 0, None)
+ # Delete unneeded keys
+ for key in keylists["infodeletekeys"]:
+ if hasattr(, key):
+ current = getattr(, key)
+ setattr(, key, None)
+ logchange(loglist, " deleted. ", key, current, None)
+# for key in keylists["infodeleteempty"]:
+# if hasattr(, key) and getattr(, key) == "":
+# setattr(, key, None)
+# logchange(loglist, " empty field deleted. ", key, current, None)
+ if args.nofea or args.preservefea: ufo.features.text = "" # Suppress output of features.fea
+ # Now check for glyph level changes needed
+ heightchanges = 0
+ vertorichanges = 0
+ for layer in ufo.layers:
+ for glyph in layer:
+ if glyph.height != 0:
+ loglist.append((f'Advance height of {str(glyph.height)} removed for {}', "V"))
+ glyph.height = 0
+ heightchanges += 1
+ lib = glyph.lib
+ if "public.verticalOrigin" in lib:
+ del lib["public.verticalOrigin"]
+ vertorichanges += 1
+ if heightchanges: loglist.append((f"{str(heightchanges)} advance heights removed from glyphs", "I"))
+ if vertorichanges: loglist.append((f"{str(vertorichanges)} public.verticalOrigins removed from lib in glyphs", "I"))
+ # Write ufo out
+ ufopath = os.path.join(masterdir, fontname + ".ufo")
+ if args.preservefea: # Move features.fea out of the ufo so that it can be restored afterward
+ origfea = os.path.join(ufopath, "features.fea")
+ hiddenfea = os.path.join(masterdir, fontname + "features.tmp")
+ if os.path.exists(origfea):
+ loglist.append((f'Renaming {origfea} to {hiddenfea}', "I"))
+ os.rename(origfea, hiddenfea)
+ else:
+ loglist.append((f"{origfea} does not exists so can't be restored", "E"))
+ origfea = None
+ loglist.append(("Writing out " + ufopath, "P"))
+ if os.path.exists(ufopath): shutil.rmtree(ufopath)
+ if args.preservefea and origfea:
+ loglist.append((f'Renaming {hiddenfea} back to {origfea}', "I"))
+ os.rename(hiddenfea, origfea)
+ # Now correct the newly-written fontinfo.plist with changes that can't be made via glyphsLib
+ if not args.nofixes:
+ fontinfo = silfont.ufo.Uplist(font=None, dirn=ufopath, filen="fontinfo.plist")
+ changes = False
+ for key in ("guidelines", "postscriptBlueValues", "postscriptFamilyBlues", "postscriptFamilyOtherBlues",
+ "postscriptOtherBlues"):
+ if key in fontinfo and fontinfo.getval(key) == []:
+ fontinfo.remove(key)
+ changes = True
+ logchange(loglist, " empty list deleted", key, None, [])
+ if changes:
+ # Create outparams. Just need any valid values, since font will need normalizing later
+ params = args.paramsobj
+ paramset = params.sets["main"]
+ outparams = {"attribOrders": {}}
+ for parn in params.classes["outparams"]: outparams[parn] = paramset[parn]
+ loglist.append(("Writing updated fontinfo.plist", "I"))
+ silfont.ufo.writeXMLobject(fontinfo, params=outparams, dirn=ufopath, filen="fontinfo.plist", exists=True,
+ fobject=True)
+ return loglist
+def logchange(loglist, logmess, key, old, new):
+ oldstr = str(old) if len(str(old)) < 22 else str(old)[0:20] + "..."
+ newstr = str(new) if len(str(new)) < 22 else str(new)[0:20] + "..."
+ logmess = key + logmess
+ if old is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " New value: " + newstr
+ else:
+ if new is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr
+ else:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr + ", new value: " + newstr
+ loglist.append((logmess, "I"))
+ # Extra verbose logging
+ if len(str(old)) > 21 :
+ loglist.append(("Full old value: " + str(old), "V"))
+ if len(str(new)) > 21 :
+ loglist.append(("Full new value: " + str(new), "V"))
+ loglist.append(("Types: Old - " + str(type(old)) + ", New - " + str(type(new)), "V"))
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967b34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Creates deprecated versions of glyphs: takes the specified glyph and creates a
+duplicate with an additional box surrounding it so that it becomes reversed,
+and assigns a new unicode encoding to it.
+Input is a csv with three fields: original,new,unicode'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font filename'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'todeprecate.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_deprecated.log'})]
+offset = 30
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Process csv list into a dictionary structure
+ args.input.numfields = 3
+ deps = {}
+ for line in args.input :
+ deps[line[0]] = {"newname": line[1], "newuni": line[2]}
+ # Iterate through dictionary (unsorted)
+ for source, target in deps.items() :
+ # Check if source glyph is in font
+ if source in font.keys() :
+ # Give warning if target is already in font, but overwrite anyway
+ targetname = target["newname"]
+ targetuni = int(target["newuni"], 16)
+ if targetname in font.keys() :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + targetname + " already in font and will be replaced")
+ # Make a copy of source into a new glyph object
+ sourceglyph = font[source]
+ newglyph = sourceglyph.copy()
+ # Draw box around it
+ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sourceglyph.bounds
+ pen = newglyph.getPen()
+ pen.moveTo((xmax + offset, ymin - offset))
+ pen.lineTo((xmax + offset, ymax + offset))
+ pen.lineTo((xmin - offset, ymax + offset))
+ pen.lineTo((xmin - offset, ymin - offset))
+ pen.closePath()
+ # Set unicode
+ newglyph.unicodes = []
+ newglyph.unicode = targetuni
+ # Add the new glyph object to the font with name target
+ font.__setitem__(targetname,newglyph)
+ # Decompose glyph in case there may be components
+ # It seems you can't decompose a glyph has hasn't yet been added to a font
+ font[targetname].decompose()
+ # Correct path direction
+ font[targetname].correctDirection()
+ logger.log(source + " duplicated to " + targetname)
+ else :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + source + " not in font")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("FP",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e335230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Make features.fea file'
+# TODO: add conditional compilation, compare to fea, compile to ttf
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Martin Hosken, Alan Ward'
+import silfont.ufo as ufo
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from silfont.feax_parser import feaplus_parser
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
+import re
+from silfont.core import execute
+def getbbox(g):
+ res = (65536, 65536, -65536, -65536)
+ if g['outline'] is None:
+ return (0, 0, 0, 0)
+ for c in g['outline'].contours:
+ for p in c['point']:
+ if 'type' in p.attrib: # any actual point counts
+ x = float(p.get('x', '0'))
+ y = float(p.get('y', '0'))
+ res = (min(x, res[0]), min(y, res[1]), max(x, res[2]), max(y, res[3]))
+ return res
+class Glyph(object) :
+ def __init__(self, name, advance=0, bbox=None) :
+ = name
+ self.anchors = {}
+ self.is_mark = False
+ self.advance = int(float(advance))
+ self.bbox = bbox or (0, 0, 0, 0)
+ def add_anchor(self, info) :
+ self.anchors[info['name']] = (int(float(info['x'])), int(float(info['y'])))
+ def decide_if_mark(self) :
+ for a in self.anchors.keys() :
+ if a.startswith("_") :
+ self.is_mark = True
+ break
+def decode_element(e):
+ '''Convert plist element into python structures'''
+ res = None
+ if e.tag == 'string':
+ return e.text
+ elif e.tag == 'integer':
+ return int(e.text)
+ elif e.tag== 'real':
+ return float(e.text)
+ elif e.tag == 'array':
+ res = [decode_element(x) for x in e]
+ elif e.tag == 'dict':
+ res = {}
+ for p in zip(e[::2], e[1::2]):
+ res[p[0].text] = decode_element(p[1])
+ return res
+class Font(object) :
+ def __init__(self, defines = None):
+ self.glyphs = OrderedDict()
+ self.classes = OrderedDict()
+ self.all_aps = OrderedDict()
+ self.fontinfo = {}
+ self.kerns = {}
+ self.defines = {} if defines is None else defines
+ def readaps(self, filename, omitaps='', params = None) :
+ omittedaps = set(omitaps.replace(',',' ').split()) # allow comma- and/or space-separated list
+ if filename.endswith('.ufo') :
+ f = ufo.Ufont(filename, params = params)
+ self.fontinfo = {}
+ for k, v in f.fontinfo._contents.items():
+ self.fontinfo[k] = decode_element(v[1])
+ skipglyphs = set(f.lib.getval('public.skipExportGlyphs', []))
+ for g in f.deflayer :
+ if g in skipglyphs:
+ continue
+ ufo_g = f.deflayer[g]
+ advb = ufo_g['advance']
+ adv = advb.width if advb is not None and advb.width is not None else 0
+ bbox = getbbox(ufo_g)
+ glyph = Glyph(g, advance=adv, bbox=bbox)
+ self.glyphs[g] = glyph
+ if 'anchor' in ufo_g._contents :
+ for a in ufo_g._contents['anchor'] :
+ if a.element.attrib['name'] not in omittedaps:
+ glyph.add_anchor(a.element.attrib)
+ self.all_aps.setdefault(a.element.attrib['name'], []).append(glyph)
+ if hasattr(f, 'groups'):
+ for k, v in f.groups._contents.items():
+ self.classes[k.lstrip('@')] = decode_element(v[1])
+ if hasattr(f, 'kerning'):
+ for k, v in f.kerning._contents.items():
+ key = k.lstrip('@')
+ if key in self.classes:
+ key = "@" + key
+ subelements = decode_element(v[1])
+ kerndict = {}
+ for s, n in subelements.items():
+ skey = s.lstrip('@')
+ if skey in self.classes:
+ skey = "@" + skey
+ kerndict[skey] = n
+ self.kerns[key] = kerndict
+ elif filename.endswith('.xml') :
+ currGlyph = None
+ currPoint = None
+ self.fontinfo = {}
+ for event, elem in et.iterparse(filename, events=('start', 'end')):
+ if event == 'start':
+ if elem.tag == 'glyph':
+ name = elem.get('PSName', '')
+ if name:
+ currGlyph = Glyph(name)
+ self.glyphs[name] = currGlyph
+ currPoint = None
+ elif elem.tag == 'point':
+ currPoint = {'name' : elem.get('type', '')}
+ elif elem.tag == 'location' and currPoint is not None:
+ currPoint['x'] = int(elem.get('x', 0))
+ currPoint['y'] = int(elem.get('y', 0))
+ elif elem.tag == 'font':
+ n = elem.get('name', '')
+ x = n.split('-')
+ if len(x) == 2:
+ self.fontinfo['familyName'] = x[0]
+ self.fontinfo['openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName'] = x[0]
+ self.fontinfo['styleMapFamilyName'] = x[0]
+ self.fontinfo['styleName'] = x[1]
+ self.fontinfo['openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName'] = x[1]
+ self.fontinfo['postscriptFullName'] = "{0} {1}".format(*x)
+ self.fontinfo['postscriptFontName'] = n
+ elif event == 'end':
+ if elem.tag == 'point':
+ if currGlyph and currPoint['name'] not in omittedaps:
+ currGlyph.add_anchor(currPoint)
+ self.all_aps.setdefault(currPoint['name'], []).append(currGlyph)
+ currPoint = None
+ elif elem.tag == 'glyph':
+ currGlyph = None
+ def read_classes(self, fname, classproperties=False):
+ doc = et.parse(fname)
+ for c in doc.findall('.//class'):
+ class_name = c.get('name')
+ m ='\[(\d+)\]$', class_name)
+ # support fixedclasses like via
+ if m:
+ class_nm = class_name[0:m.start()]
+ ix = int(
+ else:
+ class_nm = class_name
+ ix = None
+ cl = self.classes.setdefault(class_nm, [])
+ for e in c.get('exts', '').split() + [""]:
+ for g in c.text.split():
+ if g+e in self.glyphs or (e == '' and g.startswith('@')):
+ if ix:
+ cl.insert(ix, g+e)
+ else:
+ cl.append(g+e)
+ if not classproperties:
+ return
+ for c in doc.findall('.//property'):
+ for e in c.get('exts', '').split() + [""]:
+ for g in c.text.split():
+ if g+e in self.glyphs:
+ cname = c.get('name') + "_" + c.get('value')
+ self.classes.setdefault(cname, []).append(g+e)
+ def make_classes(self, ligmode) :
+ for name, g in self.glyphs.items() :
+ # pull off suffix and make classes
+ # TODO: handle ligatures
+ base = name
+ if ligmode is None or 'comp' not in ligmode or "_" not in name:
+ pos = base.rfind('.')
+ while pos > 0 :
+ old_base = base
+ ext = base[pos+1:]
+ base = base[:pos]
+ ext_class_nm = "c_" + ext
+ if base in self.glyphs and old_base in self.glyphs:
+ glyph_lst = self.classes.setdefault(ext_class_nm, [])
+ if not old_base in glyph_lst:
+ glyph_lst.append(old_base)
+ self.classes.setdefault("cno_" + ext, []).append(base)
+ pos = base.rfind('.')
+ if ligmode is not None and "_" in name:
+ comps = name.split("_")
+ if "comp" in ligmode or "." not in comps[-1]:
+ base = comps.pop(-1 if "last" in ligmode else 0)
+ cname = base.replace(".", "_")
+ noname = "_".join(comps)
+ if base in self.glyphs and noname in self.glyphs:
+ glyph_lst = self.classes.setdefault("clig_"+cname, [])
+ if name not in glyph_lst:
+ glyph_lst.append(name)
+ self.classes.setdefault("cligno_"+cname, []).append(noname)
+ if g.is_mark :
+ self.classes.setdefault('GDEF_marks', []).append(name)
+ else :
+ self.classes.setdefault('GDEF_bases', []).append(name)
+ def make_marks(self) :
+ for name, g in self.glyphs.items() :
+ g.decide_if_mark()
+ def order_classes(self):
+ # return ordered list of classnames as desired for FEA
+ # Start with alphabetical then correct:
+ # 1. Put classes like "cno_whatever" adjacent to "c_whatever"
+ # 2. Classes can be defined in terms of other classes but FEA requires that
+ # classes be defined before they can be referenced.
+ def sortkey(x):
+ key1 = 'c_' + x[4:] if x.startswith('cno_') else x
+ return (key1, x)
+ classes = sorted(self.classes.keys(), key=sortkey)
+ links = {} # key = classname; value = list of other classes that include this one
+ counts = {} # key = classname; value = count of un-output classes that this class includes
+ for name in classes:
+ y = [c[1:] for c in self.classes[name] if c.startswith('@')] #list of included classes
+ counts[name] = len(y)
+ for c in y:
+ links.setdefault(c, []).append(name)
+ outclasses = []
+ while len(classes) > 0:
+ foundone = False
+ for name in classes:
+ if counts[name] == 0:
+ foundone = True
+ # output this class
+ outclasses.append(name)
+ classes.remove(name)
+ # adjust counts of classes that include this one
+ if name in links:
+ for n in links[name]:
+ counts[n] -= 1
+ # It may now be possible to output some we skipped earlier,
+ # so start over from the beginning of the list
+ break
+ if not foundone:
+ # all remaining classes include un-output classes and thus there is a loop somewhere
+ raise ValueError("Class reference loop(s) found: " + ", ".join(classes))
+ return outclasses
+ def addComment(self, parser, text):
+ cmt = parser.ast.Comment("# " + text, location=None)
+ cmt.pretext = "\n"
+ parser.add_statement(cmt)
+ def append_classes(self, parser) :
+ # normal glyph classes
+ self.addComment(parser, "Main Classes")
+ for name in self.order_classes():
+ gc = parser.ast.GlyphClass(None, location=None)
+ for g in self.classes[name] :
+ gc.append(g)
+ gcd = parser.ast.GlyphClassDefinition(name, gc, location=None)
+ parser.add_statement(gcd)
+ parser.define_glyphclass(name, gcd)
+ def _addGlyphsToClass(self, parser, glyphs, gc, anchor, definer):
+ if len(glyphs) > 1 :
+ val = parser.ast.GlyphClass(glyphs, location=None)
+ else :
+ val = parser.ast.GlyphName(glyphs[0], location=None)
+ classdef = definer(gc, anchor, val, location=None)
+ gc.addDefinition(classdef)
+ parser.add_statement(classdef)
+ def append_positions(self, parser):
+ # create base and mark classes, add to fea file dicts and parser symbol table
+ bclassdef_lst = []
+ mclassdef_lst = []
+ self.addComment(parser, "Positioning classes and statements")
+ for ap_nm, glyphs_w_ap in self.all_aps.items() :
+ self.addComment(parser, "AP: " + ap_nm)
+ # e.g. all glyphs with U AP
+ if not ap_nm.startswith("_"):
+ if any(not x.is_mark for x in glyphs_w_ap):
+ gcb = parser.set_baseclass(ap_nm)
+ parser.add_statement(gcb)
+ if any(x.is_mark for x in glyphs_w_ap):
+ gcm = parser.set_baseclass(ap_nm + "_MarkBase")
+ parser.add_statement(gcm)
+ else:
+ gc = parser.set_markclass(ap_nm)
+ # create lists of glyphs that use the same point (name and coordinates)
+ # that can share a class definition
+ anchor_cache = OrderedDict()
+ markanchor_cache = OrderedDict()
+ for g in glyphs_w_ap :
+ p = g.anchors[ap_nm]
+ if g.is_mark and not ap_nm.startswith("_"):
+ markanchor_cache.setdefault(p, []).append(
+ else:
+ anchor_cache.setdefault(p, []).append(
+ if ap_nm.startswith("_"):
+ for p, glyphs_w_pt in anchor_cache.items():
+ anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None)
+ self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gc, anchor, parser.ast.MarkClassDefinition)
+ else:
+ for p, glyphs_w_pt in anchor_cache.items():
+ anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None)
+ self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gcb, anchor, parser.ast.BaseClassDefinition)
+ for p, glyphs_w_pt in markanchor_cache.items():
+ anchor = parser.ast.Anchor(p[0], p[1], location=None)
+ self._addGlyphsToClass(parser, glyphs_w_pt, gcm, anchor, parser.ast.BaseClassDefinition)
+#TODO: provide more argument info
+argspec = [
+ ('infile', {'nargs': '?', 'help': 'Input UFO or file'}, {'def': None, 'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'required': 'True', 'help': 'Fea file to merge'}, {}),
+ ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Output fea file'}, {}),
+ ('-c', '--classfile', {'help': 'Classes file'}, {}),
+ ('-L', '--ligmode', {'help': 'Parse ligatures: last - use last element as class name, first - use first element as class name, lastcomp, firstcomp - final variants are part of the component not the whole ligature'}, {}),
+ ('-D', '--define', {'action': 'append', 'help': 'Add option definition to pass to fea code --define=var=val'}, {}),
+ # ('--debug', {'help': 'Drop into pdb', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('--classprops', {'help': 'Include property elements from classes file', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('--omitaps', {'help': 'names of attachment points to omit (comma- or space-separated)', 'default': '', 'action': 'store'}, {})
+def doit(args) :
+ defines = dict(x.split('=') for x in args.define) if args.define else {}
+ font = Font(defines)
+ # if args.debug:
+ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ if "checkfix" not in args.params:
+ args.paramsobj.sets["main"]["checkfix"] = "None"
+ if args.infile is not None:
+ font.readaps(args.infile, args.omitaps, args.paramsobj)
+ font.make_marks()
+ font.make_classes(args.ligmode)
+ if args.classfile:
+ font.read_classes(args.classfile, classproperties = args.classprops)
+ p = feaplus_parser(None, font.glyphs, font.fontinfo, font.kerns, font.defines)
+ doc_ufo = p.parse() # returns an empty ast.FeatureFile
+ # Add goodies from the font
+ font.append_classes(p)
+ font.append_positions(p)
+ # parse the input fea file
+ if args.input :
+ doc_fea = p.parse(args.input)
+ else:
+ doc_fea = doc_ufo
+ # output as doc.asFea()
+ if args.output :
+ with open(args.output, "w") as of :
+ of.write(doc_fea.asFea())
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0bf5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Creates duplicate versions of glyphs that are scaled and shifted.
+Input is a csv with three fields: original,new,unicode'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.util import parsecolors
+from ast import literal_eval as make_tuple
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font filename'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file', 'required': True}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'scaledshifted.csv'}),
+ ('-c', '--colorcells', {'help': 'Color cells of generated glyphs', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('--color', {'help': 'Color to use when marking generated glyphs'},{}),
+ ('-t','--transform',{'help': 'Transform matrix or type', 'required': True}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Set log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_scaledshifted.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ transform = args.transform
+ if transform[1] == "(":
+ # Set transform from matrix - example: "(0.72, 0, 0, 0.6, 10, 806)"
+ # (xx, xy, yx, yy, x, y)
+ trans = make_tuple(args.transform)
+ else:
+ # Set transformation specs from UFO lib.plist org.sil.lcg.transforms
+ # Will need to be enhanced to support adjustMetrics, boldX, boldY parameters for smallcaps
+ try:
+ trns = font.lib["org.sil.lcg.transforms"][transform]
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.log("Error: transform type not found in lib.plist org.sil.lcg.transforms", "S")
+ else:
+ try:
+ adjM = trns["adjustMetrics"]
+ except KeyError:
+ adjM = 0
+ try:
+ skew = trns["skew"]
+ except KeyError:
+ skew = 0
+ try:
+ shiftX = trns["shiftX"]
+ except KeyError:
+ shiftX = 0
+ try:
+ shiftY = trns["shiftY"]
+ except KeyError:
+ shiftY = 0
+ trans = (trns["scaleX"], 0, skew, trns["scaleY"], shiftX+adjM, shiftY)
+ # Process csv list into a dictionary structure
+ args.input.numfields = 3
+ deps = {}
+ for (source, newname, newuni) in args.input :
+ if source in deps:
+ deps[source].append({"newname": newname, "newuni": newuni})
+ else:
+ deps[source] = [({"newname": newname, "newuni": newuni})]
+ # Iterate through dictionary (unsorted)
+ for source in deps:
+ # Check if source glyph is in font
+ if source in font.keys() :
+ for target in deps[source]:
+ # Give warning if target is already in font, but overwrite anyway
+ targetname = target["newname"]
+ if targetname in font.keys() :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + targetname + " already in font and will be replaced")
+ # Make a copy of source into a new glyph object
+ sourceglyph = font[source]
+ newglyph = sourceglyph.copy()
+ newglyph.transformBy(trans)
+ # Set width because transformBy does not seems to properly adjust width
+ newglyph.width = (int(newglyph.width * trans[0])) + (adjM * 2)
+ # Set unicode
+ newglyph.unicodes = []
+ if target["newuni"]:
+ newglyph.unicode = int(target["newuni"], 16)
+ # mark glyphs as being generated by setting cell mark color (defaults to blue if args.color not set)
+ if args.colorcells or args.color:
+ if args.color:
+ (color, name, logcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(args.color, single=True)
+ if color is None: logger.log(logcolor, "S") # If color not parsed, parsecolors() puts error in logcolor
+ color = color.split(",") # Need to convert string to tuple
+ color = (float(color[0]), float(color[1]), float(color[2]), float(color[3]))
+ else:
+ color = (0.18, 0.16, 0.78, 1)
+ newglyph.markColor = color
+ # Add the new glyph object to the font with name target
+ font.__setitem__(targetname, newglyph)
+ # Decompose glyph in case there may be components
+ # It seems you can't decompose a glyph has hasn't yet been added to a font
+ font[targetname].decompose()
+ # Correct path direction
+ font[targetname].correctDirection()
+ logger.log(source + " duplicated to " + targetname)
+ else :
+ logger.log("Warning: " + source + " not in font")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("FP",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6feb45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Make the WOFF metadata xml file based on input UFO (and optionally FONTLOG.txt)'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import re, os, datetime
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('font', {'help': 'Source font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-n', '--primaryname', {'help': 'Primary Font Name', 'required': True}, {}),
+ ('-i', '--orgid', {'help': 'orgId', 'required': True}, {}),
+ ('-f', '--fontlog', {'help': 'FONTLOG.txt file', 'default': 'FONTLOG.txt'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('-o', '--output', {'help': 'Override output file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('--populateufowoff', {'help': 'Copy info from FONTLOG.txt to UFO', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_makewoff.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ font = args.font
+ pfn = args.primaryname
+ orgid = args.orgid
+ logger = args.logger
+ ofn = args.output
+ # Find & process info required in the UFO
+ fi = font.fontinfo
+ ufofields = {}
+ missing = None
+ for field in ("versionMajor", "versionMinor", "openTypeNameManufacturer", "openTypeNameManufacturerURL",
+ "openTypeNameLicense", "copyright", "trademark"):
+ if field in fi:
+ ufofields[field] = fi[field][1].text
+ elif field != 'trademark': # trademark is no longer required
+ missing = field if missing is None else missing + ", " + field
+ if missing is not None: logger.log("Field(s) missing from fontinfo.plist: " + missing, "S")
+ version = ufofields["versionMajor"] + "." + ufofields["versionMinor"].zfill(3)
+ # Find & process WOFF fields if present in the UFO
+ missing = None
+ ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"] = None
+ ufowoff = {"woffMetadataCredits": "credits", "woffMetadataDescription": "text"} # Field, dict name
+ for field in ufowoff:
+ fival = fi.getval(field) if field in fi else None
+ if fival is None:
+ missing = field if missing is None else missing + ", " + field
+ ufofields[field] = None
+ else:
+ ufofields[field] = fival[ufowoff[field]]
+ if field == "woffMetadataDescription" and "url" in fival:
+ ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"] = fival["url"]
+ # Process --populateufowoff setting, if present
+ if args.populateufowoff:
+ if missing != "woffMetadataCredits, woffMetadataDescription":
+ logger.log("Data exists in the UFO for woffMetadata - remove manually to reuse --populateufowoff", "S")
+ if args.populateufowoff or missing is not None:
+ if missing: logger.log("WOFF field(s) missing from fontinfo.plist will be generated from FONTLOG.txt: " + missing, "W")
+ # Open the fontlog file
+ try:
+ fontlog = open(args.fontlog)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f"Unable to open {args.fontlog}: {str(e)}", "S")
+ # Parse the fontlog file
+ (section, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Basic Font Information",)) # Skip until start of "Basic Font Information" section
+ if match is None: logger.log("No 'Basic Font Information' section in fontlog", "S")
+ (fldescription, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Information for C", "Acknowledgements")) # Description ends when first of these sections is found
+ fldescription = [{"text": fldescription}]
+ if match == "Information for C": (section, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("Acknowledgements",)) # If Info... section present then skip on to Acknowledgements
+ if match is None: logger.log("No 'Acknowledgements' section in fontlog", "S")
+ (acksection, match) = readuntil(fontlog, ("No match needed!!",))
+ flcredits = []
+ credit = {}
+ acktype = ""
+ flog2woff = {"N": "name", "E": "Not used", "W": "url", "D": "role"}
+ for line in acksection.splitlines():
+ if line == "":
+ if acktype != "": # Must be at the end of a credit section
+ if "name" in credit:
+ flcredits.append(credit)
+ else:
+ logger.log("Credit section found with no N: entry", "E")
+ credit = {}
+ acktype = ""
+ else:
+ match = re.match("^([NEWD]): (.*)", line)
+ if match is None:
+ if acktype == "N": credit["name"] = credit["name"] + line # Name entries can be multiple lines
+ else:
+ acktype =
+ if acktype in credit:
+ logger.log("Multiple " + acktype + " entries found in a credit section", "E")
+ else:
+ credit[flog2woff[acktype]] =
+ if flcredits == []: logger.log("No credits found in fontlog", "S")
+ if args.populateufowoff:
+ ufofields["woffMetadataDescription"] = fldescription # Force fontlog values to be used writing metadata.xml later
+ ufofields["woffMetadataCredits"] = flcredits
+ # Create xml strings and update fontinfo
+ xmlstring = "<dict>" + \
+ "<key>text</key><array><dict>" + \
+ "<key>text</key><string>" + textprotect(fldescription[0]["text"]) + "</string>" + \
+ "</dict></array>" + \
+ "<key>url</key><string></string>"\
+ "</dict>"
+ fi.setelem("woffMetadataDescription", ET.fromstring(xmlstring))
+ xmlstring = "<dict><key>credits</key><array>"
+ for credit in flcredits:
+ xmlstring += '<dict><key>name</key><string>' + textprotect(credit["name"]) + '</string>'
+ if "url" in credit: xmlstring += '<key>url</key><string>' + textprotect(credit["url"]) + '</string>'
+ if "role" in credit: xmlstring += '<key>role</key><string>' + textprotect(credit["role"]) + '</string>'
+ xmlstring += '</dict>'
+ xmlstring += '</array></dict>'
+ fi.setelem("woffMetadataCredits", ET.fromstring(xmlstring))
+ fi.setval("openTypeHeadCreated", "string","%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
+ logger.log("Writing updated fontinfo.plist with values from FONTLOG.txt", "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist")) else False
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(fi, font.outparams, font.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist", exists, fobject=True)
+ description = ufofields["woffMetadataDescription"]
+ if description == None: description = fldescription
+ credits = ufofields["woffMetadataCredits"]
+ if credits == None : credits = flcredits
+ # Construct output file name
+ (folder, ufoname) = os.path.split(font.ufodir)
+ filename = os.path.join(folder, pfn + "-WOFF-metadata.xml") if ofn is None else ofn
+ try:
+ file = open(filename, "w")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Unable to open " + filename + " for writing:\n" + str(e), "S")
+ logger.log("Writing to : " + filename, "P")
+ file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
+ file.write('<metadata version="1.0">\n')
+ file.write(' <uniqueid id="' + orgid + '.' + pfn + '.' + version + '" />\n')
+ file.write(' <vendor name="' + attrprotect(ufofields["openTypeNameManufacturer"]) + '" url="'
+ + attrprotect(ufofields["openTypeNameManufacturerURL"]) + '" />\n')
+ file.write(' <credits>\n')
+ for credit in credits:
+ file.write(' <credit\n')
+ file.write(' name="' + attrprotect(credit["name"]) + '"\n')
+ if "url" in credit: file.write(' url="' + attrprotect(credit["url"]) + '"\n')
+ if "role" in credit: file.write(' role="' + attrprotect(credit["role"]) + '"\n')
+ file.write(' />\n')
+ file.write(' </credits>\n')
+ if ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"]:
+ file.write(f' <description url="{ufofields["woffMetadataDescriptionurl"]}">\n')
+ else:
+ file.write(' <description>\n')
+ file.write(' <text lang="en">\n')
+ for entry in description:
+ for line in entry["text"].splitlines():
+ file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n')
+ file.write(' </text>\n')
+ file.write(' </description>\n')
+ file.write(' <license url="" id="org.sil.ofl.1.1">\n')
+ file.write(' <text lang="en">\n')
+ for line in ufofields["openTypeNameLicense"].splitlines(): file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n')
+ file.write(' </text>\n')
+ file.write(' </license>\n')
+ file.write(' <copyright>\n')
+ file.write(' <text lang="en">\n')
+ for line in ufofields["copyright"].splitlines(): file.write(' ' + textprotect(line) + '\n')
+ file.write(' </text>\n')
+ file.write(' </copyright>\n')
+ if 'trademark' in ufofields:
+ file.write(' <trademark>\n')
+ file.write(' <text lang="en">' + textprotect(ufofields["trademark"]) + '</text>\n')
+ file.write(' </trademark>\n')
+ file.write('</metadata>')
+ file.close()
+def readuntil(file, texts): # Read through file until line is in texts. Return section up to there and the text matched
+ skip = True
+ match = None
+ for line in file:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if skip: # Skip underlines and blank lines at start of section
+ if line == "" or line[0:5] == "-----":
+ pass
+ else:
+ section = line
+ skip = False
+ else:
+ for text in texts:
+ if line[0:len(text)] == text: match = text
+ if match: break
+ section = section + "\n" + line
+ while section[-1] == "\n": section = section[:-1] # Strip blank lines at end
+ return (section, match)
+def textprotect(txt): # Switch special characters in text to use &...; format
+ txt = re.sub(r'&', '&amp;', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'<', '&lt;', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'>', '&gt;', txt)
+ return txt
+def attrprotect(txt): # Switch special characters in text to use &...; format
+ txt = re.sub(r'&', '&amp;', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'<', '&lt;', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'>', '&gt;', txt)
+ txt = re.sub(r'"', '&quot;', txt)
+ return txt
+def cmd(): execute("UFO", doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa86dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Normalize a UFO and optionally convert between UFO2 and UFO3'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_normalize.log'}),
+ ('-v','--version',{'help': 'UFO version to convert to (2, 3 or 3ff)'},{})]
+def doit(args) :
+ if args.version is not None :
+ v = args.version.lower()
+ if v in ("2","3","3ff") :
+ if v == "3ff": # Special action for testing with FontForge import
+ v = "3"
+ args.ifont.outparams['format1Glifs'] = True
+ args.ifont.outparams['UFOversion'] = v
+ else:
+ args.logger.log("-v, --version must be one of 2,3 or 3ff", "S")
+ return args.ifont
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dec547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Display version info for pysilfont and dependencies, but only for preflight'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2023, SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+import sys
+import importlib
+import silfont
+def cmd():
+ """gather the deps"""
+ deps = ( # (module, used by, min recommended version)
+ ('defcon', '?', ''),
+ ('fontMath', '?', ''),
+ ('fontParts', '?', ''),
+ ('fontTools', '?', ''),
+ ('glyphConstruction', '?', ''),
+ ('glyphsLib', '?', ''),
+ ('lxml','?', ''),
+ ('mutatorMath', '?', ''),
+ ('palaso', '?', ''),
+ ('ufoLib2', '?', ''),
+ )
+ # Pysilfont info
+ print("Pysilfont " + silfont.__copyright__ + "\n")
+ print(" Version: " + silfont.__version__)
+ print(" Commands in: " + sys.argv[0][:-10])
+ print(" Code running from: " + silfont.__file__[:-12])
+ print(" using: Python " + sys.version.split(' \n', maxsplit=1)[0])
+ for dep in deps:
+ name = dep[0]
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module(name)
+ path = module.__file__
+ # Remove .py file name from end
+ pyname = path.split("/")[-1]
+ path = path[:-len(pyname)-1]
+ version = "No version info"
+ for attr in ("__version__", "version", "VERSION"):
+ if hasattr(module, attr):
+ version = getattr(module, attr)
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ etext = str(e)
+ if etext == "No module named '" + name + "'":
+ version = "Module is not installed"
+ else:
+ version = "Module import failed with " + etext
+ path = ""
+ print('{:20} {:15} {}'.format(name + ":", version, path))
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670275d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Remove the specified key(s) from glif libs'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('key',{'help': 'Key(s) to remove','nargs': '*' }, {}),
+ ('-b', '--begins', {'help': 'Remove keys beginning with','nargs': '*' }, {}),
+ ('-o', '--ofont',{'help': 'Output font file' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_removegliflibkeys.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ keys = args.key
+ bkeys=args.begins if args.begins is not None else []
+ keycounts = {}
+ bkeycounts = {}
+ for key in keys : keycounts[key] = 0
+ for key in bkeys:
+ if key in keycounts: logger.log("--begins key can't be the same as a standard key", "S")
+ bkeycounts[key] = 0
+ for glyphn in font.deflayer :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if glyph["lib"] :
+ for key in keys :
+ if key in glyph["lib"] :
+ val = str( glyph["lib"].getval(key))
+ glyph["lib"].remove(key)
+ keycounts[key] += 1
+ logger.log(key + " removed from " + glyphn + ". Value was " + val, "I" )
+ if key == "com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.originalWidth": # Special fix re glyphLib bug
+ if glyph["advance"] is None: glyph.add("advance")
+ adv = (glyph["advance"])
+ if adv.width is None:
+ adv.width = int(float(val))
+ logger.log("Advance width for " + glyphn + " set to " + val, "I")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Advance width for " + glyphn + " is already set to " + str(adv.width) + " so originalWidth not copied", "E")
+ for key in bkeys:
+ gkeys = list(glyph["lib"])
+ for gkey in gkeys:
+ if gkey[:len(key)] == key:
+ val = str(glyph["lib"].getval(gkey))
+ glyph["lib"].remove(gkey)
+ if gkey in keycounts:
+ keycounts[gkey] += 1
+ else:
+ keycounts[gkey] = 1
+ bkeycounts[key] += 1
+ logger.log(gkey + " removed from " + glyphn + ". Value was " + val, "I")
+ for key in keycounts :
+ count = keycounts[key]
+ if count > 0 :
+ logger.log(key + " removed from " + str(count) + " glyphs", "P")
+ else :
+ logger.log("No lib entries found for " + key, "E")
+ for key in bkeycounts:
+ if bkeycounts[key] == 0: logger.log("No lib entries found for beginning with " + key, "E")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06cb3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Assign new working names to glyphs based on csv input file
+- csv format oldname,newname'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+import re
+import os
+from glob import glob
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-c', '--classfile', {'help': 'Classes file'}, {}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'namemap.csv'}),
+ ('--mergecomps',{'help': 'turn on component merge', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_renameglyphs.log'})]
+csvmap = "" # Variable used globally
+def doit(args) :
+ global csvmap, ksetsbymember
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ incsv.numfields = 2
+ logger = args.logger
+ mergemode = args.mergecomps
+ failerrors = 0 # Keep count of errors that should cause the script to fail
+ csvmap = {} # List of all real maps in incsv, so excluding headers, blank lines, comments and identity maps
+ nameMap = {} # remember all glyphs actually renamed
+ kerngroupsrenamed = {} # List of all kern groups actually renamed
+ # List of secondary layers (ie layers other than the default)
+ secondarylayers = [x for x in font.layers if x.layername != "public.default"]
+ # Obtain lib.plist glyph order(s) and psnames if they exist:
+ publicGlyphOrder = csGlyphOrder = psnames = displayStrings = None
+ if hasattr(font, 'lib'):
+ if 'public.glyphOrder' in font.lib:
+ publicGlyphOrder = font.lib.getval('public.glyphOrder') # This is an array
+ if 'com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder' in font.lib:
+ csGlyphOrder = font.lib.getval('com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder') # This is an array
+ if 'public.postscriptNames' in font.lib:
+ psnames = font.lib.getval('public.postscriptNames') # This is a dict keyed by glyphnames
+ if 'com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings' in font.lib:
+ displayStrings = font.lib.getval('com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings')
+ else:
+ logger.log("no lib.plist found in font", "W")
+ # Renaming within the UFO is done in two passes to make sure we can handle circular renames such as:
+ # someglyph.alt = someglyph
+ # someglyph = someglyph.alt
+ # Note that the various objects with glyph names are all done independently since
+ # the same glyph names are not necessarily in all structures.
+ # First pass: process all records of csv, and for each glyph that is to be renamed:
+ # If the new glyphname is not already present, go ahead and rename it now.
+ # If the new glyph name already exists, rename the glyph to a temporary name
+ # and put relevant details in saveforlater[]
+ saveforlaterFont = [] # For the font itself
+ saveforlaterPGO = [] # For public.GlyphOrder
+ saveforlaterCSGO = [] # For GlyphsApp GlyphOrder (com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder)
+ saveforlaterPSN = [] # For public.postscriptNames
+ deletelater = [] # Glyphs we'll delete after merging
+ for r in incsv:
+ oldname = r[0].strip()
+ newname = r[1].strip()
+ # ignore header row and rows where the newname is blank or a comment marker
+ if oldname == "Name" or oldname.startswith('#') or newname == "" or oldname == newname:
+ continue
+ if len(oldname)==0:
+ logger.log('empty glyph oldname in glyph_data; ignored (newname: %s)' % newname, 'W')
+ continue
+ csvmap[oldname]=newname
+ # Handle font first:
+ if oldname not in font.deflayer:
+ logger.log("glyph name not in font: " + oldname , "I")
+ elif newname not in font.deflayer:
+ inseclayers = False
+ for layer in secondarylayers:
+ if newname in layer:
+ logger.log("Glyph %s is already in non-default layers; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ inseclayers = True
+ continue
+ if not inseclayers:
+ # Ok, this case is easy: just rename the glyph in all layers
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if oldname in layer: layer[oldname].name = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (Font): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ elif mergemode:
+ mergeglyphs(font.deflayer[oldname], font.deflayer[newname])
+ for layer in secondarylayers:
+ if oldname in layer:
+ if newname in layer:
+ mergeglyphs(layer[oldname], layer[newname])
+ else:
+ layer[oldname].name = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ deletelater.append(oldname)
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (Font): merged %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ else:
+ # newname already in font -- but it might get renamed later in which case this isn't actually a problem.
+ # For now, then, rename glyph to a temporary name and remember it for second pass
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in font.deflayer)
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if oldname in layer:
+ layer[oldname].name = tempname
+ saveforlaterFont.append( (tempname, oldname, newname) )
+ # Similar algorithm for public.glyphOrder, if present:
+ if publicGlyphOrder:
+ if oldname not in publicGlyphOrder:
+ logger.log("glyph name not in publicGlyphorder: " + oldname , "I")
+ else:
+ x = publicGlyphOrder.index(oldname)
+ if newname not in publicGlyphOrder:
+ publicGlyphOrder[x] = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (PGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ elif mergemode:
+ del publicGlyphOrder[x]
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (PGO): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ else:
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in publicGlyphOrder)
+ publicGlyphOrder[x] = tempname
+ saveforlaterPGO.append( (x, oldname, newname) )
+ # And for GlyphsApp glyph order, if present:
+ if csGlyphOrder:
+ if oldname not in csGlyphOrder:
+ logger.log("glyph name not in csGlyphorder: " + oldname , "I")
+ else:
+ x = csGlyphOrder.index(oldname)
+ if newname not in csGlyphOrder:
+ csGlyphOrder[x] = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (csGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ elif mergemode:
+ del csGlyphOrder[x]
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (csGO): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ else:
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in csGlyphOrder)
+ csGlyphOrder[x] = tempname
+ saveforlaterCSGO.append( (x, oldname, newname) )
+ # And for psnames
+ if psnames:
+ if oldname not in psnames:
+ logger.log("glyph name not in psnames: " + oldname , "I")
+ elif newname not in psnames:
+ psnames[newname] = psnames.pop(oldname)
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (psn): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ elif mergemode:
+ del psnames[oldname]
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (psn): Removed %s (now using %s)" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ else:
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n: n not in psnames)
+ psnames[tempname] = psnames.pop(oldname)
+ saveforlaterPSN.append( (tempname, oldname, newname))
+ # Second pass: now we can reprocess those things we saved for later:
+ # If the new glyphname is no longer present, we can complete the renaming
+ # Otherwise we've got a fatal error
+ for j in saveforlaterFont:
+ tempname, oldname, newname = j
+ if newname in font.deflayer: # Only need to check deflayer, since (if present) it would have been renamed in all
+ # Ok, this really is a problem
+ logger.log("Glyph %s already in font; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if tempname in layer:
+ layer[tempname].name = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 2 (Font): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ for j in saveforlaterPGO:
+ x, oldname, newname = j
+ if newname in publicGlyphOrder:
+ # Ok, this really is a problem
+ logger.log("Glyph %s already in public.GlyphOrder; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ publicGlyphOrder[x] = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 2 (PGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ for j in saveforlaterCSGO:
+ x, oldname, newname = j
+ if newname in csGlyphOrder:
+ # Ok, this really is a problem
+ logger.log("Glyph %s already in com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ csGlyphOrder[x] = newname
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 2 (csGO): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ for tempname, oldname, newname in saveforlaterPSN:
+ if newname in psnames:
+ # Ok, this really is a problem
+ logger.log("Glyph %s already in public.postscriptNames; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ psnames[newname] = psnames.pop(tempname)
+ nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 2 (psn): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ # Rebuild font structures from the modified lists we have:
+ # Rebuild glyph order elements:
+ if publicGlyphOrder:
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for name in publicGlyphOrder:
+ ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = name
+ font.lib.setelem("public.glyphOrder", array)
+ if csGlyphOrder:
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for name in csGlyphOrder:
+ ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = name
+ font.lib.setelem("com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder", array)
+ # Rebuild postscriptNames:
+ if psnames:
+ dict = ET.Element("dict")
+ for n in psnames:
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "key").text = n
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "string").text = psnames[n]
+ font.lib.setelem("public.postscriptNames", dict)
+ # Iterate over all glyphs, and fix up any components that reference renamed glyphs
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ for name in layer:
+ glyph = layer[name]
+ for component in glyph.etree.findall('./outline/component[@base]'):
+ oldname = component.get('base')
+ if oldname in nameMap:
+ component.set('base', nameMap[oldname])
+ logger.log(f'renamed component base {oldname} to {component.get("base")} in glyph {name} layer {layer.layername}', 'I')
+ lib = glyph['lib']
+ if lib:
+ if 'com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.ComponentInfo' in lib:
+ cielem = lib['com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.ComponentInfo'][1]
+ for component in cielem:
+ for i in range(0,len(component),2):
+ if component[i].text == 'name':
+ oldname = component[i+1].text
+ if oldname in nameMap:
+ component[i+1].text = nameMap[oldname]
+ logger.log(f'renamed component info {oldname} to {nameMap[oldname]} in glyph {name} layer {layer.layername}', 'I')
+ # Delete anything we no longer need:
+ for name in deletelater:
+ for layer in font.layers:
+ if name in layer: layer.delGlyph(name)
+ logger.log("glyph %s removed" % name, "I")
+ # Other structures with glyphs in are handled by looping round the structures replacing glyphs rather than
+ # looping round incsv
+ # Update Display Strings
+ if displayStrings:
+ changed = False
+ glyphRE = re.compile(r'/([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)') # regex to match / followed by a glyph name
+ for i, dispstr in enumerate(displayStrings): # Passing the glyphSub function to .sub() causes it to
+ displayStrings[i] = glyphRE.sub(glyphsub, dispstr) # every non-overlapping occurrence of pattern
+ if displayStrings[i] != dispstr:
+ changed = True
+ if changed:
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for dispstr in displayStrings:
+ ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = dispstr
+ font.lib.setelem('com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings', array)
+ logger.log("com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.GSFont.DisplayStrings updated", "I")
+ # Process groups.plist and kerning.plist
+ # group names in the form public.kern[1|2].<glyph name> will automatically be renamed if the glyph name is in the csvmap
+ #
+ groups = kerning = None
+ kgroupprefixes = {"public.kern1.": 1, "public.kern2.": 2}
+ if "groups" in font.__dict__: groups = font.groups
+ if "kerning" in font.__dict__: kerning = font.kerning
+ if (groups or kerning) and mergemode:
+ logger.log("Note - Kerning and group data not processed when using mergecomps", "P")
+ elif groups or kerning:
+ kgroupsmap = ["", {}, {}] # Dicts of kern1/kern2 group renames. Outside the groups if statement, since also used with kerning.plist
+ if groups:
+ # Analyse existing data, building dict from existing data and building some indexes
+ gdict = {}
+ kgroupsbyglyph = ["", {}, {}] # First entry dummy, so index is 1 or 2 for kern1 and kern2
+ kgroupduplicates = ["", [], []] #
+ for gname in groups:
+ group = groups.getval(gname)
+ gdict[gname] = group
+ kprefix = gname[0:13]
+ if kprefix in kgroupprefixes:
+ ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix]
+ for glyph in group:
+ if glyph in kgroupsbyglyph[ktype]:
+ kgroupduplicates[ktype].append(glyph)
+ logger.log("In existing kern groups, %s is in more than one kern%s group" % (glyph, str(ktype)), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ kgroupsbyglyph[ktype][glyph] = gname
+ # Now process the group data
+ glyphsrenamed = []
+ saveforlaterKgroups = []
+ for gname in list(gdict): # Loop round groups renaming glyphs within groups and kern group names
+ group = gdict[gname]
+ # Rename group if kern1 or kern2 group
+ kprefix = gname[:13]
+ if kprefix in kgroupprefixes:
+ ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix]
+ ksuffix = gname[13:]
+ if ksuffix in csvmap: # This is a kern group that we should rename
+ newgname = kprefix + csvmap[ksuffix]
+ if newgname in gdict: # Will need to be renamed in second pass
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in gdict)
+ gdict[tempname] = gdict.pop(gname)
+ saveforlaterKgroups.append((tempname, gname, newgname))
+ else:
+ gdict[newgname] = gdict.pop(gname)
+ kerngroupsrenamed[gname] = newgname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern groups): Renamed %s to %s" % (gname, newgname), "I")
+ kgroupsmap[ktype][gname] = newgname
+ # Now rename glyphs within the group
+ # - This could lead to duplicate names, but that might be valid for arbitrary groups so not checked
+ # - kern group validity will be checked after all renaming is done
+ for (i, glyph) in enumerate(group):
+ if glyph in csvmap:
+ group[i] = csvmap[glyph]
+ if glyph not in glyphsrenamed: glyphsrenamed.append(glyph)
+ # Need to report glyphs renamed after the loop, since otherwise could report multiple times
+ for oldname in glyphsrenamed:
+ nameMap[oldname] = csvmap[oldname]
+ logger.log("Glyphs in groups: Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, csvmap[oldname]), "I")
+ # Second pass for renaming kern groups. (All glyph renaming is done in first pass)
+ for (tempname, oldgname, newgname) in saveforlaterKgroups:
+ if newgname in gdict: # Can't rename
+ logger.log("Kern group %s already in groups.plist; can't rename %s" % (newgname, oldgname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ gdict[newgname] = gdict.pop(tempname)
+ kerngroupsrenamed[oldgname] = newgname
+ logger.log("Pass 2 (Kern groups): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldgname, newgname), "I")
+ # Finally check kern groups follow the UFO rules!
+ kgroupsbyglyph = ["", {}, {}] # Reset for new analysis
+ for gname in gdict:
+ group = gdict[gname]
+ kprefix = gname[:13]
+ if kprefix in kgroupprefixes:
+ ktype = kgroupprefixes[kprefix]
+ for glyph in group:
+ if glyph in kgroupsbyglyph[ktype]: # Glyph already in a kern group so we have a duplicate
+ if glyph not in kgroupduplicates[ktype]: # This is a newly-created duplicate so report
+ logger.log("After renaming, %s is in more than one kern%s group" % (glyph, str(ktype)), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ kgroupduplicates[ktype].append(glyph)
+ else:
+ kgroupsbyglyph[ktype][glyph] = gname
+ # Now need to recreate groups.plist from gdict
+ for group in list(groups): groups.remove(group) # Empty existing contents
+ for gname in gdict:
+ elem = ET.Element("array")
+ for glyph in gdict[gname]:
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "string").text = glyph
+ groups.setelem(gname, elem)
+ # Now process kerning data
+ if kerning:
+ k1map = kgroupsmap[1]
+ k2map = kgroupsmap[2]
+ kdict = {}
+ for setname in kerning: kdict[setname] = kerning.getval(setname) # Create a working dict from plist
+ saveforlaterKsets = []
+ # First pass on set names
+ for setname in list(kdict): # setname could be a glyph in csvmap or a kern1 group name in k1map
+ if setname in csvmap or setname in k1map:
+ newname = csvmap[setname] if setname in csvmap else k1map[setname]
+ if newname in kdict:
+ tempname = gettempname(lambda n : n not in kdict)
+ kdict[tempname] = kdict.pop(setname)
+ saveforlaterKsets.append((tempname, setname, newname))
+ else:
+ kdict[newname] = kdict.pop(setname)
+ if setname in csvmap: nameMap[setname] = newname # Change to kern set name will have been logged previously
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern sets): Renamed %s to %s" % (setname, newname), "I")
+ # Now do second pass for set names
+ for (tempname, oldname, newname) in saveforlaterKsets:
+ if newname in kdict: # Can't rename
+ logger.log("Kern set %s already in kerning.plist; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ kdict[newname] = kdict.pop(tempname)
+ if oldname in csvmap: nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Pass 1 (Kern sets): Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ # Rename kern set members next.
+ # Here, since a member could be in more than one set, take different approach to two passes.
+ # - In first pass, rename to a temp (and invalid) name so duplicates are not possible. Name to include
+ # old name for reporting purposes
+ # - In second pass, set to correct new name after checking for duplicates
+ # Do first pass for set names
+ tempnames = []
+ for setname in list(kdict):
+ kset = kdict[setname]
+ for mname in list(kset): # mname could be a glyph in csvmap or a kern2 group name in k2map
+ if mname in csvmap or mname in k2map:
+ newname = csvmap[mname] if mname in csvmap else k2map[mname]
+ newname = "^" + newname + "^" + mname
+ if newname not in tempnames: tempnames.append(newname)
+ kset[newname] = kset.pop(mname)
+ # Second pass to change temp names to correct final names
+ # We need an index of which sets each member is in
+ ksetsbymember = {}
+ for setname in kdict:
+ kset = kdict[setname]
+ for member in kset:
+ if member not in ksetsbymember:
+ ksetsbymember[member] = [setname]
+ else:
+ ksetsbymember[member].append(setname)
+ # Now do the renaming
+ for tname in tempnames:
+ (newname, oldname) = tname[1:].split("^")
+ if newname in ksetsbymember: # Can't rename
+ logger.log("Kern set %s already in kerning.plist; can't rename %s" % (newname, oldname), "E")
+ failerrors += 1
+ else:
+ for ksetname in ksetsbymember[tname]:
+ kset = kdict[ksetname]
+ kset[newname] = kset.pop(tname)
+ ksetsbymember[newname] = ksetsbymember.pop(tname)
+ if tname in csvmap: nameMap[oldname] = newname
+ logger.log("Kern set members: Renamed %s to %s" % (oldname, newname), "I")
+ # Now need to recreate kerning.plist from kdict
+ for kset in list(kerning): kerning.remove(kset) # Empty existing contents
+ for kset in kdict:
+ elem = ET.Element("dict")
+ for member in kdict[kset]:
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "key").text = member
+ ET.SubElement(elem, "integer").text = str(kdict[kset][member])
+ kerning.setelem(kset, elem)
+ if failerrors:
+ logger.log(str(failerrors) + " issues detected - see errors reported above", "S")
+ logger.log("%d glyphs renamed in UFO" % (len(nameMap)), "P")
+ if kerngroupsrenamed: logger.log("%d kern groups renamed in UFO" % (len(kerngroupsrenamed)), "P")
+ # If a classfile was provided, change names within it also
+ #
+ if args.classfile:
+ logger.log("Processing classfile {}".format(args.classfile), "P")
+ # In order to preserve comments we use our own TreeBuilder
+ class MyTreeBuilder(ET.TreeBuilder):
+ def comment(self, data):
+ self.start(ET.Comment, {})
+ self.end(ET.Comment)
+ # RE to match separators between glyph names (whitespace):
+ notGlyphnameRE = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
+ # Keep a list of glyphnames that were / were not changed
+ changed = set()
+ notChanged = set()
+ # Process one token (might be whitespace separator, glyph name, or embedded classname starting with @):
+ def dochange(gname, logErrors = True):
+ if len(gname) == 0 or gname.isspace() or gname not in csvmap or gname.startswith('@'):
+ # No change
+ return gname
+ try:
+ newgname = csvmap[gname]
+ changed.add(gname)
+ return newgname
+ except KeyError:
+ if logErrors: notChanged.add(gname)
+ return gname
+ doc = ET.parse(args.classfile, parser=ET.XMLParser(target=MyTreeBuilder()))
+ for e in doc.iter(None):
+ if e.tag in ('class', 'property'):
+ if 'exts' in e.attrib:
+ logger.log("{} '{}' has 'exts' attribute which may need editing".format(e.tag.title(), e.get('name')), "W")
+ # Rather than just split() the text, we'll use re and thus try to preserve whitespace
+ e.text = ''.join([dochange(x) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.text)])
+ elif e.tag is ET.Comment:
+ # Go ahead and look for glyph names in comment text but don't flag as error
+ e.text = ''.join([dochange(x, False) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.text)])
+ # and process the tail as this might be valid part of class or property
+ e.tail = ''.join([dochange(x) for x in notGlyphnameRE.split(e.tail)])
+ if len(changed):
+ # Something in classes changed so rewrite it... saving backup
+ (dn,fn) = os.path.split(args.classfile)
+ dn = os.path.join(dn, args.paramsobj.sets['main']['backupdir'])
+ if not os.path.isdir(dn):
+ os.makedirs(dn)
+ # Work out backup name based on existing backups
+ backupname = os.path.join(dn,fn)
+ nums = [int('\.(\d+)~$',n).group(1)) for n in glob(backupname + ".*~")]
+ backupname += ".{}~".format(max(nums) + 1 if nums else 1)
+ logger.log("Backing up input classfile to {}".format(backupname), "P")
+ # Move the original file to backupname
+ os.rename(args.classfile, backupname)
+ # Write the output file
+ doc.write(args.classfile)
+ if len(notChanged):
+ logger.log("{} glyphs renamed, {} NOT renamed in {}: {}".format(len(changed), len(notChanged), args.classfile, ' '.join(notChanged)), "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("All {} glyphs renamed in {}".format(len(changed), args.classfile), "P")
+ return font
+def mergeglyphs(mergefrom, mergeto): # Merge any "moving" anchors (i.e., those starting with '_') into the glyph we're keeping
+ # Assumption: we are merging one or more component references to just one component; deleting the others
+ for a in mergefrom['anchor']:
+ aname = a.element.get('name')
+ if aname.startswith('_'):
+ # We want to copy this anchor to the glyph being kept:
+ for i, a2 in enumerate(mergeto['anchor']):
+ if a2.element.get('name') == aname:
+ # Overwrite existing anchor of same name
+ mergeto['anchor'][i] = a
+ break
+ else:
+ # Append anchor to glyph
+ mergeto['anchor'].append(a)
+def gettempname(f):
+ ''' return a temporary glyph name that, when passed to function f(), returns true'''
+ # Initialize function attribute for use as counter
+ if not hasattr(gettempname, "counter"): gettempname.counter = 0
+ while True:
+ name = "tempglyph%d" % gettempname.counter
+ gettempname.counter += 1
+ if f(name): return name
+def glyphsub(m): # Function passed to re.sub() when updating display strings
+ global csvmap
+ gname =
+ return '/' + csvmap[gname] if gname in csvmap else
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ff192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'''Run Font Bakery tests using a standard profile with option to specify an alternative profile
+It defaults to - ufo checks are not supported yet'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2020 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+import glob, os, csv
+from textwrap import TextWrapper
+# Error message for users installing pysilfont manually
+ import fontbakery
+except ImportError:
+ print("\nError: Fontbakery is not installed by default, type pip3 install fontbakery[all]\n")
+ from fontbakery.reporters.serialize import SerializeReporter
+ from fontbakery.reporters.html import HTMLReporter
+ from fontbakery.checkrunner import distribute_generator, CheckRunner, get_module_profile
+ from fontbakery.status import PASS, FAIL, WARN, ERROR, INFO, SKIP
+ from fontbakery.configuration import Configuration
+ from fontbakery.commands.check_profile import get_module
+ from fontbakery import __version__ as version
+from silfont.core import execute
+argspec = [
+ ('fonts',{'help': 'font(s) to run checks against; wildcards allowed', 'nargs': "+"}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('--profile', {'help': 'profile to use instead of Pysilfont default'}, {}),
+ ('--html', {'help': 'Write html report to htmlfile', 'metavar': "HTMLFILE"}, {}),
+ ('--csv',{'help': 'Write results to csv file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('-F', '--full-lists',{'help': "Don't truncate lists of items" ,'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('--ttfaudit', {'help': 'Compare the list of ttf checks in pysilfont with those in Font Bakery and output a csv to "fonts". No checks are actually run',
+ 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_runfbchecks.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ global version
+ v = version.split(".")
+ version = f'{v[0]}.{v[1]}.{v[2]}' # Set version to just the number part - ie without .dev...
+ logger = args.logger
+ htmlfile = args.html
+ if args.ttfaudit: # Special action to compare checks in profile against check_list values
+ audit(args.fonts, logger) # args.fonts used as output file name for audit
+ return
+ if args.csv:
+ try:
+ csvfile = open(args.csv, 'w')
+ csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
+ csvlines = []
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to open " + args.csv + ": " + str(e), "S")
+ else:
+ csvfile = None
+ # Process list of fonts supplied, expanding wildcards using glob if needed
+ fonts = []
+ fontstype = None
+ for pattern in args.fonts:
+ for fullpath in glob.glob(pattern):
+ ftype = fullpath.lower().rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
+ if ftype == "otf": ftype = "ttf"
+ if ftype not in ("ttf", "ufo"):
+ logger.log("Fonts must be OpenType or UFO - " + fullpath + " invalid", "S")
+ if fontstype is None:
+ fontstype = ftype
+ else:
+ if ftype != fontstype:
+ logger.log("All fonts must be of the same type - both UFO and ttf/otf fonts supplied", "S")
+ fonts.append(fullpath)
+ if fonts == [] : logger.log("No files match the filespec provided for fonts: " + str(args.fonts), "S")
+ # Find the main folder name for ttf files - strips "results" if present
+ (path, ttfdir) = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(fonts[0]))
+ if ttfdir == ("results"): ttfdir = os.path.basename(path)
+ # Create the profile object
+ if args.profile:
+ proname = args.profile
+ else:
+ if fontstype == "ttf":
+ proname = "silfont.fbtests.ttfchecks"
+ else:
+ logger.log("UFO fonts not yet supported", "S")
+ try:
+ module = get_module(proname)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to import profile: " + proname + "\n" + str(e), "S")
+ profile = get_module_profile(module)
+ profile.configuration_defaults = {
+ "": {
+ "WARN_SIZE": 1 * 1024 * 1024,
+ "FAIL_SIZE": 9 * 1024 * 1024
+ }
+ }
+ psfcheck_list = module.psfcheck_list
+ # Create the runner and reporter objects, then run the tests
+ configuration = Configuration(full_lists = args.full_lists)
+ runner = CheckRunner(profile, values={
+ "fonts": fonts, 'ufos': [], 'designspaces': [], 'glyphs_files': [], 'readme_md': [], 'metadata_pb': []}
+ , config=configuration)
+ if version == "0.8.6":
+ sr = SerializeReporter(runner=runner) # This produces results from all the tests in sr.getdoc for later analysis
+ else:
+ sr = SerializeReporter(runner=runner, loglevels = [INFO]) # loglevels was added with 0.8.7
+ reporters = [sr.receive]
+ if htmlfile:
+ hr = HTMLReporter(runner=runner, loglevels = [SKIP])
+ reporters.append(hr.receive)
+ distribute_generator(, reporters)
+ # Process the results
+ results = sr.getdoc()
+ sections = results["sections"]
+ checks = {}
+ maxname = 11
+ somedebug = False
+ overrides = {}
+ tempoverrides = False
+ for section in sections:
+ secchecks = section["checks"]
+ for check in secchecks:
+ checkid = check["key"][1][17:-1]
+ fontfile = check["filename"] if "filename" in check else "Family-wide"
+ path, fontname = os.path.split(fontfile)
+ if fontname not in checks:
+ checks[fontname] = {"ERROR": [], "FAIL": [], "WARN": [], "INFO": [], "SKIP": [], "PASS": [], "DEBUG": []}
+ if len(fontname) > maxname: maxname = len(fontname)
+ status = check["result"]
+ if checkid in psfcheck_list:
+ # Look for status overrides
+ (changetype, temp) = ("temp_change_status", True) if "temp_change_status" in psfcheck_list[checkid]\
+ else ("change_status", False)
+ if changetype in psfcheck_list[checkid]:
+ change_status = psfcheck_list[checkid][changetype]
+ if status in change_status:
+ reason = change_status["reason"] if "reason" in change_status else None
+ overrides[fontname + ", " + checkid] = (status + " to " + change_status[status], temp, reason)
+ if temp: tempoverrides = True
+ status = change_status[status] ## Should validate new status is one of FAIL, WARN or PASS
+ checks[fontname][status].append(check)
+ if status == "DEBUG": somedebug = True
+ if htmlfile:
+ logger.log("Writing results to " + htmlfile, "P")
+ with open(htmlfile, 'w') as hfile:
+ hfile.write(hr.get_html())
+ fbstats = ["ERROR", "FAIL", "WARN", "INFO", "SKIP", "PASS"]
+ psflevels = ["E", "E", "W", "I", "I", "V"]
+ if somedebug: # Only have debug column if some debug statuses are present
+ fbstats.append("DEBUG")
+ psflevels.append("W")
+ wrapper = TextWrapper(width=120, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ")
+ errorcnt = 0
+ failcnt = 0
+ summarymess = "Check status summary:\n"
+ summarymess += "{:{pad}}ERROR FAIL WARN INFO SKIP PASS".format("", pad=maxname+4)
+ if somedebug: summarymess += " DEBUG"
+ fontlist = list(sorted(x for x in checks if x != "Family-wide")) # Alphabetic list of fonts
+ if "Family-wide" in checks: fontlist.append("Family-wide") # Add Family-wide last
+ for fontname in fontlist:
+ summarymess += "\n {:{pad}}".format(fontname, pad=maxname)
+ for i, status in enumerate(fbstats):
+ psflevel = psflevels[i]
+ checklist = checks[fontname][status]
+ cnt = len(checklist)
+ if cnt > 0 or status != "DEBUG": summarymess += "{:6d}".format(cnt) # Suppress 0 for DEBUG
+ if cnt:
+ if status == "ERROR": errorcnt += cnt
+ if status == "FAIL": failcnt += cnt
+ messparts = ["Checks with status {} for {}".format(status, fontname)]
+ for check in checklist:
+ checkid = check["key"][1][17:-1]
+ csvline = [ttfdir, fontname, check["key"][1][17:-1], status, check["description"]]
+ messparts.append(" > {}".format(checkid))
+ for record in check["logs"]:
+ message = record["message"]
+ if record["status"] != status: message = record["status"] + " " + message
+ messparts += wrapper.wrap(message)
+ csvline.append(message)
+ if csvfile: csvlines.append(csvline)
+ logger.log("\n".join(messparts) , psflevel)
+ if csvfile: # Output to csv file, worted by font then checkID
+ for line in sorted(csvlines, key = lambda x: (x[1],x[2])): csvwriter.writerow(line)
+ if overrides != {}:
+ summarymess += "\n Note: " + str(len(overrides)) + " Fontbakery statuses were overridden - see log file for details"
+ if tempoverrides: summarymess += "\n ******** Some of the overrides were temporary overrides ********"
+ logger.log(summarymess, "P")
+ if overrides != {}:
+ for oname in overrides:
+ override = overrides[oname]
+ mess = "Status override for " + oname + ": " + override[0]
+ if override[1]: mess += " (Temporary override)"
+ logger.log(mess, "W")
+ if override[2] is not None: logger.log("Override reason: " + override[2], "I")
+ if errorcnt + failcnt > 0:
+ mess = str(failcnt) + " test(s) gave a status of FAIL" if failcnt > 0 else ""
+ if errorcnt > 0:
+ if failcnt > 0: mess += "\n "
+ mess += str(errorcnt) + " test(s) gave a status of ERROR which means they failed to execute properly." \
+ "\n " \
+ " ERROR probably indicates a software issue rather than font issue"
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+def audit(fonts, logger):
+ if len(fonts) != 1: logger.log("For audit, specify output csv file instead of list of fonts", "S")
+ csvname = fonts[0]
+ from silfont.fbtests.ttfchecks import all_checks_dict
+ missingfromprofile=[]
+ missingfromchecklist=[]
+ checks = all_checks_dict()
+ logger.log("Opening " + csvname + " for audit output csv", "P")
+ with open(csvname, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
+ csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel')
+ fields = ["id", "psfaction", "section", "description", "rationale", "conditions"]
+ csvwriter.writerow(fields)
+ for checkid in checks:
+ check = checks[checkid]
+ row = [checkid]
+ for field in fields:
+ if field != "id": row.append(check[field])
+ if check["section"] == "Missing": missingfromprofile.append(checkid)
+ if check["psfaction"] == "Not in psfcheck_list": missingfromchecklist.append(checkid)
+ csvwriter.writerow(row)
+ if missingfromprofile != []:
+ mess = "The following checks are in psfcheck_list but not in the profile:"
+ for checkid in missingfromprofile: mess += "\n " + checkid
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+ if missingfromchecklist != []:
+ mess = "The following checks are in the profile but not in psfcheck_list:"
+ for checkid in missingfromchecklist: mess += "\n " + checkid
+ logger.log(mess, "E")
+ return
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ccb86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Add associate feature info to glif lib based on a csv file
+csv format glyphname,featurename[,featurevalue]'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+suffix = "_AssocFeat"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ incsv.minfields = 2
+ incsv.maxfields = 3
+ incsv.logger = font.logger
+ glyphlist = list(font.deflayer.keys()) # Identify which glifs have not got an AssocFeat set
+ for line in incsv :
+ glyphn = line[0]
+ feature = line[1]
+ value = line[2] if len(line) == 3 else ""
+ if glyphn in glyphlist :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if glyph["lib"] is None : glyph.add("lib")
+ glyph["lib"].setval("org.sil.assocFeature","string",feature)
+ if value != "" :
+ glyph["lib"].setval("org.sil.assocFeatureValue","integer",value)
+ else :
+ if "org.sil.assocFeatureValue" in glyph["lib"] : glyph["lib"].remove("org.sil.assocFeatureValue")
+ glyphlist.remove(glyphn)
+ else :
+ font.logger.log("No glyph in font for " + glyphn + " on line " + str(incsv.line_num),"E")
+ for glyphn in glyphlist : # Remove any values from remaining glyphs
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if glyph["lib"] :
+ if "org.sil.assocFeatureValue" in glyph["lib"] : glyph["lib"].remove("org.sil.assocFeatureValue")
+ if "org.sil.assocFeature" in glyph["lib"] :
+ glyph["lib"].remove("org.sil.assocFeature")
+ font.logger.log("Feature info removed for " + glyphn,"I")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43775d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Add associate UID info to glif lib based on a csv file
+- Could be one value for variant UIDs and multiple for ligatures'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+suffix = "_AssocUIDs"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ incsv.minfields = 2
+ incsv.logger = font.logger
+ glyphlist = list(font.deflayer.keys()) # Identify which glifs have not got AssocUIDs set
+ for line in incsv :
+ glyphn = line.pop(0)
+ if glyphn in glyphlist :
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if glyph["lib"] is None : glyph.add("lib")
+ # Create an array element for the UID value(s)
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for UID in line:
+ sub = ET.SubElement(array,"string")
+ sub.text = UID
+ glyph["lib"].setelem("org.sil.assocUIDs",array)
+ glyphlist.remove(glyphn)
+ else :
+ font.logger.log("No glyph in font for " + glyphn + " on line " + str(incsv.line_num),"E")
+ for glyphn in glyphlist : # Remove any values from remaining glyphs
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ if glyph["lib"] :
+ if "org.sil.assocUIDs" in glyph["lib"] :
+ glyph["lib"].remove("org.sil.assocUIDs")
+ font.logger.log("UID info removed for " + glyphn,"I")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7973c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Put a dummy DSIG table into a ttf font'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Nicolas Spalinger'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools import ttLib
+argspec = [
+ ('-i', '--ifont', {'help': 'Input ttf font file'}, {}),
+ ('-o', '--ofont', {'help': 'Output font file'}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'dummydsig.log', 'optlog': True})]
+def doit(args):
+ ttf = ttLib.TTFont(args.ifont)
+ newDSIG = ttLib.newTable("DSIG")
+ newDSIG.ulVersion = 1
+ newDSIG.usFlag = 0
+ newDSIG.usNumSigs = 0
+ newDSIG.signatureRecords = []
+ ttf.tables["DSIG"] = newDSIG
+ args.logger.log('Saving the output ttf file with dummy DSIG table', 'P')
+ args.logger.log('Done', 'P')
+def cmd(): execute("FT", doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a693e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Update and/or sort glyph_data.csv based on input file(s)'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import csv
+argspec = [
+ ('glyphdata', {'help': 'glyph_data csv file to update'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'glyph_data.csv'}),
+ ('outglyphdata', {'help': 'Alternative output file name', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('-a','--addcsv',{'help': 'Records to add to glyphdata'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}),
+ ('-d', '--deletions', {'help': 'Records to delete from glyphdata'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}),
+ ('-s', '--sortheader', {'help': 'Column header to sort by'}, {}),
+ ('--sortalpha', {'help': 'Use with sortheader to sort alphabetically not numerically', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-f', '--force', {'help': 'When adding, if glyph exists, overwrite existing data', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file name'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'setglyphdata.log'}),
+ ]
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ gdcsv = args.glyphdata
+ addcsv = args.addcsv
+ dellist = args.deletions
+ sortheader = args.sortheader
+ force = args.force
+ # Check arguments are valid
+ if not(addcsv or dellist or sortheader): logger.log("At least one of -a, -d or -s must be specified", "S")
+ if force and not addcsv: logger.log("-f should only be used with -a", "S")
+ #
+ # Process the glyph_data.csv
+ #
+ # Process the headers line
+ gdheaders = gdcsv.firstline
+ if 'glyph_name' not in gdheaders: logger.log("No glyph_name header in glyph data csv", "S")
+ gdcsv.numfields = len(gdheaders)
+ gdheaders = {header: col for col, header in enumerate(gdheaders)} # Turn into dict of form header: column
+ gdnamecol = gdheaders["glyph_name"]
+ if sortheader and sortheader not in gdheaders:
+ logger.log(sortheader + " not in glyph data headers", "S")
+ next(gdcsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ # Read the data in
+ logger.log("Reading in existing glyph data file", "P")
+ gddata = {}
+ gdorder = []
+ for line in gdcsv:
+ gname = line[gdnamecol]
+ gddata[gname] = line
+ gdorder.append(gname)
+ # Delete records from dellist
+ if dellist:
+ logger.log("Deleting items from glyph data based on deletions file", "P")
+ dellist.numfields = 1
+ for line in dellist:
+ gname = line[0]
+ if gname in gdorder:
+ del gddata[gname]
+ gdorder.remove(gname)
+ logger.log(gname + " deleted from glyph data", "I")
+ else:
+ logger.log(gname + "not in glyph data", "W")
+ #
+ # Process the addcsv, if present
+ #
+ if addcsv:
+ # Check if addcsv has headers; if not use gdheaders
+ addheaders = addcsv.firstline
+ headerssame = True
+ if 'glyph_name' in addheaders:
+ if addheaders != gdcsv.firstline: headerssame = False
+ next(addcsv.reader)
+ else:
+ addheaders = gdheaders
+ addcsv.numfields = len(addheaders)
+ addheaders = {header: col for col, header in enumerate(addheaders)} # Turn into dict of form header: column
+ addnamecol = addheaders["glyph_name"]
+ logger.log("Adding new records from add csv file", "P")
+ for line in addcsv:
+ gname = line[addnamecol]
+ logtype = "added to"
+ if gname in gdorder:
+ if force: # Remove existing line
+ logtype = "replaced in"
+ del gddata[gname]
+ gdorder.remove(gname)
+ else:
+ logger.log(gname + " already in glyphdata so new data not added", "W")
+ continue
+ logger.log(f'{gname} {logtype} glyphdata', "I")
+ if not headerssame: # need to construct new line based on addheaders
+ newline = []
+ for header in gdheaders:
+ val = line[addheaders[header]] if header in addheaders else ""
+ newline.append(val)
+ line = newline
+ gddata[gname] = line
+ gdorder.append(gname)
+ # Finally sort the data if sortheader supplied
+ def numeric(x):
+ try:
+ numx = float(x)
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.log(f'Non-numeric value "{x}" in sort column; 0 used for sorting', "E")
+ numx = 0
+ return numx
+ if sortheader:
+ sortheaderpos = gdheaders[sortheader]
+ if args.sortalpha:
+ gdorder = sorted(gdorder, key=lambda x: gddata[x][sortheaderpos])
+ else:
+ gdorder = sorted(gdorder, key=lambda x: numeric(gddata[x][sortheaderpos]))
+ # Now write the data out
+ outfile = args.outglyphdata
+ if not outfile:
+ gdcsv.file.close()
+ outfile = gdcsv.filename
+ logger.log(f'Writing glyph data out to {outfile}', "P")
+ with open(outfile, "w", newline="") as f:
+ writer = csv.writer(f)
+ writer.writerow(gdcsv.firstline)
+ for glyphn in gdorder:
+ writer.writerow(gddata[glyphn])
+def cmd() : execute("",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05889c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Load glyph order data into public.glyphOrder in lib.plist based on based on a text file in one of two formats:
+ - simple text file with one glyph name per line
+ - csv file with headers, using headers "glyph_name" and "sort_final" where the latter contains
+ numeric values used to sort the glyph names by'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont', {'help': 'Output font file', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('--gname', {'help': 'Column header for glyph name', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('--header', {'help': 'Column header(s) for sort order', 'default': 'sort_final'}, {}),
+ ('--field', {'help': 'Field(s) in lib.plist to update', 'default': 'public.glyphOrder'}, {}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'Input text file, one glyphname per line'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'glyph_data.csv'}),
+ ('-x', '--removemissing', {'help': 'Remove from list if glyph not in font', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_gorder.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ removemissing = args.removemissing
+ fields = args.field.split(",")
+ fieldcount = len(fields)
+ headers = args.header.split(",")
+ if fieldcount != len(headers): logger.log("Must specify same number of values in --field and --header", "S")
+ gname = args.gname
+ # Identify file format from first line then create glyphdata[] with glyph name then one column per header
+ glyphdata = {}
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ incsv.numfields = numfields
+ fieldpos = []
+ if numfields > 1: # More than 1 column, so must have headers
+ if gname in fl:
+ glyphnpos = fl.index(gname)
+ else:
+ logger.log("No" + gname + "field in csv headers", "S")
+ for header in headers:
+ if header in fl:
+ pos = fl.index(header)
+ fieldpos.append(pos)
+ else:
+ logger.log('No "' + header + '" heading in csv headers"', "S")
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ for line in incsv:
+ glyphn = line[glyphnpos]
+ if len(glyphn) == 0:
+ continue # No need to include cases where name is blank
+ glyphdata[glyphn]=[]
+ for pos in fieldpos: glyphdata[glyphn].append(float(line[pos]))
+ elif numfields == 1: # Simple text file. Create glyphdata in same format as for csv files
+ for i, line in enumerate(incsv): glyphdata[line[0]]=(i,)
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid csv file", "S")
+ # Now process the data
+ if "lib" not in font.__dict__: font.addfile("lib")
+ glyphlist = list(font.deflayer.keys())
+ for i in range(0,fieldcount):
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for glyphn, vals in sorted(glyphdata.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][i]):
+ if glyphn in glyphlist:
+ sub = ET.SubElement(array, "string")
+ sub.text = glyphn
+ else:
+ font.logger.log("No glyph in font for " + glyphn, "I")
+ if not removemissing:
+ sub = ET.SubElement(array, "string")
+ sub.text = glyphn
+ font.lib.setelem(fields[i-1],array)
+ for glyphn in sorted(glyphlist): # Remaining glyphs were not in the input file
+ if glyphn not in glyphdata: font.logger.log("No entry in input file for font glyph " + glyphn, "I")
+ return font
+def cmd(): execute("UFO", doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7917de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Set keys with given values in a UFO plist file.'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bobby de Vos'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+import codecs
+suffix = "_setkeys"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('--plist',{'help': 'Select plist to modify'}, {'def': 'fontinfo'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': None}),
+ ('-k','--key',{'help': 'Name of key to set'},{}),
+ ('-v','--value',{'help': 'Value to set key to'},{}),
+ ('--file',{'help': 'Use contents of file to set key to'},{}),
+ ('--filepart',{'help': 'Use contents of part of the file to set key to'},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ plist = args.plist
+ if plist is None: plist = "fontinfo"
+ if plist not in ("lib", "fontinfo"):
+ logger.log("--plist must be either fontinfo or lib", "S")
+ else:
+ if plist not in font.__dict__: font.addfile(plist)
+ logger.log("Adding keys to " + plist, "I")
+ font_plist = getattr(font, plist)
+ # Ensure enough options were specified
+ value = args.value or args.file or args.filepart
+ if args.key and not value:
+ logger.log('Value needs to be specified', "S")
+ if not args.key and value:
+ logger.log('Key needs to be specified', "S")
+ # Use a one line string to set the key
+ if args.key and args.value:
+ set_key_value(font_plist, args.key, args.value)
+ # Use entire file contents to set the key
+ if args.key and args.file:
+ fh =, 'r', 'utf-8')
+ contents = ''.join(fh.readlines())
+ set_key_value(font_plist, args.key, contents)
+ fh.close()
+ # Use some of the file contents to set the key
+ if args.key and args.filepart:
+ fh =, 'r', 'utf-8')
+ lines = list()
+ for line in fh:
+ if line == '\n':
+ break
+ lines.append(line)
+ contents = ''.join(lines)
+ set_key_value(font_plist, args.key, contents)
+ fh.close()
+ # Set many keys
+ if args.input:
+ incsv = args.input
+ incsv.numfields = 2
+ for line in incsv:
+ key = line[0]
+ value = line[1]
+ set_key_value(font_plist, key, value)
+ return font
+def set_key_value(font_plist, key, value):
+ """Set key to value in font."""
+ # Currently setval() only works for integer, real or string.
+ # For other items you need to construct an elementtree element and use setelem()
+ if value == 'true' or value == 'false':
+ # Handle boolean values
+ font_plist.setelem(key, ET.Element(value))
+ else:
+ try:
+ # Handle integers values
+ number = int(value)
+ font_plist.setval(key, 'integer', number)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Handle string (including multi-line strings) values
+ font_plist.setval(key, 'string', value)
+ font_plist.font.logger.log(key + " added, value: " + str(value), "I")
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91448a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = ''' Sets the cell mark color of glyphs in a UFO
+- Input file is a list of glyph names (or unicode values if -u is specified
+- Color can be numeric or certain names, eg "0.85,0.26,0.06,1" or "g_red"
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute, splitfn
+from silfont.util import parsecolors
+import io
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'input file'}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': 'nodefault.txt'}),
+ ('-c','--color',{'help': 'Color to set'},{}),
+ ('-u','--unicodes',{'help': 'Use unicode values in input file', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-x','--deletecolors',{'help': 'Delete existing mark colors', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_setmarkcolors.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ infile = args.input
+ color = args.color
+ unicodes = args.unicodes
+ deletecolors = args.deletecolors
+ if not ((color is not None) ^ deletecolors): logger.log("Must specify one and only one of -c and -x", "S")
+ if color is not None:
+ (color, colorname, logcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(color, single=True)
+ if color is None: logger.log(logcolor, "S") # If color not parsed, parsecolors() puts error in logcolor
+ # Process the input file. It needs to be done in script rather than by execute() since, if -x is used, there might not be one
+ (ibase, iname, iext) = splitfn(infile)
+ if iname == "nodefault": # Indicates no file was specified
+ infile = None
+ if (color is not None) or unicodes or (not deletecolors): logger.log("If no input file, -x must be used and neither -c or -u can be used", "S")
+ else:
+ logger.log('Opening file for input: ' + infile, "P")
+ try:
+ infile =, "r", encoding="utf-8")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to open file: " + str(e), "S")
+ # Create list of glyphs to process
+ if deletecolors and infile is None: # Need to delete colors from all glyphs
+ glyphlist = sorted(font.deflayer.keys())
+ else:
+ inlist = [x.strip() for x in infile.readlines()]
+ glyphlist = []
+ if unicodes:
+ unicodesfound = []
+ for glyphn in sorted(font.deflayer.keys()):
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ for unicode in [x.hex for x in glyph["unicode"]]:
+ if unicode in inlist:
+ glyphlist.append(glyphn)
+ unicodesfound.append(unicode)
+ for unicode in inlist:
+ if unicode not in unicodesfound: logger.log("No gylphs with unicode '" + unicode + "' in the font", "I")
+ else:
+ for glyphn in inlist:
+ if glyphn in font.deflayer:
+ glyphlist.append(glyphn)
+ else:
+ logger.log(glyphn + " is not in the font", "I")
+ changecnt = 0
+ for glyphn in glyphlist:
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ oldcolor = None
+ lib = glyph["lib"]
+ if lib:
+ if "public.markColor" in lib: oldcolor = str(glyph["lib"].getval("public.markColor"))
+ if oldcolor != color:
+ if oldcolor is not None:
+ (temp, oldname, oldlogcolor, splitcolor) = parsecolors(oldcolor, single=True)
+ if temp is None: oldlogcolor = oldcolor # Failed to parse old color, so just report what is was
+ changecnt += 1
+ if deletecolors:
+ glyph["lib"].remove("public.markColor")
+ logger.log(glyphn + ": " + oldlogcolor + " removed", "I")
+ else:
+ if oldcolor is None:
+ if lib is None: glyph.add("lib")
+ glyph["lib"].setval("public.markColor","string",color)
+ logger.log(glyphn+ ": " + logcolor + " added", "I")
+ else:
+ glyph["lib"].setval("public.markColor", "string", color)
+ logger.log(glyphn + ": " + oldlogcolor + " changed to " + logcolor, "I")
+ if deletecolors:
+ logger.log(str(changecnt) + " colors removed", "P")
+ else:
+ logger.log(str(changecnt) + " colors changed or added", "P")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95a1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Add public.postscriptNames to lib.plist based on a csv file in one of two formats:
+ - simple glyphname, postscriptname with no headers
+ - with headers, where the headers for glyph name and postscript name "glyph_name" and "ps_name"'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont', {'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont', {'help': 'Output font file', 'nargs': '?'}, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('--gname', {'help': 'Column header for glyph name', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('-i', '--input', {'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': 'glyph_data.csv'}),
+ ('-x', '--removemissing', {'help': 'Remove from list if glyph not in font', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': 'setpsnames.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ incsv = args.input
+ gname = args.gname
+ removemissing = args.removemissing
+ glyphlist = list(font.deflayer.keys()) # List to check every glyph has a psname supplied
+ # Identify file format from first line
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ incsv.numfields = numfields
+ if numfields == 2:
+ glyphnpos = 0
+ psnamepos = 1 # Default for plain csv
+ elif numfields > 2: # More than 2 columns, so must have standard headers
+ if gname in fl:
+ glyphnpos = fl.index(gname)
+ else:
+ logger.log("No " + gname + " field in csv headers", "S")
+ if "ps_name" in fl:
+ psnamepos = fl.index("ps_name")
+ else:
+ logger.log("No ps_name field in csv headers", "S")
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid csv file", "S")
+ # Now process the data
+ dict = ET.Element("dict")
+ for line in incsv:
+ glyphn = line[glyphnpos]
+ psname = line[psnamepos]
+ if len(psname) == 0 or glyphn == psname:
+ continue # No need to include cases where production name is blank or same as working name
+ # Check if in font
+ infont = False
+ if glyphn in glyphlist:
+ glyphlist.remove(glyphn)
+ infont = True
+ else:
+ if not removemissing: logger.log("No glyph in font for " + glyphn + " on line " + str(incsv.line_num), "I")
+ if not removemissing or infont:
+ # Add to dict
+ sub = ET.SubElement(dict, "key")
+ sub.text = glyphn
+ sub = ET.SubElement(dict, "string")
+ sub.text = psname
+ # Add to lib.plist
+ if len(dict) > 0:
+ if "lib" not in font.__dict__: font.addfile("lib")
+ font.lib.setelem("public.postscriptNames", dict)
+ else:
+ if "lib" in font.__dict__ and "public.postscriptNames" in font.lib:
+ font.lib.remove("public.postscriptNames")
+ for glyphn in sorted(glyphlist): logger.log("No PS name in input file for font glyph " + glyphn, "I")
+ return font
+def cmd(): execute("UFO", doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..461207b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Set the unicodes of glyphs in a font based on an external csv file.
+- csv format glyphname,unicode, [unicode2, [,unicode3]]'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney, based on'
+from silfont.core import execute
+suffix = "_setunicodes"
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ # Allow for up to 3 unicode values per glyph
+ incsv.minfields = 2
+ incsv.maxfields = 4
+ # List of glyphnames actually in the font:
+ glyphlist = list(font.deflayer.keys())
+ # Create mapping to find glyph name from decimal usv:
+ dusv2gname = {int(unicode.hex, 16): gname for gname in glyphlist for unicode in font.deflayer[gname]['unicode']}
+ # Remember what glyphnames we've processed:
+ processed = set()
+ for line in incsv :
+ glyphn = line[0]
+ # Allow for up to 3 unicode values
+ dusvs = []
+ for col in range(1,len(line)):
+ try:
+ dusv = int(line[col],16) # sanity check and convert to decimal
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.log("Invalid USV '%s'; line %d ignored." % (line[col], incsv.line_num), "W")
+ continue
+ dusvs.append(dusv)
+ if glyphn in glyphlist :
+ if glyphn in processed:
+ logger.log(f"Glyph {glyphn} in csv more than once; line {incsv.line_num} ignored.", "W")
+ glyph = font.deflayer[glyphn]
+ # Remove existing unicodes
+ for unicode in list(glyph["unicode"]):
+ del dusv2gname[int(unicode.hex, 16)]
+ glyph.remove("unicode",index = 0)
+ # Add the new unicode(s) in
+ for dusv in dusvs:
+ # See if any glyph already encodes this unicode value:
+ if dusv in dusv2gname:
+ # Remove this encoding from the other glyph:
+ oglyph = font.deflayer[dusv2gname[dusv]]
+ for unicode in oglyph["unicode"]:
+ if int(unicode.hex,16) == dusv:
+ oglyph.remove("unicode", object=unicode)
+ break
+ # Add this unicode value and update dusv2gname
+ dusv2gname[dusv] = glyphn
+ glyph.add("unicode",{"hex": ("%04X" % dusv)}) # Standardize to 4 (or more) digits and caps
+ # Record that we processed this glyphname,
+ processed.add(glyphn)
+ else :
+ logger.log("Glyph '%s' not in font; line %d ignored." % (glyphn, incsv.line_num), "I")
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e8fc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Update the various font version fields'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import re
+argspec = [
+ ('font',{'help': 'From font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('newversion',{'help': 'Version string or increment', 'nargs': '?'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_setversion.log'})
+ ]
+otnvre = re.compile('Version (\d)\.(\d\d\d)( .+)?$')
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.font
+ logger = args.logger
+ newversion = args.newversion
+ fi = font.fontinfo
+ otelem = fi["openTypeNameVersion"][1] if "openTypeNameVersion" in fi else None
+ majelem = fi["versionMajor"][1] if "versionMajor" in fi else None
+ minelem = fi["versionMinor"][1] if "versionMinor" in fi else None
+ otnv = None if otelem is None else otelem.text
+ vmaj = None if majelem is None else majelem.text
+ vmin = None if minelem is None else minelem.text
+ if otnv is None or vmaj is None or vmin is None : logger.log("At least one of openTypeNameVersion, versionMajor or versionMinor missing from fontinfo.plist", "S")
+ if newversion is None:
+ if otnvre.match(otnv) is None:
+ logger.log("Current version is '" + otnv + "' which is non-standard", "E")
+ else :
+ logger.log("Current version is '" + otnv + "'", "P")
+ (otmaj,otmin,otextrainfo) = parseotnv(otnv)
+ if (otmaj, int(otmin)) != (vmaj,int(vmin)) :
+ logger.log("openTypeNameVersion values don't match versionMajor (" + vmaj + ") and versionMinor (" + vmin + ")", "E")
+ else:
+ if newversion[0:1] == "+" :
+ if otnvre.match(otnv) is None:
+ logger.log("Current openTypeNameVersion is non-standard so can't be incremented: " + otnv , "S")
+ else :
+ (otmaj,otmin,otextrainfo) = parseotnv(otnv)
+ if (otmaj, int(otmin)) != (vmaj,int(vmin)) :
+ logger.log("openTypeNameVersion (" + otnv + ") doesn't match versionMajor (" + vmaj + ") and versionMinor (" + vmin + ")", "S")
+ # Process increment to versionMinor. Note vmin is treated as 3 digit mpp where m and pp are minor and patch versions respectively
+ increment = newversion[1:]
+ if increment not in ("1", "0.001", ".001", "0.1", ".1") :
+ logger.log("Invalid increment value - must be one of 1, 0.001, .001, 0.1 or .1", "S")
+ increment = 100 if increment in ("0.1", ".1") else 1
+ if (increment == 100 and vmin[0:1] == "9") or (increment == 1 and vmin[1:2] == "99") :
+ logger.log("Version already at maximum so can't be incremented", "S")
+ otmin = str(int(otmin) + increment).zfill(3)
+ else :
+ newversion = "Version " + newversion
+ if otnvre.match(newversion) is None:
+ logger.log("newversion format invalid - should be 'M.mpp' or 'M.mpp extrainfo'", "S")
+ else :
+ (otmaj,otmin,otextrainfo) = parseotnv(newversion)
+ newotnv = "Version " + otmaj + "." + otmin + otextrainfo # Extrainfo already as leading space
+ logger.log("Updating version from '" + otnv + "' to '" + newotnv + "'","P")
+ # Update and write to disk
+ otelem.text = newotnv
+ majelem.text = otmaj
+ minelem.text = otmin
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(fi,font.outparams,font.ufodir, "fontinfo.plist" , True, fobject = True)
+ return
+def parseotnv(string) : # Returns maj, min and extrainfo
+ m = otnvre.match(string) # Assumes string has already been tested for a match
+ extrainfo = "" if is None else
+ return (,, extrainfo)
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e8d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Display name fields and other bits for linking fonts into families'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bobby de Vos'
+from silfont.core import execute, splitfn
+from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
+import glob
+from operator import attrgetter, methodcaller
+import tabulate
+WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS = 3, 1, 0x409
+ 1: 'Family',
+ 2: 'Subfamily',
+ 4: 'Full name',
+ 6: 'PostScript name',
+ 16: 'Typographic/Preferred family',
+ 17: 'Typographic/Preferred subfamily',
+ 21: 'WWS family',
+ 22: 'WWS subfamily',
+ 25: 'Variations PostScript Name Prefix',
+class FontInfo:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.filename = ''
+ self.name_table = dict()
+ self.weight_class = 0
+ self.regular = ''
+ self.bold = ''
+ self.italic = ''
+ self.width = ''
+ self.width_name = ''
+ self.width_class = 0
+ self.wws = ''
+ def sort_fullname(self):
+ return self.name_table[4]
+argspec = [
+ ('font', {'help': 'ttf font(s) to run report against; wildcards allowed', 'nargs': "+"}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('-b', '--bits', {'help': 'Show bits', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-m', '--multiline', {'help': 'Output multi-line key:values instead of a table', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ font_infos = []
+ for pattern in args.font:
+ for fullpath in glob.glob(pattern):
+ logger.log(f'Processing {fullpath}', 'P')
+ try:
+ font = TTFont(fullpath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error opening {fullpath}: {e}', 'E')
+ break
+ font_info = FontInfo()
+ font_info.filename = fullpath
+ get_names(font, font_info)
+ get_bits(font, font_info)
+ font_infos.append(font_info)
+ if not font_infos:
+ logger.log("No files match the filespec provided for fonts: " + str(args.font), "S")
+ font_infos.sort(key=methodcaller('sort_fullname'))
+ font_infos.sort(key=attrgetter('width_class'), reverse=True)
+ font_infos.sort(key=attrgetter('weight_class'))
+ rows = list()
+ if args.multiline:
+ # Multi-line mode
+ for font_info in font_infos:
+ for line in multiline_names(font_info):
+ rows.append(line)
+ if args.bits:
+ for line in multiline_bits(font_info):
+ rows.append(line)
+ align = ['left', 'right']
+ if len(font_infos) == 1:
+ del align[0]
+ for row in rows:
+ del row[0]
+ output = tabulate.tabulate(rows, tablefmt='plain', colalign=align)
+ output = output.replace(': ', ':')
+ output = output.replace('#', '')
+ else:
+ # Table mode
+ # Record information for headers
+ headers = table_headers(args.bits)
+ # Record information for each instance.
+ for font_info in font_infos:
+ record = table_records(font_info, args.bits)
+ rows.append(record)
+ # Not all fonts in a family with have the same name ids present,
+ # for instance 16: Typographic/Preferred family is only needed in
+ # non-RIBBI families, and even then only for the non-RIBBI instances.
+ # Also, not all the bit fields are present in each instance.
+ # Therefore, columns with no data in any instance are removed.
+ indices = list(range(len(headers)))
+ indices.reverse()
+ for index in indices:
+ empty = True
+ for row in rows:
+ data = row[index]
+ if data:
+ empty = False
+ if empty:
+ for row in rows + [headers]:
+ del row[index]
+ # Format 'pipe' is nicer for GitHub, but is wider on a command line
+ output = tabulate.tabulate(rows, headers, tablefmt='simple')
+ # Print output from either mode
+ if args.quiet:
+ print(output)
+ else:
+ logger.log('The following family-related values were found in the name, head, and OS/2 tables\n' + output, 'P')
+def get_names(font, font_info):
+ table = font['name']
+ (platform_id, encoding_id, language_id) = WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS
+ for name_id in FAMILY_RELATED_IDS:
+ record = table.getName(
+ nameID=name_id,
+ platformID=platform_id,
+ platEncID=encoding_id,
+ langID=language_id
+ )
+ if record:
+ font_info.name_table[name_id] = str(record)
+def get_bits(font, font_info):
+ os2 = font['OS/2']
+ head = font['head']
+ font_info.weight_class = os2.usWeightClass
+ font_info.regular = bit2code(os2.fsSelection, 6, 'W-')
+ font_info.bold = bit2code(os2.fsSelection, 5, 'W')
+ font_info.bold += bit2code(head.macStyle, 0, 'M')
+ font_info.italic = bit2code(os2.fsSelection, 0, 'W')
+ font_info.italic += bit2code(head.macStyle, 1, 'M')
+ font_info.width_class = os2.usWidthClass
+ font_info.width = str(font_info.width_class)
+ if font_info.width_class == 5:
+ font_info.width_name = 'Width-Normal'
+ if font_info.width_class < 5:
+ font_info.width_name = 'Width-Condensed'
+ font_info.width += bit2code(head.macStyle, 5, 'M')
+ if font_info.width_class > 5:
+ font_info.width_name = 'Width-Extended'
+ font_info.width += bit2code(head.macStyle, 6, 'M')
+ font_info.wws = bit2code(os2.fsSelection, 8, '8')
+def bit2code(bit_field, bit, code_letter):
+ code = ''
+ if bit_field & 1 << bit:
+ code = code_letter
+ return code
+def multiline_names(font_info):
+ for name_id in sorted(font_info.name_table):
+ line = [font_info.filename + ':',
+ str(name_id) + ':',
+ FAMILY_RELATED_IDS[name_id] + ':',
+ font_info.name_table[name_id]
+ ]
+ yield line
+def multiline_bits(font_info):
+ labels = ('usWeightClass', 'Regular', 'Bold', 'Italic', font_info.width_name, 'WWS')
+ values = (font_info.weight_class, font_info.regular, font_info.bold, font_info.italic, font_info.width, font_info.wws)
+ for label, value in zip(labels, values):
+ if not value:
+ continue
+ line = [font_info.filename + ':',
+ '#',
+ str(label) + ':',
+ value
+ ]
+ yield line
+def table_headers(bits):
+ headers = ['filename']
+ for name_id in sorted(FAMILY_RELATED_IDS):
+ name_id_key = FAMILY_RELATED_IDS[name_id]
+ header = f'{name_id}: {name_id_key}'
+ if len(header) > 20:
+ header = header.replace(' ', '\n')
+ header = header.replace('/', '\n')
+ headers.append(header)
+ if bits:
+ headers.extend(['wght', 'R', 'B', 'I', 'wdth', 'WWS'])
+ return headers
+def table_records(font_info, bits):
+ record = [font_info.filename]
+ for name_id in sorted(FAMILY_RELATED_IDS):
+ name_id_value = font_info.name_table.get(name_id, '')
+ record.append(name_id_value)
+ if bits:
+ record.append(font_info.weight_class)
+ record.append(font_info.regular)
+ record.append(font_info.bold)
+ record.append(font_info.italic)
+ record.append(font_info.width)
+ record.append(font_info.wws)
+ return record
+def cmd(): execute('FT', doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9c4e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Subset an existing UFO based on a csv or text list of glyph names or USVs to keep.
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+import re
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'outfont'}),
+ ('-i','--input',{'help': 'Input csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('--header', {'help': 'Column header for glyph list', 'default': 'glyph_name'}, {}),
+ ('--filter', {'help': 'Column header for filter status', 'default': None}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_subset.log'})]
+def doit(args) :
+ font = args.ifont
+ incsv = args.input
+ logger = args.logger
+ deflayer = font.deflayer
+ # Create mappings to find glyph name from decimal usv:
+ dusv2gname = {int(ucode.hex, 16): gname for gname in deflayer for ucode in deflayer[gname]['unicode']}
+ # check for headers in the csv
+ fl = incsv.firstline
+ if fl is None: logger.log("Empty input file", "S")
+ numfields = len(fl)
+ if numfields == 1 and args.header not in fl:
+ dataCol = 0 # Default for plain csv
+ elif numfields >= 1: # Must have headers
+ try:
+ dataCol = fl.index(args.header)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log(f'Missing csv header field: {e}', 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error reading csv header field: {e}', 'S')
+ if args.filter:
+ try:
+ filterCol = fl.index(args.filter)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ logger.log(f'Missing csv filter field: {e}', 'S')
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log(f'Error reading csv filter field: {e}', 'S')
+ next(incsv.reader, None) # Skip first line with headers in
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid csv file", "S")
+ # From the csv, assemble a list of glyphs to process:
+ toProcess = set()
+ usvRE = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{4,6}$',re.IGNORECASE) # matches 4-6 digit hex
+ for r in incsv:
+ if args.filter:
+ filterstatus = r[filterCol].strip()
+ if filterstatus != "Y":
+ continue
+ gname = r[dataCol].strip()
+ if usvRE.match(gname):
+ # data is USV, not glyph name
+ dusv = int(gname,16)
+ if dusv in dusv2gname:
+ toProcess.add(dusv2gname[dusv])
+ continue
+ # The USV wasn't in the font... try it as a glyph name
+ if gname not in deflayer:
+ logger.log("Glyph '%s' not in font; line %d ignored" % (gname, incsv.line_num), 'W')
+ continue
+ toProcess.add(gname)
+ # Generate a complete list of glyphs to keep:
+ toKeep = set()
+ while len(toProcess):
+ gname = toProcess.pop() # retrieves a random item from the set
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ continue # Already processed this one
+ toKeep.add(gname)
+ # If it has any components we haven't already processed, add them to the toProcess list
+ for component in deflayer[gname].etree.findall('./outline/component[@base]'):
+ cname = component.get('base')
+ if cname not in toKeep:
+ toProcess.add(cname)
+ # Generate a complete list of glyphs to delete:
+ toDelete = set(deflayer).difference(toKeep)
+ # Remove any glyphs not in the toKeep set
+ for gname in toDelete:
+ logger.log("Deleting " + gname, "V")
+ deflayer.delGlyph(gname)
+ assert len(deflayer) == len(toKeep), "len(deflayer) != len(toKeep)"
+ logger.log("Retained %d glyphs, deleted %d glyphs." % (len(toKeep), len(toDelete)), "P")
+ # Clean up and rebuild sort orders
+ libexists = True if "lib" in font.__dict__ else False
+ for orderName in ('public.glyphOrder', 'com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder'):
+ if libexists and orderName in font.lib:
+ glyphOrder = font.lib.getval(orderName) # This is an array
+ array = ET.Element("array")
+ for gname in glyphOrder:
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ ET.SubElement(array, "string").text = gname
+ font.lib.setelem(orderName, array)
+ # Clean up and rebuild psnames
+ if libexists and 'public.postscriptNames' in font.lib:
+ psnames = font.lib.getval('public.postscriptNames') # This is a dict keyed by glyphnames
+ dict = ET.Element("dict")
+ for gname in psnames:
+ if gname in toKeep:
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "key").text = gname
+ ET.SubElement(dict, "string").text = psnames[gname]
+ font.lib.setelem("public.postscriptNames", dict)
+ return font
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb23637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Sync metadata across a family of fonts based on designspace files'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import silfont.etutil as ETU
+import os, datetime
+import fontTools.designspaceLib as DSD
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('primaryds', {'help': 'Primary design space file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('secondds', {'help': 'Second design space file', 'nargs': '?', 'default': None}, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('--complex', {'help': 'Obsolete - here for backwards compatibility only', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-l','--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_sync.log'}),
+ ('-n','--new', {'help': 'append "_new" to file names', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}) # For testing/debugging
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ ficopyreq = ("ascender", "copyright", "descender", "familyName", "openTypeHheaAscender",
+ "openTypeHheaDescender", "openTypeHheaLineGap", "openTypeNameDescription", "openTypeNameDesigner",
+ "openTypeNameDesignerURL", "openTypeNameLicense", "openTypeNameLicenseURL",
+ "openTypeNameManufacturer", "openTypeNameManufacturerURL", "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName",
+ "openTypeNameVersion", "openTypeOS2CodePageRanges", "openTypeOS2TypoAscender",
+ "openTypeOS2TypoDescender", "openTypeOS2TypoLineGap", "openTypeOS2UnicodeRanges",
+ "openTypeOS2VendorID", "openTypeOS2WinAscent", "openTypeOS2WinDescent", "versionMajor",
+ "versionMinor")
+ ficopyopt = ("openTypeNameSampleText", "postscriptFamilyBlues", "postscriptFamilyOtherBlues", "styleMapFamilyName",
+ "trademark", "woffMetadataCredits", "woffMetadataDescription")
+ fispecial = ("italicAngle", "openTypeOS2WeightClass", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName", "openTypeNameUniqueID",
+ "styleName", "unitsPerEm")
+ fiall = sorted(set(ficopyreq) | set(ficopyopt) | set(fispecial))
+ firequired = ficopyreq + ("openTypeOS2WeightClass", "styleName", "unitsPerEm")
+ libcopyreq = ("com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder", "public.glyphOrder", "public.postscriptNames")
+ libcopyopt = ("public.skipExportGlyphs",)
+ liball = sorted(set(libcopyreq) | set(libcopyopt))
+ logger = args.logger
+ pds = DSD.DesignSpaceDocument()
+ if args.secondds is not None:
+ sds = DSD.DesignSpaceDocument()
+ else:
+ sds = None
+ # Extract weight mappings from axes
+ pwmap = swmap = {}
+ for (ds, wmap, name) in ((pds, pwmap, "primary"),(sds, swmap, "secondary")):
+ if ds:
+ rawmap = None
+ for descriptor in ds.axes:
+ if == "weight":
+ rawmap =
+ break
+ if rawmap:
+ for (cssw, xvalue) in rawmap:
+ wmap[int(xvalue)] = int(cssw)
+ else:
+ logger.log(f"No weight axes mapping in {name} design space", "W")
+ # Process all the sources
+ psource = None
+ dsources = []
+ for source in pds.sources:
+ if source.copyInfo:
+ if psource: logger.log('Multiple fonts with <info copy="1" />', "S")
+ psource = Dsource(pds, source, logger, frompds=True, psource = True, args = args)
+ else:
+ dsources.append(Dsource(pds, source, logger, frompds=True, psource = False, args = args))
+ if sds is not None:
+ for source in sds.sources:
+ dsources.append(Dsource(sds, source, logger, frompds=False, psource = False, args=args))
+ # Process values in psource
+ fipval = {}
+ libpval = {}
+ changes = False
+ reqmissing = False
+ for field in fiall:
+ pval = psource.fontinfo.getval(field) if field in psource.fontinfo else None
+ oval = pval
+ # Set values or do other checks for special cases
+ if field == "italicAngle":
+ if "italic" in psource.source.filename.lower():
+ if pval is None or pval == 0 :
+ logger.log(f"{psource.source.filename}: Italic angle must be non-zero for italic fonts", "E")
+ else:
+ if pval is not None and pval != 0 :
+ logger.log(f"{psource.source.filename}: Italic angle must be zero for non-italic fonts", "E")
+ pval = None
+ elif field == "openTypeOS2WeightClass":
+ desweight = int(psource.source.location["weight"])
+ if desweight in pwmap:
+ pval = pwmap[desweight]
+ else:
+ logger.log(f"Design weight {desweight} not in axes mapping so openTypeOS2WeightClass not updated", "I")
+ elif field in ("styleName", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName"):
+ pval = psource.source.styleName
+ elif field == "openTypeNameUniqueID":
+ nm = str(fipval["openTypeNameManufacturer"]) # Need to wrap with str() just in case missing from
+ fn = str(fipval["familyName"]) # fontinfo so would have been set to None
+ sn = psource.source.styleName
+ pval = nm + ": " + fn + " " + sn + ": " +"%Y")
+ elif field == "unitsperem":
+ if pval is None or pval <= 0: logger.log("unitsperem must be non-zero", "S")
+ # After processing special cases, all required fields should have values
+ if pval is None and field in firequired:
+ reqmissing = True
+ logger.log("Required fontinfo field " + field + " missing from " + psource.source.filename, "E")
+ elif oval != pval:
+ changes = True
+ if pval is None:
+ if field in psource.fontinfo: psource.fontinfo.remove(field)
+ else:
+ psource.fontinfo[field][1].text = str(pval)
+ logchange(logger, f"{psource.source.filename}: {field} updated:", oval, pval)
+ fipval[field] = pval
+ if reqmissing: logger.log("Required fontinfo fields missing from " + psource.source.filename, "S")
+ if changes:
+ psource.fontinfo.setval("openTypeHeadCreated", "string",
+"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
+ psource.write("fontinfo")
+ for field in liball:
+ pval = psource.lib.getval(field) if field in psource.lib else None
+ if pval is None:
+ if field in libcopyreq:
+ logtype = "W" if field[0:7] == "public." else "I"
+ logger.log("lib.plist field " + field + " missing from " + psource.source.filename, logtype)
+ libpval[field] = pval
+ # Now update values in other source fonts
+ for dsource in dsources:
+ logger.log("Processing " + dsource.ufodir, "I")
+ fchanges = False
+ for field in fiall:
+ sval = dsource.fontinfo.getval(field) if field in dsource.fontinfo else None
+ oval = sval
+ pval = fipval[field]
+ # Set values or do other checks for special cases
+ if field == "italicAngle":
+ if "italic" in dsource.source.filename.lower():
+ if sval is None or sval == 0:
+ logger.log(dsource.source.filename + ": Italic angle must be non-zero for italic fonts", "E")
+ else:
+ if sval is not None and sval != 0:
+ logger.log(dsource.source.filename + ": Italic angle must be zero for non-italic fonts", "E")
+ sval = None
+ elif field == "openTypeOS2WeightClass":
+ desweight = int(dsource.source.location["weight"])
+ if desweight in swmap:
+ sval = swmap[desweight]
+ else:
+ logger.log(f"Design weight {desweight} not in axes mapping so openTypeOS2WeightClass not updated", "I")
+ elif field in ("styleName", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName"):
+ sval = dsource.source.styleName
+ elif field == "openTypeNameUniqueID":
+ sn = dsource.source.styleName
+ sval = nm + ": " + fn + " " + sn + ": " +"%Y")
+ else:
+ sval = pval
+ if oval != sval:
+ if field == "unitsPerEm": logger.log("unitsPerEm inconsistent across fonts", "S")
+ fchanges = True
+ if sval is None:
+ dsource.fontinfo.remove(field)
+ logmess = " removed: "
+ else:
+ logmess = " added: " if oval is None else " updated: "
+ # Copy value from primary. This will add if missing.
+ dsource.fontinfo.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(psource.fontinfo[field][1])))
+ # For fields where it is not a copy from primary...
+ if field in ("italicAngle", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName", "openTypeNameUniqueID",
+ "openTypeOS2WeightClass", "styleName"):
+ dsource.fontinfo[field][1].text = str(sval)
+ logchange(logger, dsource.source.filename + " " + field + logmess, oval, sval)
+ lchanges = False
+ for field in liball:
+ oval = dsource.lib.getval(field) if field in dsource.lib else None
+ pval = libpval[field]
+ if oval != pval:
+ lchanges = True
+ if pval is None:
+ dsource.lib.remove(field)
+ logmess = " removed: "
+ else:
+ dsource.lib.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(psource.lib[field][1])))
+ logmess = " updated: "
+ logchange(logger, dsource.source.filename + " " + field + logmess, oval, pval)
+ if lchanges:
+ dsource.write("lib")
+ fchanges = True # Force fontinfo to update so openTypeHeadCreated is set
+ if fchanges:
+ dsource.fontinfo.setval("openTypeHeadCreated", "string",
+"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"))
+ dsource.write("fontinfo")
+ logger.log("psfsyncmasters completed", "P")
+class Dsource(object):
+ def __init__(self, ds, source, logger, frompds, psource, args):
+ self.ds = ds
+ self.source = source
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.frompds = frompds # Boolean to say if came from pds
+ self.newfile = "_new" if else ""
+ self.ufodir = source.path
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.ufodir): logger.log(self.ufodir + " in designspace doc does not exist", "S")
+ try:
+ self.fontinfo = UFO.Uplist(font=None, dirn=self.ufodir, filen="fontinfo.plist")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Unable to open fontinfo.plist in " + self.ufodir, "S")
+ try:
+ self.lib = UFO.Uplist(font=None, dirn=self.ufodir, filen="lib.plist")
+ except Exception as e:
+ if psource:
+ logger.log("Unable to open lib.plist in " + self.ufodir, "E")
+ self.lib = {} # Just need empty dict, so all vals will be set to None
+ else:
+ logger.log("Unable to open lib.plist in " + self.ufodir + "; creating empty one", "E")
+ self.lib = UFO.Uplist()
+ self.lib.logger=logger
+ self.lib.etree = ET.fromstring("<plist>\n<dict/>\n</plist>")
+ self.lib.populate_dict()
+ self.lib.dirn = self.ufodir
+ self.lib.filen = "lib.plist"
+ # Process parameters with similar logic to that in primarily to create outparams for writeXMLobject
+ libparams = {}
+ params = args.paramsobj
+ if "org.sil.pysilfontparams" in self.lib:
+ elem = self.lib["org.sil.pysilfontparams"][1]
+ if elem.tag != "array":
+ logger.log("Invalid parameter XML lib.plist - org.sil.pysilfontparams must be an array", "S")
+ for param in elem:
+ parn = param.tag
+ if not (parn in params.paramclass) or params.paramclass[parn] not in ("outparams", "ufometadata"):
+ logger.log(
+ "lib.plist org.sil.pysilfontparams must only contain outparams or ufometadata values: " + parn + " invalid",
+ "S")
+ libparams[parn] = param.text
+ # Create font-specific parameter set (with updates from lib.plist) Prepend names with ufodir to ensure uniqueness if multiple fonts open
+ params.addset(self.ufodir + "lib", "lib.plist in " + self.ufodir, inputdict=libparams)
+ if "command line" in params.sets:
+ params.sets[self.ufodir + "lib"].updatewith("command line", log=False) # Command line parameters override lib.plist ones
+ copyset = "main" if "main" in params.sets else "default"
+ params.addset(self.ufodir, copyset=copyset)
+ params.sets[self.ufodir].updatewith(self.ufodir + "lib", sourcedesc="lib.plist")
+ self.paramset = params.sets[self.ufodir]
+ # Validate specific parameters
+ if sorted(self.paramset["glifElemOrder"]) != sorted(params.sets["default"]["glifElemOrder"]):
+ logger.log("Invalid values for glifElemOrder", "S")
+ # Create outparams based on values in paramset, building attriborders from separate attriborders.<type> parameters.
+ self.outparams = {"attribOrders": {}}
+ for parn in params.classes["outparams"]:
+ value = self.paramset[parn]
+ if parn[0:12] == 'attribOrders':
+ elemname = parn.split(".")[1]
+ self.outparams["attribOrders"][elemname] = ETU.makeAttribOrder(value)
+ else:
+ self.outparams[parn] = value
+ self.outparams["UFOversion"] = 9 # Dummy value since not currently needed
+ def write(self, plistn):
+ filen = plistn + self.newfile + ".plist"
+ self.logger.log("Writing updated " + plistn + ".plist to " + filen, "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.ufodir, filen)) else False
+ plist = getattr(self, plistn)
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(plist, self.outparams, self.ufodir, filen, exists, fobject=True)
+def logchange(logger, logmess, old, new):
+ oldstr = str(old) if len(str(old)) < 22 else str(old)[0:20] + "..."
+ newstr = str(new) if len(str(new)) < 22 else str(new)[0:20] + "..."
+ if old is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " New value: " + newstr
+ else:
+ if new is None:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr
+ else:
+ logmess = logmess + " Old value: " + oldstr + ", new value: " + newstr
+ logger.log(logmess, "W")
+ # Extra verbose logging
+ if len(str(old)) > 21 :
+ logger.log("Full old value: " + str(old), "V")
+ if len(str(new)) > 21 :
+ logger.log("Full new value: " + str(new), "V")
+ logger.log("Types: Old - " + str(type(old)) + ", New - " + str(type(new)), "V")
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
+''' *** Code notes ***
+Does not check precision for float, since no float values are currently processed
+ - see processnum in psfsyncmeta if needed later
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5366bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Sync metadata across a family of fonts assuming standard UFO file naming'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from datetime import datetime
+import silfont.ufo as UFO
+import os
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_sync.log'}),
+ ('-s','--single', {'help': 'Sync single UFO against master', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-m','--master', {'help': 'Master UFO to sync single UFO against', 'nargs': '?' },{'type': 'infont', 'def': None}),
+ ('-r','--reportonly', {'help': 'Report issues but no updating', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('-n','--new', {'help': 'append "_new" to file/ufo names', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ('--normalize', {'help': 'output all the fonts to normalize them', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{}),
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ standardstyles = ["Regular", "Italic", "Bold", "BoldItalic"]
+ finfoignore = ["openTypeHeadCreated", "openTypeOS2Panose", "postscriptBlueScale", "postscriptBlueShift",
+ "postscriptBlueValues", "postscriptOtherBlues", "postscriptStemSnapH", "postscriptStemSnapV", "postscriptForceBold"]
+ libfields = ["public.postscriptNames", "public.glyphOrder", "com.schriftgestaltung.glyphOrder"]
+ font = args.ifont
+ logger = args.logger
+ singlefont = args.single
+ mfont = args.master
+ newfile = "_new" if else ""
+ reportonly = args.reportonly
+ updatemessage = " to be updated: " if reportonly else " updated: "
+ params = args.paramsobj
+ precision = font.paramset["precision"]
+ # Increase screen logging level to W unless specific level supplied on command-line
+ if not(args.quiet or "scrlevel" in params.sets["command line"]) : logger.scrlevel = "W"
+ # Process UFO name
+ (path,base) = os.path.split(font.ufodir)
+ (base,ext) = os.path.splitext(base)
+ if '-' not in base : logger.log("Non-standard UFO name - must be <family>-<style>", "S")
+ (family,style) = base.split('-')
+ styles = [style]
+ fonts = {}
+ fonts[style] = font
+ # Process single and master settings
+ if singlefont :
+ if mfont :
+ mastertext = "Master" # Used in log messages
+ else : # Check against Regular font from same family
+ mfont = openfont(params, path, family, "Regular")
+ if mfont is None : logger.log("No regular font to check against - use -m to specify master font", "S")
+ mastertext = "Regular"
+ fonts["Regular"] =mfont
+ else : # Supplied font must be Regular
+ if mfont : logger.log("-m --master must only be used with -s --single", "S")
+ if style != "Regular" : logger.log("Must specify a Regular font unless -s is used", "S")
+ mastertext = "Regular"
+ mfont = font
+ # Check for required fields in master font
+ mfinfo = mfont.fontinfo
+ if "familyName" in mfinfo :
+ spacedfamily = mfinfo["familyName"][1].text
+ else:
+ logger.log("No familyName field in " + mastertext, "S")
+ if "openTypeNameManufacturer" in mfinfo :
+ manufacturer = mfinfo["openTypeNameManufacturer"][1].text
+ else:
+ logger.log("No openTypeNameManufacturer field in " + mastertext, "S")
+ mlib = mfont.lib
+ # Open the remaining fonts in the family
+ if not singlefont :
+ for style in standardstyles :
+ if not style in fonts :
+ fonts[style] = openfont(params, path, family, style) # Will return None if font does not exist
+ if fonts[style] is not None : styles.append(style)
+ # Process fonts
+ psuniqueidlist = []
+ fieldscopied = False
+ for style in styles :
+ font = fonts[style]
+ if font.UFOversion != "2" : logger.log("This script only works with UFO 2 format fonts","S")
+ fontname = family + "-" + style
+ spacedstyle = "Bold Italic" if style == "BoldItalic" else style
+ spacedname = spacedfamily + " " + spacedstyle
+ logger.log("************ Processing " + fontname, "P")
+ ital = True if "Italic" in style else False
+ bold = True if "Bold" in style else False
+ # Process fontinfo.plist
+ finfo=font.fontinfo
+ fieldlist = list(set(finfo) | set(mfinfo)) # Need all fields from both to detect missing fields
+ fchanged = False
+ for field in fieldlist:
+ action = None; issue = ""; newval = ""
+ if field in finfo :
+ elem = finfo[field][1]
+ tag = elem.tag
+ text = elem.text
+ if text is None : text = ""
+ if tag == "real" : text = processnum(text,precision)
+ # Field-specific actions
+ if field not in finfo :
+ if field not in finfoignore : action = "Copyfield"
+ elif field == "italicAngle" :
+ if ital and text == "0" :
+ issue = "is zero"
+ action = "Warn"
+ if not ital and text != "0" :
+ issue = "is non-zero"
+ newval = 0
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "openTypeNameUniqueID" :
+ newval = manufacturer + ": " + spacedname + ": " +"%Y")
+ if text != newval :
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "openTypeOS2WeightClass" :
+ if bold and text != "700" :
+ issue = "is not 700"
+ newval = 700
+ action = "Update"
+ if not bold and text != "400" :
+ issue = "is not 400"
+ newval = 400
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptFontName" :
+ if text != fontname :
+ newval = fontname
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptFullName" :
+ if text != spacedname :
+ newval = spacedname
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field == "postscriptUniqueID" :
+ if text in psuniqueidlist :
+ issue = "has same value as another font: " + text
+ action = "Warn"
+ else :
+ psuniqueidlist.append(text)
+ elif field == "postscriptWeightName" :
+ newval = 'bold' if bold else 'regular'
+ if text != newval :
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = 'Update'
+ elif field == "styleMapStyleName" :
+ if text != spacedstyle.lower() :
+ newval = spacedstyle.lower()
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field in ("styleName", "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName") :
+ if text != spacedstyle :
+ newval = spacedstyle
+ issue = "Incorrect value"
+ action = "Update"
+ elif field in finfoignore :
+ action = "Ignore"
+ # Warn for fields in this font but not master
+ elif field not in mfinfo :
+ issue = "is in " + spacedstyle + " but not in " + mastertext
+ action = "Warn"
+ # for all other fields, sync values from master
+ else :
+ melem = mfinfo[field][1]
+ mtag = melem.tag
+ mtext = melem.text
+ if mtext is None : mtext = ""
+ if mtag == 'real' : mtext = processnum(mtext,precision)
+ if tag in ("real", "integer", "string") :
+ if mtext != text :
+ issue = "does not match " + mastertext + " value"
+ newval = mtext
+ action = "Update"
+ elif tag in ("true, false") :
+ if tag != mtag :
+ issue = "does not match " + mastertext + " value"
+ action = "FlipBoolean"
+ elif tag == "array" : # Assume simple array with just values to compare
+ marray = mfinfo.getval(field)
+ array = finfo.getval(field)
+ if array != marray: action = "CopyArray"
+ else : logger.log("Non-standard fontinfo field type in " + fontname, "X")
+ # Now process the actions, create log messages etc
+ if action is None or action == "Ignore" :
+ pass
+ elif action == "Warn" :
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "W")
+ elif action == "Error" :
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "E")
+ elif action in ("Update", "FlipBoolean", "Copyfield", "CopyArray") : # Updating actions
+ fchanged = True
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if action == "Update" :
+ message = message + issue + " Old: '" + text + "' New: '" + str(newval) + "'"
+ elem.text = newval
+ elif action == "FlipBoolean" :
+ newval = "true" if tag == "false" else "false"
+ message = message + issue + " Old: '" + tag + "' New: '" + newval + "'"
+ finfo.setelem(field, ET.fromstring("<" + newval + "/>"))
+ elif action == "Copyfield" :
+ message = message + "is missing so will be copied from " + mastertext
+ fieldscopied = True
+ finfo.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mfinfo[field][1])))
+ elif action == "CopyArray" :
+ message = message + "Some values different Old: " + str(array) + " New: " + str(marray)
+ finfo.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(melem)))
+ logger.log(message, "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Uncoded action: " + action + " - oops", "X")
+ # Process lib.plist - currently just public.postscriptNames and glyph order fields which are all simple dicts or arrays
+ lib = font.lib
+ lchanged = False
+ for field in libfields:
+ # Check the values
+ action = None; issue = ""; newval = ""
+ if field in mlib:
+ if field in lib:
+ if lib.getval(field) != mlib.getval(field): # will only work for arrays or dicts with simple values
+ action = "Updatefield"
+ else:
+ action = "Copyfield"
+ else:
+ action = "Error" if field == ("public.GlyphOrder", "public.postscriptNames") else "Warn"
+ issue = field + " not in " + mastertext + " lib.plist"
+ # Process the actions, create log messages etc
+ if action is None or action == "Ignore":
+ pass
+ elif action == "Warn":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "W")
+ elif action == "Error":
+ logger.log(field + " needs manual correction: " + issue, "E")
+ elif action in ("Updatefield", "Copyfield"): # Updating actions
+ lchanged = True
+ message = field + updatemessage
+ if action == "Copyfield":
+ message = message + "is missing so will be copied from " + mastertext
+ lib.addelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mlib[field][1])))
+ elif action == "Updatefield":
+ message = message + "Some values different"
+ lib.setelem(field, ET.fromstring(ET.tostring(mlib[field][1])))
+ logger.log(message, "W")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Uncoded action: " + action + " - oops", "X")
+ # Now update on disk
+ if not reportonly:
+ if args.normalize:
+ font.write(os.path.join(path, family + "-" + style + newfile + ".ufo"))
+ else: # Just update fontinfo and lib
+ if fchanged:
+ filen = "fontinfo" + newfile + ".plist"
+ logger.log("Writing updated fontinfo to " + filen, "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, filen)) else False
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(finfo, font.outparams, font.ufodir, filen, exists, fobject=True)
+ if lchanged:
+ filen = "lib" + newfile + ".plist"
+ logger.log("Writing updated lib.plist to " + filen, "P")
+ exists = True if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(font.ufodir, filen)) else False
+ UFO.writeXMLobject(lib, font.outparams, font.ufodir, filen, exists, fobject=True)
+ if fieldscopied :
+ message = "After updating, UFOsyncMeta will need to be re-run to validate these fields" if reportonly else "Re-run UFOsyncMeta to validate these fields"
+ logger.log("*** Some fields were missing and so copied from " + mastertext + ". " + message, "P")
+ return
+def openfont(params, path, family, style) : # Only try if directory exists
+ ufodir = os.path.join(path,family+"-"+style+".ufo")
+ font = UFO.Ufont(ufodir, params=params) if os.path.isdir(ufodir) else None
+ return font
+def processnum(text, precision) : # Apply same processing to numbers that normalization will
+ if precision is not None:
+ val = round(float(text), precision)
+ if val == int(val) : val = int(val) # Removed trailing decimal .0
+ text = str(val)
+ return text
+def cmd() : execute("UFO",doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb4b484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Merge lookup and feature aliases into TypeTuner feature file'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+from fontTools import ttLib
+import csv
+import struct
+argspec = [
+ ('input', {'help': 'Input TypeTuner feature file'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('output', {'help': 'Output TypeTuner feature file'}, {}),
+ ('-m','--mapping', {'help': 'Input csv mapping file'}, {'type': 'incsv'}),
+ ('-f','--ttf', {'help': 'Compiled TTF file'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_tuneraliases.log', 'optlog': True}),
+ ]
+def doit(args) :
+ logger = args.logger
+ if args.mapping is None and args.ttf is None:
+ logger.log("One or both of -m and -f must be provided", "S")
+ featdoc = ET.parse(args.input)
+ root = featdoc.getroot()
+ if root.tag != 'all_features':
+ logger.log("Invalid TypeTuner feature file: missing root element", "S")
+ # Whitespace to add after each new alias:
+ tail = '\n\t\t'
+ # Find or add alliaes element
+ aliases = root.find('aliases')
+ if aliases is None:
+ aliases = ET.SubElement(root,'aliases')
+ aliases.tail = '\n'
+ added = set()
+ duplicates = set()
+ def setalias(name, value):
+ # detect duplicate names in input
+ if name in added:
+ duplicates.add(name)
+ else:
+ added.add(name)
+ # modify existing or add new alias
+ alias = aliases.find('alias[@name="{}"]'.format(name))
+ if alias is None:
+ alias = ET.SubElement(aliases, 'alias', {'name': name, 'value': value})
+ alias.tail = tail
+ else:
+ alias.set('value', value)
+ # Process mapping file if present:
+ if args.mapping:
+ # Mapping file is assumed to come from psfbuildfea, and should look like:
+ # lookupname,table,index
+ # e.g. DigitAlternates,GSUB,51
+ for (name,table,value) in args.mapping:
+ setalias(name, value)
+ # Process the ttf file if present
+ if args.ttf:
+ # Generate aliases for features.
+ # In this code featureID means the key used in FontUtils for finding the feature, e.g., "calt _2"
+ def dotable(t): # Common routine for GPOS and GSUB
+ currtag = None
+ currtagindex = None
+ flist = [] # list, in order, of (featureTag, featureID), per Font::TTF
+ for i in range(0,t.FeatureList.FeatureCount):
+ newtag = str(t.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag)
+ if currtag is None or currtag != newtag:
+ flist.append((newtag, newtag))
+ currtag = newtag
+ currtagindex = 0
+ else:
+ flist.append( (currtag, '{} _{}'.format(currtag, currtagindex)))
+ currtagindex += 1
+ fslList = {} # dictionary keyed by feature_script_lang values returning featureID
+ for s in t.ScriptList.ScriptRecord:
+ currtag = str(s.ScriptTag)
+ # At present only looking at the dflt lang entries
+ for findex in s.Script.DefaultLangSys.FeatureIndex:
+ fslList['{}_{}_dflt'.format(flist[findex][0],currtag)] = flist[findex][1]
+ # Now that we have them all, add them in sorted order.
+ for name, value in sorted(fslList.items()):
+ setalias(name,value)
+ # Open the TTF for processing
+ try:
+ f = ttLib.TTFont(args.ttf)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Couldn't open font '{}' for reading : {}".format(args.ttf, str(e)),"S")
+ # Grab features from GSUB and GPOS
+ for tag in ('GSUB', 'GPOS'):
+ try:
+ dotable(f[tag].table)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to process {} table: {}".format(tag, str(e)), "W")
+ # Grab features from Graphite:
+ try:
+ for tag in sorted(f['Feat'].features.keys()):
+ if tag == '1':
+ continue
+ name = 'gr_' + tag
+ value = str(struct.unpack('>L', tag.encode())[0])
+ setalias(name,value)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.log("Failed to process Feat table: {}".format(str(e)), "W")
+ if len(duplicates):
+ logger.log("The following aliases defined more than once in input: {}".format(", ".join(sorted(duplicates))), "S")
+ # Success. Write the result
+ featdoc.write(args.output, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e82d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = '''Reads a designSpace file and create a Glyphs file from its linked ufos'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from silfont.core import execute, splitfn
+from glyphsLib import to_glyphs
+from fontTools.designspaceLib import DesignSpaceDocument
+import os
+argspec = [
+ ('designspace', {'help': 'Input designSpace file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('glyphsfile', {'help': 'Output glyphs file name', 'nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'filename', 'def': None}),
+ ('--glyphsformat', {'help': "Format for glyphs file (2 or 3)", 'default': "2"}, {}),
+ ('--nofea', {'help': 'Do not process features.fea', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ # ('--nofixes', {'help': 'Bypass code fixing data', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_ufo2glyphs.log'})]
+# This is just bare-bones code at present so does the same as glyphsLib's ufo2glyphs!
+# It is designed so that data could be massaged, if necessary, on the way. No such need has been found so far
+def doit(args):
+ glyphsfile = args.glyphsfile
+ logger = args.logger
+ gformat = args.glyphsformat
+ if gformat in ("2","3"):
+ gformat = int(gformat)
+ else:
+ logger.log("--glyphsformat must be 2 or 3", 'S')
+ if glyphsfile is None:
+ (path,base,ext) = splitfn(args.designspace)
+ glyphsfile = os.path.join(path, base + ".glyphs" )
+ else:
+ (path, base, ext) = splitfn(glyphsfile)
+ backupname = os.path.join(path, base + "-backup.glyphs" )
+ logger.log("Opening designSpace file", "I")
+ ds = DesignSpaceDocument()
+ if args.nofea: # Need to rename the features.fea files so they are not processed
+ origfeas = []; hiddenfeas = []
+ for source in ds.sources:
+ origfea = os.path.join(source.path, "features.fea")
+ hiddenfea = os.path.join(source.path, "features.tmp")
+ if os.path.exists(origfea):
+ logger.log(f'Renaming {origfea} to {hiddenfea}', "I")
+ os.rename(origfea, hiddenfea)
+ origfeas.append(origfea)
+ hiddenfeas.append(hiddenfea)
+ else:
+ logger.log(f'No features.fea found in {source.path}')
+ logger.log("Now creating glyphs object", "I")
+ glyphsfont = to_glyphs(ds)
+ if args.nofea: # Now need to reverse renamimg of features.fea files
+ for i, origfea in enumerate(origfeas):
+ logger.log(f'Renaming {hiddenfeas[i]} back to {origfea}', "I")
+ os.rename(hiddenfeas[i], origfea)
+ glyphsfont.format_version = gformat
+ if os.path.exists(glyphsfile): # Create a backup
+ logger.log("Renaming existing glyphs file to " + backupname, "I")
+ os.renames(glyphsfile, backupname)
+ logger.log("Writing glyphs file: " + glyphsfile, "I")
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11edc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Generate a ttf file without OpenType tables from a UFO'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Alan Ward'
+# Compared to fontmake it does not decompose glyphs or remove overlaps
+# and curve conversion seems to happen in a different way.
+from silfont.core import execute
+import defcon, ufo2ft.outlineCompiler, ufo2ft.preProcessor, ufo2ft.filters
+# ufo2ft v2.32.0b3 uses standard logging and the InstructionCompiler emits errors
+# when a composite glyph is flattened, so filter out that message
+# since it is expected in our workflow.
+# The error is legitimate and results from trying to set the flags on components
+# of composite glyphs from the UFO when it's unclear how to match the UFO components
+# to the TTF components.
+import logging
+class FlattenErrFilter(logging.Filter):
+ def filter(self, record):
+ return not record.getMessage().startswith("Number of components differ between UFO and TTF")
+argspec = [
+ ('iufo', {'help': 'Input UFO folder'}, {}),
+ ('ottf', {'help': 'Output ttf file name'}, {}),
+ ('--removeOverlaps', {'help': 'Merge overlapping contours', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('--decomposeComponents', {'help': 'Decompose componenets', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_ufo2ttf.log', 'optlog': True})]
+PUBLIC_PREFIX = 'public.'
+def doit(args):
+ ufo = defcon.Font(args.iufo)
+ # if style is Regular and there are no openTypeNameRecords defining the full name (ID=4), then
+ # add one so that "Regular" is omitted from the fullname
+ if == 'Regular':
+ if is None:
+ = []
+ fullNameRecords = [ nr for nr in if nr['nameID'] == 4]
+ if not len(fullNameRecords):
+ { 'nameID': 4, 'platformID': 3, 'encodingID': 1, 'languageID': 1033, 'string': } )
+# args.logger.log('Converting UFO to ttf and compiling fea')
+# font = ufo2ft.compileTTF(ufo,
+# glyphOrder = ufo.lib.get(PUBLIC_PREFIX + 'glyphOrder'),
+# useProductionNames = False)
+ args.logger.log('Converting UFO to ttf without OT', 'P')
+ # default arg value for TTFPreProcessor class: removeOverlaps = False, convertCubics = True
+ preProcessor = ufo2ft.preProcessor.TTFPreProcessor(ufo, removeOverlaps = args.removeOverlaps, convertCubics=True,
+ flattenComponents = True,
+ skipExportGlyphs = ufo.lib.get("public.skipExportGlyphs", []))
+ # Need to handle cases if filters that are used are set in com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters with lib.plist
+ dc = dtc = ftpos = None
+ for (i,filter) in enumerate(preProcessor.preFilters):
+ if isinstance(filter, ufo2ft.filters.decomposeComponents.DecomposeComponentsFilter):
+ dc = True
+ if isinstance(filter, ufo2ft.filters.decomposeTransformedComponents.DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter):
+ dtc = True
+ if isinstance(filter, ufo2ft.filters.flattenComponents.FlattenComponentsFilter):
+ ftpos = i
+ # Add decomposeComponents if --decomposeComponents is used
+ if args.decomposeComponents and not dc: preProcessor.preFilters.append(
+ ufo2ft.filters.decomposeComponents.DecomposeComponentsFilter())
+ # Add decomposeTransformedComponents if not already set via lib.plist
+ if not dtc: preProcessor.preFilters.append(ufo2ft.filters.decomposeTransformedComponents.DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter())
+ # Remove flattenComponents if set via lib.plist since we set it via flattenComponents = True when setting up the preprocessor
+ if ftpos: preProcessor.preFilters.pop(ftpos)
+ glyphSet = preProcessor.process()
+ outlineCompiler = ufo2ft.outlineCompiler.OutlineTTFCompiler(ufo,
+ glyphSet=glyphSet,
+ glyphOrder=ufo.lib.get(PUBLIC_PREFIX + 'glyphOrder'))
+ font = outlineCompiler.compile()
+ # handle uvs glyphs until ufo2ft does it for us.
+ if 'public.unicodeVariationSequences' not in ufo.lib:
+ uvsdict = getuvss(ufo)
+ if len(uvsdict):
+ from fontTools.ttLib.tables._c_m_a_p import cmap_format_14
+ cmap_uvs = cmap_format_14(14)
+ cmap_uvs.platformID = 0
+ cmap_uvs.platEncID = 5
+ cmap_uvs.cmap = {}
+ cmap_uvs.uvsDict = uvsdict
+ font['cmap'].tables.append(cmap_uvs)
+ args.logger.log('Saving ttf file', 'P')
+ args.logger.log('Done', 'P')
+def getuvss(ufo):
+ uvsdict = {}
+ uvs = ufo.lib.get('org.sil.variationSequences', None)
+ if uvs is not None:
+ for usv, dat in uvs.items():
+ usvc = int(usv, 16)
+ pairs = []
+ uvsdict[usvc] = pairs
+ for k, v in dat.items():
+ pairs.append((int(k, 16), v))
+ return uvsdict
+ for g in ufo:
+ uvs = getattr(g, 'lib', {}).get("org.sil.uvs", None)
+ if uvs is None:
+ continue
+ codes = [int(x, 16) for x in uvs.split()]
+ if codes[1] not in uvsdict:
+ uvsdict[codes[1]] = []
+ uvsdict[codes[1]].append((codes[0], ( if codes[0] not in g.unicodes else None)))
+ return uvsdict
+def cmd(): execute(None, doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == '__main__': cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560b63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Display version info for pysilfont and dependencies'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+import sys, importlib
+import silfont
+def cmd() :
+ deps = ( # (module, used by, min recommended version)
+ ('defcon', '?', ''),
+ ('fontMath', '?', ''),
+ ('fontParts', '?', ''),
+ ('fontTools', '?', ''),
+ ('glyphsLib', '?', ''),
+ ('lxml','?', ''),
+ ('lz4', '?', ''),
+ ('mutatorMath', '?', ''),
+ ('odf', '?', ''),
+ ('palaso', '?', ''),
+ ('tabulate', '?', ''),
+ ('ufo2ft', '?', ''),
+ )
+ # Pysilfont info
+ print("Pysilfont " + silfont.__copyright__ + "\n")
+ print(" Version: " + silfont.__version__)
+ print(" Commands in: " + sys.argv[0][:-10])
+ print(" Code running from: " + silfont.__file__[:-12])
+ print(" using: Python " + sys.version.split(" \n")[0] + "\n")
+ for dep in deps:
+ name = dep[0]
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module(name)
+ path = module.__file__
+ # Remove .py file name from end
+ pyname = path.split("/")[-1]
+ path = path[:-len(pyname)-1]
+ version = "No version info"
+ for attr in ("__version__", "version", "VERSION"):
+ if hasattr(module, attr):
+ version = getattr(module, attr)
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ etext = str(e)
+ if etext == "No module named '" + name + "'":
+ version = "Module is not installed"
+ else:
+ version = "Module import failed with " + etext
+ path = ""
+ print('{:20} {:15} {}'.format(name + ":", version, path))
+ return
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..286133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'Convert font between ttf, woff, woff2'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2021 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Bob Hallissy'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
+from fontTools.ttLib.sfnt import WOFFFlavorData
+from fontTools.ttLib.woff2 import WOFF2FlavorData
+import os.path
+argspec = [
+ ('infont', {'help': 'Source font file (can be ttf, woff, or woff2)'}, {}),
+ ('-m', '--metadata', {'help': 'file containing XML WOFF metadata', 'default': None}, {}),
+ ('--privatedata', {'help': 'file containing WOFF privatedata', 'default': None}, {}),
+ ('-v', '--version', {'help': 'woff font version number in major.minor', 'default': None}, {}),
+ ('--ttf', {'help': 'name of ttf file to be written', 'nargs': '?', 'default': None, 'const': '-'}, {}),
+ ('--woff', {'help': 'name of woff file to be written', 'nargs': '?', 'default': None, 'const': '-'}, {}),
+ ('--woff2', {'help': 'name of woff2 file to be written', 'nargs': '?', 'default': None, 'const': '-'}, {}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_woffit.log'})]
+def doit(args):
+ logger = args.logger
+ infont = args.infont
+ font = TTFont(args.infont)
+ defaultpath = os.path.splitext(infont)[0]
+ inFlavor = font.flavor or 'ttf'
+ logger.log(f'input font {infont} is a {inFlavor}', 'I')
+ # Read & parse version, if provided
+ flavorData = WOFFFlavorData() # Initializes all fields to None
+ if args.version:
+ try:
+ version = float(args.version)
+ if version < 0:
+ raise ValueError('version cannot be negative')
+ flavorData.majorVersion, flavorData.minorVersion = map(int, format(version, '.3f').split('.'))
+ except:
+ logger.log(f'invalid version syntax "{args.version}": should be MM.mmm', 'S')
+ else:
+ try:
+ flavorData.majorVersion = font.flavorData.majorVersion
+ flavorData.minorVersion = font.flavorData.minorVersion
+ except:
+ # Pull version from head table
+ head = font['head']
+ flavorData.majorVersion, flavorData.minorVersion =map(int, format(head.fontRevision, '.3f').split('.'))
+ # Read metadata if provided, else get value from input font
+ if args.metadata:
+ try:
+ with open(args.metadata, 'rb') as f:
+ flavorData.metaData =
+ except:
+ logger.log(f'Unable to read file "{args.metadata}"', 'S')
+ elif inFlavor != 'ttf':
+ flavorData.metaData = font.flavorData.metaData
+ # Same process for private data
+ if args.privatedata:
+ try:
+ with open(args.privatedata, 'rb') as f:
+ flavorData.privData =
+ except:
+ logger.log(f'Unable to read file "{args.privatedata}"', 'S')
+ elif inFlavor != 'ttf':
+ flavorData.privData = font.flavorData.privData
+ if args.woff:
+ font.flavor = 'woff'
+ font.flavorData = flavorData
+ fname = f'{defaultpath}.{font.flavor}' if args.woff2 == '-' else args.woff
+ logger.log(f'Writing {font.flavor} font to "{fname}"', 'P')
+ if args.woff2:
+ font.flavor = 'woff2'
+ font.flavorData = WOFF2FlavorData(data=flavorData)
+ fname = f'{defaultpath}.{font.flavor}' if args.woff2 == '-' else args.woff2
+ logger.log(f'Writing {font.flavor} font to "{fname}"', 'P')
+ if args.ttf:
+ font.flavor = None
+ font.flavorData = None
+ fname = f'{defaultpath}.ttf' if args.ttf == '-' else args.ttf
+ logger.log(f'Writing ttf font to "{fname}"', 'P')
+ font.close()
+def cmd() : execute('FT',doit, argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()
diff --git a/src/silfont/scripts/ b/src/silfont/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc75d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+__doc__ = 'convert composite definition file from XML format'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2015 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Rowe'
+from silfont.core import execute
+from silfont.comp import CompGlyph
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+# specify two parameters: input file (XML format), output file (single line format).
+argspec = [
+ ('input',{'help': 'Input file of CD in XML format'}, {'type': 'infile'}),
+ ('output',{'help': 'Output file of CD in single line format'}, {'type': 'outfile'}),
+ ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Optional log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': '_xml2compdef.log', 'optlog': True})]
+def doit(args) :
+ cgobj = CompGlyph()
+ glyphcount = 0
+ for g in ET.parse(args.input).getroot().findall('glyph'):
+ glyphcount += 1
+ cgobj.CDelement = g
+ cgobj.CDline = None
+ cgobj.parsefromCDelement()
+ if cgobj.CDline != None:
+ args.output.write(cgobj.CDline+'\n')
+ else:
+ pass # error in glyph number glyphcount message
+ return
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()